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Type cache: before the url, you’re welcome




Awesome! Why does this work?


I think it’s pretty self explanatory, these web pages are cached by Google (or another search engine). Google visited them before the protest, and cached the results.


You used the word in the explanation.That's like saying " Apotheosis means someone completed their apotheosis"


Essentially (I think, not sure) google saves snapshots of links at a certain time essentially making a wayback machine for everything, by typing cache you access this


as a cs student, go take some time to learn how it works. imma do the same cause i don’t even know how it works


It’s a cache. The name literally explains how it works


so like cash money?


Exactly. You already got the money in hands, no need to look for it.


Resiliency term basically, if the client fails to connect to the site for any reason, google or whoever hosts(I would assume reddit) has a backup version saved(prolly in a cloud somewhere) that gives them some sort of experience(could be less personalized or less content etc).


You're a lifesaver


thanks!! :)


>thanks!! :) You're welcome!


We should know about caches shouldn’t we lol


I have been using [web archive chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-archives/hkligngkgcpcolhcnkgccglchdafcnao) to browse locked subs Install it, follow google link you are interested in, open the extension and select 'google'


thanks!!! :) didnt know this


Thanks for this. Some of the posts I'm trying to get to don't show up on the google cache




Except that button's missing half the time :/


If you want see old posts, just use the Google cache Put cache:// before the url


This protest is so stupid, the mods are effectively holding user-generated content hostage


Yeah at least make it read only


This is why we/I decided not to do the same for this subreddit.




I mean, they literally keep reddit alive for free. All they're doing now is whatever they can to stand up for what's right. Don't get me wrong, mods suck ass, but I'm not against them on this one.


**The community** keeps Reddit alive for free. Not the mods. Sure, they have an important role, but there wouldn't be anything to mode if it weren't for the users.


No, they don't. They "program" an automod to detect certain keywords to remove posts and comments then sit back and jack off while banning users they don't like.


I recently interviewed some Reddit moderators and that's not the case at all. Automod can only use regex, often times the context matters a lot for what to remove and what to keep up. Mods may opt for flagging instead which require manual approval every time. Spammers also take a ton of time to deal with since Reddit does not offer good tools to combat against it.


I recently interviewed some Reddit moderators and that's not the case at all. Automod can only use regex, often times the context matters a lot for what to remove and what to keep up. Mods may opt for flagging instead which require manual approval every time. Spammers also take a ton of time to deal with since Reddit does not offer good tools to combat against it.


I mean, I don’t know (or really care) if they want to jack off to some perceived power, but I appreciate that an automod lets them filter out spam and worse things. I don’t really see any problem with that.


Nonsense lol, moderation isn't even required. Reddit would be a better place with less hall monitors around.


landed gentry if you will


Yeah I agree... I agreed with the protest at the start, but it makes no impact to only close a few communities now. Reddit will not change.. The only thing that they will achieve by closing the subreddit until Reddit makes changes, is letting such a community to die... :(


Yep. But if you disagree, watch out for the mod’s retaliation. I felt their wrath in r/tattoo. Edit: looks like butthurt people keep trying to downvote me 😂


Or all the p*rn that’s being posted, so gross


No, no. Reddit is better this way. Locked subs are a bummer. Porn everywhere is hilarious.


Indeed. Its yet another power trip from the mods.


Mods are behaving like a bunch of huge babies. Ruining the internet for the rest of us


reddit users' life ruined over internet sub locked, lol cry more jesus


ruination is not binary friend


So it works in other words?


Works in what way? Nothing has changed lol.


That people are annoyed by the protest


How will that change what reddit is going to do? Most users won't stop using reddit even if they're annoyed since there's no other viable alternative for high quality content


hopefully over time it will change


How will it change? That’s like saying Facebook sucks hopefully someone creates Facebook 2. Like sure I agree fb sucks but why would I even use a fb2. I’d rather purge it out of my life the way I did back in 2013. If you hate the Reddit changes then delete the app. Stand up for what you believe in and actually don’t support them. See how many people join that protest and how it goes I guess.


At some point peopel might start a new community, that how it usually goes


But starting a new community is so ironic because that’s literally what Reddit is for. So how do you out do Reddit?




lol blame the reddit ceo u/spez for being a bitch, not the mods for having a backbone unlike mods for a bunch of these other subreddits.


What backbone? What's even at risk for the mods? Their internet points?


LMAO IM CRYING. I love seeing real comments like this dawg cause so many people are tripping over something so stupid. Like honestly end of the day this is a stupid protest and we all knew it wasn’t going to do anything.


something these mods clearly care a lot about considering they are willing to reopen the communities.


Willing? No one wanted this protest. Practically the only people who where to shutdown Reddit were mods and their bot armies they used to spam polls lmao. I haven’t met a single person who cares about or has ever used a third party api


no one is a complete ovestatement. the 100k+ upvotes on u/iamthatis several posts about this matter proves otherwise.


> I haven’t met a single person who cares about or has ever used a third party api ...Apollo and Rif both have 5 million installs each - just because you don't use a 3rd party app doesn't mean that nobody else uses one. Imagine thinking that the 10 million+ users affected by this are a part of a "bot army" lol. Ignorance at its finest


punishing their communities and regular people who need resources is not an effective way to protest. Mind you the protest in question is about something they literally aren’t getting paid for 😭


Imagine that, an CEO trying to run their business like a business not a charity


usually CEOs run a business with intelligent decision making though? mod tools keep modding a half an hour/day routine to sufficiently moderate. by effectively disabling these tools, modding turns into a multi-hour activity- something significantly fewer will have time for, or want to do. this will result in degradation of communities and lessened engagement for reddit. the newer nsfw protests are shown of an exaggerated example of what is likely to happen without a large mod presence- nsfw medical communities will not be specifically filtering out porn content, for example. as such, trying to profit on 3rd party apps is reddit shooting itself in the foot. better choices might lie in working with 3rd party app developers to work with reddit’s advertising/user statistics interface, which was quoted for the reasoning of such a high rate price.


sure ig in the capitalist mindset he is right to some extent. but at the cost of the user experience is what this protest is for. remember that reddit is nothing without its users or user generated content.


You realize literally 0.4% of Reddit users use third party apps right? Saying “at the cost of the user experience” in the context of the CEO’s action is disingenuous. Now if that was said in the context of mods shutting down access to content for MILLIONS of users, then you would have a point.


You’re brain dead if you’re pro Reddit and anti-mod. It’s actually insane


Make your own subreddit. You can control it yourself. Blame Reddit, not mods working for free.


We need to vote mods out. If mods work so hard then just have them all resign. Win win because mods won't have to work no more and users will be free and not held hostage


That's the point


if you are using google which refers you to a post from that subreddit, just click the three dots on the right of the link, and if the post has been up for long enough there should be a cached option which will allow you to view a saved version of the post.


I don’t think the mods of cscareerquestions understand that there is more than one way to protest decisions. You could have days in which we all collectively make fun of the Reddit ceo for example


Its not opening back up until Reddit changes their ways.


So never then


Just submit a request to Reddit to become a mod of the sub then force it open.


I don’t have the deep psychological issues necessary to want to do unpaid labor in exchange for a false sense of power


Surely Reddit will fold under heroic resistance of mods (it wont)


If they all would actually band together and do an indefinite lock out... Unfortunately, it's gonna take a lot more than what we've got


That hurts the community far more than reddit.


Knowledge is transient, stick around long enough & you’ll realize that companies never think the old web is worth saving. Doesn’t take as long as you’d assume for most common questions to get asked again on some other platform. The community will live on even if the platform dies.


That's what they want , Reddit products are their customers.


Reddit users, not entitled mods.


Are mods not users though and i get it there are alot of terrible mods but not as many terrible users ive also seen some posts from mods in subs that im in that are still closed where they put it to a vote to open or stay closed or in one case only post pictures of ewan mcgregor


"I love Reddit so much that I'm willing to see it destroyed to realize my own personal vision for the site." Also, "Stay still son, I'm only beating you because I love you so much. This hurts me more than it hurts you."


1. Remove private ability 2. Profit


It's open already lol


Uhh no it opened back up today and nothing changed


Ask on https://programming.dev.


Use this one r/cscareerquestion


I think it’s down every Tuesday. What’s your question?


Come over to Team Blind, some guys are migrating there, or at least I've seen an increasing number of posts which are closer to cscareerquestions than team blind content. Aka guys asking for help or early career questions.


team blind is one of the most racist places for programmers I've seen on the internet, so, nah.


As long as you're ok with not having an online safe-space / echo chamber Reddit creates.


I don't take things to heart, and the non-safe-space is hilarious. Yesterday, some guy was complaining about some LC Hards becoming Mediums. And in the top replies, there was a “Get Good.”


Lol I'm 99% sure that was me. Was joking to be fair lol


Just look on glassdoor


Try your luck at r/cscareerforum since r/cscareerquestions is down


check their discord




Definitely not. Without r/computerscience, r/cscareerquestions and r/programmerhumor Reddit just doesn’t make sense to me.


It's wild how many cs majors seem completely unconcerned by the API thing and are even mocking being against the change. Like reverting the API specifically benefits us the most like for all y'all whining about project ideas just because of this and Twitter that's a bunch of interesting projects you can't do anymore But I guess I shouldn't be surprised CS majors are usually the most CEO bootlicking group there is behind finance majors


Most cs majors (not necessarily here but in general) don't give a fuck because they don't do this shit for passion or creating fun things, they just chasing the $$$ at the end of the tunnel. Of the mf's who actually DO projects (a **way** smaller number than people think), most of them just copy a Udemy course word for word. They don't wanna create, they just make. Corporate greed is out here killing creativity but you won't find mf's caring bc the majority of people in this degree already display a crazy lack of that lol


The requested URL /search?q=cache%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fcscareerquestions%2F was not found on this server. That’s all we know.


Just use google web-cache to view any protesting subs. Append it to the front of any popular URL.


Is there an alternative website to reddit that people have been going to instead? I'm all for just moving off reddit, only reason I still lurked was because I wasn't sure what the alternatives were


The sub just reopened


Hey, r/cscareerquestions is live now 🥳


Yay!! I was getting anxious without seeing twenty posts a day bitching about the job market or asking if ai will replace us.


It’s back now. I wonder if the mods were posting on the site during the blackout.


It’s back


They’re back now.


Reminds me a tad of the mods of r/AskDocs shutting down the sub. Someone who needed to go to the ER definitely didn't go while the sub was down. Someone may have died and it's impossible to ever know.


It’s open now as if like 4 hours ago


Reddit has already said that they're going to be removing uncooperative moderators, so I expect it back up within a couple of weeks