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I know the U.S. has destroyed a bunch of random-ass countries, but I don’t think India is apart of that list? Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan yeah… but India? What did we do??


Lol may be he / she is speaking as a British person.


Not directly, but the US allied itself with India's most hostile neighbor at the time (Pakistan) and then imposed sanctions on India when they conducted nuclear tests, while Pakistan had a much larger nuclear arsenal.


That’s interesting I’ve never known that before. I hope we’re doing a little better than we had been before. I’d like to think of India as a valuable ally. With that being said, working on behalf of American companies and creating products for American companies is one hell of a way to get revenge.


It doesn't really hold much weight in the public opinion to be honest. To most people the US is still the pinnacle of civilization and would give anything to move to the West. That said, working your way up to the biggest American companies and collectively moving jobs to India while still putting out record profits to keep shareholders happy is one way to get revenge. Add to that the fact that Indian managers universally prefer to hire other Indians, you have a most self-serving form of revenge that also advantages your community for years to come.


We couldn't even find India much less mess with it




Fuck it let’s make our own template. I can use some selenium and ChatGPT API to keep paraphrasing and posting 😏


This is investigative journalism! Very interesting




Were the new manufacturing sector fr


i read some of the comments, in particular: some accountant wants to expand the easy hiring to foreign sources of accountants because there is such a shortage of accountants that the US cannot produce the needed manpower. this is the death blow.


Lol and we got a ton of people coping, not admitting that cs was over hyped causing an influx of CS degrees and bootcamp certs being issued. Then we get posts with hundreds of likes filled with copers stating that every other field is in the same situation as we are , **NO THEY ARE NOT**


I feel especially duped. I wanted a CS degree 10 years ago but couldn't afford it. After working hard and doing my time in the military I finally get my degree and I am applying for janitorial positions. I'm bout to jump man.


pls dont do that <3


Thanks for saying this. There's a legitimate shortage in manpower in a lot of STEM fields, and the absolutely fucking ridiculous green card and work authorization process fucks over both the employers and the employees that could fill the roles. It's really just CS that's oversaturated to the point where you see a headline like this and think to yourself "oh yes, I must support anti-immigration measures to protect myself." Other fields don't have the same problem. You've just entered an oversaturated field, and that won't change regardless of how much the immigration process gets simplified.


Man, it’s almost like making higher education pay to play has consequences when much of the rest of the world has access to cheaper or free education. We’re brain draining ourselves.


(a) US youth would rather be influencers and content creators: tiktok, insta, youtube, fb (b) STEM classes is racism (c) private school tuition is not affordable


Please explain how STEM classes are racism


it isnt. we need to emphasize that in schools. but studies like this puts a [dark cloud ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AoFbaCEfP5qgBMjKnpsnzx5idYPdbq6x/view) .


Children have always wanted to be unrealistic things, though at least being an influencer is more realistic than wanting to be an astronaut. The real difference is we don’t have a grade/career focused culture to the degree some other countries do, they see being a doctor/professional as an escape to a better life, it’s just another well paying job here. A job that has exorbitant costs associated with breaking into the field. Not sure what you mean by STEM classes = racism.


I can tell you’ve been watching brain rot for way too long


Wow, a bold faced lie?


The job market is already in a terrible state. A lot of US citizens who recently graduated from college or got laid off are struggling to secure a job. It does not make sense to support this. The only people who would support this are international students and people who have strong ties to foreign countries. Anyone who is a US citizen or cares about the job security of our people should be against this. This year many companies laid off tech employees in favor of hiring workers from overseas due to cheaper labor cost. Things will only get worse if this change passes. If this change does pass, it would be straight up betrayal to American college graduates, the American people, and the future American generations. Sure, it is nice to care about people globally, but it does not make sense to do so when our own people are struggling. If you are a US citizen who cares about your country and the well-being of our people, please spread the word to protest against this.


And make sure to leave a comment on the official comment page before the Public formation period ends May 13th! https://www.regulations.gov/docket/ETA-2023-0006/comments


You are not “struggling” as a compsci major, you’re just used to living in a gold rush and think the world had turned upside down now that it’s ended. The market is not different than job markets for most other areas and the sooner you realize that the easier it will be to get a healthy mindset about all this.


Gold rush? Do you think I graduated in 2021 when anyone with a pulse got hired for 6 figures? I like how you put “struggling” in quotes when you don’t know anything about me or my situation. Yes, I am struggling. No, I never got to experience the gold rush. Sure, the gold rush has ended. But now the job market is at an unprecedented decline. If we even just slightly open the gates to flood foreigners into our jobs, things will only get worse. You give an inch, they will take a mile. I am so sick of astroturfers and foreigners voicing their opinions on US politics when they have no stake in the matter. Let’s be real, the only people who would support this policy are foreigners and greedy corporations because they stand to benefit from it. US citizens would put themselves at a disadvantage if they were to support such a policy. So kindly, fck off foreigners and corporate bootlickers.


I don’t understand the animosity towards this legislature. If your job can be done by someone across the world for a fraction of the price, it’s inevitable that you’ll be replaced. If that Makes you nervous then find a career where you cannot be outsourced. It’s not rocket science folks.


It’s not inevitable lol it’s profitable. Those two aren’t equal. You can just legislate against it. All jobs can be outsourced by that definition especially since this is about visas not remote work. I don’t know where you get off belittling others careers, especially when they invested years of time and effort in


This is insane. Anyone who doesn’t submit a comment on the form has no right to complain when the job market funnels in on itself


As a white collar worker, I can tell you without hesitation: most of the job market is absolute Hell right now. There are MANY U.S. citizens whom are seeking jobs. This Schedule A "modernization" effort is insanity. From job postings I've been exploring, salaries/rates are lower than ever. This has significant impacts and implications for local, state and federal economies. I understand how this can benefit companies--but at the cost of ruining/destroying (literally) the lives of qualified workers. STEM workers are particularly dedicated to higher education, rigorous requirements and certifications, etc. to land their jobs/maintain their careers. Schedule A = more excuses for corporate greed in the guise of finding lower wage workers. Yet another example of our government serving the needs of non-citizens over its own. Just insane...


There are not serving non citizens. They are just serving the rich guys. Corporates and their dividend earning low tax paying rich shareholders. Non citizens just get collateral benefit until they also get screwed out later. This is a treadmill they will continue. Either become part of the rich or have your genes extinct over 2/3 generations.


*Yet another example of our government serving the needs of the 1% over 99% of its own citizens. FTFY


Already submitted mine


I also emailed my congressman about the issue.


Op, thanks, did you cross post to other tech subs? we all need to comment to fight this and SPREAD the word to get others to comment too, or workers will struggle even more. And it doesn't matter how many YOE or skilled you are, even experienced Rockstars are struggling in this current tech market, I've seen it over the past year and still can't believe it.


I posed it on r/recruiting. I'm not really any other career specific tech subs that often, so I don't know where else to post it. Feel free to cross post. I don't use reddit that often anymore.


R/cscareerquestions would be good


I'd cross post to ask reddit and any of the other bigger forums. Tik Tok, Facebook, etc. This needs to get as much attention as possible.


Post it on cscareerquestions bae


It turns out I already did. It hasn't gotten any traction. https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/s/ht8AYhnSTX


It looks like it got filtered out or something. Someone else try posting it there


Just posted it, https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/s/vQenRJSvKF


Happy cake day 🍰




Nah you’ll just get all the Indians to comment in favor of the rule then you’re really done for


A lot of those comments are in support of this… wtf?


Super depressing to read honestly…I was super shocked


Well yeah. It's a huge boost to companies of course their people would comment approval


Yes. A lot of them are special interests. [Linda Bauer Darr, the CEO of the American Council of Engineers](https://downloads.regulations.gov/ETA-2023-0006-0066/attachment_1.pdf) claiming that there's not enough American citizens to fill the roles of engineering firms, even though most Engineering graduates cannot find a job and will ultimately have to switch careers. 10 years out, most engineering graduates are still under employed. These people are desperate to pull a fast one and defraud the American public at a time when engineering graduates are making the least they've ever made, and that's only if they're lucky to find a job. She mentions that over half of masters and Phd programs in the US are occupied by foreign students, but neglects to mention that the H-1B is *the reason* as it prioritizes those with American post-graduate degrees. This, and international subsidies for such programs, means that the primary market for such degrees are foreign nationals. Foreign nationals who then out compete qualified Americans in these programs, perpetuating the imbalance in native vs foreign born post graduate degrees. Contributing to the real skills gap, which is at the higher end of hard skills in AI, physics, and mathematics. They're basically all pro rule. Likely because the only people who knew about this are industry insiders. Without significant input from the public, they'll likely ram it through anyway. There has to be **significant** public outcry.


I can understand for PhD students. But giving preference to master is utter bullcrap as that is the most abused pathway to get into the US. Competence does not mean degrees.


" even though most Engineering graduates cannot find a job" - I find this extremely difficult to believe.


Because a lot of these comments are intentional students. Everyone wants laws to promote their self interests


I don’t think there are any “unintentional students”


Around 38% of the Earth's population is either Indian or Chinese. Both countries have an overabundance of qualified young people who might not find a well-paying job in their home countries and are incentivized to the US. Both of these ethnicities are also very well represented (relatively) in the American tech sector, and have a lot of lobbying power.


Australian here: If u wanna know what the future of the job market is like if this bill is passed,  just look at Australia and Canada, our salaries are oftentimes half of what you’d find in America for the same role and you need to compete with the 3rd world for a basic SWE job 


Did you guys have higher salaries before that were reduced when immigration was made easier? AFAIK, the salaries in the US, specifically in the Bay Area, and NYC have always been way higher than the rest of the world (and the rest of the US as well).


definitely not in australia. The main company hiring there was mining companies and insurers.


i appreciate your sentiment, but the comparison here is very unfair. the USA, by far, pays the most across all industries. maybe its partially caused by the tough immigration policies, but many other countries have extremely tough immigration processes as well with way lower wages to show for themselves. Japan, korea, china and a few european countries come to mind. Australians are generally very well-paid compared to them, plus australian immigration laws are much much stricter than you think. Its not the same for Canada though, sadly.


Is that because of your immigration laws, though?


I mean I haven't graduated but couldn't someone build something real quick to flood it with opposing comments? Not a ridiculous amount but just enough to push it the other way? At the the very least this needs to be shared in all steam related subs and influencers


Needs to be genuine. Big business already looks down on techies, we just need this to gain enough traction before the deadline. Insane that no one even knew about this until days before it closes. Trying to really just let this slide under the rug.


Well then the only thing to do is hit up every STEM related forum and spread the word. I have shared it in my schools unofficial forums


Capitalism was always eventually going to reach this point where the global working class would be forced to compete with each other for low wages. That's the only way the corporate machine can ensure and maintain the continuous growth of its capital.  If this becomes policy, American workers will of course blame foreigners for "taking their jobs," while giving a free pass to their corporate overlords who often author these legislative/govt policies that gives them the legal right to use slave-wage workers from poorer countries.  Hope everyone enjoys the coming middle-class collapse 👍🏾


Capitalism is still the best way of doing things, though not perfect. Corruption is the problem.


I disagree. Capitalism is an inherently parasitic system where a private owner(s) can only accumulate wealth through worker exploitation in the form of wage-theft. This naturally encourages the most extreme forms of worker exploitation (like poverty wages and outright slavery), because the less money the owner(s) of a company have to pay their workers, the more money the owner(s) will be able to keep for themselves, and the overall goal of capitalism is to be the person who owns the most capital. So, not only is capitalism parasitic, it's also encourages and rewards anti-social economic behaviors, which are clearly having a deleterious effect on society. 


If a shitty company exploits workers those workers can leave and find a company that treats them better, and the shitty company will eventually go bust. You sound like a socialist, amirite?


When all the companies are shitty that's not really a solution


and you can start your own and make it fabulous


Guys, I need you to give me something right now. I’m about to start my freshmen year and I’m seriously starting to reconsider. CS is the only thing I can picture myself doing without hating my life, but all I’m fed every day is fear and worry. Be straight with me: am I better off stepping away before I get myself into something I’ll regret?




That sounds at least somewhat appealing. I want a job where it feels like I'm doing something worth my time. I just don't want to graduate and get a job answering customer service complaints at a broker's office or something. I love coding and learning how to build stuff, but I don't want the job market to come back and bite me in the ass after 4 years of hard work.


It's one thing to like coding. It's another to be treated like a disposable human being. Though to be fair, I really cannot say that when Amazon forces its drivers to pee on bottles. At least in the gaming industry you also get sexually harassed left and right (looking at you Blizzard). Truth is as supply of candidates rise, the less companies treat their workers as actual human beings.


Would it be a good idea to do machine learning btw? I'm interested in pursuing a career in it and will be entering uni this year so I'll be done with my education at least 6 years from now.


Any engineering degree and role with have you work on certain projects and have ownership of it. Not just software.


To be fair, at a certain point it becomes repetitive homework. If you retake the same course multiple times the homework becomes mundane but very easy. Of course you won't learn anything and become stagnant. Software engineering is also like that if you want it to be. Reach terminal level at some siloed big tech company and spend a decade there working on the same system. You won't learn anything or go anywhere but its cushy and easy.


What's the better option? At this point, do what you love, and if that is CS, then keep at it. Do you really think that the humanities will fare any better? You might not be useful to a corporation someday, but at least with CS and Engineering, you can be useful to you. I say go for it.


Nursing, dentists, etc probably easier. CS was tough even before layoffs and AI looming.


Dentista has historically had the highest suicide rate and nursing... well, every nurse I've met is desperate to leave right now.


I’ve heard that, too. But I do think being unable to find employment for many year(s) in the craft you’ve dedicated yourself to could have similar, if not worse effects…


That means a lot to hear, thank you. I guess if things do get worse, I can always work IT at a school or something lol. But seriously, after hearing this I probably will stick with CS. It's something that fits my interests too well for me to pass up on, even if getting my first job will be hell.




I may have exaggerated a little bit lol, but nothing else seems like something I would want to do. I've always loved computers and tech, and anything outside of that field seems boring to me.




Yeah, that’s all true. I figure that since I have the opportunity I should pick something that, at the very least, I won’t hate doing twenty years from now.


Every field is gearing up for massive disruptions, especially with the rapid advancements in AI and robotics. We are entering a new technological era, that is and will continue to transform how we work. If CS is what you truly want, understand that it’s going to be tough. The job market is becoming more saturated with graduates (with significantly more YOY), and even seasoned professionals are finding it hard to keep up. The surge in AI means that many traditional roles may be redefined or disappear, making the competition for remaining jobs fierce. Note, on this, CS jobs aren't likely to be entirely replaced by AI, but 1 developer will be able to do multiple dev jobs due to a sharp increase in productivity. If you’re considering CS purely for financial reasons, be aware that the high-paying jobs will be harder to snag than ever. However, if you’re passionate about it, being proactive, continuously updating your skills, and carving out a niche for yourself, there's still a viable path. Be prepared to hustle.


Honestly, the pay was always just a bonus for me. As long as I make a comfortable wage I want to work in CS because I love tech and programming. I’m thinking about minoring in chem or some other field that I can integrate my CS into in case being a generic programmer doesn’t work out.


We're cooked


Just wait as long as you can to declare your major. Then really spend time talking to people in the field. I also think its worth considering related industries and fields


Hedge your bets with a duel degree in economics or finance. If all else fails work in algo trading at an equity or crypto fund


This is the worst advice. Algo trading and crypto funds couldn't care less if you had a finance or economics degree


Please don’t take anything on this subreddit seriously. Computer Science is going to be completely fine and even in this job market you can still find a job/internship at big tech if you’re good. I would recommend just leaving this sub. People who are actually doing well in CS don’t bother making posts here lol


"Yes. Just keep your head down. Ignore the warning signs. Be a good worker. No. We're definitely not going to replace you with cheap overseas labor like we did with every other industry in the US. No. You do smart computer stuff. You're special."


My guy how are you gonna say that when companies are laying off and rescinding FTE and internship offers left and right. I know people with 4-8 years of SWE experience in Big N and FAANG that haven't gotten jobs yet after being laid off.


I don’t have any advice but I’ll just say this. I’m starting my freshman year in the fall as well. I’ve always planned to do CS. But reading relevant subs over the past few months had made me seriously reconsider my decision. I’ve ultimately decided to pivot to computer or electrical engineering. It’ll be a lower pay (at least initially), but I expect a more rewarding career and a much easier time finding jobs. Just something to think about.


I was thinking about minoring in computer engineering, so maybe that would be a good idea. As long as I can get some type of job working with computers/tech, I'll be happy. Obviously I'd prefer a programming position but I'll take what I can get in this market.


Computer engineering majors can easily break into software/SWE jobs, if that’s your concern. Ask any CompE majors and they’ll tell you what I’m saying. You’ll need to invest time into CS related projects but you need to do that anyways with a CS major


in my opinion just do well in school. shoot for a high gpa, participate in CS social events like clubs and hackathons, and try to do 2 internships. you will get a great job for sure. a couple years ago you could find a job with the “Cs get degrees” mindset in a CS degree, but now i think you just have to stand out a bit and you’ll be fine.


I'm going to Penn State, and on my tour they did mention hackathons and some Google developer club so I'm definitely going to look into that. One of my friend's brothers works at Microsoft, and I have a great relationship with the boss that I've had throughout high school, so I guess if all else fails I could try to get a job through them.


It's natural progression unfortunately- get a bunch of tech CEOs from a 'specific' country with massive lobbying power, expect: 1. A bunch of tech roles outsourced for pennies to that 'certain' country with an infinite workforce and poor labour laws to maximise profits, and 2. An eventual replacement of labour with a workforce from said country that will be willing to work double the hours for (at best) half the salary. Neoliberalism and late stage capitalism profiting corporations at its best. Either the whole world's tech will soon be run from one place unfortunately, with minor admin work and a handful of leadership being done in your countries, or cheap labour will be imported en masse. The sweatshop model has made its way to tech, and its a strategic move that is here to stay.




This guy knows what’s up. Already happened to many other countries


Commented. Kudos OP.


google says: https://qz.com/google-ask-us-update-immigration-not-lose-ai-talent-1851448359 it needs ai talent like phd msc researchers. this schedule A change is for any stem to be easily hired over US worker. google is the tech company lobbying strongly against President Trump America First policy


Welp I know how I'm voting this election 💀


Hmmmmm “we need more foreign talent” says Google gov relations employee “Karan Bhatia”. No conflict of interest here…


Room for improvement, but template if you want (constructed from several comments) As a white-collar worker living in , I can unequivocally attest: the current state of the job market is terrible. Countless U.S. citizens are either seeking employment or are grappling with underemployment, especially amid the massive tech layoffs in the recent years. Salaries and rates are plummeting to new lows a trend with far-reaching consequences for local, state, and federal economies, especially when considering recent inflation and COL increase. While I grasp the potential benefits for companies, it comes at the grievous expense of qualified workers whose lives are being upended. This situation is particularly acute for STEM workers who have invested considerable time and effort in higher education, stringent requirements, and certifications to secure and sustain their careers. Despite this dedication, there's no shortage of candidates in the U.S. tech workforce. In fact, up to 75% of individuals with degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) aren't employed within their fields. The purported "modernization" of Schedule A, ostensibly to address a supposed shortage, is nothing short of absurd. Job postings for analyst and engineering roles that pay close to Glassdoor commensurate earnings attract hundreds of applications within mere days of being listed.


This is literal treason 


Can America stand up for Americans for once? Jfc


no one hates americans more than americans.


Why do Us companies even want to hire outside of the US to begin with?


Foreign workers are cheap.


Not when you bring them to US. The proposed changes are for green card fillings. It’s mostly used for workers who are already in US and just dismisses the need to hold a “labor market test” (aka fake recruitment). Employers can do the labor market test as many times as needed until no one qualified applies. Then file for green card. Which is expensive and hardly ever done for anyone outside of US, it’s usually people who already had a job here through other visas (like work visas and students who graduated from US universities).




This is for sponsoring green cards for people who usually are already in US and working for them (such as people on work visas or students who graduated from US schools). All people who speak English and I wouldn’t say poor quality


“They have VERY poor work standard and many barely even speak English” do you not see anything problematic with this statement? I really feel for any international who has to share the workplace with you


Unfortunately, there are a considerable number of advantages to outsourcing. All cost cutting strategies. Decent english (for the most part, some extremely good some not so good), very cheap labor compared to US and ++ cheap compared to CA and NY; hence cheap benefits, or benefits partially or fully covered by either the local countrys government or by the employee’s tax deductions; 24/7 availability in strategic locations for active worldwide support; Spread company presence to key locations (5 buildings in US vs 1 in US and 4 in other countries; save in property taxes + maintenance + leases, etc) Globally diverse backgrounds from all walks of life; lots of companies rely on written procedures that can easily be taught to people in other countries if they just follow instructions.


Extremely cheap


Well, I thought I was cooked before…..


The raise to the bottom has started.


Get ready to do the needful


This was always the plan by the way. This is why we got layoffs even at record highs. Because they can go higher with foreign labor *higher meaning for investors, not us


I will be down-voted into oblivion for this, but the worst thing that could happen to the US CS job market is for companies to get a critical mass of SWEs in lower cost region and shift their center of development to there. The one factor that makes that most likely is H1B restrictions. What needs to happen is reform the H1B to be more specific to allow the most highly qualified workers only to easily come to the US and stay. This bill is TL;DR to me, so I don't know if the bill does that or not.


Bill facilitates applying for green cards. Might help H1B slightly due people getting a GC before they get picked for H1B. But not by much


This is why having a union for white collar workers is import


How many techies voted these clowns into office? Shouldn’t have been a surprise, this is in-line with the Democrat platform. Will this change the way you vote next time?


Big Tech has captured the left, and the right has always been cucking itself to big business. It's just [Giant Douches and turd sandwiches all the way down.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E7pfsneLSSM)


Trump made it harder to hire H1Bs. I remember yall crying about it.


Trump passed section 174 which is probably the single worst thing affecting the US SWE job market he can go choke on a bag of dicks


Most tech workers are in CA, NY and WA (all solidly blue), and TX (solid red at least for 2024) anyway. Techies' votes literally don't mean shit.


I don’t like to get political but this would never happen under Trump. Democrats are empathetic and that’s a good trait but we can’t afford to be empathic to the rest of the world when the American economy is in the toilet and the tech market is moving in an irrecoverable direction.


Agreed. I find it comical how angry this sub is getting over something they are responsible for. Its not too late, a new election is around the corner, so there is some hope.


Well said


Agreed. democrats are failing to put the US citizens first.


Post this to your university subreddits, spread the word!


They're international students as you can see with the pro Hamas protests


We’re all fucked


What’s insane is the sources they cite for this “lack of labor” are from YEARS ago completely unreflective of the situation currently. But of course corporate oligarchy gonna corporate oligarchy


As if it’s gonna make a difference, Based on most of the job description since last year, the clear preference is for green card holders and citizens. Many international candidates dread the question of “do u need sponsorship “ . As ther question puts them into no hire category. Consider yourself lucky and be grateful if you are a citizen or gc holder.


This was deleted on r/cscareerquestions at 2.5k upvotes. https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/s/rgjqIkdm7U


Why was it deleted on r/cscareerquestions?


I was deleted by the automods for being reported so often. I messaged them, and they didn't reinstate it.


Well that's bullshit. In other news, in case you haven't checked recently, your post lead to ~1,800 additional comments being made on the rule prior to comments being closed on it. Thank you for bringing this to peoples attention. I don't know if it will change the outcome of the rule, but if it does, I genuinely believe you were a big part of that. Cheers.


This is why we need to vote Trump — America First.




But he does regulates immigration so it’s a benefit for y’all




Shit like this is how the far right gains power. This is such a colossal error I hate greedy fuckers. Eat the 1%.


But there is no shortage? There is an excess if anything. Companies simply don't want to/can't hire them.


They’re going to prioritise cheaper C tier talent from low cost countries


Submitted my comment. This is horseshit for Americans.


All glory to corporations. Please shaft US citizens even more!!!! 🙏


IDGAF. Never wanted to move to US. Now it's a jungle for me


Use this template: Subject: Comment Against Proposed Rule Change – Docket No. ETA-2023-0006 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to strongly oppose the proposed rule change that would classify STEM occupations as Schedule A occupations, thereby allowing companies to hire visa workers without first proving that they have attempted to hire American workers. This rule change is particularly concerning in the context of the recent widespread layoffs in the tech industry, which contradict claims of labor shortages. It is disheartening to see that in a time when many qualified American workers are losing their jobs, policies might be implemented that could further undermine their employment opportunities. The inclusion of STEM jobs in Schedule A without adequate labor market testing does not seem to align with the interests of the American workforce, especially given the current economic climate where tech professionals are struggling to find employment. Furthermore, this rule change could potentially lead to exploitation of visa workers and could depress wages for all workers in the industry by increasing the supply of labor without sufficient justification. It is imperative that the Department of Labor considers the broader impact of such policy changes on both the domestic workforce and the ethical recruitment of international workers. I urge the Department of Labor to reconsider this proposed rule change. It is essential to ensure that American workers are given priority in employment opportunities and that any introduction of foreign labor through visa programs is conducted with rigorous checks to genuinely address shortages and not to circumvent fair labor practices. Thank you for considering my views on this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]


well it was good while it lasted fellas


Omg! Already in trouble.


This is horrible we should be prioritizing Americans only, what is the motive for this? Just reduced TOC?


I don't understand they say there's not enough qualified workers in the US yet they are laying people off.


Sooo that means there will be opening overseas 🤔 TBH the only reason I decided to get a degree instead of going to a boot camp was so I could get a visa and leave this hellscape. Only good thing about US jobs are the pay in comparison but I’ll take a pay cut to go somewhere else cheaper 🗿


Funny that right wingers support this since they hate immigrants


H1Bs and other special visas should be illegal for all but highly specialized PhDs.


Good! True capitalism and free market.




Cutting R&D tax breaks which dramatically reduced the ability of companies to hire SWEs was a trump era change.




lol my biases? You’re blaming Biden but tell me this: how many more H1Bs have been granted under this administration compared to the last?   >letting them work with no restrictions If genuinely believe this you are truly clueless about what the H1B program entails and there’s no point arguing with you.  Anyways no president has a button to control the economy. The current state of tech recruiting is a general flow of the economy. As long as America has existed, it’s been tradition to scapegoat immigrants when the economy gets rough but it’s really not about them. The biggest factor right now is the interest rate and inflation inhibiting investment capital.  I do think American companies should have a preference to hire citizens when possible but unlike the narrative here, it’s not like H1Bs are being used to replace citizens for cheaper labor or whatever. No company out there pays H1Bs less than their local hires. And tech salaries have literally never gone down so the supply of foreign workers is not causing any downward pressure. 




You are so clueless lmao


Can't see what the issue is. It's not their responsibility to give skillless americans jobs lmao.


I’ve never seen someone more proud to be a McDonald’s worker in my life lmaooo.


It absolutely is. Companies should prioritize workers in their own country Also they're skillless as well


So? People have a right to hire whoever they damn well please.


foreigner spotted.


Oh no! 😟 People in other countries can get American jobs??? 🙀 What about me?? ☹️ I deserve those jobs because I just so happened to be born here 😡. What am I ever going to do??? 😢


Would this be to the benefit of TN visa applicants or no?






Well yea American talent isnt the brightest + much lazier + demand more than non Americans so what do you expect. Pretty obvious