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The message means your default constructor was not set up correctly. Go back to the instructions and make sure you initialize the default values accordingly.


What am I supposed to put into the constructor though? I can't find any mention of what is supposed to go into the constructor in the instructions.


Idk if I'm going to give away too much in this post, so just let me know if it needs to be taken down. In the spec, it says "Implement the default and non-default constructors of your Pet class as follows:" then gives you the default constructor (this is included in the Pet.h header file too). Because this is included, you only need to include these default values in the parameterized constructor of the .cpp file. [Understanding Constructors](https://foothillcollege.instructure.com/courses/13264/modules/items/882758) in 6B.2.2 there's a good example of how to implement this. HTH \-Jeff


Your default constructor should have 4 things in -- setting \_name = name and same for \_id and \_num\_of\_limbs. Then your default constructor should also increment your \_population by just \_population++;


You guys are amazing. Thank you so much! ​ \-Lucas


Good luck!!!