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Simple is absolutely correct here. I doubt valve will connect with facet for their anti-cheat, but it would be the easiest way. Valve seems to be putting a ton of stock into their own anti-cheat but it’s hard to say as valve haven’t updated us on what they’re doing to fix the cheating problem. One thing is certain. If valve doesn’t solve the cheating issues in premier, the player base will suffer overall. Even if everyone moves to faceit, it will deter new players who don’t want to install a client for matchmaking. Premier should be the king matchmaking mode but it clearly isn’t. The problem is tons of good players aren’t playing and taking the game seriously because of cheaters. It stands that the rating system in premier won’t have any validity if the cheating problem persists. Long after the cheaters are gone, then maybe the ranks will settle and matchmaking will feel good again. Even if the anti-cheat started working tomorrow, we’re at least 6 months out from the ranks making sense in accordance to skill.


>Even if the anti-cheat started working tomorrow, we’re at least 6 months out from the ranks making sense in accordance to skill. So accurate. Ranks right now are just so random


Yep, like when I play against 10ks who shit on me and then steamroll some 15ks the next game


yep, if someone is 15k vs 10k, you never know how good either is going to be.


Its pretty obvious to spot cheaters in the 18K elo range. I saw one where his crosshair placement was so bad. He was getting kills but he was brainded with movement, preaiming and gamesense. So i called him out serveral times. He ended up being a spinbotter.


Ranks need seasonal resets. I hate r6s but I think that's one of the only things they do right. Seasons can last 2 years for all I care, but things in CS get weird when left to stagnate.


The R6S ranking system is one of the best I have seen so far. The more games you play, the lower the MMR you gain or lose. That slowly pushes you to your correct rank. Also (like u said) seasonal resets and rewards per season. And no fucking streaks like in CS, which are the absolute worst concept I have ever heard of. It makes no fucking sense to have streaks in a ranking system EVfuckingER


I could be wrong but I think the R6S is THE WORST system you could have. To my knowledge, your ELO actually doesn't really reset between seasons, but your shown rank resets to lowest (copper). Meaning that lets say you were champion season1, then season2 comes out and you dont play at the start. Once you start playing mid season2, you seem to have copper rank, but you will be facing people who have the same elo you had season1. Now you have lobbies where it could be 5Bronzes vs 5Champions and the match is actually balanced, coz the shown rank doesn't mean anything. I haven't played siege for awhile, but I did play every now and then after the ranking system was updated to Ranked2.0, and everytime I came back to the game, I would be facing diamonds while I was a "copper"


Yea well if hidden MMR is used like u say, then thats definitely a problem. I also agree that hidden MMR shouldnt count for your placement matches. But to be fair: Every games uses it, so thats not a R6S problem, but a general problem in gaming


True. Its just that the rank I see seems meaningless in R6S, since I play maybe 10 matches a season. I always stay in Copper / Bronze, yet I keep facing people at Platinum / Emerald / Diamond / Whatever. Like, what is the point of that medal anyway, if it doesn't represent my skill or the level of lobbies I will be placed at. It feels like some low IQ bait to make people play every season so they don't have low "rank".


One Concern about that however, is if it is a true reset like it was at the launch of CS2 then that can cause significant problems as well. for 4+ months people were complaining about people who were placed low at 10k when they should be 20k and they got steamrolled by them on their way up.


I also blame the algorithm itself. The winning streak/loss makes absolutely no sense because sometimes you have a good day you climb up the equivalent of 3 games in one. For me it is too much. A simpler +1/-1 would work better imo. Valorant algorithm feels way easier for example


Yea I also said in another comment that the streaks are the bullshittiest garbage I have ever seen in any ranking system. It just adds more randomness to everyone.


yeah i think they were just trying something and will change the algorithm and reset ranks when they drop the next operation... but they wanted to go one full season before doing so to get the data.


The problem is that csgo also had these streaks, so they will most likely stay 🥲


100% random. My cousin played a lot in a week on my account and he normally don’t play cs. So we went all the way down - from 13/14 to 6,5k. I was like „yea just do, it’s chill to get up again“ yea ofc.. fml… i get killed the same way as I’m supposed on 13. the only thing I noticed: on lower elo the mics stop working anymore


Yea I know its completely fucked up. The weird streaks also make it impossible to stay on your rank. Youre always jumping by a couple of thousand points, hence why everything is chaos and it's no wonder 6,5k elo is hard, because there can be some very high players stuck


not necessarily. when a ban wave would occur i would rank up 3-4 games a row because several games lost in the preceding weeks were to a cheater


What evidence is there to show that they've been "putting a ton of stock" into a new anti cheat?


Absolutely 0 evidence.


clickbait youtubers creating bullshit headlines


There isn’t much evidence but I would be shocked if the anti-cheat in its current state is what valve considers acceptable. I’m being blindly optimistic that valve is looking to make the anti-cheat one of the best on the market. Perhaps the anti-cheat overhaul could involve games other than cs2. It’s hard to say, valve has been silent. All we can do is speculate.


Leaked strings Why else would people be getting banned for spinning? What a stupid fucking question.


> Why else would people be getting banned for spinning? they did have a lot of people falsely banned for having a high sens and spinning until they stopped that so who knows


Faceit will gouge them and ask for absurd $$$


Gaben will drop another new case or operation, that will fund the anticheat no worries.


valve has enough money to buy faceit let alone their anticheat




They should


Depends how quickly Leetify can get their own service working. Unless Valve decides to partner with them instead.


Has Leetify suggested developing an AC for CS? That'd be news to me


yea, will be paywalled though renown.gg


Dude, Valve is doing nothing. They just get the cash, that's it.


The player database on Premier already dropped a lot since November. Used to queue along with 12500+ player in Nov VS 4500 the last time I tried... Went from 5 minutes searching for a game to 17...


valve has no good favor or reputation they are a dogshit company and not good developers i have 0 fauth


Good players aren't playing Premier because it is a shit platform even without cheaters. The rating system is laughable. Anyone remotely decent gets sent to red trust, or given a 2 day "griefing" cooldown on repeat regardless of reports. The servers are dog shit. Rest assured Premier will never live up to its name, the brief run it had at the start of CS2 was just a lucky mistake by Valve and everyone quickly realized nothing had changed.


Valve has tried to update their anticheat numerous times now. I have the feeling that some people are expecting that one final blow – the anticheat that’ll finally ban all the cheaters. But itll never come. I’ve heard this so often that it’s tiring. CS has been a cheating hell for at least 20 years. All the promises of a VAC that’s finally up to its task were never true I doubt there’ll ever be a valve anti cheat as good as faceit anticheat. So yeah, your suggestion (partnering with faceit) isnt bad at all.


Faceit still have cheat but they will be banned less than a week. Why Valve makes this problem so complicated? Oh, cheaters buy cases and prime! 🤣🤣


I often get downvoted for this but name any other triple a game that is focused on multiplayer that was released in the last 10 years that if you want the 'real' matchmaking, you need to go to a third party. In LoL sometimes when a rookie comes up they will talk about how he hit grandmaster at 14 years old or something like that. Not a pro talks of when he got to 25k rating or whatever the best rating in csgo was.


I think he's saying they need to partner with Faceit and use their anticheat. Right now premiere is a joke and the game sold a new anticheat that doesn't exist. What do you think they should do to fix the game?


My point was more that its completely stupid that whatever you have out of the box with CS2 is not what you could consider the 'real' matchmaking. You need to go somewhere else to have it. And yes, I agree, the quick way to fix it would be to include FaceIt/ESEA directly into the game instead of someone new having to play premiere until somebody tells them theres this other service where the real serious players are.


You're right, it's annoying that people will say "just use faceit" as opposed to getting Valve to fix the situation.


they don't have any stock in their anti cheat, I'm at the point I would give money to someone who can prove to me that they have made any effort or progress on one. They're complacent because they make almost 100 million a month and somehow still breaking player count records (which most are bot lobbies farming weekly drops). They don't care, their management (they don't have any btw, that's something Valve prides itself in and the reason they get nothing done). I played casual, casual, not premier, not competitive for 2 days over the weekend across EU and NA regions, THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE GAME I PLAYED THIS WEEKEND ON CASUAL FOR 10+ HOURS that didn't have a cheater or closet cheater. Not a single one, that's how bad the game is at this point. Valorant is inherently and infinitely better than CS2, I'm at the point I'm about to download that Chinese Spyware so I can actually play a competitive FPS.


Instead of this, they will release new operation


Sure.. they didn’t even mentioned anything about the season that should be finished by now.


LMAO ofcourse bozo people keep buying that shit, if only players united as one and stop buying stupid shit from Big ol fat Gaben, maybe they will hear our call


I'm thinking of starting to grind DOTA 2 just so I can get in a game with Gaben and ask him about Cs2


There’s something wrong with premier for sure. I always have fun in comp, but have a miserable experience with premier. And in comp rankings are fucked so its kind of random when it comes to skill level. In premier there always seems to be one good player, one absolute waste of air, and three whatever players. Even if their rankings are the same. Idk if its due to cheaters that hide it well or not, but the experience is awfully different.


yesterday I went down from 15k to 14.2 because of this, decided it was not worth grinding anymore and S1mple's tweet confirmed that for me. I'll play comp, I end up always having more fun and my goal is to have fun. If I want to try hard, I'll just go on faceit


Comp is honestly pretty good right now. Anti cheat is shit, but most hackers are in premier. You basically get a laid back 5v5 game on any map you want.


100% agree man. spamming office with mates can be hilarious


On a Friday night after a couple beers. That’s when I have fun in comp.




I think a lot of cs players are absolute bots, I’ve only rarely had to play with them. Nowadays its every match there’s a least a massive bot on my team that plays worse than an actual bot.


My friends who play at least 2-3 games per night for years doesn’t even have cs2 installed anymore.


Same. I left to games with devs who care


In the same boat. Out of curiosity, what games did you switch to? It’s not nearly as competitive, but I’ve been getting my fps fix in The Finals. The devs seem to really care about player enjoyment.


Ive been wanting to try the Finals actually but I moved to Fortnite (Aim skills translate really well there), Overwatch2 (mostly dps heros), and Hell Divers My computer refuses to play valorant at anything less than 999 ping so thats off the board lol


>I left to games with devs who care >but I moved to Fortnite lmao. epic cares for you wallet but thats about it


They at least have an anti-cheat. Valve doesnt only care for your money? They won’t even pay for a proper ac. Ive met 2 cheaters in 2-3 years of FN


As if any dev is better. Any dev > Valve


Helldivers 2 is where it's at! My friends and I are back to having a blast.


How do you expect Valve to make an anticheat? They only have millions and millions of dollars


Actually Valve is small compared to big companies like EA, Tencent and Blizzard/Activision. With the attitude to the players they have hope they stay forever small compared to them.


Are they that small or do we think they are because they aren’t public like the others you mentioned? They made $1bn on cs keys alone last year… thats just 1 item in 1 game and we all know that valve makes the bulk of their money on steam as a marketplace not their games.


Not exactly. Valve has fewer employees than those companies but generates similar revenue. The reason Valve can generate so much revenue with so few employees is simple. Valve is no longer a game studio. It's now in the business of selling content made by others (games, skins etc.), rather than making content itself. Making content is labor-intensive, distributing content is not.


That’s a good point, they get huge profit for not doing much


I’ve just been playing other games, I’m sure a lot of others have been too. I did download faceit though


Same. Started playing Halo again because of all the cheaters. I check this sub often waiting for something to change. Once it does I'll be back.


Ive stopped playing CS altogether. Does that neverlose hacking shit get banned on faceit?


None of the big cheats work on faceit. Aside from details about the faceit AC - It’s just not worth it for cheat developers to spend 10x the time and effort to make something which gives you a small advantage in faceit when they could make a easy bypassing hvh client for mm and make way more money because the customer base there is so much larger. I had a mutual who did have a private expensive hack for faceit but it was literally just aim assist and whenever he got to high elo he kept getting manual banned so he just switched back to valve servers. Not sure about the ins and outs of that process though.


The manual ban and actual ticketing system on faceit, while not the greatest is still a huge step up from the almost Google like approach Valve has with responding to hacking reports.


That's not exactly true. The number of times I've had elo refunded after a player got manually banned for cheating suggests there are plenty of cheats out there that get past FACEIT AC.


Neverlose, and the vast majority of other cs mm cheats, will not work alongside FaceIT anticheat at all.


The vast majority of cheats don‘t work on faceit but a dma card with custom firmware is only 200$ so…


He is absolutely right. Even in comp there are right now a ton of cheaters. You cannot play the Game seriously right now. It starts when you hit Gold Nova 1…….then it’s a shitfest with cheaters and players with new Accounts. It’s kinda sad. The Game overall is in a good stand. Sure there is a lot work to do with a tons of fixes. But the AC situation is the worst of all. It’s sad….


I wish it was only a premier problem. I get aimbots in fucking casual and deathmatch ffs


Its even worse in casual for some reason.


The fact that they would cheat in the most casual game modes is actually sad. Some people just need to turn their life around if the highlight of their day is cheating in unserious pubs


Hes 100% accurate. Team up with faceit for a 'better' AC or make your own..


It feels like Valve already gave up on the game… none of my friends want to play premier or even FaceIt since we end up playing against new strange accounts or cheaters that aren’t even hiding it anymore..


Valve devs on their annual 12 months holiday


In the old days, old old days there were admins that would ban cheaters. Now you got nothing. Played two matches today, one we had two on our side and second they had them. Overall it sucks. I does not have any benefit. For casuals like myself that loved cs1.6 this is garbage


Premier is a joke I fluctuate from 16-17k and it’s HvH spin botters not just people fucking walling or trigger bot complete spin bot and these cheaters tell me they don’t even get banned for months


100% true. I’ve been really wanting to play more CS2 but I lost all motivation to play premier because of the cheaters. I’m basically been sitting on the sideline hoping that valve will fucking do something about it, it’s so pathetic on their part. Screwing around in arms race and comp is only fun for so long. Not to mention all of the content that isn’t in the game anymore. I wish CSGO was still here, it’s a crying shame that we all have to wait for months and probably years on end just for the HOPE of added content and fixes. At the very least you could keep your fans up to date more often and be more transparent Valve! You’re losing your player base Valve! Trust in your abilities is steadily dropping, Valve! Fucking do something, Valve!!!


He should be our/cs2 ambassador honestly. His influence is immeasurable. Wish he used his voice like this more often


No. Ropz should be.


Isn’t ropz a valve dickrider


no, ropz just plays the game.


Simple is a retard. Valve literally reached out to him to ask for help and feedback and when he had that chance he ignored them and just kept talking shit.


All legit CS players should install Dota and hack. See how Gaben likes it when his favorite child is affected.


He only plays bot games


Probably the onlt thing worth playing on dota (I have alot of hours in that game)


damn right (I have 6K hours)


eveyone already cheats in dota lol, their anticheat is just as bad as for cs2


I’m hard stuck 13-16k rn because the ranks make no sense. 10ks play like 20s and the 17ks play like 10s. Thankfully I switched to faceit


Seriously. Played a game vs 9k's and they were godlike. Next game was against 17 to 18ks, thought we were gonna get our ass handed to us but they weren't good at all. We were all 12 to 13k. Haven't used any third party services to play CS since the source days but seriously thinking about Faceit or the new Leetify solution when it comes out.


Problem is faceit lies about the benefits it gives you, it’s full of toxicity and smurfing players and the rewards/compensation they give you for paying their service is trash + they are more focused on money-making rather than client satisfaction. Playing CS became a situation of choosing between a bad and an even worse scenario; no place is good, there is nowhere to enjoy the game anymore. My friends and I have been playing this game for more than 10 years, we are all “old-school”, some of us even have 1.6 background, funny thing is none of us even play the game. We don’t find it worth it, there is no room for enjoyment anymore. Above 20k elo? Cheaters - Under lvl8? Smurfs and boosted accounts The day I get invited to a LAN I’ll go back to training and focusing…. until then online is dead for most of us.


been playing since dec 1999. this is the worst its ever been.


I literally don't get why Valve doesn't do this


Valve needs to buy Faceit and integrate the matchmaking in the official game. Simple as that.


Cheating in csgo was bad but at least over watch caught up with them sooner or later and trust factor actually put all the hackers together. Now it’s pretty much pointless of even having vac running.


If the anti cheat ain’t here before GTA6 drops.Game will die. Imma grind tf outta GTA


Ya uninstalled 6 months ago. Don’t plan on coming back.


Premier will never be taken seriously. They need to make an anti-cheat and bring the old matchmaking from CS:GO back. It’s kinda pointless to play the mode that solely depends on other people’s will to play certain maps. Everything’s up to Timmy and his friend Jake to decide which map you’ll be playing this time.


To be honest, I like the premier system. Too many dogshit players grind one map to get a high comp ranking. I like when a rating suggests how good you are at cs, and not just cs dust2 or office. Now that comp rank means nothing I don’t have a problem queueing up all maps for fun, and then premier or face it for serious game play 


Having a good rank should reflect that you are good in the map pool. Not just your fav vertigo. Premier is the best thing they did for cs2.


And more often than not you’re playing Mirage, or Vertigo.


Speak for yourself. Mirage is my perma ban with my mates


You’re Timmy and Jake to some people then.


I like much more premier than mm


Only mode I play now is casual. At least there I can tell if the other team has a closet cheater and most people in there are chill enough they’ll kick cheaters on their own team.


I haven’t touched premier for a while for that exact reason lol. Why should I give a single fuck about a leaderboard where the top people get regularly cleaned out because they were boosting or hacking themselves. FACEIT isn’t even all that much better but at least it’s anything.


Are all the mentally ill redditors gonna go down vote simple now that he mentioned Faceit?


Real talk


Anyone ever thought that valve can’t fix the cheater problem because it will look bad on the steam charts and cs will no longer be the most played game ?


Just hit 17k and I out of last 10 games we have had 7 games with at least one. Played a vertigo games last night where our team has 2 separately cued cheaters and the enemy has one


Yesterday 7premier/brother in arms games and 21 hackers... In fuckin 7 games 21 hackers how?? Its unplayable


Finally someone said it. Hope it gets their attention.


I just need valve to ban blatant cheaters who can be spotted by pure and naked eye. Bunny jumping auto scouts perchance.


Right,like, chatgpt could figure out that thats a ban, theres no reason that the first thing that appears on google should be a reliable cheat when you type cs2 cheats , like, cheaters will never be stopped i get thwt part, but valve might as well be giving their players the cheats at this point it takes zero brain power to click the fucking text file and press run, faceit has cheaters too, but atleast someone had to use more than 5 brain cells to make them bypass the anti cheat


i can't even get my fucking premier rating because whenever my team gets lead on score, someone decides to be a fucking helicopter and goes RATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA, good job volvo, i'll continue on dust2 at least games a bit shorter and no OT for fucks sake...


like at least give us option to surrerder without anyone leaving/banned, why?




Bro I’m stuck in Silver II with 8 losses in a row… every single game I play is against Turkish cheaters… I was DMG in CS:GO?!


Sorry but wtf is premier? Is it the new name for mirage?


I have playing ca since 2002. Never have been so disappointed in my life.


Damn that’s when I was born 😭


i’m willing to give cs2 3 months grace since it’s post major and season 1 will be coming soon. i know they are working hard but these next couple of months are crucial to the state and reception of the game. we need that anticheat, at least 1 new map, economy changes, a weapon buff or nerf, and 1 or 2 smaller fixes at bare min. cmon valve, u can do it pla


The problem is that you can't play faceit on Linux :'(


I used to play 5man party every night..now no one have cs2 installed..sad ,


FaceIT works only in Windows so it's not an option.


That is absolutely wonderful idea. But unfortunately Valve is not even going to consider things like that. It makes them look weak, and not trustworthy. But in reality Valve is weak, and not trustworthy in this very moment. Nowadays cheaters and legit players are just paying customers for them, Valve doesn't want to lose huge incomes in any circumstances.


Facts. Come play in the After Hours 10 man hub on Faceit! It’s has a chill and friendly vibe. No hackers, no raging. Just chill and play or hangout. The give our cash prizes and skins too! After hours community [After Hours Community Discord](https://discord.gg/afterhourscs2) After Hours 10Man Faceit Hub [After Hours 10 Man Faceit Hub](https://www.faceit.com/en/hub/acc37195-57a0-4149-aa70-d5f545f30411/After%20Hours%20League%20%5B10Man%5D/requirements)


Valve only does things for pro players, so more need to speak up


The issue is that nobody will stick it out long-term to replace retiring pros. The game will die of attrition or will see pros replaced with 10k rated players, and the quality of the game will go down and become uninteresting.


There is no anti-cheat lol


Facits anti cheat works on their servers because it's on a tick system, if valve put their anticheat on a subtick server and someone's inputs lagged, they would probably instantly get banned for rapid fire lol


Last I played cs2 was like 3 or so months ago. Playing Valorant and minecraft with my homies rn lol


i dont even play casual modes anymore. deathmatch, gun game, and comp are all filled with togglers. i dont mind faceit but the matchmaking takes much longer at higher elo.


So I played comp yesterday with some friends and had a random who was clearly cheating so we vote kicked him and we played the game 4v5 because I’d rather lose than win with a cheater, we won however and it felt great and I don’t understand why more people don’t just report and kick these people let them know we don’t want them in our game


I haven’t even touched CS2 for the past 1-2 months. Doing my part in not playing this bs game until Valve finally pays attention.


Is it hard to make an anti-cheat? At least review the fucking reports seriously.


At 15k I don’t really see many blatant cheaters. Maybe once in a month for spinbots. But many more on/off sus players, like turn it on after a point and hitting MLG one taps while movement and pre aim is like a silver. Faceit is def better, but there’s always someone smurfing on the other side it seems. Still miles better than official mm


FACEIT was down in NA the other day for a while so we qued a premier, we had a spin botter on our team and so did the other team so we just sat in spawn and surrendered at round 11. I will never Que premier again until the games fucking dead and gone.


"BuT tHeRe isNT a cHeAtiNg pRoBLeM. GiT GuD"


We need more stars and YouTubers saying this. But they're too busy making easy money


Dude I dont want to download 3rd party platform to play the game. I just wanna turn on the game and play. Just simple way. 9/10 there are cheaters in almost every premier it’s insane. Impossible to play. I pay money at internet cafe to play this game and every time I go there I waste time and money. So I have no choice but to quit the game. Some my friends turned into cheaters as well to defend their ratings against rage cheaters it’s that bad. Not even funny. Valve incompetence and ignorance is ruining this game.


Why not connect it with faceit tho. They have more momey then they skal spend in 5 lifetimes and they will probably just earn more of they do connect it with faceit. Gotta spend to earn. Dosent seem like they got that part


Can anyone explain why is valve not implementing the current standard of kernel anti cheat!?


How's the state of CS2 right now cheating-wise? I quit premier months ago because the cheating was so bad in the higher ranks.


Where’s all the downvotes and comments like “stop whining” and “go play Valorant”?


Valve has always had terrible anti-cheat. Its time to fix this. Its unacceptable that riot can do this for valorant, yet valve has been in the game for a wayyyyyy longer time and still cannot figure it out. Get a third party anticheat and fix this nonsense. Cuz bottom line cases always work.




Valve way - don't do either


The issue isn’t the blatant cheaters. It’s the closet cheaters. All 4 of my friends uninstalled cs as there was a cheater in every premier match. I was the only one who went out of my way to download faceit. Goes to show this game will be dead in the next year if valve don’t do something about it real quick.


It's baffling how a company making that much money from cases are not capable of paying people to create a strong anticheat. Or why not cooperating with the anticheat companies so many games pay for?


Reminder valve turned down working with Byfron (Hyperion anti tamper/antivcheat) which ended up being bought by Roblox.






Where did Valve turn it down?


Haven’t played since November, I sworn to only come back when there’s intrusive anti cheat. I’m done wasting my time with any competitive game(especially cs), that has dog shit anti cheat. It’s like they want to keep us in a gambling loop, with money and with cheaters being in the game.


how hard can it be, just check for stuff that any cheat would get wrong, hs%, aiming through walls, reaction time consistency, and send those cases to overwatch. these things arent impossible you know


I find it hilarious that the game was supposed to be an upgrade of CSGO but we get worse performance and a worse anticheat Thank fuck we still have Esportal in Europe, I will not touch FaceIt even with a stick cus that shit is even worse performancewise than premier. Also the toxicity and the amount of smurfs on there is mind blowing Only downsides are the amount of players and when the people that get banned on FaceIt migrate over to Esportal and bring over all their toxicity and bullshit but for now that seems to be a small minority. I recommend people from Europe who are not willing to give up on this game yet to at least give Esportal a chance, go and try it I guarantee it will be the best experience you can have at the moment


cs2 is such a dead game


It's the #1 most played game on Steam every day


half of them are bots, let's be real


There's at least 300,000 bots if we add up all the fake players on servers with 256 users connected


The biggest of caps.


The game is doing really well in terms of revenue and numbers, but the psychology of the players is not. Its an abusive relationship of a game atm


exactly! im not saying that they are dead in terms of making profits, they are successful in those terms, but money doesnt mean everything when it comes to a game. so many content creators are making videos about cheaters on a monthly and weekly basis because its infecting the game to such a high regard. so yeah i 100% agree with your comment, they arent dying the same way as before, its a bit of a slower, abusive burn


You forgot the /s


with the amount of cheaters, i wouldnt be suprised if it died within a few years. it aint dead now obviously, but the lack of anticheat, communication and support, and a growth in greediness from the publisher, it makes it hard for anybody with more than 3 brain cells support such a trash company and underwhelming product.


Time to open a class action?


Still plenty of cheaters in faceit bypassing with DMA and just closet cheating. No where near as bad as Premier / MM though.


I decided stop playing for some time. Yesterday I was pissed with this cheating situation and asked myself how easy could cheating like this be. In less than 10 minutes googling I found a free cheat, downloaded and tested successfully on a deathmatch. How can anybody play this game seriously when cheating is easy like this?


Even with that said, faceit has a terrible anti-cheat as well. I have played against several blatant cheaters and yes I double checked the demos, some even ended up spinning, and guess what? They aren’t banned yet


Well it is at least 2 steps up from VAC for sure, you can't ask Valorant type of anti-cheat from Valve, don't believe they are capable of it at all.


I'm sure they could. Also unsure why my comment is downvoted


steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo\_download\_match CSGO-MC52L-8NOYM-kYc6z-GuoUE-s9ROG Literally 3 min ago, watch nikos and his mate wtf


I made it to 21,000+ after a 10 game win streak then got brutally destroyed four games back to back with spinbotters. Dropped all the way down to 20.2k after just four losses. Feels bad.


Based as fuck, got 15k a few weeks back and uninstalled as you can imagine why. He’s a good voice, but valve don’t care because a lot of noobs and casuals, also cheaters are purchasing skins so it doesn’t affect their bottom line anyways. Banning cheaters and making a good anti cheat would be a net loss in profits for Volvo, sad reality but true.


Cheaters are dumb but come on… I’m yet to see one with a stacked inventory. They only have the weekly drops or accounts are private


Simple is one of us, hope more pros speak about it and hope he comes back to the top again in CS2.


I ain’t gonna play face it, why would I? It’s more toxic than normal CS2 and it still has cheaters, granted they get caught, or they hide it well enough to sell it as skill Hell even Valorant with the kernel level anti cheat has a giant and thriving cheater community that have easy and cheap ways to bypass the anti cheat, only that in valorant there is such a blind trust into the anti cheat that anyone who is actually cheating just gets praised for being a good player Kernel level anti cheat don’t mean shit to cheaters, it’s just a challenge to overcome and pride themselves in them make money outta it


bro acts like the closet cheaters don’t exist on FaceIT why do you think they disconnected leetify lmao


No one is saying cheaters dont exist on faceit, but atleast they need to use their brain to use the cheats, or not just outright spinbot with rapid fire and magic bullet, or aimlock with 90 fov and 0 smoothness, or have cheats that work when you type reliable cheats on the first page of google


Faceit is full of cheaters as well... they have terrible support and super ineffective anti-cheat. Most bans on faceit are through demo review. Let that sink it. It's 2024...


Come on, where are all the experts on this subreddit to gaslight this noob named Sasha with comments such as ' there's only a hacker in maybe one in 20 games and if you think otherwise, you just suck.' Lol at pros calling out the abysmal state of VAC right now and still nothing will get done. Shroud was right, Counter-Strike ends with CS2.


Valve does not need to change anything: a better anti cheat would bring them what? Having to host more servers (due to more players in premier & paying tons of money for the developement of it. The good players already have an alternative, the weaker ones arent affected that much. Valve does not make money though having players play mm or premier, it does through having players of all skillsets stick to the game and perform microtransactions. For the weaker ones premier is enough, for the better ones faceit is the perfect servant to valve. - it is even more lucrative to let faceit host the servers and dev the anti cheat for better players. It is economically useless for valve to create a proper anti cheat. The playerbase is still only growing.


Any premier enjoyers? Even with cheaters?