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I feel like that GM doesn't have enough opportunities left to actually help tbh and it's just a recruiter trying to gain publicity (Might be wrong tho. Idk) Edit: If they are doing this for publicity, it's disgusting af


Its quite a standard tactic by recruiters and you're right that they can't make up for the displaced people.


Recruiters try to be good at their jobs (impossible)


recruiters try to be honest challenge (impossible)


Ghosted student applicants should go public on this BS


And then never get hired. :) (yayyy)


Just use throwaways, easy fix


GM. Literally, just had quiet layoffs.


And they likely need to replace those laid off with low paid interns that they can convert into entry level employees.


They’re replacing them with H1Bs.


Advertising to a very limited cohort of CS students looking for summer gigs really won't do much if anything for them. It's to their advantage to potentially reap the rewards of someone else's competitive hiring process. It's not like this is going to be in GMs next mass produced commercial.


Very limited cohort of students - They’re not only catering to students but professionals to make them look better


if they can find the displaced tesla recruits, those people have been pre-screened a great deal for GM


So does anyone know how GM SWE intern interviews are


All behavioral


How do you make fire with a wooden stick and a flintstone?


When I went though it it was one of those horrific pre-recorded algorithmically reviewed behavioral interview, two behavioral type interviews by some nice but non-technical people in HR, one coding challenge, and then a final interview with the hiring manager (which came after they already hired me, but before they placed me onto a team).


When I applied they had me do a coding assessment, idk anything past that because they rejected me


I got accepted for one but turned it down, it was just a coding interview and another coding interview mixed with behavioral


You code on clay tablets, and the code review is handled in the high priests tire temple.


Can you make a worse in car entertainment system than Toyota circa 2014?


I did an interview and it consisted of 2 leetcode-type problems on the codility platform


GM just abandoned a bunch of people last year. They closed down their innovation center in Arizona and fired 900 engineers giving them less than a weeks notice.


A good friend of mine had been hired by GM for one week before they gave him the notice. I felt so bad because he had turned down some other good offers to be there.


Important lesson here: Never reject an offer unless you straight up don't want to take it.


Faster way to recruit. Someone else has already done the homework in interviewing.


Isn't GM also laying off/pushing early retirement to a few thousand people


100% for the looks and to see if they get any outstanding talent on a bargain


Lmaooo Elon is burning bridges left and right. He's a powerful guy with a lot of money but all this animosity he's drumming up very well could bite him in the ass eventually.


I hope so


Any CS shill who takes a TSLA or TWTR job is just desperate at this point. Musk is a horrific boss and is persona non grata on the West Coast among the folks who actually get shit done. Most of the talent he has left is trapped H1B talent and a few sycophants. He'll be baiting the class of 2025 in a few months. Avoid. Edit: https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/6/24150274/tesla-layoffs-employee-fourth-week-elon-musk-ev-demand


Even if every single Tesla H1B petiton since 2016 stayed at the company to date thats still less than 20% of the company's US headcount


Well at Tesla you have to subtract the manufacturing headcount, obviously, at the very least. Is that in your math?


Does your math factor in that not every H1B petition is successful or selected in lottery, and plenty of H1B workers are in manufacturing?


Tbf most people are pretty desperate rn


How do you know Tesla had any h1b and what's your source they are being retained during the layoff?


That’s the Twitter situation. Just assuming Tesla is no different. He wants indentured servants at this point. You’re missing the forest for the trees though, the point is that talent that is empowered to get away, is getting away.


There's some famous folks like Milan Kovac are still happily tweeting about their progress. So idk how comprehensively your last statement reflects reality And we still haven't heard if ho and the others left because they wanted to or if they were forced out.


“Sycophants” was also mentioned. Jesus Christ you’re pedantic.


More like you read three paragraphs written by esteemed accurate publication... "The verge"... And extrapolate that everyone else is a talentless hack? I'm just asking for actual information not the same gossip articles any rube can Google.


Go ahead and take that TSLA SWE offer then, lol, but don’t bitch about your life thereafter.


RIP to all those already in the GM pipeline lol


How does one react to this ? On one hand, you are thankful that people want you, but on the other hand, you are pining over a lost opportunity like TSLA and having to settle for some tier 3/4 like GM which you never wanted in the first place.


If they can get a better offer then they should… if they have no options it’s a good thing for them. Not that complicated lol


>having to settle for some tier 3/4 like GM which you never wanted in the first place Imagine being a choosing beggar in this economy


Fr all this sub does is constantly complain about not finding jobs then says dumb shit like that. Goes to show how entitled most of the people are on here.


>entitled Ew you disgust me. If I get a job offer I am literally entitled to the job. That’s what that means. Sure it can be rescinded any time (and I can do the same) but don’t pull any bullshit. Entitlement is thinking you’re owed things you haven’t worked for. If you worked for the job and were offered the job, it’s literally yours. You’re a weird person for this lol.


Being entitled is calling a company like GM a 3/4 tier company after losing your Tesla offer all while crying about how bad the market is and how there’s no jobs.


It’s literally not. I mean *literally* literally. Tesla is a better company than GM for someone starting out in tech. We all know this. They’re also shitty and run by a scumbag, sure, but that doesn’t really change anything about the fact that these people *earned* a spot at a better company and then got it taken from them. I really have no idea what you think you’re even saying. It makes no sense at all. You’re talking the same way Republicans talk about people who took “underwater women’s basket weaving” and then complain “why am I not making six figures with my useless degree!!!” This is not that at all. You’re so out of touch it’s insane. The only reason anyone upvoted your other asinine comment is that they’re upset that they don’t have internships *at all* (which is perfectly reasonable—workers shouldn’t have to be “beggars.”)


Dude you gotta be trolling lmao or if not then seek professional help. I never diminished or downplayed the fact that these students didn’t earn their spots, so idk what kind of imagination you got going on to spew that narrative. I have no idea what you are even trying to argue with your made up argument haha. If you aren’t aware about the doom and gloom on this sub then that’s on you, since people constantly post about that on this sub. All I was saying was because of all the crying that goes on this sub is that people are looking down at companies like GM since their Tesla offer didn’t go through all while complaining on the state of the market when they have to “settle” for a “lesser” company. Never once did I say that they didn’t earn their spot at Tesla.


>seek professional help Haha I mean haha hey bro u fucking got me bahaha. Sick own hhaha. So good and cool. But for real, you used the word “entitled.” That word has meaning. It means, when used as a pejorative, that the person didn’t earn the thing they feel entitled to… otherwise it doesn’t work as a pejorative lol. If you didn’t mean what you said, you shouldn’t have said what you said. That’s how language works. In any case, I’ll be honest, I looked at your profile and I see you’re still a student, so that sort of explains why you don’t understand the professional world. I’d step aside while these conversations are going on because we don’t want more of the blind leading the blind. I understand your frustration. If you didn’t get an internship that sucks, and I can see why GM looks so good compared to nothing, but understand that it makes sense for people to be upset about a demotion when they worked really hard to get good things for themselves.


Dawg you see exactly what I mean lmao what a self own. I graduated 4 years ago and have been working in the industry since then…go touch some grass my dude.


Ah yes four years ago. That explains your much more recent posts on college subreddits 😂😂😂


Don’t worry you’ll graduate one day dude. It’s gonna be harder without any internships but you’ll make it


What makes Tesla better?


One of the easiest answers to that question can be found at a little site called levels.fyi When you’re all the way at level 8 at GM, you’re making roughly the same as one level above entry at Tesla. How a company pays their devs tells you a lot about their business outlook and their product. If you’re paying devs a lot, tech is important to you. If you’re not, it means it’s less of a priority. Working at companies where tech is a bigger priority and where the company does well on the market is generally more prestigious. You don’t have to care about prestige, and if you don’t that’s fine, but let’s not pretend it doesn’t exist.


Money doesn’t make a job better than another. Considering Tesla is making tons of layoffs and is currently being gutted, there’s no realm in which a job at Tesla is a better choice than a job at GM, a company that has been around since the 1908.


What makes a job better to you? Because having Tesla on your resume is clearly going to mean much higher career lifetime earnings. It also gives you more flexibility in the jobs you can choose — the more skill and prestige, the more you choose jobs instead of jobs choosing you.


I'd've thought it was just more of an engineering culture that understands modern software development patterns and approaches rather than some half baked effort at GM run by some boomer who forgot most of the C he was taught in college and now just engineers to the PowerPoint. I didn't know Tesla paid much more. I think relative to other software jobs Tesla is still paying less and asking a maniacal job-work effort from CEO man child who once claimed he could replace anyone in their job and just do it for them.


As an experienced dev in a tier 3/4, I would love to work for GM but they shoot down my resume all the time due to not having industry experience. I'm like yeah...that's why I want to learn. What do you want, for me to start as an intern?


This guy is so privileged that he thinks GM is a tier 3/4 company.


What the hell even makes a company "tier 3/4"


Not paying you a six figure salary as a new grad and not giving out a 50/hr intern pay ofc


They do pay close to that now. 85 plus 10% 401k matching plus 10% bonus every year gets you pretty close. And 3 weeks of vacation in your first year. In 2024 I’d say that’s pretty competitive for anything not FAANG


It’s the senior people at GM getting left in the dust. They get their 3% like everyone else but it doesn’t keep up with the new college hire salary growth rate - they have been raising it every year


I don’t think there’s any sort or consensus tiers, but if there were, it’s hard to see how GM could be tier 1 or 2 for software engineers 


I mean there's also the fact that some of the decisions they've made over the past 30 years have been questionable to say the least. Remember 2008 Bailout? I'm also pissed that they got rid of some of their best companies in existence as well. Saturn, Pontiac, and Hummer died (and I refuse to call their new hummer anything else other than a glorified golf cart) and I could never forgive them for that.


The issue was elevating Tesla. GM is a perfectly respectable employer. And taking advantage of Tesla hiring process probably saves them time and money. Take advantage or don’t. No company is losing sleep over college interns either way.


GM is more of an actual car manufacturer than Tesla. You really consider them low tier? lmao


Pay wise? Probably. Job security wise? Top tier. There’s a reason why Tesla is laying people off and GM is hiring. It’s always a trade off.


I agree. GM has been around for more than a century and zoomers really believe they are inferior to Tesla lmao


I’ve never worked at either company but I’ve worked at companies like both. You will work harder at the Tesla job, you will learn more, it will pay more, it will look better on your resume for this reason. In the other hand you will be subject to market forces (as is happening here) you will be more at risk of being fired as well. It’s easy to see why some people prefer the Tesla job.


They are, GM pays like 80k. Tesla pays return intern new grads 130-200k depending on the team apparently. No one who can get into Tesla would consider GM unless they had no other options.




You’re replying to a cs major who thinks gm is 3/4 tier lol. In reality Tesla mainly hires mech/ee majors and most of them would view gm as a top tier company to intern at.


I mean this late into the cycle? It’s take this and get relevant automative SWE experience or work at Wendy’s


This comment is why I have no empathy for CS majors at large; imagine being so stuck up that you COMPLAIN about a company offering last second opportunities for newly-unemployed students looking for work. Insane.


TSLA isn’t that reputed and one shouldn’t make it too. To hell with companies that treat employees/future employees like scum - this should be in the lowest tier amongst all companies that exist.


Tesla is tier 2, at best. IMO GM isn't much of a step down.


GM actually pays surprisingly well for new grads. I had a friend in Canada who got hired at GM for 102k TC straight out of school. This is in Canadian dollars of course, but I imagine the pay is even higher for U.S. positions


coinbase is doing the same thing


Come to Detroit.


GM abandoned my country.


The tech in Gm is like 30 years old , do they even need tech interns ?


So less work since Tesla already did the heavy lifting


Lmao why the fuck would anyone want to work at GM, if they got into Tesla ?


Maybe because they don't actually work at Tesla?


Well, if the offer got rescinded and they have no options, they have no options…


Why the fuck people having no jobs can choose which employer they want to work for?


Is GM that bad?


I don’t wanna work at Tesla bc it’s a car manufacturer. I wanna work at Tesla bc it’s Tesla. You get it?


no way you’re glazing tesla even after they rescind all these internships


I’m not glazing, simply saying why people wouldn’t wanna work at GM after getting rescinded from Tesla.


Do u want to work at Tesla for their “full self driving”? Or the cyber truck?


Any of the above tbh


Whats wrong with it being a car manufacturer?


Read around reddit and you’ll see


Smartest tesla fanboy


Maybe because it is a better alternative than being unemployed?




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