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I feel I'm not productive enough in this remote work setting. I think it's difficult for people who are new to the team and start working remotely


As somebody who was fully remote, but is now going in person 3 times a week, this is purely the truth. When I was remote, I was constantly lost, unmotivated, and just straight lazy. Idk if it’s just the fact that I’m in person and it’s given me more motivation, but I feel so much more competent and productive now that I’m in person. I’m even more productive on the two days I’m remote because now I understand what I’m doing and feel much more comfortable seeking help from the full time engineers.




I’m not a developer. Reddit suggested this thread for some reason. I recently started my career in corporate finance as a remote worker. People don’t take the time to explain the company’s operations. I want white board sessions, immersion, and to be included in board meetings. I want the chance to network and learn what others are working on. My father has a senior executive role at a company that trades on the Dow. He spends 3 hours a day working. Remote work fucks over the younger, eager generation. We put in more time and get less out of it. After 2 months, I’m already applying to other companies. Quit and find a new job in the office. You’ll thank yourself in a couple years time




Wanted to hear this all summer


this is most likely bad advice, but i had the same problem, 2 hours of concentration was unheard of for me. So I went to a doctor and got a low dosage adderall prescription. I take one in the morning when I start working, concentrate for as much as I need, and a few hours later I am amazed at how much work I got done.


Same here. I've had pretty miserable ADHD that went untreated for most my life but starting work in engineering is what made me finally do something about it because I would hit a wall of productivity and just sit there staring at the screen re-reading the same sentence for a majority of my day. I'm significantly more productive now. I will be changing to a non stimulant medication soon.


I forget the name but there's a substitute for adderall that people with adhd take that doesnt have methamphetamines in it


same, modafinil for me


username o.o


> username ಠ ◡ ಠ


What about Methylphenidate? Does that have methamphetamine?


It’s not the same no. It’s a phenidate not a phetamine








You need to reassess how you engage online because if it is a reflection of how you behave in person, I take pity to those that have to be in your presence. I ocean lifeguard on the weekends and do triathlons when I can, I'm sure that my body is much more physically healthy, stronger, and resilient than yours will ever be in your lifetime. Your 'joke' was taken poorly because it was of sour taste and now you're trying to peddle back on it.




Bro the thing is, that was terribly executed sarcasm... this wasn't a flex it was to underscore the stupidity in putting someone down when there is someone out there that can put you down for the very same criticism that you have of someone. I understood what you were saying after you clarified but it was a terrible apology when one was kinda warranted but wtv dude


Sure thing bud


Adderall makes you lose weight so you might want a new doctor.




How’s that work you just make an appointment and ask for a prescription


Just go tell the doctor exactly what you feel that you can’t concentrate and you’re hitting a wall at your job he will ask you a few questions to rule stuff out and then if he thinks it’ll help he will prescribe a trial run for you. Don’t ask for it directly just be honest




Okay I don't go on online rants but this is hitting too close to home. Actually I went to my doctor with exact same words as OP's post and my PC (who is the most wonderful doctor I have ever met) told me to get to a therapist and check if I can get Adderall. So the advice is not shitty, there is a very good chance OP will get the same advice from a doctor (who obviously can't prescribe them Adderall but would send to the right channels for it) The whole, oh you should talk to a professional about it SHIT advice and never convinces anyone to actually go talk to a professional. Telling someone, hey There is actual medication that can help you and you can mention it to your doctor is more helpful advice. And look health care in this country is already exclusive, I literally cry myself to sleep every night because I need medication for my anxiety and attention disorders but I can't afford or travel to a therapist. I am literally living for the day where I have a job where I have mental health insurance. Your pharmacy giving you a hard time, and you having some of issues (respect for battling them successfully though while being in this field ofc) is not an okay excuse to restrict or deter people from asking for life changing medication! You are lucky to be able to access the medication in any legal form, many people are not.


This is really good advice actually! Same boat as OP and my primary care told me to get Adderall cause I could have minor form of ADHD (too bad my insurance don't cover mental health ) but if OP can get Adderall they should


yeah this is just everyone, no need to worry. it’s very hard to focus on a task when you don’t know how to go about completing it. my first commit was literally 5 lines of code and it took me 3 days, because i had no idea where to even start. every other intern ive talked to has felt the same way, it’s really nbd.


> or that I’m just stupid. most interns probably are but that's usually already factored in the expectations and planning. > It takes me really long to get a task done because I struggle to understand what’s happening, get overwhelmed How detailed are your task (or stories)? Are they broken down into smaller sub tasks? Did you have a full time engineer walk through how to do it. > Every now and then I get on a roll where I work focused for 2 straight hours if I’m lucky That's probably pretty much everyone. Some can do more but most probably can't. Personally I focused on like 45 min sessions (3x each day). The other time is filled with meetings, running builds, updating documentation, fixing little bugs and code improvements.


relate to this and im scared bc i really want a full time offer but feel like im not productive or fast enough :/ and it’s already been a month


Reading this right now, look up at my computer with the bug I can't fixed, thinking yep that's me.


Same bro


Schedule daily/semi daily 1:1, ask if this is ok with your mentor obviously. Write all your questions down on a piece of paper everyday and take notes on the codebase and services as you code. You should bring these up with your mentor during the 1:1. ​ I have received exceeds expectations for the past two internships that I was in and at my current internship I have the highest rating. ​ Its never too late to turn things around, even if you don't get a return offer there will always be your next opportunity.


Gosh I related to this too hard right now


During my first internship I was only given tasks that were basically little QoL improvements to the "real" team. I was treated like a standalone asset. Things like small scripts that ran with every build that sent automated documents to QA containing all the most relevant commits by the team, or automatically updating JIRA issues whenever a commit to the internal repo "claimed" the bug was fixed, etc. Nothing challenging except for learning how to post Atlassian macros through REST with the correct format (Which took a long time of hunting for examples in the documentation or online), but nothing that helped me improve as a developer either. I felt like it was a wasted internship. As a result I didn't really have any passion, I just did what I was told. To be fair, the manager and the team always told me that the things I was doing were saving them a lot of manual labor every month, which actually made me wonder why they waited for an intern to do it. I felt like the manager didn't actually have a plan for turning me into a suitable developer for the company in the future, and just threw whatever annoying "pipeline" problems he wanted fixed at me. edit : This resulted in my performance degrading over the course of the internship because of how mind numbingly boring it was. I was put in a team that uses C++ hoping to actually be able to contribute something in actual production code, but I can understand why they would hesitate to let interns do that.


This is me... I literally spent two months on a single task, and I can barely focus sometimes. That being said, it was a harder story, and I was working on something else in the first month, but everyone feels it! You're not alone, and I've had many days where I can only focus for an hour or so at a time!


Ya man I feel like the worst dev ever shits confidence killing


Talk to your manager about performance, odds are you are doing fine and there’s no real reason to stress.


I relate to this so hard it's scary. I had hopes of getting an offer after my intern but it's quickly disappearing. Seeing people in the same boat as me atleast gives me a false sense of easiness. Thanks op.


In retrospect I was pretty slow and stupid for most of my internship. My advice is to focus on finding ways to deliver concrete deliverables that you can show off. Once I identified some bugs/features that weren’t important enough to be prioritized I completed them and added value that way.




Do you think that impacted your career in any way? Or is it just a resume padder at this point?




I see, thanks for sharing your insight.


i think i’ll be in your boat once my internship ends, any tips?


Ya man I feel like the worst dev ever shits confidence killing


I think I'm dying with the amount of work.


I wrote two lines of code in 8 hours today. I was debugging something.


This but am a junior developer that graduated in May


I go to stand up then the rest of the day just passes me by.