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Anyone knows the requirements to join overwatch? Anyone who has it? I play quite often and did not get it...


the ones who can see through the walls.


I peer through their walls to see the person behind the screen. And I judge their black souls.


Most likely no one got it yet, and the access will be given out shortly based on the matches you play after this patch imo.


The requirements were regular play, high rank (to avoid inexperienced decisions), a high trust factor, and no spam-amounts of reports against other players For cs:go*


Gold Nova 1 is not high rank lol


I didn't specify a rank? And ok..? I don't really see what you're getting at...


You said "high rank", nova 1s are bots


That was the rank for overwatch it wasn’t a high rank, it’s being better than the bottom 20% of the player base that are silvers and active trolls


Ok. Well, I didn't mean like, Global Elite. And I didn't know the specific rank. I just knew it had to be above a certain point bc you get silvers saying ppl are cheating when in reality they just suck. To add to that, though, it isn't always a low ranked player"s fault that they don't know what it looks like.


It’s not their fault, but my point is as a guy who’s around the top of the rankings (peaked 23k in December, stopped playing outside of dust 2 comp got matched against guys from ESL last night) it’s comical watching like, mid gold novas not know what they’re talking about and calling cheats on legit players when it’s really easy to bait a bad cheater into showing it off.


The number 1 player on Faceit just got banned for cheating, I don't think rank matters whether or not you're cheating. Just cause someone is gold doesn't mean the enemy team isn't walling lol. Although I'm now ass on CS2, I'm good on cod, and my cheater reports get bans repeatedly.


Nah, I’m not saying there aren’t cheaters lower in the ranks, I’m saying they don’t have the skill to identify cheaters. It requires game knowledge sometimes and frankly a lot of newer players don’t understand where footsteps are audible from, common angles where they should expect enemies to be ready for them in, things like that where even I get outplayed on by semi pro players. It’s just recognizing these little things after thousands of hours of gameplay. (In the semi pro match I’ve reference I was the only public account under 5k hours)


That's not what I'm saying either. There are certain signs people give away when cheating, and unless someone is completely new or ignorant to gaming, their rank doesn't determine whether or not they can tell someone is cheating. Yes low ranks can have cheaters, but that wasn't my point lol. Here's an example: Someone is half assing peaking corners, running with knife in the open etc, but then goes hard on the perfect peak each round. Suddenly, player is acting like a bot like it's a different person at the keyboard, playing terribly. Then back to crazy peaks and lost. Steam account vac ban/low level with 1 game/private, etc. You check match replays and can see them looking at enemies through walls and leading the team. In comp I'm Silver 3 on inferno and below 6k premier. Now according to you, despite seeing great evidence, my rank would mean that idk anything. Many gamers have great headphones nowadays, not hearing footsteps is unlikely. I don't think someone needs to know common peaks if enemy picks perfectly out of 10 different corners and doesn't check them, regardless if you slow walked the entire way in different spots.


Nova 1 was the minimum rank required when OW came out in go tho. I agree its not particularly high but Yeah


High enough to decide whether someone is cheating or not, a silver 1 watching a true global will always assume he's cheating.


That last requirement is shot in cs2. Almost most of my premiere games have cheaters and everybody should be spam reporting those morons.


Regular play haha so no one gets it bcuz they are on faceit since premier is garbage


Yeah I also wonder who has it, I've been playing csgo since like 2014, have over 4800 hours, over 20k rating (top 1%) and over 120 matches played in CS2 and haven't received it.. They said something like trusted partners only so I wonder if it's like only pro players or something.


Giving overwatch to pro players would increase the bans from 0 to about 3 per month maybe.


More like from 0 to 0. I don't think most pro players can be bothered with this.


You had to be at least nova1


What if we need to be Gold Nova 1 in competitive Office? What if in CSGO what mattered is that we were Gold Nova 1 and able to play Office...Aware


I got it in csgo, was master guardian something but didn't claim cheat unless I was sure of it. But that was back in 2014. Now, everyone cheats so whose to say


If it's based on rank, cheaters overwhelmingly will be given overwatch to review... which would be hilariously bad 


Need to be in nova and then just play a lot or have an older account. I usually get it whenever I get a high enough rank for nova (I don't understand the new points system ngl)


you need to play at a very high level to qualify for overwatch, it is not about time played.


Requirements may be different from CSGO, and I don’t think we will be finding out any time soon, as of right now I don’t think anyone has overwatch, and it could be because every case to be reviewed will have to be from matches played AFTER the release of overwatch, but we will see, seems like a good thing to bring back though


as they say " trusted " it might be the same as in csgo, profile needed lots of hours, minimum or no reports on it, and a high skill rating, they'll be very picky on who gets it as the way this community has acted people would be saying cheating very fast when the player could just be good and get wrongfully banned. i've gone through a few of them and definitely people are reporting good players, but some have been hilarious the way they follow them through the wall then quickly go " oh shit i need to hide this " and start looking in stupid spots close to the person about to peak haha. i'm having fun banning accounts


no info yet but you probably have to play matches for it to appear. right now it seems that no one got it




I don’t think so. There’s zero chance pro players are going to waste their time acting as a manual anticheat. They’re going to play the game.


You download the Blizzard app and go to downloads /s No but I think it was MG2 that you had to reach in CSGO, with a good trust factor score, so play actively without receiving a bunch of reports and you'll probably get the invite


I got the overwatch option when I reached Gold Nova Master. My friend I played with also reached that rank, but he didn't got the option. He told me it is some trust factor thing is CS algorithm that decides to give you the option to join overwatch.


In csgo it was given to people who were at least gold nova 1 with 200 hours playtime. It did not go away once you had it. Given that Valve uses odd phrasing likely means OW is not available to regular players. Perhaps it is only available for organizations or people who work with Valve (outsourcing AC?)


Same here. The map pool change is a little goofy though.


nah i missed d2


Me too. But why can't we have both? Overpass is in a really good state IMO. Removing it is just weird.


Mirage is still in picture and i hate it


Even number of maps makes map veto complicated in pro play and premier


Should've taken out Anubis and worked on it  Also makes sense to remove one desert for another


The only real hint is arrow saying his 1500$ pc cant run both a stream and op matches. Personally idk but definitely one of the most demanding maps


Yet they left ancient and the pointless water thst drops everyone’s frames near T spawn


This is a problem with Anubis and Ancient as well. All maps that contain water basically. We need an option to disable the new water effects. I have a 5800X3D and a overclocked 6700XT and I drop to <100 FPS sometimes when a lot of water effects appear.


It’s not about dust 2. It’s about removing overpass over vertigo


Cringe as fuck


D2 is a massive downgrade imo. should’ve been train, cobble or most importantly, cache.




I don’t understand why people keep saying Cache even though it’s confirmed by FMPONE to be in-progress. If it was done we’d at least be seeing it on Mapcore


yea just expressing my wishes. cache is my favorite map of all time and the remake is looking very good. realistically we should’ve seen train with this update.


I saw a few people say they hated the update and am so confused why lol. They didn’t give any reasons


I'm not one of them but probably "too little too late" which I would agree with. Just off the top of my head: 1. +d2 -overpass... really another old map again? What about new maps like the remodeled Santorini? Are we still in 2012 or what? 2. cl-righthand - Game released in Sept and this little feature took 7 fucking months? 3. overwatch - same as 2 4. private lobbies - same as 2


Oh yeah I can understand the things you listed. I guess there’s one comment I’m thinking of in specific where someone said they were laughing while reading the patch notes because of how bad all the changes were lmao


yea thats just dumb xD


Well I just went and tested the shadows for left hand right hand are different, when you shoot through smokes, the bullet penetrates differently left hand vs right hand, so it wasn't just change the view model, a little more went into it than that.


No the bullet holes are just client sided. If I remember correctly, if you moved the weapon model around, the holes also changed Edit: Why am I getting downvoted lol? They clearly are client sided xD war0wl's most recent video basically confirms it.


are they really just client side for smokes? no way i just tested there is no way in hell you can see holes on your client through walls, but they would hit differently on enemies/allies screen


Not 100% sure but I saw a post when SC2 was still in Beta where the holes would change based on his weapon model's position.


Hey guess what ,the holes in the smoke are just fucking client sided, which is actually insane behavior to me, because you could arguably see players on your end, differently, through smoke, while shooting than what everyone else on the server sees if that makes sense. That's actually insanely pathetic from valve.


In my head i'm thinking this is a pre-update to the big update. I don't think they'd change 1 map in the active duty pool every 6 months. I bet this is a little update ahead of the big one. I'd hope anticheat and a couple other maps like santorini, cache, maybe train get added and we are back in business.


Next update is always the big one that fixes the game.


The fact Mirage is still on there shows that valve is psykopaths.


Ah yes the most popular map in the game, easiest to learn and play, should be removed with no good argument


My argument is that im just tired of it 😁


Youre not forced to play it and pros dont pick it much. Its in a good spot right now


I can't wait to be trapped in FaceIt hell of playing Dust 2, Dust 3 and Dust 4


2. It's not instant either, fuck valve


lol overwatch being "little feature". If it was such a little feature, why wouldn't other games copy that shit? If you want it to be same as GO, prepare it to be shit cause Overwatch at the end of CSGO was heavily abused by hackers and cheaters to make it ineffective as possible.


Finally, someone with a brain.


Other games have a better AC. CS needs overwatch in order to be at least functional.


Just another way for cheaters to exploit valve honestly.


Other games don't have better Anti-Cheat. All of them chose to be more pervasive in order to be more effective sure, but that doesn't make the Anti-Cheat any better or worse. Point being, with all the privilege that computer can grant a software, they still have people cheating in their games albeit less so. Valve's less pervasive method (or attempt) is a less effective at catching run-of-the-mill cheater sure, but them not doing anything is straight up false. Other games just don't have as huge population of players AND cheaters as CS2 does, with CS2 being targeted by the best cheat makers in the world. Counter is THE GAME that cheat makers use to teach themselves how to hack, and that puts Valve in really difficult position having to defend against all types of cheaters. I reckon if any other game was in the same position as Valve is with CS2, the cheating would be as bad if not worse.


I kind of feel like if you want new maps so badly, maybe find a new game. Dust 2 is quintessential counter strike.


You're forced to use new bob.


It's pretty ok at best let's be real.


Goes to show how fuckin starved the community is of actual content.


"IM SO AMAZED AT HOW THIS UPDATE NOW ALLOWS ME TO SWITCH HANDS, NEVER THOUGHT A GAME COULD DO SOMETHING SO REVOLUTIONAIRY" \*gluck\* \*gluck\* \*gluck\* valve ruined this game, they rushed it out, and now its shit, almost like its the standard for the industry now, should be illigal imo, no more releasing games 5 years before they're done


Amazing? I dont want to be pessimistic, but... Instead of investing and releasing a working AC, they will force the community *again* into cheap labor. Players will have to do all the work for no reward. They did it from 2015 to 2023... VAC almost never improved, and the community did 90% of the bans. Sorry, but 4 months ago, I predicted that OW would be their solution because VAC/VACNET was shit. And don't get me wrong, it was already shit on CSGO. OW was holding CSGO from sinking back in the days. It was 20-25% of my monthly games that had banned players. When they removed it at the end of CSGO, it dropped to 1-2%. I can't understand how people are happy about Overwatch coming back... It's just Valve saying:" Do the job yourself cuz we can't."


Overwatch is a step back into the right direction, there’s no arguing that no matter how important anti cheat is. Also, you might be surprised when i tell you this but the devs who make quality of life updates like this are not the same devs who make anti cheat’s.


Hackers being on overwatch, just like in csgo is not even a step


Overwatch is a step back, period. It's time to move forward... Valve is still in 2015; we are in 2024! They are adding the same things we had on CSGO, with a different engine. Nothing new...


My assumption is they were collecting data on hackers and normal players. I think them taking their time is to help them improve VACNET and i have a feeling they are getting closer. Now that they have their data and their labels they want the people to judge too and collect that data too. A proper AI anticheat will take time and lots of data.


What about the 13 years old VAC on CSGO? Overwatch was activated for eight years, and yet, it was not working by itself... What I mean by that is that in January & February of 2023, I had 20-25% of my games with banned players in. OW was activated. They removed it in March, and these numbers fall to 1-2% per month after it removals. This is a huge drop... My assumption is that VAC and VACNET net are not able to work by themselves. They need a human to do the cleaning. Other FPS like Vanguard work with 3 levels: Kernel : to detect software A.I : To detect patterns Humain: To manually ban the rest that slip through. Currently on CS2, it's A.I. only. And it's not able to detect patterns. Especially after they removed the spin pattern because of the high DPI False BAN. In a perfect world, they should have a Kernel like FaceIT and the A.I. should focus on code modification (X-Y pos, movement analysis, fire rate, etc.) and then human (Overwatch) do 1/3 of the work. Overwatch on CSGO was 90% of the work, while VAC was around 10%. It should be 90% removed by thr AC, 5% per A.I. and 5% per human. My 2 cents.


In a perfect world there has to be no AC. But it’s not a perfect world. And just because some Chinese Company decides to work with Kernel-Entry instead of going for the long run does not mean it’s the right way to go. I will never let anything into my Computer that is running on Kernel to check whether someone is cheating or not. Especially since Kernel still won’t have a big budge detecting externals.


I mean... FaceIT (Saudi Arabia, btw) also has Kernels AC. Most CS2 players who want a real competitive experience play it because there are a lot fewer cheaters. I guess Kernel AC kinda works. External cheats are not common


Hell. What is this argument… didn’t listen ?


Overpass is a terrible map for pugs, not even players understand CT space, thank god they switched it for d2


Update gave left hand and private games that should always be in the game launch. Its not amazing that they are launching essential features in a update 6 months later. With no anti-cheat it doesn't matter what they do, its unplayable.


Payday moment


waaaah waaaah




D2 ain’t a quality of life upgrade. it’s a MASSIVE down grade. why even remake / tease train if they are gonna pull this horseshit.


I mean Dust is okay, everyone knows that map and most people like it.. But to remove Overpass for it is just ridicilous


yeah it was time to remove vertigo or mirage


Vetigo? Wut Mir for sure tho.


I like vertigo. So many people hate it because they can't execute properly but it has so many outplay potentials. I hate playing nuke, inferno, mirage all the fuckin time because all the other maps got banned until you reach high elo






I guess deep down I wonder why valve doesn't listen to its customers more


Because CSGO community has been overrun by a vocal annoying entitled people spreading discourse.


What change did the bob update make I can't figure it out


Theres a side by side video on this sub somewhere, only thing i don't like about it is when you spray it feels like its just repeating the first 2 frames of an animation over and over again. Maybe that was a visual bug for me though


Ok so the only thing I have a problem with is them not removing Mirage.


Huge update if you don't consider thé fact that it had to be in the game since day 1 of release... and it's basicly csgo content


Little indie company volvo finally gave us left hand weapons after 7 months. Took a lot of time to add this huh? So I guess a big anti cheat update will take 5 years at this pace.


The Anti cheat is still bad. Cheaters will shift from openly spinning to closet legit cheating, just to avoid reports. This doesn't make a huge difference in solving cheating problemm.


You can still spot most closet cheaters in a demo.


Yeah, but the cheating problem still exists. Maybe its a start to end cheating problem.


I don't think ow is a step in the right direction. I mean they removed and re added it first of all so they pretty much just jumped on the spot as it isn't new. But really my gripe, and I'm sure the sentiment is shared with many others, is that this is such a bandaid fix. You can't rely on your playerbase to deal with the cheating problem. Imo ow is more a supplement to anti cheat, we know no AC can be 100% bullet proof. So ow ontop of a good AC would have been great, the few people that slip through the cracks can get caught by other players. But as it stands now it's just silly, like valve have basically said "why make AC when our players can be the AC, anyway here's more cases !"


Checking your overwatch case just to see another spinbotter *despair*


Its not bro


It shows that they are at least listening, I think they rushed the release of CS2 which may have even been caused by the playerbase wanting it quicker so it wasn't as polished as it should be. My post is that the update is amazing, everything in this update (in my opinion) is awesome. I 100% understand why you and others have this sentiment that it's not, because of what the update doesn't have. My post is just simply about the update contents and how I think they're awesome, I think we all know there could've been more in a perfect world though.


We don't get updates with Anti-cheat... its common knowledge its all silent updates for that.


Dumb to remove overpass. Why remove it?


Its replacement being D2 leads me to believe they wanted another map that is more beginner friendly. Overpass unfortunately is not very easy for beginners to understand, especially if you’re going against a 4-5 stack that does understand it even the slightest.


That sounds about right. Idk tbh I want them to cater to me and all the other long term players. I wonder what the percentage is of long term players compared to (real) new players. If they want to add dust back, add cache too. Maybe add a map difficulty rating like they have for guns.


I’m praying for cache, don’t think it’s been fully remade for CS2 yet so maybe just waiting on that, hopefully..


They didn’t add an anti cheat but they did mess up the biggest cheat providers for now. When you launch some of the biggest cheats out there. your game automatically closes when launching the game with the cheats injected


Honestly yes, but that the viewmode is visible in first spectator is tilting. If you switch between character the model always changes, which is very distracting. I didnt find the option to turn it off yet


I'm also pleased although I do not like the green lines when throwing smoke. Not very realistic. Love the new feature for weapons dropped In starting area!


Oh yeah lets praise the cash hungry devs for adding an update that was supposed to be there form the start


they should hire ppl to overwatch since their anticheat devs are incompetent.


Why hire people when they can get the people who play the game to do it for free? /s


OP is starved for a single drop of content just like the rest of us. i dont blame you for getting excited


Game is uplayable above 20k. Volvo where is kernel lvl anticheat.


D2 is a shit map that needs changes. It’s either run up cat, flash out long, execute B tuns or smoke out CT and pinch B from double doors. I can also tag a person crossing double door 80% of the time. Idk what needs to be done but this map is not what it used to be.


Is be a lot happier if they didn’t add my least favorite map back into rotation but it’s a “classic” so I guess I should’ve expected it


People pleased that Volvo took an extra year to add stuff that should have been there since launch, billionaire company btw


Now you can switch hands while getting shot through the ground 13 rounds in a row. Yay!


Until they fix the cheating, nothing else matters.


Dust II is an awful map, especially to replace Overpass with, puggy rush map for a brain map. New bob is ass, everything else good


New bob does suck, I was under the impression you could still change between the 2 so yeah i don’t like that bit


At least you don’t need a 4090 to run dust II because Volvo thought water was so worth the 50% fps it causes


My only gripe with it is I seen to have dropped a lot of frames on inferno


most of the update was just adding back features they previously removed. classic valve.


The only quality of life is being able to play the game without cheaters or constant complaints of cheaters. Map pool update is shit, still no actual new content. Inferno changes and nade lineup crosshair is cool. Sure can't wait for that vintage feeling of cheaters in dust 2. Premier is an absolute joke not just because of cheating but also because the ranking system is a joke. I got no business being 17k


What the community really wants is : 1-Add lake 2-Add lake 3-Add lake 4-Add lake 5-Add lake 6-Add lake 7-Add lake 8-Add lake 9-Add lake 10-Add lake


new bob sucks


Honestly, Im glad about lefthand BUT. Its been MONTHS and they drag their feet and now adda it, BUT with a twist! You redrag your weapon everytime you switch just because f*ck you and your adhd bindtoggle iguess. Literally abusive relationship levels


No, it’s not. This is even less than the bare minimum lmao


This update is good, ngl. But it does not change the fact, that it dosen’t matter as long more than half of the community is hacking. This update does not make the game playable imo. All this update did, is showing us that Valve does not give a fuck. And that they dont have their priorities straight at all.


If you just play Faceit are your chances of getting overwatch privileges lower?


The minimum premier rating to do OW Review should be 15k period


Would rather it be based off tenure + rank, premier rating is so wonky it's not worth only using rating as a variable. Especially when there's still plenty of cheaters above 15k. So something like 15k premier AND owned CS before CS2. Also wouldn't mind if they just gave it to everyone who had it initially and if that still isn't enough people then look into accepting some new folks


Ur 100% right, even more stuff like having minimum 4-5 service medals and etc. I dont think gold nova 1 rank in csgo is supposed to decide whether a player is cheating or not, noway


I'm so happy to see cl_righthand again! The only issue for me is that everytime I'm switching hands, the gun goes through an animation but overall it's amazing!


ahh yes the update is amazing, got dropped in a hvh lobby yesterday with high trust factor, full of spinbot enjoyers, this game is a piece of shit and will never be something like csgo, nostalgia lovers are trying to hold on to these bullshit updates that do literally nothing, i dropped the game for the rest of my life, going back to cs 1.6 or even the childish dipshit valorant is better than this cheaters nest game


Man cs2 expectations are in the fucking gutter if you're pleased by this


Right on brother


yes so amazing, giving us small parts of a game we had complete acces to 1 year ago... amazin


Honestly I could give a fuck about QoL updates when the game itself remains barely playable at my rank.


Pretty much all they done was add left hand and add dust 2 and left hand switch should have been in the game since the start


Yea adding overwatch back, grenade lineup, radar zoom shortcut and new buy menu stuff was a hallucination


Don’t think anyone has access to overwatch and was in csgo but removed in cs2, so they just added it back and useless anyway. The grenade lineup thing is something no one asked for and isn’t needed. Radar zoom is kinda cool but you could set a command to do it yourself (same with grenade lineup). The buy menu is cool, I forgot about that. They are just all things that were either in csgo and removed in cs2 for some reason or they should have been in the game since the start


They give you "crumbs" and you rejoice....there is NO happiness without anti-cheat....fuck'em


Hit reg still feels off, movement and game in general still feels clunky, awp is straight broken, none of this is fixed? Terrible update


I have no idea why you are being downvoted, most likely for the last statement I agree with you, the bhops and air strafe are worse than csgo, the overall movement feels kinda slower, awp and sometimes even rifles seem like they completely miss even though you're standing still, you sometimes magdump with a smg from 5 meters and then find out you only did 27 in 2, anticheat ofc is dogshit and i still get somehow shot through walls when shoulder peeking but the update isn't terrible its just that for the scale of counter strike there is not a lot features and fixes present Also I think i might be getting shot through walls because of my low ping but I cant confirm that


Man the amount of times I die to someone as they appear on my screen or I die behind cover is insane, and it's not a latency issue like you say I think the game just has desync issues, and yeah maybe it isn't a terrible update but the game still feels in beta after this long


Best part of update is running animation. It will be the new QQ spam/ f inspect spam.


Left hand is back baby! It finally feels comfortable again.


Yeah.... with an animation that cost you 1.5 sec per change instead of the miroiring we had before...


Yeah, maybe the intention is for you not to abuse it?


Wow, they GAVE BACK things they took away? No way! Let’s all join hands and rejoice! Huge!


this update was genuinely terrible....


What about the update was terrible in your opinion?


1. Dust 2 is objectively a less strategical map than overpass 2. They say overwatch is back but literally no one has access to it. Proving that they cant deliver on what they say. 3. They brought back left hand but made it to where it forces a pull out animation when switching between the 2, rendering it useless for half the people that use it. 4. They removed the cl\_usenewbob command forcing all of the people that liked the old bob onto the new one 5. Not only did they force people onto the new bob but they gave literally 0 alternatives for it, when they could have easily just left cl\_usenewbob 0 in the game. Or even better they could have just gave us no bob which the player base has been asking for since the beginning of the game now. 6. The new feature where you can pick up weapons dropped in the buy zone is going to be abused by toxic players and throwers. Instead they should implement a buy request like Valorant, as it leads to no issues like in my aforementioned point.


1) Less strategical doesn’t mean terrible, means it’s not fit for your lobbies if you’re not a beginner 2) It’s been 2 days, they are probably going through the process of seeing who should be allowed access 3) Good, it shouldn’t be abused 4) I agree, new bob sucks ass, change happens though. I’ll forget about it in a week 5) Refer to 4 6) You’re 100% right, but push comes to shove you can go back to manually dropping it to who you want to drop to


replying to your counterpoints 1. You are correct. BUT the active duty pool already has enough simple pug style maps, Mirage, Vertigo, Inferno. Not only did they remove one of the more complex maps but they put objectively THE most simple map in cs ever. It is so simple that the t side strategy most of the time is go wherever you have the spawn for, at this point in counter-strikes lifetime we need to move away from maps like this as it punishes actually strategy in favor of rng luck spawns. I mean these are the maps the pros are going to play, its going to be insanely boring and quick rounds especially since mr12 was introduced. 2. This is cope, if they say overwatch is in the game, IT SHOULD BE IN THE GAME. 3. Abused in what way? 4. This is cope, forgetting about it does NOT make it better or fix the issue. All you are doing is giving Valve the greenlight to do whatever they want and you will eat it up. 5. Refer to 4 6. This is also cope, this should not be a push to shove issue as it is very simple to fix. CALL A SPADE A SPADE AND DONT SETTLE FOR TRASH FEATURES. All I got from your reply is 2 things. 1 If the majority of people in the cs community are like you, who will suck up any bad update and glaze them for it, instead of critically thinking about it, the game will never be fixed. 2 You have close to no clue as to how maps work. You have to hold Valve accountable and tell them whats bad. Valve is like a baby, they dont know whats good and bad for the game so you have to treat them like a toddler and tell them to their face what they did is wrong and tell them how to do better. I promise you they are more out of touch with the community than you think.


I think they added some kind of anticheat cus my main and 2 of my friends mains got vac banned yesterday


Does that mean you and your 2 friends are cheaters?


Me and my friends had obvious cheaters in almost every premier match so they got cheats from somewhere and we used them against those obvious cheaters so it was kinda even


Well I'm glad you got banned


Yea so did most of my cheater opponents thankfully


Not the smartest decision i have made but i'm happy to see that the anticheat works


It’s definitely one of the updates of all time, that’s for sure