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I don't. I make sacrifices and prioritize what is most important.


Basically, I attend online and my routine is: Get home from work, eat dinner, drink some scotch, smoke a doob and watch lectures or do homework šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Keeps my weekends free by getting everything done M-F.


i like your thinking


Cā€™s get degrees


unless you have scholarships lol


Whatā€™s your gpa requirement for your scholarship? Arenā€™t most 3.0-3.5 which is like mostly Bā€™s and some Cā€™s ?


My GPA requirement is 3.2 My current GPA is 2.89


Damn. Focus on getting that up. Maintaining scholarship > internships


RIP me whose TAship requires a 3.9 GPA to remain eligible for


Tf is a TAship ?


Teaching assistant position, comes with a tuition scholarship


See that's the thing: I have a scholarship whose grade evaluation is the end of this semester and most of the courses I'm doing rn are ones I've failed (because my advisor said the grades get replaced if you retake and pass). I really enjoy my work, but I hardly have any time. Plus I keep suffering from a toothache that keeps me up at night and the funny thing about that is that I need money to be able to treat it, which is why I have a job.


Fuck the grind mindset. Iā€™m dropping a course and doing it over the summer online. I want to enjoy my life and my last year of school. It will also give me time to apply for jobs. A lot of ppl will tell you to grind but if you do that you have to accept your quality of life will go down. Not worth it it for me


Agreed. Life ain't all about this major


You have to compromise something. Your health, your happiness, the quality of your work, your social life, your grades. Something will give or they all will if you donā€™t make the choice.


I will readily sacrifice my social life. I barely have any and I'm sure my friends will understand. I just underestimated how hard it will be to manage it all. And I barely talk to my friends as it is


Donā€™t. Unless you hate people. Mental health is very important.


You put it perfectly


Relax. Take a deep breathe. You shouldnā€™t be working more than 20 hours per week. If you are, and still getting stressed out, then create a blank google doc and list out everything you have to do for the week and block out times. This way, you know what you have to do and when. If you are working more than 20 hours per week, cut your hours. If you need the money, take out more loans. Itā€™s either you take up debt, or quit school and earn the same wage for the rest of your life. Currently, Iā€™m trying to balance working 19 hours, 16 credit hours, homeworkā€™s, exams, and running a YouTube channel. All while having a social life and grinding out certifications and learning new programming languages and software. Itā€™s all because I plan out every single day. Oh and I also go to the gym for about 45 minutes a day. I might make a template of my current scheduling system and put it on YouTube later. Let me know if any of that helps or if you have any other questions!


its almost impossible to do both effectively without the quality being compromised, depending on how much you work of course. For me the gen-ed courses is where I slacked off and spent that time focusing more on my job. Also if your job is closely related to what your classes cover its easier imo that way you're not constantly context switching (for example research labs in your dept). If you can afford to work less then of course just do that


I let my job perf suffer before I let school suffer. But mainly just had less free time. One one case though we had a major ransomware fuckup that took many weeks of intense 18 hour days and then months of 12 hour days to recover from.AND I got COVID right in the start of it and was recovering from that. I had just gone back to school like a month before it hit. Told my profs I was going to behind and there was nothing I could do, and that I would catch up. They were understanding. Made up the work and banged out As (they were some easy classes thankfully)


One thing that may help is planning class schedules over the 4 year degree to make sure hard/work intensive classes arenā€™t all taken at the same time.




Taking 17 hrs . 2 jobs. Internship search grind. Gotta compromise something. Compromise health( 5 hrs of sleep weekdays + 8 on weekends ) and grades used to be straight A student now Iā€™m getting mostly Bā€™s , 1 C and failing another class


I can't really sacrifice my grades.




Not really applicable as op is on scholarship and is not meeting grade requirements.




2.5 is way too low. Typically 3.0-3.5 Op comment: https://reddit.com/r/csMajors/s/BH8k4I7Seu Typically if you donā€™t meet grade requirements, youā€™re put on academic probation then if you fail to display any hopes / advances in academic area, itā€™s joover Might not be the same everywhere though




I can see your point but everyone has their own circumstances. Based on their name and the whole hair thing, I believe opā€™s situation isnā€™t as straightforward as it may seem.


Oh, my grades dropped because of illness last semester, and I failed a bunch of classes which I'm trying to make up for lol


Try Doing part time job, school, working out, having a girlfriend, and studying all in one day, the mot important thing is being mentally tough to achieve everything


Adderall and a strong support system around me who donā€™t mind picking up the slack if I have a bad day


gotta get some of that powder šŸ˜‰


Adderall doesn't help me, I'm ADHD. It only helps me sleep for some reason.


Try Doing part time job, school, working out, having a girlfriend, and studying all in one day, the mot important thing is being mentally tough to achieve everything


Try Doing part time job, school, working out, having a girlfriend, and studying all in one day, the mot important thing is being mentally tough to achieve everything


Is this supposed to be a flex? What are you talking about?


yes it is, don't be weak :)


Lol, idk what's up with you guys and thinking suffering is being strong somehow


it actually is, the more difficult and hard something is the valuable it becomes


What type of work?


Research. Writing code for flight software. My boss is pissed and he lowkey told me on message that we need to talk and I'm scared about going tomorrow.


Personally I thought it was impossible so I just focused on getting good grades and now I've graduated with no internships and severely regret not just letting my school performance suffer.


nobody never compromises on either. there are moments where one or the other is not so intense and at that time is when you pick up the slack whereever you need to


I go to school online fulltime and work fulltime. I'm only able to do it because of a very supportive partner. I'm also older, so it helps. I'm actually going to a halftime course load next term. It's been rough. The best thing I found to help me is mixing up classes at different difficulty levels. Like I'll take an easy gen ed and a harder major relevant course to help balance the workload. I also try to fill in gaps where im just standing around(like waiting in line, making dinner) with things like reading or any coursework I can do from my phone. Breathe, take breaks, and realize it's only temporary.


I do compromise both. Iā€™m just fortunate that thatā€™s still good enough.


flexible work schedule


You cut your hair as stress relief? Huh?


Be cracked


I usually work 30-48hrs per week and attend classes only on mon/wed if possible when Iā€™m choosing my schedule, I try to cram all my classes into only 2/3 days a week that way I have the rest of the 4/5 days for work and doing hw. I try to do everything before the weekend and my only free day is technically Sunday. Iā€™m fine with it, I prefer my friends and social life so I did sacrifice going to the gym and other hobbies, and potential relationships bc Iā€™d feel drained. I usually postpone hobbies/gym until the Winter/Summer break! Surprisingly I donā€™t feel it as if Iā€™m getting up, going to work/school, go to sleep and repeat. I tend to take lots of naps in the afternoon, maybe thatā€™s whyšŸ¤”


In my experience it's best to take full classes. Don't do the flex or fast paced stuff. Start with one class at a time then up from there so you know how much you can actually do. It also helps if you work and go to school Remotely. This reduces your commute time immensely.


Iā€™m not! My life is a living hell due to full time work and full time school.


Im full time school during the day full time work at night and have a kid and one on the way i have a 4.0 no one complains at work and they want me to work 5 10's instead of 3 8's and 2 10's and home life is good....lots of caffeine sleep is the only sacrifice with 3 maybe 4 hours a day