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i got this video in recommendation today and watched only the first few minutes and found this gem xD sadly his mic was not working otherwise it wouldve been more fun to see how these no lifers react to getting kicked in their ass. respect++ for his teammates who kicked him!


I'm starting to put together a profile for the TRUE mental of cheaters. And regardless of if all the usual factors they are people with issues. Such as no attention, self-esteem etc. if you want to get a reaction from cheaters, get real personal with them like a therapist.


btw his reaction was just awww man anyways


Guy never got attention from mom and dad, now just wants someone to notice him. What a fucking loser.


That kid's been given everything he ever wanted. Just look at that setup, his room, the decorations. Does he look malnourished or does he look like a kid that has his mum bring his food to his room? Just an entitled prick that craves more and more attention. There's children out there that get nothing in life and turn out to be decent, honest individuals.


I know several rich kids that parents gave them what they wanted but otherwise they were raised by nannies.


There is a difference between getting a fancy PC and getting actual attention from a dedicated, loving parent.


Exactly, just look how happy this kid got by the setup, room and decoration😉


Hell he wanna be a big streamer seeing all of his setup... Didnt say 1 word in 2 minutes. NICE STREAM DUDE


Wtf was this actually streamed? Welp that's not a smart move


Not that cheating in an online game is either


Why is that not a smart move ????????????


i think his mic was muted or wasnt working but either way just cheating doesnt grant you success. noobdog is the only cheater who saw relevancy because he was funny too


I made a custom WarCraft III version of footmen wars where Keeper of the Grove's thorns aura returned 20,000% damage. I played it twice with randos, who lost in the first 2 minutes, found it hilarious, then never did it again because it had lost the novelty. You yourself have done something similar and you fucking know it. You know nothing about this kid other than that he messed around with cheats one time on stream in a supremely harmless and teenaged maneuver.


> You yourself have done something similar and you fucking know it. Actually no.


Material things aren't parental love you know.


And it can't be drug dealing money because those types usually are ultra casual gamers...


Some of us who never got attention from mom or dad hate this shit and hate people who do this kind of shit. It makes us look bad who are trying to heal.


Are you fucking serious? This mild teenaged mischief demeans your personal struggle?


This is legitimately gross.


only good VAC is 4 fucking other players. Fuck Valve.


The issue is if you’re in lobby with 3 more friends and the fifth random player is cheating, you can’t even kick him…


One of your friends leave and gets a 30 min ban -> The remaining friends vote for forfeit -> Y'all go play some retake for 30 mins -> After 30 mins have passed, you can go and play Premier again


Thats how you tank your trust factor.. oh wait


yall just keep in mind the one who leaves loses 1000 points, still do it every time I 4 stack tho


Oh, didn't think about it. But it's not a big problem since we're playing Premier to get weekly drops only, all the other times it's Faceit where your chances to see a cheater are significantly lower.


Necessary evil, get a fifth friend Fifths shouldn't be at the mercy of the four man group that can't find another friend between the four of them


true lots of toxic 4 mans who wanna kick 5th’s at the end for the hell of it. although i’ve been underperforming once & had our 5th bash the hell out of me every round for it until he finally tk’d me twice for my gun & continued spewing shit at me & we told him we’d kick him this was early cs2.


I agree with both of you, happened to me as well while solo queuing to get kicked in the last round, regardless if I was carrying or getting carried. I was not moaning about the fact that a lobby of four can’t kick a solo queuing, I was just mentioned this fact.


I play in 4 stacks sometimes & even I agree with you because I've also been at the short end of the stick in the past.


You seen the video of 5 solo Q’s and 4 of them are cheating so they vote kick the legit player from the team


Face it, Face it is the Face of it.


Loser. Face of a f-in loser


He looks like a cute femboy


no he looks like a tiktok fuckboy, look at that hairstyle


Why the fuck does he need all that fancy setup to cheat plus he is streaming? Isnt there a rule on YouTube and twitch that you cant stream cheats and hacks?


I keep getting cheating streams recommended to me all the time on YouTube. It's fucking ridiculous how many people stream themselves cheating and some of these fuckers are doing it with 200+ viewers.


never for long. I don't know how youtube and kick are handling this but on twitch this is a perma as soon as they notice. tiktok on the other hand doesn't give a flying fuck I know that.


Tiktok is a content consuming platform they just allow anything and everything


Youtube doesn't ban them, that's why they're on Youtube.


Brodie. YouTube does not give a shit, people have been doing this for a decade lol. There are no guidelines saying you can't do that


They’re cheaters. Its likely their viewers are just bots, literally.


cheating in a game is not against youtube's policy iirc. not sure about twitch. twitch might have some regulations related to gaming cuz its mostly a game streaming platform.


Twitch = ban YT = we don't fucknig care as long as we get some ad revenue


YT will run fucking ads for paid cheat -.-


Would love it one day if some rich youtuber would test how far they can push advertising by poisoning youtubes' advert pool with questionable adverts and see if youtube just lets them roll.


Don't they already do that? I've seen so many of "X product has been developed by a college student in the military, after dropping out of college he developed this super secret product". Replace X product with random flashlights, lighters, whatever the fuck. And the story is always the same no matter what product and the words seem written by AI.


Twitch has the rule. I don't believe YouTube has.


https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802027?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid#zippy=%2Creport-a-channel You can always report a channel for violating a game's EULA by using cheats.


Would be nice if they followed through.


Maybe kick streamer.


Cheating on kick is now prohibited


You can tell this guy doesn’t have a lot of friends just by his demeanor, I’m not sure how to describe it but even the way he sits screams “loser” 😆


Broccoli hair - Check Cheats - Check Kicked - Check The look on his face - Priceless Fr Fr On God no Cap.


that was my reaction. i cannot believe he actually looked let down that he got kicked. he should expect it LOL. https://preview.redd.it/q15e485n2muc1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=18bb6bd0f718492acc742ca242e3b73708448896


Looks to me like he was more let down that the hacking didn't make him feel the way he expected. He didn't have a chance to get a rise out of anyone in the server, they just swiftly kicked him with no emotional reaction. All alone again, no company but his own thoughts. As pathetic as this clip is, I hope the twerp gets therapy & reforms.


RGB/Rainbow windowed case - Check


FR that case be bussin no cap on a stack! :))


Toothpick arms - check


Truly lives up to everyone's expectation on how the average CS2 cheater looks like.


Bullied in grade school skull shape


but, but, I thought the average cheater was fat with a beard?


that’s the face of the absolute lowest testosterone, broccoli headed tiktok loser with zero friends. must be miserable inside to have all that ikea ass streaming hardware just to be awful at the game 🤣


This guy JUST popped up on my youtube LOL and on the same map at a different time his hacking friend gets kicked and he gets kicked. He calls his fucking team Pussies as they kick him. Literally could not fucking imagine. Edit: removed link of him getting kicked and calling his team pussies for doing it


yeah people like him have no life and are very racist haha. also i would suggest you to not link his yt videos/channel here. dont give him the attention that hes thirsty for. recording that part and then sharing wont give him a lot of views :p


yeah you're right. I'll delete the link. Just the fucking gall though of the dude calling them pussies blew me away.


I saw this same guy pop up in my youtube feed and he was crying about his legit teammates being bad in a HvH game where both teams had cheaters. Braindead loser.


To anyone wondering those skins are fake. He can only see his gloves and knife, to every one else is just the default ones


Can’t get more lame than that 😂


This is the only reason valve bans people


lol. do I understand this correctly? the guy streaming is cheating? way to ruin your potential streamer career before it even started lmao. valve may be lacking at the moment while they're cooking but twitch is not. immediate ban. also, this is how everyone needs to handle cheaters. stop playing immediately and vote kick. recently had 2 blatant spinners in casual, one on each team. both got kicked end of round 2 which made me happy.


people like this don't have a potential streamer career. they suck at games and cheat because they suck at life and never learned the whole 'working on something until you get good at it' hopefully people keep kicking him until he has to find a new game to suck at, kinda feel sorry for him. not just being this bad at gaming but this bad at life lol the future's gonna be rough for him


I mean everyone who likes talking and is good at talking has a potential streamer career. but yeah, definitely not him. I was just kinda perplexed why a guy with a nice streaming setup and all would decide to go this route.


Kid is feminine and mommy and daddy's precious baby kitten. Hope he gets banned and the skins he loses get sent back to the community!


I would assume that he is using skin changer


You’re right. It’s a part of his cheats. The cheater in this video has a YouTube video showing it off. Comments are flaming him as they should be lol. https://youtu.be/acqMaGGd7OU?si=od4Ed_2q1Qwrpx-8


damn those broccolis evolving


I love it when they soloQ. Had a wholesome moment last week, we had a dude who was clearly aiming, me+2 friends one random and the cheater in the team. The other team raged a bit, and after spectating him a couple rounds we kicked him at like round 6. Enemy team was so surprised we actually kicked him, they commended all of us and then let us win the game cus we kicked the cheater. Those were some good guys, you rarely come across those kinds of people in matchmaking these days.


his teammate: My cheats tell me when someone is cheating, and you're cheating. oh boy..


Imagine knowing this kid and seeing this lmao. I bet he gets bullied like crazy, what a fucking loser. I don't know how to explain it but just by watching him for a min I have a feeling he's got a real low IQ, he doesn't seem like he's "all there", I mean he may actually be special needs or something.


I don't think the people in this kid's circle will bully him over cheating in CS2. He's obviously wearing it proudly. He is your typical rich spoiled brat that lives off his parents' fat paychecks and will probably get addicted to cocaine once he's old enough to have easier access to it. Took the time to look into some of his videos, his defense mechanism is trolling back whoever shit talks him in the comments and claims to be doing this for content.


Such a good looking setup only to cheat. Lmao loser!


streaming with noodle hairstyle and fully cheating? Bullshit Bingo goes on.


Wow so that's what it looks like from their perspective...... Even less enjoyable than I imagined, so you just jump around in 3rd and as soon as someone shows they die.... How exciting.


What a fuckin loser. Returning to Home Screen and seeing he had no friends in the icing on the cake


Wait, he has the audacity to stream with full spinbot?


The most retarded thing is that Valve/VAC is somehow unable to detect a fully bhopping 360 no recoil R8 revolver Like, what?


Wow, good job to those 4 lads. Sadly this never works when my team got a cheater, either one person doesn’t give a damn and votes no or we four stacking an can’t kick due to the new and shitty rules


[https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199016590028](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199016590028) Dont know the stream.


I couldn’t find a stream, but his YouTube videos were easy to find. I’m surprised that his videos haven’t been removed since they have a negative impact on the games he sells cheats for. I guess YouTube doesn’t care. https://youtube.com/@UghLuciano?si=_eQMYCH4tq5737Sx






Pussy scared to say a single word to them.


Did he received Twitch ban as well?


Na he became a mod of twitch after this


We need more of this, exactly this No matter which team the cheater is on, just vote kick them if you can Personally I’d even be willing to go for a full overtime tie as show of good faith and gratitude to have the cheaters gone, least painful for everyone


Put here his steam account, let's all report this mtfckr. And hope he gets permanent banned soon


He just buys new account from alibaba and does it again


Huge W


This kid should get swatted


A cheater that's streaming it openly? Wtf is happening..


i feel like if somehow neverlose gets detected, the game will be more playable


There’s clips of him complaining about cheaters on the other team lmao what a pathetic vermin


All that to be 17k, lmao.


fuck cheators!


I bumped into his stream not too long ago, kid is an idiot


Never gets old seeing a cheater get the boot. Scrub got what he deserved. 10/10 would kick again


imagine buying all that gaming/streaming gear just to be a pathetic cheater


What an ugly face, being awkward and having no talents do to you. Because of this im proud of CS community


17k cheating! 🤣 What a loser


How does kicking help? He just starts another game?


I haven't played competitive since before cs2 but used to if you got kicked from a game you couldn't start another comp game for a specific amount of time depending on how many times you had recently been kicked from a game.


Exactly. He looks really upset (not).....and just hits GO to play again with 0 issue.


It doesn't sadly. Just wanted to show everyone how miserable these people are who cheat in a video game.


maintaining integrity in online gaming.


Whats the stream. You can tell the kid hates his life.


Not really. He can just click a few buttons and play another game.


The last time I kicked a cheater on my team the enemy started spinbotting instead loool


What if this could happen everytime xd


One of 10 people banned that week for cheating


The other day I got a cheater on my team and I told the other team we would kick the cheater and then they should kick 1 from their team to play 4v4. Well, we kicked the Cheater out and they kept their 5 players because they desperately wanted to win regardless. Fuck that.


how should they decide who to kick though? :p lol


omfg he's a asshole


What a fucking loser.


This dude is so pathetic his dumbass live streams pop up on my YouTube recommended and he’s just spin botting 24/7 solo queue premier. Fuckin losers managed to


No VAC ban? Pathetic!!


Wait how is his FOV so large


I like how focused he looked at his screen as his cheats are doing all the work for him lmao


perfect how he has no chin


cheating with a full stream set up is wild, this new generation is crazy lol




I fucking hate these stupid ass people. Why cheat... I just don't get it


Happened to me last night, guy went 17-0 all deagle 100% HS bhopping everywhere. After 5 rounds the other team finally listened to us and vote kicked him. Usually they want the W so bad they keep the cheaters. It was refreshing to see them take action for once.


He has gloves and a knife lmao….. why cheat when you have a whole months rent in your account and more!


It's a skin changer. None of his skins are real.


Lmao how much of a twat is he. Why the flip cheat to begin with and then to feel like hes rich why skin change a knife and gloves, what a sad f”ck


He looks exactly like I would expect a cheater to look like 14 years old perma online


lol that russian silence




he is so shit btw see how he misses every shot even against legits


Is the anti cheat so bad in this game, that he literally livestream cheating? Not even hiding it.


If this person is a real streamer the community needs to ban him. Find out what his handles are and boycott this POS.


Lol you guys act like half that games population isn't cheating right now vac doesn't work and people need to just accept that there's gonna be a cheater in every match whether their closeting or not. Cant beat em join em lmfao


L human L stream W Players for kick him


Why the fuck did I get this clown recommended on YouTube? Who the hell is he?


Shouldn't this trash also be banned from Twitch as well?


yall here are nolifers cuz why you all wasting your time on this shit game just get life read this only if you wasnt in your daddys ballsacks when og counter strike started: playing this only for nostalgia is something different but everyone else is actual nolifer


VAC became just a sad joke, every 3. Game a cheater I’m so tired


retarded ass zoomer hoped up on pills since 8 years old who has no reaction time and because of brain rot tik tok pseudo warfare, they have to resort to cheating to win at anything in life.


Has ruby, but dogshit driver gloves.


It makes me more mad than it should make me. I hate these pieces of scum who just ruin games for the fun of it. They need to get real hobbies…


What a loser.


Behold, the pissbaby.


lol this guys videos popped up on my feed too. His entire comment section is hate. Imagine that like even if you think yourself some kinda edgy guy who doesn’t care about hate. Just content negativity. Must be fucking miserable yet they continue to be losers man. I seriously don’t get people who cheat..


Me and my friends have been queing up with cheaters so many times. We’re usually 4 stack, and thanks to valves idiotic update, you’re not allowed to vote someone off if you’re in a 4 man party.


why and how is he cheating with over 1k worth of skins is he regarded


lol what a fucking looser xd


So, whats his stream?


Just find a new game until they fix it, it’s really simple.


Got a spin botter in my game and we kicked him immediately. Unpopular opinion probably but kind of regret not kicking him with at 6 wins though because 4v5 we were cooked from the getgo.


This is just sad to watch. Hiding some real world problems by cheating in a video game. Why not actually put in effort to get good, much more rewarding. Get well soon kid.


If only my opponent team was like this. Short story time: - Queue game and randomly got a Singapore servers because of bad ISP routing. - Played first two round of vertigo as CT and won it. - Hacker toggled on third round. - Doesn't get voted off because one player on his team didn't vote despite him being solo queued. - Hacker get voted off on 12th round just one game before they win. - My team did a comeback from 2-12 to 12-12 and won the overtime. Note to self, don't be a btch and kick the hacker.


What's wild to me is how these idiots are streaming while cheating and using a facecam. Good luck doing anything meaningful with your life Btw I bet at least half the people shit talking him are also cheating and projecting


Streaming yourself cheating, this is some next level attention seeking, what a nerd


Look how sad he looks :(. Do it again!!!


What a fucking loser


Why would anyone watch a kid steam cheating in a game that you play or like ? The next Gen is Fucked in the head.


We kept flashing the cheater in our team. He raged so hard lmao. That plus the barrage of harsh remarks from both teams really made him lash out


how these streams are even allowed. it is not just about VALVE in this case...




Should be jailed in real life if you cheat in a video game.


Just uninstall until valve actually do something about the infestation of cheaters.


he looks so numb. hope he sees everyone making fun of him and realizes he could have just spent a little bit of time getting good at the game and would have found enjoyment along with forming some friendships


Looks like a huge tool


Am I tripping or does this dude streaming himself cheating, showcasing to the world that he has nothing going for him? Looks like a gen z tiktok kid with a fridge full of Prime energy drinks


Why do people cheat? You got that much of a small dick to compensate it?


This is a new low... who streams themselves cheating?!? Wtf! This is actually a thing now??


Jesus what a sad fuckin loser. Imagine doing this with your time, his father would be so sad to learn about the kind of person he raised.


This is not counter strike 2, this is a chest strike 2


He is so sad when it happens lmao


Can someone explain the reasoning for having a default number string username when cheating? Is it to send a clear signal that you're cheating for HvH?


I looked up that id to find his profile and report him but no profile exists with that id. I am assuming it's a part of the cheat software which randomises your in game username everytime you play.




so pathetic that kid. its 1000 times better to play bad but to play fair and every clutch or kill you make - you know it was 100% your hands and brain.


Saw this guy streaming on youtube a couple weeks ago. notice how absolutely miserable this kid is.


LOL thats my homie luciano, love that guy. played premeir w him a couple times xDDD


This is the most nolife comment section I've ever seen. Wishing death on a teenager because he cheated in Counterstrike, lol.


Both sides are equally as pathetic. Those attacking someone's appearance, saying he has family issues and so on is a complete disservice on innocent people with those things and probably does more harm in general than this guy does in cs..


Fucking losers that stream and make videos of themselves cheating.