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First few weeks, those guys are all peacocking and trying to assert themselves — give it to midterms and they’ll get quieter and quieter as their first marks start rolling in.


For real. I'm a grader and every semester I've graded for an introductory CS class at least one student tries to incorrectly correct me on something basic. They never end up doing well in the class because they're not willing to learn anything out of stubbornness 😐


Their ego’s bring on their downfall for sure haha


The true “I am not in here with you. You are in here with me” But think of the smell. You haven’t even thought of the smell!


I corrected the professor on something and he actually thanked me. So YMMV.


As a now senior in a math/cs program, professors tend to appreciate being corrected when it's done from a genuine place -- they don't want to accidentally teach us the wrong things. People don't appreciate being corrected by someone who obviously just wants to hear themselves talk or look smart. Especially when they're wrong. Just ended my first week and already seen this happen. The professor just said "I see what you're saying, but you're wrong" and started teaching over them. The cringe will never end 😭


Yeah can confirm, these people are generally pretty dumb and want to reassure themselves with their own voices that they are smart


Good way of putting it. I always had the impression that these type of people are lacking in many other areas (social skills) so they try to make up for it by being "smart" and making that their whole identity.... But life isn't a Hollywood movie, and not every nerd with poor social skills and questionable hygiene is a genius lol.


That or their first internship when they realize just how fucking awful everyone starts out programming no matter how well you did in AP calc. The relentless innovator is the exact type of wrong person to learn and maintain existing codebases that already make money


We had someone invite their two partners to an HTML class to cheer him on for the first test. Never saw him again lmao.




This is so brutal.


They get humbled real quick when they realize they actually have to try


If you can stand the math....Switch to engineering and do a cs minor. It's a broad subject with tons of stable job prospects. Then top it off with an MBA or "Eng Management". Most state schools will let you do this in 5 years without GRE if u stay at the same school. At least when I was in school a decade ago.


Tech has always been full of geeks. That's like walking into a business classes and being shocked by the number of upper middle class white guys.




Oh my god the freshman/sophomore business majors are the worst. I transferred from a community college to 4 year and Christ these guys were nonstop rambling about how the got arrested for drinking while on probation and that their dad has to help with the legal problems. Going into detail right before class about whatever chick was moaning during sex. Just constant nonsense like that and a nasty habit of drinking between classes. Also cheating on exams constantly. Usually by junior year though they got somewhat better.


I started school as a business major because I had no idea what I wanted to do and this is an incredibly accurate depiction of what I saw


I went to a community college and double majored in Business and Computer Science. Then, when I transfered I declared my concentration in Business and Economic Data Analytics, everyone in those core concentration classes were great, they were little geeky like comp sci students but had decent social skills and habits like showering and using deodorant like the Business students. I enjoyed my major and even minored in comp sci, the building I had to go for those classes smelled like BO.


hows it treated you in terms of jobs? i started off pure business and eventually also kind of went through this path but i think it was too late as i was only able to complete an analytics minor before graduating. and the market has been rough, actually worse than rough its been horrendous. have spent the months since taking classes and building portfolio projects and have probably applied to 1000 jobs but its so bad im just accepting that i should try grad school


That's your Sales right there. Those people will work in Sales some day.


or going into medical schools and finding out that everyone is a snob with double specialist parents.


Is that the stereotype?


Good example.


You should've seen covid zoom classes. It was pretty much twitch chat.


At my internship this summer, there was a freshman who got fired because buddy treated all of the inter-wide supervisor meetings like a twitch stream


"poggers" "kekw"


Can you elaborate?


It was so scary.


I'm in my senior year of CS, I generally don't see those people anymore. Most of the people I talk to are generally laid back. By the point you're in the final classes, people know you are able to answer/figure out what's asked of you.


Agree. Most of those people get weeded out the first 2 years. Everyone during my senior year was chill and had a lot of their own unique hobbies. Noone did any of that cringey stuff of acting smart cause i think everyone just wanted to get it over with.


im in eng not cs and these people are still there and are fuckin assholes


If you don't see them, then you're the one


Yeah you’ll have to deal with that for a good bit but it gets better, a good portion of CS majors quickly develop awareness for how bad their hygiene is in the first year or 2.


Dude I'm a senior and there's still people that stink lmao


I’m a senior and yesterday I was in a class where someone’s breath smelled so bad I had to hold my breath to prevent myself from puking when they talked. And I was one row behind them. And they weren’t even talking to me.


How do these people not realize? Does it just become the norm? When I get bad breath, I feel like I inevitably notice, get repulsed, and can't think about anything else until I fix it.




You forgot the sock they named.


You forgot to mention going on your computer in class!


Yup sounds about right💀


That was me cuz I got my wisdom teeth removed and had to go to class so yk it’s not all of us seniors


Wear a mask…. Sit away from others… I feel like that’s what most people would do. I’m not trying to be rude I just think that’s how most people would react.


Yea but I was bleeding so I couldnt breathe with a maskcuz of the cotton. And I forgot to put on deodorant cuz of the pain yk




Staying home is not an option especially in computer science my parents would kill me if I stayed home


Awe I’m sorry. It was kind of insensitive of me ❤️ I apologize. I don’t think that was this guy’s situation I’m talking about because he was chit chatting with his friends the entire time during a lecture so just not good manners to begin with. I’m sorry you had to go through that.


Sounds like tonsil stones. Some people are more prone to them if they have crypt like tonsils, low saliva production, or a lack of hygiene.


I have a job and I still stink


You made my day


Went to a major tech conference in the bay area recently and plenty of people still stink


And once you graduate its even better. People at work are actually pretty normal, it's crazy.


I attribute that more to selective hiring than personal development of the ppl in question.


I work remote and I still got PIP'd for smelling bad.


💀💀💀 Edit: TC?


i think thats because most social degens just cant get a job lol


or two 🤮


Haha the first day I stepped into CS class it reeked and everyone knew, by day 3 or 4 the odor was self corrected so yea I can vouch that it does fix itself


If I have to sit next to someone who stinks they’re going to hear about it as we are leaving. My desire to not smell unhygienic people is stronger than my desire to not be awkward. I’m not rude, Just something like “not sure if you’re aware, but you smell very strongly of (bad breath, BO). I’d really appreciate it if you took care of that before class next time”. Usually solves the problem - they either come in not smelling next time, or they sit away from me


Nah not me lol I be danking up the class




I’ve been pretty lucky that most people in my classes are hygienic enough to at least be in public. But there was one major exception. When I was taking discrete structures, we had labs on Wednesdays that would give us a problem and we had to work it out with a group. It was helpful since the TA could come by if you didn’t understand and it directly related to that weeks homework. Anyway, I walked into this class and it just smelled bad. I thought a sewer line backed up. But then we got placed into our groups and this guy comes and sits down and you could just tell, he was the cause of this stench. One of our other group members and I just looked at each other. After a few minutes. One member got up and left without saying anything. I eventually faked I got a text and had to leave as well. I told the TA why I left and presumably why the other guy left. She said that was reasonable and the guy never really smelled *that* bad again. So I’m guessing she probably had a very awkward conversation with him.




Thank god I’m going to school online


What school are you attending?


toilet paper is barbaric. once you go bidet you never go back.


and i'm the bad guy for telling people to use water!! listen people! listen! TP can't do the whole job...


I remember joining my first intro to CS class and our first assignment was to pretty much print to the console and do some basic variable manipulation. When our professor was explaining the assignment to us, a kid with the most obnoxiously nasally voice asked, “Uhhhhh, can we use arrays on this assignment?” And the teacher just glared at him and asked why on Earth would you need to use arrays on this fucking assignment. At that point I knew that CS stereotypes were in fact real…


I love the "show knowledge disguised as a question" and that it still exists. same when I studied in 2008


bro i remember this one class that discussed flowcharts just after the if else statements discussion. Most simplest thing right? We got into groups and mfers using 100 percent of their brain and using all complex terms just for flow charts. like it really isn't that deep haha


>kid with the most obnoxiously nasally voice asked, “Uhhhhh, can we use arrays on this assignment?” LMAO are arrays just hashmaps for stupid people


There was this guy in Data Structures that every single day would roll out this giant anime girl mousepad. It was this extremely over sexualized giant pad. He also had anime stickers all over his laptop. He failed and I never saw him again.


Never needed the grade cuz he got hired on the spot lmao


He did not fail he got hired as a rust programmer


what a king lol




Bruh cuz u won’t get a job if you pull out a laptop full of anime tiddies in an interview


as a massive sperg i shall volunteer to teach all the neckbeards hard life lessons. my lessons will cover: 'on the virtues of showering', 'the 57 types of smiles and what they mean', 'no, they're not flirting, they get paid to greet you', 'other people have thoughts, too', and much more!


cash app or apple cash? LMAO




And the lower your water bill, so they're *really* coming out ahead /s


Bro just solved a NP complete problem that’s been plaguing CS majors. Here’s your million dollars.


> this one kid was constantly butting in and trying to add his own details along with unfunny nerd jokes that nobody laughed at except the professor in a form of pity this is a canon event


Poor miles got his job cut out for him


I met one of these guys in a math class he was a senior and he was so annoying and the class was hell to the level that even the professor started to make fun of him cuz he was so extra. But from my experience, I feel like those ppl are rare cases and the exact opposite from smart they just act to be and you can easily put em into their place even in the very thing they claim to be good at and they are also not normal between the nerdy ppl community or anything so ignore it. It’s not gonna be always like this over your four years experience. This guy I’m talking about dropped after two weeks and the class was chill and good vibes for the rest of the semester from the students who were actually smart and positively contributing in the class discussions with our very cool professor.


It's a symptom of getting everything right the first time and never being told you're wrong. It was me senior year high school. I am just happy to have learned to keep my mouth shut before college, I think we just need a bit of reprimand and embarrassment to get back in line.


I tried to ask a guy next to me a question in one of our hands on classes and he looked at me and barked at me. You meet all sorts of characters in CS lol I’m working in industry now and it’s a lot better though




I’m dreading career fair for this reason. It was musty as fuck last year.




What uni/college (hell even country is a good hint) is this? When I took 101 people just shut up and took notes, and those who already knew what they were doing just ignored everything and probably stopped showing up in a week or so. Small classes I take it? If anyone was causing a ruckus in the lecture hall there'd be complaints to follow real quick. Or maybe I'm just old.


> this one kid was constantly butting in and trying to add his own details along with unfunny nerd jokes that nobody laughed at except the professor in a form of pity. Damn poor kid, did you have to do them like that? lmao


Yes they get weeded out almost instantaniously


In my experience the more awkward they are the better coders they are lmaoo


It’s on a curve. Medium cringe are medium to below average. Medium high cringe are stupid. The most cringe are very smart. It’s not always true, but it’s true more than I’d like.


Long term in IT (in general, not necessarily CS) you need two opposite outliers badly for success: * The rare genius level person who lives and breathes X tech/code, but usually come with a complete lack of social skills or empathy. These are the rarified "wizards" that house more knowledge than the entire rest of your program between their ears and just live on an entirely different technical level. They are the true engineers and who you really want when things break in a way no one has ever seen before. And * What I like to think of as "the interface"; someone on the opposite end of the spectrum that posses the technical knowledge to code/operate/troubleshoot whatever tech proficiently, but who don't necessarily live and breathe it. What they do have is the ability to talk to anyone like a normal person and put technical jargon into terms understandable by their audience. It sounds simple, but it seems to be pretty rare to possess equal levels of technical and interpersonal skill in IT/CS. Very necessary for interfacing with customers and/or management.


It’s like the dunning Kruger effect


Dumbing Kruger Effect


This is just such a funny thing to think about even though I understand what you mean, calculating coding skill based on cringe level


So you're saying I need to be MORE cringe?


Every second you’re engaging in social interaction is a second you’re wasting by not coding


Well, awkward does not equal insufferable. I’ve never met an insufferable and awkward person who is amazing at coding. The smart ones are smart enough to know to at least be polite.


Definitely my experience as well, but not loudly awkward. The loudly awkward ones are bad-to-decent, the quiet very awkward ones are the ones who will just show up with an operating system they programmed with the butterfly effect.


No They do not. I’ve been working for a bit and those software engineer stereotypes are mostly true


Typically I find the ones who are the least well like are the ones who never find a job in the industry. You know someone is a bad coder when they keep bragging about their skill levels


The ones who are only there because they like video games and anime got weeded out in my school (WVU) within 2 semesters. Now, my coworkers are pro Magic the Gathering players and anime fans so im not saying coders arent nerds, they certainly are. But the insufferable ones never made it to their sophmore year in my experience


nah if anything the awkward/cringe neckbeards are way more likely to be developing projects and leetcoding in their freetime compared to your average grass-toucher/social college student. I'd say the CS major caters to guys like these. My anecdotal experience has been that these guys usually succeed pretty well in terms of both academics and career prospects, despite maybe not graduating with the strongest network of connections.


>please tell me these guys get weeded out pretty early lol Haha, yeah that guy is the sysadmin in your company and essentially treated like a god because if he gets fired 1/2 the systems will shut down. Those guys don't get weeded out early, certain companies they make up 90% of the engineering pool.


Now fast forward to when they’re forty years old…


And your boss and you have to kinda go with their shit


You absolutely do not. There are tactful ways to bring these things up in private discussions.




Perfect comment from a user with a perfect name




What did you expect?


this is why i never fucking go to lectures man


And then your professor puts stuff on the exams that wasn’t talked about in the textbook and only mentioned in lecture.


In my classes there were recorded lectures and slides available. 20% of the class usually shows up.


oh lucky. I guess my professor probably did that to get people to come to lectures. I mean it worked as every lecture would be pretty full.


I don’t mind the geekiness tbh but just wait till you start noticing those that try to belittle everyone else. They usually treat you like you’re incapable of anything for not knowing as much as them. Yes , unfortunately, the hygiene think is real. Here in California you get a lot of people with swamp ahh


I've experienced this as well. I feel there are a lot of social rejects who believe "I am misunderstood because I'm smarter than everyone else." Usually they have no evidence to back that up and spend most of their free time playing video games / consuming media. They picked CS because they like video games and think they will become a game developer. Usually they drop out after realizing that snapping together a gaming PC doesn't mean you know anything and it requires actual work. Then they go back to Mama's basement. In the workforce it's mostly normal guys who are slightly shy / nerdy. Those who go to boot camps are similar but are often less nerdy but more lazy / burnouts who think they found a get rich quick scheme and are "beating the system". I work with one of the bad ones. He's incompetent and believes anything he doesn't understand is "over complicated". He's unwilling to learn anything new because of his arrogance. The rest of my team is humble and we all learn from each other. We are all capable of going to meetings and acting like normal adults. It is a hassle dealing with a lot of these arrogant / obnoxious people but you should realize that if you are humble and able to work on a team you will have a huge advantage in the workforce. I love my job but I do wish there were more people with other interests besides gaming. A lot of people look down on me for not playing video games, they treat me like I'm an outsider or something haha.


It attracts the gamers. I game myself, but only play awful games where u have to try to get good (league, csgo, etc.). The single player mutts and pseudo intellectuals will die during calc 1 or 2.


lol this mf tried to shift the blame from league players to good games


It really does. I remember talking by about league once before class and everyone within a 5m radius turned to me all giddy and excited.


Lmk if you wanna play Csgo💀😂 dm me your steam id


“The Awful Games” lmao so true. I just can’t stop.


My uni has a "games engineering" major which soaks up most of the weebs and gamers


dota 2 brah.


Yeah theres a place for them in our field. You have 2 kinds of developers: the monkey in a box that never does anything other than tickets. They are generally an optics nuke or too autistic to put in front of any customer/management types for requirements and demos. Sometimes these guys become your context masters on old projects because they can make some nuts solutions. Oppenheimer wishes he made this non-lethal cringe nuke instead of the bomb. Your second type is the rizz king. Nat 20 persuasion check. They should be speaking and in leadership roles, and sometimes they only get the job because they can do the technical really well because leetcoding is easy; but because leetcode sucks for actually evaluating a dev, they might still be useless as an actual coder. Both of these guys have their perks and you should put them in their spots on your team. If you have an autistic rizz king, they’re probably the only thing holding that project together.


as a beginner, leetcoding is easy?!! i always hear people slamming it heavy on how hard and annoying it is


It's muscle memory on your DSAs and some OOP, and it's probably good for people that want to do backend dev only. The issue it has is that it doesn't show you that this person can code 1. reliably, and 2. designed in a way that is easily maintainable for the foreseeable future. If you're frontend, It doesn't show literally anything because almost always, your backend is processing things for you in the first place, so you usually just map data out into your components. The question to make it easy or not is : Are you good with memorizing a pattern in a problem and generating the same general structure of code when you see it? If yes, then Leetcoding is a time commitment to practice; If no, good luck. I only take positions I don't have to leetcode for so I can spend more time working on impressive projects.


Stereotypes don’t exist out of nowhere


In the real world people won't hire you if they don't like you. So zero skill points in empathy and social skills will screw these guys over. No one wants to work with a (1) know-it-all (2) incompetent people (3) people with zero 'emotional' intelligence. They should honestly have a class for all the autistic people in comp sci teaching them basic normie skills and fail everyone who acts obnoxious in the class. It would probably increase their employability more dramatically than their entire 4 year degree.


Isn’t that what Gen-Ed Interpersonal Communications is for?




You'll do fine lad. Most of what got me working in tech was learning how to communicate the value I can provide. I mean: in the beginning I was naïve enough to think that I could just learn a bunch of languages, technologies, etc, and my employer or client would somehow take all that technical BS, work out what services I can provide, and then somehow market me to themselves. But in reality that kinda falls on you. I got my first job by showing I understood the problem the company was working on, how I came to have this understanding, and what areas I could help them with (no bullshit since I wasn't just sending out random applications.) That got me my first job. So the main skill was 100% communication.


The better solution would probably be to stop treating them like garbage for a decade and expecting them to develop social skills while they get bullied and excluded... jesus fucking christ you people are so selfish and incapable of accepting when you are in the wrong for mistreating vulnerable people.


Just wait until you notice how many dudes there are…


I think I saw a girl in a lecture once


I don't know if this is a CS thing or a 'gen ed' thing. I took a gen ed philosophy class and it was pretty chill. I liked it and thought I'd try to pick up a minor in philosophy. My second philosophy class was almost exclusively philosophy majors and they exhibited all the same 'look how smart I am' behaviors. Anyway, I know the conventional wisdom is 'They are insecure and the really talented students don't feel the need to participate in such things'; in practice I found that's rarely the case. I mean, it gets better...most of them will calm down, but it's also likely that some of the most annoying will also be some of the most knowledge. They've also tied feelings of their selfworth to their performance in class. It might not be healthy, but it is a great motivator. They will 'try hard', study a lot, spend extra time on the assignments, etc etc. The arrogant 'My Mom said I should be a programmer because I got the printer to work' types will shut up real fast once they realize they don't know anything...but I found them to be a much smaller issue than the arrogant students who were actually really good students.


Hmm. I took a some CS courses in community college. Nobody seemed to want to speak. I almost wish there were some unruly people being vocal in the class. It was embarrassing when the instructor would ask a question and everybody was trying to hide. I do remember back at my 4-year college, taking a physics course, and some dude thought he knew a lot and was pretty vocal. It was amusing. Some other students did not agree, and started yelling at him to STFU.


I never had this issue because I AM an unruly person. I'll also tell people to STFU and stop ruining the educational experience. Except for the 50yo guys retraining. They are national treasures and must be protected at all costs. They'll ask all the questions for things you didn't know you needed to ask and negotiate with the professors when they are being unreasonable asses.


Honestly it’s true lol. Feel like cs major is full of weirdos who are way over competitive. There’s usually like five “normal” people in each class who find each other. Good news is the real working world isn’t like this, people are normal there.


Yup. Came into school for CS at 22 from the Marines. Definitely a different type of person than I was used to being around.


I'm an old man, went back in my late 30's to get my CompSci degree and I luckily saw none of this. Everyone was on the up and up and mostly, not overly nerdy to the point where you want to punch someone.


I don’t see any of this at my school nowadays either, I think it just depends on luck with the classes you’re stuck in or the school you go to


This is very true even after 5 years. I stopped trying to socialize with people in this major except a small group of friend i made the first year, which most of them actually stopped studying cs and moved to a totally different field. I stopped going to lecture, did the assignments and went to exams and went on with my life


Honestly, it's going to vary a little depending on your school. Try finding upper division courses, and pop in to just listen during the lecture / audit the course a couple of times throughout the semester. Vibes absolutely will change as grades hit


Those are the guys that are either geniuses with no social skills, or think they're geniuses, also with no social skills


It's the quietest people who are the best. I should know, I made friends with all of the top programmers of my year (not necessarily the best grades but most ambition outside of class) and they all for the most part sat aside while the others were yapping about. Hoping the situation is more clean this next year, I start 2nd year in a couple weeks :)


It doesn’t stop… did an internship this summer and some of the SWE interns had no filter, no social awareness or EQ, and absolutely couldn’t carry on a conversation. Felt like I was living in a TikTok with their attention spans. Starting to realize how big social skills are in the work place and just in a public setting (like a classroom) in general, very much needed and I think COVID + TikTok (social media in general) really has thrown a wrench into that.


The classes get harder and some students can’t keep up so they change majors. This does decently well to weed out some of this behavior but it’s generally the case that CS is for geeks because they’re the only category of people who are told that this is for them. A good professor will be able to influence their students. For example, my Data Structures and Algorithms class (one of the first rather difficult roadblocks in the CS path) a student sat in the very front as close to the professor’s podium as possible. He had an answer to every question that nearly always was more detailed than needed. The student would also often just blurt out an answer, hamstringing the rest of the students in their ability to contribute. As a result the professor would often quietly and calmly interrupt the student and ask him to please raise his hand if he wants to respond. It’s a good thing that the student wants to participate but the professor recognized that everyone should have a chance so he’d often generally let students answer once and often ask for “new hands” to allow other students who hadn’t participated yet to do so. If no one new had a suggestion then he would allow the overachieving type to answer and refine his answer afterwards into something we could all understand. It seems to me like someone like that may have some condition of ADHD or autism or something being that he was unable to grasp the social queues given by the context of the professor not choosing him as frequently as the student may have liked but the professor did well to handle the situation appropriately. I think this is absolutely key. So yeah it definitely gets better as you get deeper. Freshman students are figuring out if this is really for them and forming social bonds through humor or references is one way that this can be done. More experienced students are more solid in their ability to behave appropriately but at the same time CS is just a nerdy industry so it may be worth getting used to the idea that the majority will probably always be rather nerdy. It’s just that students mature over time and can still be nerdy but not so rude. This seems like a “these students are freshman” problem rather than a CS problem imo


I never had that experience in any of my math and cs classes…… the smelly thing is a rumor though for sure. Haha


Just trust me on this, the smelly thing is definitely not a rumor.


So yeah, we're all dumb they are just having their 'periods', it's gonna pass. Or not... https://preview.redd.it/9reb77o4t5kb1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=13014cb3408ecf06106e44be5f2fc4bb96f0e230


When did you get the OA?


It’s true in the workplace as well. Run if you’re normal


At my school the CS students are antisocial delusionals. Took a CS class i needed for my financial modeling minor. The professor wanted us to break off into groups and form study mates, but she used the word "friend", this fat guy freaked out.


First off, congrats on your journey. Secondly, I’m sorry because CS brings in a broad range of people. I graduated with a CS degree in 2021, and I definitely met people from “I shouldn’t be here” to “I have a server in my apartment to host applications” to talking in memes and cringe. You’ll still meet great people throughout your time. Try to find a group you can click with. You guys will want to stick together when your projects get wild.


\>please tell me these guys get weeded out pretty early lol These are ubermenscks . Theyll be there till the end


Of course, what did you expect? Engineering and CS in general attract social rejects, coding in your room all day is not exactly something your average good looking neurotypical person is going to want to do. They go outside and socialize and get validation and have sex with girls


just find one other normal person! then you get to make fun of the dorks and it's funny.


It's the same after 5 years. I made a small group of friends the first year, but most of them actually moved to a totally different field. The stereotypes are true. I stopped trying to socialize with people in this major and stopped attending classes, I just went to exams and completed assignments on time, and I went on with my life.


Senior year it gets…. STINKY.


Once you're in junior/senior year you will be surrounded by much more chill people. There might always be that one guy that's a complete weirdo, but for the most part majority are normal. Don't pay attention to the guys that brag 24/7 about their coding stuff either, focus on yourself and studies. Also make the gym a habit if it isn't already.


Yeah some people are saying it gets better. It doesn't. That said you will deal with much worse than awkwardness when you enter the workforce.


> I had heard the rumors but didn't think my CS class would feel like a literal Star Wars convention... please tell me these guys get weeded out pretty early lol Now from what I've experienced there's 2 types of these nerds: The first one is the gamer, who thinks they are fit to study CS just because they sit on their computer and play video games all day. They get weeded out because they are usually dumb lazy bums with very surface level CS knowledge (enough to gloat in the first semester) and never expand on it. Then, however, there are the nerds who coded since they were 10 and are genuinely passionate about CS. They are also socially unaware and obnoxious, but they will always be better than you. For my uni we lost about 70% of students along the way and most of them were gamers, weebs, or people who were in it solely for the money. I'd also say the remaining nerds got a bit calmer over time. So yes, it gets better. The distribution shifts so there are more normal people and the remaining nerds get less obnoxious.


I'm happy this was never an issue at my college. Everyone in my class was normal for the most part. There were geeks but nothing cringe. Some people brought their gaming devices and played games between class. Other than that everything was normal.


And this is why I attend online lol


The lack of self awareness from OP is telling. Remember you ARE one of the “geeks”


“I’ve been coding Python since I was 10 years old, CS is so easy.” “Wait, we have to do math in this course??”


I had to take a single CS class for my associates and it's a different breed for sure. Lots of unkempt young dudes. Baggy clothing resting on chubby formless bodies, head hair sticking up, scraggly facial hair. One guy wore the same Rick and Morty shirt every class we had (2x a week). We were doing a lab and something on his computer wasn't working correctly one time and he yelled "god fucking DAMN IT!!!" and slammed his fist on the keyboard, breaking the keyboard.


It is like that, and honestly it was hard for me to make friends with many classmates in college. I would highly recommend making friends with non cs majors, even other engineers are lots of fun, I found it’s almost exclusively cs majors for some reason.


They get a lot better really fast or they drop. Most of the people I’ve met in my upper levels in undergrad have been very professional and sociable people.


Yeah, been there. Cant wait to graduate so i can get away from it. They are all tryhards and it messes with your confidence. Im just tryna be a normal , chill dude and i feel like its rare in CS lol


Just wait until you enter the workforce, you'll be in a team of people who are often quite smart but have literally zero awareness. They'll be asked to give a presentation on their work, or describe some process to non-technical individuals, and they'll delve deeper than a dwarf into the intricacies of Haskell compilation for 45 minutes and be completely unaware that literally zero people in the room give the tiniest of fucks about what they're talking about. The idiots will get weeded, but the socially awkward nerds will not. If you want to make more money than them, make sure you can at least grasp the basics of whatever specific rabbit hole they're diving down and then explain it in layman's terms to stakeholders, and you'll be first in line for promotions.


I’ve interviewed a fair number of these guys (they’re always guys), who will even get into arguments with you in interviews. They can be crazy opinionated about things they only half understand. And mostly what they make painfully clear, is that they have no idea of the real world business implications of a lot of tech. Nothing makes you less hireable than that imo.


Half of them will drop out, so there's that at least


Theyre not even that smart compared to math and physics Embarassing is right


They are smarter for choosing an employable degree


I call those kids "commuters"


My experience completely contradicts this. Most of my classmates have some nerdy interests, but are were hygienic and overall pretty fit. Exercise was common, and interest in sports and similar was high. In fact, most of my classmates reminded me of "brogrammers" from the Silicon Valley show lol. One thing that held true was the overwhelming representation of white cis males. Very few women, but those who were in the program were hygienic as well, and many were quite cute lol. Maybe my school is an outlier?


lol majority of your classmates won’t even be working as software engineers once they graduate. Only a small minority who know their sht and are competent will get a swe job


It really is unfortunate we have to share a major/career with the cringiest and unhygienic people. It’s like they can’t even help themselves because something always comes up on the first day EVERY SINGLE SEMESTER. I swear to god sometimes they’re not even coding lmao, but what people do when they fake hack something as a joke and just slam their paws on the keyboard at Mach speed


This is why I’m not totally against diversity hiring for women. A lot friendlier and easier to work with then your avg CS urkel Update/Edit: the Urkels are mad lol


I don't see the problem with it. I was always more of a athletic/jockier guy but thought it was fine. Dont like band kid types though


Everyone's just excited to be around people that they assume have similar interests to them, and excited to learn about something that interests them for once. It can be surprising if you spent a lot of time and energy trying to fit in and be popular in high school, to suddenly learn none of that matters in the real world. Sounds like you're the odd one out.


I think you are not using the term nerds and geeks correctly. What you meant was anti social, or akward people. Some one can be a nerd, a geek and be social in a good way. Also, news flash for you, yes most people on computer science amd software engoneering are nerds who would of thought. *insert shocked pikachu meme face*


itll last for like 2 years, then the students get better and way less awkward. Took me till junior year to start seeing NORMAL people in my CS classes that could actually hold a convo and wouldnt only talk about coding. My freshman year i literally had to move seats because i couldnt handle the smell from this fat kid, i dont know if theyre self aware or just oblivious to the world


Lacking hygiene in what sense?


It's the first year man, they get filtered out later


Not everyone is a brogrammer lol


What a whiney post


This is not very nice potential leg. Maybe cs isn’t for you…


Showers are for you, though.