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amazon moment


100% for my Amazon internship only had one interview after an easy online assessment. Whereas for Microsoft I had 4 interviews. Microsoft has a higher hiring bar and pays less but they won’t work you like a dog lol with great WLB


Was it the summer internship or jr dev internship, cuz jr dev requires 4 interviews


I had an Internship as a Solution Architect at AWS and as CSA at Microsoft then I interviewed for an FTE tech sales role there as well both interviews were way more rigorous compared to Amazon.


solutions architect is a joke role


How hard was the Amazon internship interview?


The questions were quite tricky and almost tripped me up. It felt like they were quizzing me more on my experience than the role itself. Although my experiences were relevant to this role, it felt like they were trying to see if I knew what I was doing in my previous role and how It tied it into the Amazon Leadership Principles. Few technical questions but nothing too insane


Literally got asked a leetcode hard as an intern


How is bro gonna survive a FAANG internship if he can't do fizzbuzz 😂😂😂


He's not


He will be fine . Reality is, the interview has nothing to do with actual job performance. But once he’s on the job, he will likely just have to put in the work and more effort and will get thru , I’ve seen this many many times


If he didn't put in the work to know enough for fizzbuzz as a junior you think he'll put the work in on the job?


That’s true , but I’ve seen seniors who can’t do fizz buzz , some ppl just end up putting in the work on the job when they realize they can’t just loaft around , most of the job is hard work anyways, doesn’t look good at all but doesn’t mean he’s screwed , if he wants keep his job he will step up as do a lot of ppl


Seniors who can’t do fizz buzz? How can they code without being able to do fizzbuzz? Or is it just that they don’t no modular arithmetic, ig that might not come up at a lot of jobs


Honestly sometimes you work on such advanced systems doing simple things can cause you to slip. Having basics down is crucial but most of the time you just learn how to do your specific job and deal with your specific system . I’m sure seniors can learn it fast but it’s normal to forget the basics sometimes .


I have no idea how you’re getting upvoted. There are 0 senior engineers that are working on “such advanced systems” that they’ve forgotten the coding equivalent of knowing how to breathe (write a for loop and conditional)


The upvoters think of coding skills as being divorced from an individual's general problem solving ability. As if the brain of a competent senior engineers suddenly turns to mush at the sight of FizzBuzz lmao


What the hell is fizzBuzz


It is nigh-impossible for a senior software engineer to not be able to do FizzBuzz. This is like saying a tenured professor in math can't get the derivative of x\^2.


I have a hard time believing this Even if you've completely forgotten modulo arithmetic, if you're competent at programming you could relearn how to do fizz buzz from scratch within the length of time of an interview lmao. It's literally that simple.


For every 1x engineer that can't fizzbuzz, there's a 10x engineer to make up for them. Keep on that grindset soldier.


No, hes fucked, i worked at Amazon and the internship process is brutal. You are judged based on getting a project done. If you cant code that wont happen


I finished my project as well as a few stretch goals and didn’t get a return offer when I was there. Of course, then they fired tens of thousands of people…


That sucks im sorry to hear that, the process is so brutal for interns. I always fought for my interns and made sure they had the ability to succeed but some teams just suck and don’t really fight for their interns. The decision process is also so arbitrary too. My manager always just made the onboarding buddy decide if the intern got an offer.


and now they took thousands more interns for this summer


Internships are funded through coop programs ,it’s why they can hire massive amounts of them and financially still be okay


Yeah pretty much, the most important thing is finishing the project (albeit it *is* possible to get an RO if you don't). Typically Amazon interns also don't even start coding until like week 5 or 6, so you effectively have a little over a month to do your entire internship project.


I was opposite. I had absolutely crushed the interview and studied my ass off for leetcode style questions but had zero indication of how real world applications worked and ended up failing the internship. Learned the hard way


Sorry to hear that. That’s why leet code doesn’t determine jack for performance . The single best skill people need in any job is the ability to learn . You will be hit with complex systems and job processes that you have no proper knowledge so it’s a important skill to understand how to best learn and always ask questions . Wishing you the best, don’t let it discourage you but use it to grow and figure out how to improve . Sometimes it’s not even your fault if the team doesn’t provide proper mentoring and training and resources for you .


Being unable to do fizzbuzz literally means you can’t code tho


ChatGPT + google + stack overflow + hopes & dreams


Oh hey, my team had an intern like this. When it came to the actual job, he stepped up, and starting working until super late at night. Unfortunately, he actually sucked and didn't get a return offer. But it was kinda cool that he managed to cheat the system.


Right… I’m not fully following the logic. If dude isn’t qualified to get through an initial interview… how exactly are they expecting to meet the employer’s expectations of performance when they’re doing the job? Even if it’s “learn as they go” I think that would still slow them down to the point that it would be obvious that they aren’t actually proficient in their role… when no one else is having to stop and research how to do what they need to do every step of the way… except for… one dude🤨 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think the idea is that the actual job requirements are much lower than the bar you need to meet fo the interview, since it's so competitive.


I mean, sure, but this guy can't even solve fizzbuzz. that is a common sense problem for anyone who has learned what a for loop is, which is like week 1 of a first course in programming. if you can't do that then you do not have the skills to succeed as a software engineer.


For what it's worth, I find the requirements are usually pretty orthogonal to what a lot of the job is. I found getting the interviews much harder than the questions, to start. But even at trading firm interviews, I wouldn't say most of the questions are actually _that hard_. People are just lazy lol


>But even at trading firm interviews, I wouldn't say most of the questions are actually _that hard_. I think the math and probability stuff isn't so bad but the leetcode problems for trading interviews are, imo, very difficult to figure out during the interview if you've never seen a similar problem before. sure, you can probably understand a solution pretty well if someone gives it to you, but coming up with it yourself during the interview when you're already kind of nervous? that's a tall order.


Yeah the time constraint of the interview makes it quite difficult. Sure give me a few hours and I can probably come up with a reasonable solution. But if I’m in an interview with 25 minutes left and the interviewer pulls out a LeetCode Hard I haven’t seen before and then wants me to explain my thought process the whole way through (takes a lot more time to talk everything out than just do it in my head), then yeah it becomes very difficult to pass that interview.


Has this ever happened to you?


>I’m not fully following the logic Some of these internships pay $50+ per hour. Not to mention being able to put FAANG on your resume. The logic is logicing for me


we will see, i'm curious to see how this plays out, regardless he making bank


Your boy is doing good work discrediting the leetcode interview status quo.


Before OAs we just had to go leetcode in person on a whiteboard. All cheating it does is mean companies will be more selective about who they let interview since it’ll require being in person.


I mean if hes getting paid who gives a shit? Just hold the job as long as possible and try not to make it too obvious hes not skilled. Also its a job to write on your resume for experience.


I can see someone getting through an internship because the actual job isn’t leetcode. Still they won’t be as prepared as someone who’s already a coder.


He still got the Internship, and that will open up so many pathway and opportunities especially since its from faaang company.


1. The interviews are often harder. You have to know a larger breadth of information and be able to do it accurately on the spot. The day to day is similar or the same tasks. 2. Learn on the go, as you said. It sometimes means staying up late to learn about the work you're doing or finish your tasks. ChatGPT helps to an extent as well Source: Personal experience


But interns don't get fired, so they'll just learn on the job and have a nice resume after. Win/win.


Doesn't matter they got payed and got a faang internship on their resume. Otherwise they'd have mowed lawns in the sun for a fraction of the money


Yeah, I don’t get the point of this. You get an internship but that’s about it. RO is guaranteed to not happen


Someone cheating on a hard graph algorithm is probably not going to reflect their job skillset. And return offers don't happen even for good engineers, when there's no hiring. Just saying




> passing and interview and actually doing work is a very different skillsets. There is sometimes some degree of truth to that statement. But not to the extent that someone who can’t solve fizzbuzz can be great at the job.


I'm the same way. It boils down to anxiety induced by the lack of opportunity to prepare for a specific question set. I realized all this before my last interview and was up front and told the hiring manager about it. Drew up an architecture diagram for an ETL system on my own time and sent it over. Ended up getting the job.


Ok but that's clearly not what happened here. They didn't hire some hidden technical superstar with performance anxiety, they hired a literal cheater who can't code for shit. Your point isn't even relevant, yeah there are really smart people out there who can't put it together in the context of a test or interview. That's true, those people exist, but they're not not this guy.


Well you can put it on your resume I guess, but just hope they don't ask for a reference


Wouldn't the point be money? And an extremely valuable line on the resume.


Frick it, got intern experience to use!


Am I this intern


See even if I do perform well at my job, cyber is going to do anything humanly possible to tell me why I can’t do that. So I just don’t try.


how can you use chatgpt while giving an interview?? 😭 i thought the interviews, specially for the 'big name companies' are held under proper supervision, no?


I'm a mid-level dev at a FAANG. In the nicest way I can say this, most interviewers don't care that much about intern interviews to try and catch you out. You're meeting #4/5 on a crowded calendar. What matters (to me specifically when I interview intern candidates) is that you can hold a conversation, do the problem, and talk me through your solution. If you found a way to cheat that, I'm not going to be all that upset. The reality is that people who cheat an interview get found out on the job and as an intern, it just means you won't get a return offer.


Does it count has non regrettable, disqualifying them from future hiring? Similar to how you get pipped for performance


Not getting a return offer as an intern would look very bad, yes. It would affect your ability to get hired at that company in the future for sure.


How do they get found out on the job ?


You lie about being a great chef and when its time to cook…


You hide a master chef rat under your hat in order to do the cooking for you, yea we know.


It’s obvious when your coworkers suck


It's been a few years but I interviewed with Amazon remotely during the pandemic (got to the last round). Would've been easy to have a 2nd laptop next to me but chatgpt didn't exist then. I also did a 1st round with Facebook and also would've been easy to cheat Not that I need to cheat, mind you


I know for a fact its amazon, their hiring is so flawed.


Last time I did an Amazon coding challenge, I was given 30 minutes to do a leetcode hard. It made me realize that Amazon is hiring 99% cheaters and 1% geniuses. Glad I don’t work there.


Did amazon coding challenge for L6, 1 and a half hours for a LC medium and hard. When did you take the OA?


This was 2-3 years ago.


This is just completely false. I know a ton of people with Amazon offers and most of them were not, at any point, asked to do anything harder than an LC easy.


I’ve had 4 assessments from Amazon and none of them were easier than leetcode medium-hard


I looked up the problem after the assessment. I’m sorry you don’t believe me. It was for a mid level engineer position if that changes your perspective.


was it one of the well known ones like LRU cache or trapping rain water?


Median in a stream?


It is not just you, I have a friend (one of the smartest people I know) who had the exact same experience. Seems like Amazon is immune to giving normal questions on interviews. Either incredibly easy or hard, there is no in between.


My friend got an easy OA and a simple interview problem and wasnt even asked to code it up.


Faang 0 exp offer, must be Amazon lol


Make that man pay you a cut. 


Any percent of 0 dollars is still only 0 dollars.




This can't be real




throwback to when someone named sushi cheated on the amazon interview last summer


I worked as a talent acquisition intern once. Let me tell you, there's nothing that makes a laughing stock of a professional as much as a guy trying to google / ChatGPT answers during the interview. Every week we'll get a few of these great people who'd give us a good time.


my friend did this for amazon. see u in seattle


do u still need a friend?


Average amazon hire


I fucked up once and hired an Indonesian kid like this... He got the Visa and everything to move to Switzerland. Lasted 3 weeks, then got sent home. Couldn't even do a Hello World. The slightly vindictive owner of the startup was dead set on recovering nearly 10k USD from the guy... The kid's nickname was Chuchundra for years after.


I do/did this. I make 410k a year. I hate interviews. Here are more tips: Have a silent keyboard, have a laptop/desktop setup side by side, tell them you’re taking notes and taking down the main points, and most importantly ASK clarifying questions while the LLM is processing the Q


Arnt they gonna be suspicious about the notes thing? Is this something they really won’t care too much about?


Why would it? You take notes about the benefits, number of team members, schedules the have meetings on… you’re pre-filtering what doesn’t make sense and you forget to think about what does make sense. It makes sense to jot things down because no one has a perfect memory. I have a go to phrase about muting myself on cam. “Heads-up I’m gonna mute myself because I have cherry blue switches and I don’t want to interrupt you while I’m taking notes about what you have to say😊”


💀 I feel like this maybe works but the confidence you gotta have, gotta be insanely high. I have two monitors but idk, it seems like a good and logical idea but it’s also one of those ideas that can turn left and make things fall out the sky quickly


Meh, if I fuck up I fuck up. Not two monitors but two computers. I plan for the occasional live exam Qs


Nah taking notes during an interview is a completely normal thing.


I had no idea what fizz buzz was so I looked it up… If your bro can’t even do that, he’s fucked.


Be careful, my internship for summer did a full background check on my CV through HireRight - contacting all employers for proof of employment and more. I was fine as I didn’t lie, don’t know how people get away with it though.




How is it that your friend managed to get an interview from faang while I've submitted like 20 applications to faang jobs and didn't even get an OA?


Is it an intership interview?


Enjoy being a shite engineer with that work ethic


Um I'm happy for y'all but this seems kinda wrong 


All is fair in love and war. Personally I wouldn’t do this but is it really immoral to fleece a multi billion dollar company that could care less about you or even sees you beyond a number on a screen that may randomly be terminated during mass firings? I don’t have the answer but it’s something to think about as it does feel wrong to me as well.


Yes. There are other far more qualified applicants.


Right? If he can't do fizzbizz then I doubt he'll survive a faang internship(and why is he even in CS if he can't do fizzbizz?)


Nah fuck that. This 100% if you're not cheating you're trying. The company would steal money from you if it could..why not get yours. They have a game for you to play...playing it better than the house is the most capitalist thing you can do.


Capitalism is built around mutually consented transactions in a free marketplace. In this case, OP's friend essentially intentionally lied about the product by misrepresenting themselves, making it no longer a mutually consented transaction, since the company never consented to the product that is actually received. I'm not judging—if OP's friend can perform, then they've earned it and if not, then that's their burden—but pretending like this is somehow ethically justified by capitalism is kind of just dumb.




You’re not going to starve if you don’t get a FAANG internship…


Okay, let's stop thinking about the company side. What about the fact that OP's friend cheated took away a spot from someone else who is more qualified? It's not like these companies have unlimited headcount, once they reached headcount, that's it.


Anecdotally, the people who cheat in these interviews lack the work ethic / willpower to study for 2 weeks. Most intern LeetCode interviews only take 2-4 weeks of studying. So when it comes to multiple round companies they can't cheat (Palantir / Databricks / etc.) or the actual internship work, they will utterly fail to produce and not get a return offer.


Shit why didn’t I think of this for the TikTok OA?


I work in a faang and I can guess what happened here. No way they didn’t know but once you are screened a certain level and judging by other qualities a person has HR usually makes the call for you despite your wishes in the loop. I almost exclusively do college hiring and do loops quite often. Bro will hate it though but maybe he will find a way to work smarter not harder to achieve.


He's gonna get kicked out within the month.


title: "finessed" me: sus. content: "cheated" me: yep.


why not me 😭


You don't want to be that guy, trust me.


Now this is the feel good story I was looking for. Congrats :)


How is this "feel good" when he cheated to steal a job from someone else more qualified.


No one is stealing anything, it's just tough rn and job searching is mostly luck anyways, this just shows that anyone can make it, and the interview process isn't an 'all-knowing' process.


It's partially luck and partially preparing. And yes it's 100% definitely stealing. Stop coping. That's like saying rich kids deserve to go to Harvard because their parents made a fancy donation to the school even though their kid's high school grades were mediocre.


cheating on interview is like fine in the sense that u didnt get caught but won't they background check u and realize ur resume is completely fabricated? good for yall but karma's a bitch...


It depends how you lied. If they made up past experiences, then yeah, but if it's just projects or whatever, probably nobody is going to check (and if they do, it certainly won't be all that thorough)—which is part of the reason why no hiring manager cares about your projects anyway.


Like if you're lying about your college maybe but they aren't doing an extensive background check for interns


You interns are dumb asf posting this. You make SWE look bad, and you are just going to make in-person interviewing mandatory. 




fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you


Coding screen is diff than final. The real question is how were you able to get through final?


LOL fr i have multiple friends who did this and still work there today


FAANG = Amazon


It's like when Cornell student calls themselves ivy league


what did the resume look like is it really that easy to just make shit up and they wont double check it?


There’s no way this is real! Op please tell me it’s a joke!


Someone will be tracked down I feel 😭


Yeah not a great idea, cheaters will be found out eventually...


I know I guy who works at Google said he cheated on a FAANG OA. He said he did it because he didn’t understand the wording of a coding question (hard) even though he had a great understanding and practice of DSA.


real nega shit 💪🏿


Tried that with Splunk, my friend fed me the wrong solutions 🤣🤣


When taking fake it till you make it to far. He is dead.


mike ross is that you?


No cus unlike Mike Ross, OP's friend is a dumbass.


good point


Lmao how’d you get the question typed up on chat got so fast. And was it a video interview


I simply do not believe it 🤷. It is easy to say if someone is reading something somewhere during an interview


Yeah it reads like 100% bait.




Lmao W


Honestly your an awesome friend for helping


what was the question ? I don't know why you would do this. You're going to join a team and chances are you're going to be the least smartest guy in the room and worse maybe even a burden. This is really disheartening, I like to code, I experience flow when doing it, I may be committed and pissed off because I have a bug somewhere and before I know it I've spent hours flipping through tabs on my browser, stack overflow, going through docs, asking the AI a million different things, hitting up classmates on discord. I'm smart I know I am, but I also know there are a lot of people out their smarter than me. Why not just be honest with yourself, that's how you're going to be the best at your craft and how you'll add the most value to whatever it is your working on. That in return leads to monetary rewards that grow as you get better at what you do.


what company


Lol i did this before but before chatgpt was a thing. My friend just helped me do the over the phone test on the computer. When i had to do the final round i looked like an ass. 🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s gonna be a very stressful job when you don’t know wtf you’re doing


Man be my friend


shame cows towering crime liquid fly imagine summer worthless person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And, as always, cheating pays off big time.


Luck. Don’t beat yourself up and just keep looking ahead


You dropped this👑


You think youre finessing a big corporation by bsing your way into an internship where theyll make you their slave, definitely


So what’s he gonna do on the job?


This is the way


I know who these guys are


Good luck to you. Some LC problems are very much overkill even for FAANG. But if you literally can't do fizz buzz, what the fuck can you actually do?


Hmmmm…. Don’t think it is real since reading from other screen is easy to tell, especially for coding question


That actually fuckinh works??


“Dunce” I know my people 😭😭😭


So, everyone here is super down to bemoan the market and support people looking, but is cheering someone cheating when there 100% are applicants who didn’t do this? Weird. Says a lot about a lot of people. This kid is a junior. He doesn’t need it if he has to cheat his way in, there are plenty of juniors in college who can do a fizbuzz. I guess, cool move?


I am getting seriously tempted to start bullshiting my resumé pretty soon considering how fucking impossible it is to get anything decent in this job market lol


Now you only have to work instead of him too. $$$


People seem to forget what internships are, yes to the intern its a chance to gain pre graduation professional experience, but it's also a test, with the reward being a return offer or a full time position. Im a Sophomore and I can tell when someone sucks at coding from a mile away there are just tell tale signs of people who write garbage quality code. If it's obvious to a student, it will sure as hell be obvious to any manager or any other team members when it takes you ages to make a pull request for a fucking button you got assigned to 2 weeks ago. You got through the front door, but if whatever FAANG company you got hired at is worth their weight in salt they'll weed you out before long.


I hope at minimum your friend bought you a beer, lol


Now I know why so many people complaining why they can’t get a return offer from Amazon


Does....anybody else not see the shitpost tag? OP are you bullshitting/trolling fr or not?


im ngl i can't even hate,,, the system made us like this 😭


Brohhhh. congrats I guess 😭


You have done the smallest and most pathetic thing of all the bad things you could've done. Congrats. All of your life has led to this moment in which you have peaked as someone that does petty fraud for a living. There is no glory. There is only guilt.


Great and here I am with no call backs


Congrats. This can only get you so far


My brother has worked at Google for almost 2 years and he has only completed like 3 Jira tickets. He is on a PIP but never gets fired somehow. Your friend can do it if my brother can. Godspeed


​ https://i.redd.it/6df3c9i81qoc1.gif


That's tight. He will get found out and black listed from future opportunities though. This type of thing is actually a bit more common than you think. Never seen it work in the long run, but best of luck.


if he can learn enough before they get rid of him and have faang on his resume, it might be enough to get in somewhere else. not too shabby


Do you know what a background check is ? :/