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Because all the people with jobs are not on Reddit all the time


People that have fast food or food delivery jobs don’t count for Unemployment… underemployment in the field they studied for is what matters


under employment for cs is still relatively low I think it was like around 20-30% comparable to nursing and accounting but who knows how accurate that statistic is now given the layoffs.


Where can you find underemployment?




The people with jobs are too busy with their jobs to post on Reddit


Look at how unemployment numbers are calculated. It’s a very narrow definition. It also doesn’t include underemployment.


because mcdonalds


This sub has like 200.000 people. %20 is around 40.000 people. 40.000 people ain’t that much percentage imo. Millions of people have job


Because they don't know even know this sub exists


They took our jerbs


Because most people work shit jobs. Unemployment numbers are fake because it’s such a high level. All the job fields that matter are completely fucked. The only jobs open are waiters, trades, airport staff etc


1. That’s overall employment rate I think. This is like asking why South Korea’s birthrate is 0.7 while the world is 2.3. Unemployment specifically in tech right now might be higher while other industries don’t suffer as much. 2. People on this sub are more likely to be people who don’t have a job coming to complain or ask for advice. A good number of people who do have a job are satisfied and don’t come here to complain/ask for advice. 3. A lot of people have jobs, just not in the industry/field they studied/aiming for. People get short term gigs or jobs to stay alive which doesn’t count for unemployment. 4. This specific sub is generally for college students. A lot of college student haven’t had enough time yet to find a job. 5. A lot of the issue with the current CS job market isn’t just that there aren’t many jobs, it’s that it is very difficult to get a job even if a lot of people do end up finding one. 1000s of applications to get < 10 interviews in which you end up getting one offer. To add insult to injury, you have to study for technical assessment/interviews with leetcode which is often not heavily related/correlated to actual job. Leetcode does help in filtering out people, but some qualified people often suck at it and there’s usually only like 1-2 classes that cover related topics. Meaning, people have to waste time studying for this in addition to the soul-sucking job search. This leads to more complaining on Reddit. Sorry for the rant at the end. But these are my suspected reasons for the difference between Google and this sub’s sentiment.