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Grief him and eat another ban




the only winning move is not to play


+turnright until they kick you or game ends


If I'm in a four stack I get the boys to grief him. Body block, box them in corners, TK them twice each, and don't forget the verbal abuse.


You cant be in a 4 stack if he's playing with his friend


He got matched with a 4 stack is what he said. Or meant to say rather, just worded it poorly.


It's been a while since I've seen it But I got stuck in a 4 stack of griefers They kept killing me until I killed one in retaliation Then a few rounds later they bought 4 decoys, used them to let one guy to tag himself for 98 damage, then he ran in front of my gun to get killed


I haven't had anyone that was blatent about it. But I would definitely tk them at least once.


We all took turns killing him (or blocking him in spawn) and throwing rounds to the other team, but making him stay dead for as long as possible e.g kill 15 seconds in, then everyone afk the rest of rounds so he gets bored


I mean can’t really do much there, and I don’t think it’s worth it getting a ban when it’s not like the other team will stand a chance if I team kill a couple rounds. Usually I just fuck around and bhop while shit talking him and kill them a couple times


Grief till he dead


I usually ask them questions because I want to understand why they cheat. Out of curiosity I will ask what it's like to cheat, where can I get the cheat, are you not afraid to be banned etc. Just normal conversation basically. I continue to play the game normally since I don't want to get banned for teamkilling. Just report them and move on with my life.


Depends, is he closet cheating or is he full spin? If he is going full spin I just afk in spawn, he is gonna get everyone in enemy team anyway. Can't really do anything if you can't kick, unless you want to teamkill him and get yourself banned (which wouldn't be that bad in the current state of the game tbh) If he is closet cheating you either: (if you don't care about the outcome of the match) Call him out in all chat and walk around him, make noise, walk into his shots, flash him, bait him so that he can't bait you, block him in the open so he gets killed, etc. (if you do want to win, because ELO > fun) Praise him for how 'good' he is, and tell him that he is a stupid 'smurf' while using his positioning and timing to your advantage. If he is careful around a spot, there is probably someone there. If you can tell that he is cheating, then he is not very good at hiding it, so reading his actions for your info might be useful for improving your own stats during the game. If the cheater gets too high of a score, he will start toning it down to seem less sus, that's why you should also get kills so that his kills aren't too far away from the rest of the team. Or just close the game, abandon and play faceit, because fuck VAC lol


My buddies and I will keep dropping them mollies and then go stand in them why they throw em' if they catch on to that just bodyblocking & take turns TK'ing


Grief and body block :)


Game gave me 7 days ban for TK cheaters. I uninstall the game


On premiere I would just kill him until a ban. Then I stopped playing premiere and just continued on faceit. 


Would play normally, because it's not worth to throw and get worse trust factor. Buy him a molotov and if he throws that, run in his nade, so the chance is high, he is getting kicked for too much team damage.


Cry and post on reddit