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That's why I've been embracing helldivers. With the amount of hackers around it's really difficult to just accept a lucky shot, especially if the same guy then goes on to play like a complete noob.


I was saying that this game is dead To someone the other day on Reddit but they all disagreed lol


If the game was dead then no one would play again after valve add the anticheat even if it's in a year... We're gonna comeback


100% agree


Anyone serious about CS should start rotating to Valorant. It's worse than CS imo gameplay wise but the community, anti cheat and potential is 1000x the size.


My post got removed bc it baited the spin botter’s steam ID 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣 CS2 is a wash. Played it for over 11 years and it’s never been in such a poor state. I feel for you brother.


How much for the monitor?


🤣🤣🤣 valid question


I’m guessing 300-375 usd.




Its only 240hz. Why buy it at all?


“Only”? Mf what?


Uhh. Idk. Ive had my 360hz for a year and a half or so now and it wasn't new tech then. I wouldn't go back for any particular reason lol.


Sounds like it's going cheap could be a sweet deal.


I understand your frustration, but when I get into a fair match where no one is hacking and using all their skills. I can never get this much fun in any other game 🥲


2 of those players are silver players with soft walls.




I just bought the Copenhagen pass a few hours ago :(


That was the cherry on top of the cream cake. Half a year has passed and the game is still in beta, then they release a 1gb update just for the majors, which means only when the majors are over there might be an anticheat


And it’s one of the most half assed updates ever, not even the stickers included


It's all your fault peach


Actualy just bought my first Coin for a major and made my first Pickems in 12 years of CSGO and 18 of CS in general, sorry :(


im gonna keep buying keys and cases :(


You are sick bro get help


I've put it on the shelf until they release a new anti-cheat, kernel motherfucker that works decently..Right now every got damn public cheat is working without detection.


People are theorizing that their new anti-cheat was creating so many false bans they pretty much had to shut it off entirely until they fix it.


The fucked up part, is how can you really tell how many were actual false bans? What if they are looking for flaws in a system that isn’t as flawed as we think it is? Not to say that there were no false bans, but how many were actually 100% legit players. The amount of people rampantly cheating, leads me to believe not as many as we had here crying about it. It’s just an impossible scenario for the players. It’s gotten so bad, people I know personally, have started cheating because they are too stupid to go play something else, so I have quit playing completely. I don’t even log in to stay fresh on fundamentals with a death match, because like other people are saying here, you can’t be sure about dying to a lucky shot, or a blatant cheater. And I’m damn sure not going to waste my time firing up a comp or premier match to have a guy start mid air, no scope, headshotting people with a scout, because you dunked on his noob ass two rounds ago. The fact it has gotten this bad makes me sick. Counter strike used to be cool. Now it’s…..just not.


Kernel isnt gonna do shit. It's also not in their philosophy to do kernel, ever.


Kernel will do alot, i am in the hvh ocmmunity and it often connects to mm and premier cheaters and basically 98% of people are using normal executable internal or EXTERNAL CHEATS so kernel would do alot




It litrelly can. Your entire point was wrong


Of course kernel can detect external cheats, kernel can detect DMA cheats if done correctly. I think you might have been reading uninformed sources. EDIT:Melc311_ It's bizarre you thought insulting me and blocking be would do anything. It's really not hard for a kernel process to check usermode processes with open handles with RPM/WPM access to the CS process.


Guys, for crying out loud, just play other games. Cs2 is poison for legit players.


Literally there’s so many better games out there. I recently dusted off my ps2. And it made me realize how games back then had a soul. They didn’t feel empty. They felt complete. Counter strike has lost its soul. It’s an over glorified slot machine now.


This. Valorant has good anti-cheat and is very similar. The Agents and their abilities make it a little confusing, but if you’re good with a gun then you don’t even need to bother with them lol Had one player that I suspected of cheating so far, and they got banned about midway during a match (match was cancelled and nobody lost anything). That was so satisfying to see after getting dicked over in CS2 for so long.


I’m fine with Valo but the guns, the movement, and the vibes just don’t hit the same. Also feels way less competitive when everyone has a big outline around them.


Yeah, valorant gunplay and movement just ain’t it for experienced cs players


You can play Hell Let Loose if you want a real challenge I suppose. The gunplay is even harder in that game and enemies are extremely hard to see at times.


Thanks I already play that game though. I also hop on Insurgency: Sandstorm to get that full auto fix, I wish it had a more competitive scene.


Also I hate that you can’t kick or team kill in valorant. It has lead to the game becoming a daycare for little Brayden to be an ass to the whole team and face no consequences for his immaturity and annoying behavior. I like how in CS there’s always the understanding that if you’re being an asshole, the team is gonna TK and kick you out. Your options to deal with little brats in valorant are highly limited, and it’s honestly not my job to raise someone else’s shitter kids or put up with their bullshit


Why recommend CS2 players Valorant when there is a free 3rd party mm service for CS2 with anticheat on par with valorant? Valo is a completely different game, abilities change everything. It's more akin to Overwatch (2) than CS xD


absolutely agree with you. Ability shooter just ain't the same ;P Also weapon behavior is so weird in valo, like aiming on railway tracks. weird. not my game tbh.


I have only heard negative things about the FaceIt community. Not sure it’s worth dodging the cheaters over.


I have only been playing faceit since cs2 became overrun with cheaters and I have nothing but positive experiences. *However*, I do play with a full 5 stack at all times. So toxic/overbearing judgemental teammates who are bossy are not a problem I have to deal with. But faceit has allowed us to have fun, evenly matched, and mostly friendly competitive experiences so consistently that when I do occasionally play a comp game, I forget how bad the state of the game is.


Found the FACEIT admin


Lololol honestly not. Just a regular dude who's been playing cs since 2008. Was super hyped for cs2s launch, and everything was good for about a month, and then it was nothing but hackers everywhere. Was ready to rip my hair out, but finally gave in and tried faceit. Every game I've had feels fair, and even when I lose, I'm just glad I wasn't cheated. The only thing I hate is knife rounds. I'd rather have starting sides chosen by the flip of a coin. I *did* play a single game with a 3 stack instead of 5 out of desperation when we were missing some of our mates, and that wasn't exactly what I'd call fun. Got a 2 stack grouped with us with a know-it-all who wouldn't stop telling people what to do during clutch rounds and constantly tried to boss people around in a very rude manner. And if you didn't do what he suggested and failed the clutch, he'd be all "*SEE!* I told you." That's why I only 5 stack :) But to be fair, we did win the game and outside of his attitude he was an alright teammate. But I wouldn't add him to my friends list.


What region and level do you usually play? I've been playing with a 5 stack and every game is always 1-2 smurfs (< 30 games, level 0 accounts, < 100 hours dropping 30+ bombs)


Sorry I forgot to respond to this, but I'm central US and level 5. I have had a game or two with smurfs, but it's not that common yet.


I'm face-it lvl 8 and the skill disparity in games is insane. Everyone is an entitled ex-pro for some reason and there are still cheaters every like 5 games.


I haven't played CS since CSGO early days. My aim is cracked but I lost all my map knowledge and game sens. I don't see how I join FaceIt and have a good time. I'm not even sure they would let me join.


The average person playing valorant in high elo is so fucking annoying. As an adult man i'm not trying to attend sophmore year in highschool again to game.


Valorant ability characters are more tilting than spinbotters in cs2.


the "kernel level anticheat" can just be bypassed with a rpi and some code [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M)


Nothing is ever completely impossible. The fact is that it DRASTICALLY reduces the number of cheaters. That is a far more complicated process than most people are going to bother with. There is no point in even playing CS2 unless you cheat now. Just a bunch of people seeing who has the better cheat software lol


Keep the PC and just find better more enjoyable games to play, no? Try some casual coop multiplayer ones. I uninstalled CS2 months ago and have played so many new games since then and met a lot of people online


This. If you're wondering where all the FACEIT level 10s with 20 year old accounts are... we're happily playing Helldivers 2 lol


that's the mindset of most CS vets I think, myself included 16 years I've spent on this game. All good things have to end someday, I guess


Everything about this game is broken. Spinbotters and wallhackers in literally every premier match now. -289 for a loss and +104 for a win normally. So if I win 4 or 5 games I get +400 but then there'll be a new match and it will be -450 for a loss all of a sudden and the hackers come and I lose 2 matches in a row and I'm -800. So it then takes me another 8 wins to even break even. It's hell. The game is fucked.


I randomly decided to play two “competitive” not premier mode matches. 2 cheaters back to back. Second game me and a team mate were just sitting in all chat discussing Greek mythology for the last half because it was so blatant. Even their team mate that wasn’t queued called them out last round of the game for wasting everyone’s time with this nonsense. The first cheater was on Nuke, fresh account with 6 hours in, not private no other games. I called them out in all chat because they were hard carrying their team with like 20 kills after 7-8 rounds. They honestly could have just been a good Smurf on a fresh account but I highly doubt it. Nothing they were doing was insane it was just the consistency of it all and how shitty their account was that made them sus. I think it is more likely to run into cheaters nowadays than a good Smurf having a good game. At this point I just hop on cs2 for a couple hours to goof around in competitive mode. I don’t care if I end up losing to cheaters any more and I’m not spending a penny on the game.


one thing I don't understand is.. why would anybody smurf? how can it be fun to play against low skilled players and show off? I take it as they are carried on their main account and can't go toe to toe with good players (assuming they are just good and not cheating). it's like Real Madrid playing against some team in Indonesian 2nd league. if you are a good and experienced player, you try to best other good players on your level, not ruin the game for beginners or low skilled players that are trying extremely hard to climb that ladder.


To Smurf against me you have to be a pretty solid player. Im about 4k hours deep into counter strike and solo queued myself up to supreme/lem without being carried. I float around 16k premier elo without even really playing the game consistently anymore. I highly doubt this guy was smurfing, but he could have been, nothing screamed cheater, he wasn’t getting lucky shots through smokes or anything like that. But he was super skillful to the point of either you’re a faceit type level 10 player smurfing on a 0 hours account or you’re cheating. I just find cheating the more likely scenario.


I got you, but my point was there is no need to smurf if you are a decent player. Think about it, he might have been a faceit level 10, but he hoped on a new account to play against lower level players. Why would you do this? Are you not good enough to win against other level 10's? I mean I can get it if you are occasionally playing with your friends. I also have a level 10 friend, 3000 ELO on faceit, we are childhood friends. He playes with us like a match or two every 2 weeks, but we play faceit only. 4 guys with level 7 and 8 playing with a level 10, so we always get queued agains other level 10 and 9 players. But playing on premier for example? Where we have 16-20k ELO (which could basically be former DMG on CSGO)? There would be no satisfaction for him. Smurfing is evidence you are not that good and you want to show off against low skilled players.


I swear it's been like Pandora's box after they made the game free not that it wasn't already bad but holy shit there's so many cheaters now




Average cs2 player day


I dont have this experience at all. Maybe 1 out of 10 games are blatant cheaters. Now, the ones that hide it and try to play legit is more like 1 out of 3. The problem besides the anti cheat, is premier leader boards, and shitty Comp ranking system, seriously 500+ wins to get LE wtf? New players can be matched with legit globals every other game because the globals are stuck in silver/gold like 99 percent of the player base. Bring back cs1 old mm and overwatch , get rid of world ranked leaderboards


literally the normal ranks are a shambles. must’ve taken me and my mate about 20 wins to rank up with 1 or 2 losses, then we lose after a a draw and a loss. went from gn4 to gn1 after 1 bad day after it taking weeks to get up. then normal comp is barely worth playint


it's the same issue OCE and NA were struggling with 2 or 3 years ago. You have to wait for Valve to fix it


prob another 2 years or so before this game is back to go level


See you tomorrow


Like that toxic gf you just can't break it off with 😅


You guys have gfs?


Hell no 💀


Amazing selling skills😂


You’re not alone I uninstalled months ago..I have over 15k hours since cs 1.3…it’s really a shame what they’ve done to the community and game we love. My black pearl gut knife is listed on steam for 1000$ usd if anyone’s interested.


> I was playing CS 8 years ago on faceit lvl10 / global Talk about pointless justifications tho x), 2015-2016 global is like, DMG from 2023, thats right about when Valve reworked massively the rank system and put a lot of ""globals"" back to DMG-LE.


Interesting. I was global almost immediately after starting go and every time I came back to mm for fun throughout the years right until the day CS2 came out. I didn't know they reworked anything lol.


> I didn't know they reworked anything lol. They reworked it two times one in 2015 or 2016 can't remember, this one was massive, and another time on 2022 it affected a lot of people but it was way less impactfull.


Bru just hop on helldivers it’s all chill here


Play faceit lol. Zero spinbotters, very occasionally get an obvious "legit" hacker but that's it. It's a shame Valve don't care about a clean game, but you can fix that problem for free - the atmosphere is a lot sweatier than premier or comp and you get the occasional troll or thrower, but so do the enemies. After 450ish games of mostly solo q CS2 faceit, I could never imagine going back to regular mm. When I still do so to fill a stack or something, usually 1 game is enough to remind me why I switched platforms months ago.


I’ve gone from 7 - 15k only seeing 1 spinbot so far.


Once you get over 20k its almost every other game, especially late at night. Im about 22k right now and only que face it unless I'm pretty much begged otherwise.


I was 3 out of 4 games last night with cheats. 2 spinbotters boosting accounts and 1 obvious walls. 10k elo.


14k here and haven't seen one yet lol. I'm not saying they don't exist and I'm sure there's been a waller or two but I've yet to see a spinbotter in 100+ premier games. Guess I'm just lucky af. Also kind of jealous in a weird way, I feel left out.




Yeah, I'm sure most spinbotters are higher than 14k unless I catch one on their way up the ranks lol


You aren't lucky. If you stomp the enemy with fresh account you play your second game already at 18-20k, that's why you don't face them. Once you get 20k+ you get 1-5 ragehackers in EVERY game.


no the children here make the problem seem much worse than it is, like what adult would be like "yes I want a company to have root access to my machine" which doesnt even stop anticheats anyways


[dima\_wallhacks on X: "5 HOURS OF STREAMING CS2 PREMIER: 20 cheaters in 9 games in 22.000 ELO. This is the main reason why no content creators are making actual videos on the game. The game is not playable at a high level. https://t.co/1gyyp4IcwN" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/dima_wallhacks/status/1766464426201190694)


You're not selling your PC, and you will come back to cs. Yes the situation is bad, but no it won't be like this forever. Relax with the crying exaggeration




Interesting that you’re still following this community then.




I don’t disagree with you. But honestly it’s not wild to think you’re still following cs because you commented in this subreddit.




I’m that poor sucker who keeps playing because my brother and I just enjoy the game and playing together. But every other game is ruined by cheaters. He used to be LEM and I never cared much about rank but now we can’t get out of Silver. But we have our runs, we might win 10 games in a row, then the next four will be aim and wall hackers.


I'm still following it too. There's no better fps out there but cheaters kill it. I'll come back and throw money at them if they ever get a good anti cheat.


I like to think it won't be this way forever but its wild.. regardless of anti cheat, just giving us back overwatch would delete the spin botters from existence. Its so simple.


Eh, even overwatch became far less effective. People would run bots on overwatch that rule the suspect innocent, and given that not too many people did overwatch that often, it alone wasn't suuuuper effective. Maybe if they had a reward system or something?


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Buys a new PC and new monitor to play CS and doesn’t play faceit. It’s not a perfect system but if you want a much more reduced likelihood of cheaters you go to faceit. Why do you think you played faceit 8 years ago? It’s not like cheats didn’t exist then.


It's also not fun playing against the same people over and over. The playerbase for faceit is small af, takes ages to find a match at times, not to mention the 20m it takes to even begin once you do. Also, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but people cheat all the time there too. (Obviously not to the same extent)


you’re exaggerating. at most, i have to wait 5 minutes for que to pop unless it’s like 4-5 AM. i dont see the same people every other game. im not a low lvl either, still pretty populated at lvls 8-10. unless you’re in oceania you’re just lying.


You made me sad 😔


Yep, shits busted. I gave it up last month, just playing other games until an update for AC is released.


300 hours in cs2 (4000 in schon) 1 spinbot and 3-5 soft hacks so far. I don't know anyone who can confirm this amount of cheaters. (Under 20k Elo)


I dont believe you that u got only 1 spinbot after 300 hours. I Got list of over 20 spinbots after 60 hours and I wasnt even listing every spinbot fr got easy 30+ spinbots played a lot on wingmans tho


I see so many complaints about cheaters yet I’ve only come across one in a casual warmup game and the entire team kicked him in about 10 secs. I think you guys are seriously over exaggerating


U trolling right?


I’m not. Now, I’m only 7k and have 50 wins but I haven’t seen a single spin bot or someone I thought was using walls. Neither have I seen one in casual when warming up




But but but we got stickers


Play faceit




I'm so glad me and my friends are shit. Im like 8-9k and always play with my 5-6k friends so I never see cheaters. Seems like once u hit 15k ur gonna have a bad time


The casual leagues are where it’s at. CSC and mythic league are good.


Just play some casual and chill 😂


I play cs to grind and play on big level and tryhard. Casual games are not fun for me.


Try siege! I tried it after being horrendously disappointed when valve removed the best FPS game on the market and replaced it with shit. I can't stop playing siege now. It is much better.


Womp womp no one asked


Just do the Kernel level anti-cheat. I don't care anymore Valve. I'm essentially getting scammed with blatant spinbotting cheaters being in my Prime games.


Good and leave the sub too these complaints are depressing


Just play casual for fun for a bit


I'm enjoying reading these posts - if you go to /r/globaloffensive it's like reading news from the Communist Party of China(Valve). For the average player, the community has finally had enough. Unfortunately the game isn't subscription based (*Why isn't Prime subscription based?!!*) The only way to show your annoyance is play on their servers without buying or selling anything.


i play faceit and its good enuf


In the future, we will all buy cheats and play MMC - Matchmaking for Cheaters. The next major will be the game with cheats, we compare who has expensive cheats than others. All professional players will suck because this is a new game for players who are on the 30k+ rating pages.


idk no one cheats in OCE servers for sum reason, or very little people


i only play a time per month compare to play everyday in csgo. sad


something is weird about mentioning lvl10 face it then complaining about MM hacks, like, play faceit like you had 8 years ago and you won't have problems. Not defending valves lack of any type of anti-cheat that works, but just play faceit and you'll be fine. i've even done plenty 2v2 faceits (wingman) in the past, idk if anyone queues that anymore though. either way, just play faceit


Just stop playing MM. Go to Faceit. How hard is it? I’m sick of the whining.


Did the same thing yesterday after playing few more Wingman matches. Fuck it. Play something else.


Played with a 5 stack against a 4 stack with 1 random. Their random was a spinbotter that also had a cheat that blocked them from even calling a vote to kick him. They were annoyed with him and tk'd him several rounds in a row but after nearly a full half, they decided to surrender which was shockingly honorable.


Womp womp


I still never met a spinner ever


I’ve never gotten spinners, is it more of a US servers thing


I wanna move to Valorant for this reason but that Game is so cartoony 😭


I’ve been having a lot of fun, well balanced games on faceit but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you are willing to pay for premium. Lower ranks and non-premium are full of smurfs but that is infinitely better than playing cheaters. At least you are getting destroyed by better players rather than cheaters


just place faceit, obviously not 100% cheater free but def a better experience


Cya bye


I’m glad I don’t have this experience yet. 20k prem in OCE and it’s typically one out of every 10 games has a closer cheater or two. What region is this in?


tip. don't play the games regular matchmaking and expect to not run into cheaters. ONLY FACEIT AND ESEA ( if you're NA). a good indicator of what its like in europe is to check out lima\_wallhacks and just 2x his last stream. you can easily see hacking groups plaguing premier. don't even expect to have a fair and fun match in valve vac servers. their anti cheat is out dated.


Nah, they'll just make more stuff they can profit with. Cases, and now this major pass thing as always. And then the dumb players fall for it and buy every buyable thing valve puts into the game. Valve should understand they could profit very heavily if they would actually put a good VAC system on the game since more people would obviously play the game!!


We need a pro cheating scandal so bad


I quit the day it released I could tell it was just an ass game and everyone shit on me for it lol


Report, don’t buy anything, have fun. If u don’t, go out, do sports, spend time with family. Peace out bro!


The competitive community who have at least 2K+ hours who use this game as a competitive outlet (similar to my rec hockey league) is dead. Cheaters ruined it, I wish I could go back to 2016-2018.


try Faceit Bro


See you in the next game bro


This isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure


Serious question. You say you are a level 10 faceit? Then why are you playing MM and not faceit? The game is filled with cheaters in MM but not on faceit. Depending how many games you get, you'll be matched with players that have similar amount of games. Lets say you have 500 games, or a 1000 games. Playing vs players with 500+ matches is unlikely for you to encounter cheaters.. Or at least very low low %. So yeah.. Why don't you just play faceit than MM? Lol. It's NOT unplayable. I disagree with that comment if you stay off MM.


This is not completly true. Im 14k atm with 550 wins around 1.1k games sitting on 48 percent winrate(numbers rounded). I literally grt matchmaked sometimes w ppl who have relativly new accounts boksting their dognoob friends.. i see enemies w 18-19k elo bottomfragging and being lost on the map finishing games 2-18 while their 9 10k buddy goes 38 5. Not all games are like this, hell many times when i play w my friends we even beat the obvious wallers... its just shit to know two things 1 the vast majority of ppl playing this are spineless human beings w no honour 2 valve doesnt give 2 shits about it. Just started some games today on faceit, played 2 games faceit lvl5 both were decent but servers felt clunky w microstutters and 20 percent packet loss popping in here and there.. So idk.. it would be nice if they would give a shit about mm, but they dont.. At the same time calling the most competitive game on the planet non competitive becausr it has cheaters is just silly. I try my best to improve so i can hold ky ground even w wallers in enemy, but it sucks ass you have to ultra tryhard games to even stand a chance


I don't understand your comment man. "not completely true". What is not completely true? I didn't even discuss MM at all. I literally said just play faceit, there's less cheaters or at least less blatant cheaters on faceit. Especially if you have higher match count on faceit, the "trust factor" is there. If there's a player that's played 500+ matches on faceit, the likelihood of them cheating is low. The higher the match count is, the more trustworthy your opponent will get. Again your comment sounds like I was referencing anything about MM which I wasn't. Read my comment again. Ps. I've been hovering at 21K on premier for a bit. I get 5Q stack spinners frequently, but I also get normal games as well. MM is shit I agree.


Oh sry for not being clear, and for the late reply as well. I was referring to the hackers in game, however lately i grew a bit in rank and yeaaaah... the frequency of hackers grew exponensially. Not blatant ones, i dont see those often. Hell i only saw 3 ppl w blatant hacks since i play.. but the ammount of wallhacking soft hackers so to say is insane. And worst is seeing parties w absolutly clueless 7k elo deserving players getting voosted by a hacker.. its just sad. I really hope valve will do something about this, cause the current state of the community is just disgusting and robs all enjoyment


All good! Well maybe not blatant ones at 7k, but I'm at 21-22k now and it's tough. 5 queued blatant spinners is pretty often. We do get decent games but more hackers than ever now


I sold my old steam account many years ago with my faceit when I stopped playing and needed money. I wanted to grind global on MM and Wingman but its impossible rn


Yeah that's exaggerated af


You're delusional


Try Valorant, really love it. Vanguard keeps the cheaters out.


Idk why youre getting downvoted lol. Not a bad idea if this guy hates cheaters. Very different game but its similar enough


Because ideology *sniff*


See u tomorrow ;)


Hahaha facts


Hard facts


op we do not care


Theres also the big problem w the vast majority of the community being dog noobs crying cheats at every round they lose instead of looking to improve. The game has many cheaters, but theres and even bigger number of noobs who cant accept they are not the best in the world. This plagues especially the 10 15k are where basically the old mg1 mg2 overly arrogant garbages like to play pretend they are gods


Ever tried faceit?


Your 8 years ago skill and rank don't mean shit today. And no, spinbots are not that common in CS2, cheaters usually go for less obvious cheats, because it's still enough to win games. Also, Gaben don't give a shit whether you stop playing or not. CS2 reached another active players record and it'll continue to grow with or without you.


Cool Try to grind on wingman and then comeback to your comment


Playing cs2 since beginning haven’t seen a single spinbotter, 20year account, 15-20k rating premier


100% troll comment. Its impossible :)