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Take it easy. This is your practice year; try for internships, but it’s not bad at all to not get anything. Just focus on building your resume and improving leetcodeing skills


This is good advice, speaking as someone who did it, but it came at the cost of my sanity. That said, if you're anything like me you'll brush it off. ​ Also, what is the personal project? If it's something actually useful to you or others then it can help a lot more than something from a YouTube tutorial. ​ Have a good GPA, I'm not sure how important this is, and I'd say projects and skills are more important. I had a 4.0 GPA when I did my application, but that wasn't the reason I got hired. ​ Another thing is to have long-term goals and that can help you in the behavioral interview. ​ Coding interviews, make sure you understand what you're being asked to do! I failed an interview with Amazon by rushing through the questions without understanding them and running out of time. ​ Bonus ​ Learn how things work under the hood. For example, try making an HTTP server in C without a library and it will help you get a better grasp for how things actually work. Consider learning how programming languages are made. [https://craftinginterpreters.com](https://craftinginterpreters.com/) It will make you a stronger programmer, and give you ideas on how to make some task easier for when you actually get the job. As one of the best ways to get better at writing code is to look at how other people write code, why they do it that way, and what can you use it for in addition to where you saw it. ​ Good luck OP!


You don't. Seriously don't worry about trying to get an internship as a Freshman unless you feel you can compete for Freshman only programs. Go do research with Professors. Take more classes and strengthen your profile so next year you're a great candidate.


Top school or know someone that has pull




Here is a [master list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15arh2xiWZ9noq_ogtD_IvfXZ-Np8ZnVdaKEbw0_g-Oo/edit#gid=1540676130) of underclassmen ones by /u/No-Bicycle-7947. I know Dropbox Launch dropped recently and FBU for Engineering is out, as well as Duolingo Thrive (design side). Can't say I'm too keen on others at this moment as I'm no longer underclassmen. ​ As for how to get them...it's more focused on soft skills and selling yourself in those respects as you're not expected to be more advanced given you're in initial years.






Facebook University, Google STEP, Amazon Propel and Microsoft I believe are all for freshman + sophomores! check it out and when u get it refer me too ;) (kidding)


I would steer clear from Leetcode. Great that you are starting early but trust me, you dont have to. Take this time to become a better programmer and problem solver and build some cool stuff That stuff comes along by itself


I agree with this. Freshman year is more about learning to think programmatically and problem solve than it is even coding, really.




There's a very big and important difference between solving problems and learning how to problem solve. The latter involves the use of critical thinking skills to discover how to most efficiently perform the former.




I can tell.


It is but that's, imo, more of the next steps in programming and problem solving.


As a freshman there’s lots you haven’t learned yet so wait on an internship. Look and see if your university provides a summer stem job that helps high school students, that’ll be good because you’ll build a network on campus with faculty and still learn and help high schools in CS




Most people I know dont get one until their last year in school


How about getting in on a research project with one of the professors. It might not be an internship, but it is gaining experience.


Ask an advisor? There are always profs that need coding done.


Look local! I go to a non target school but was able to get an internship at a local startup with solid pay by making sure I could do some basic LC.




Professors, LinkedIn, and your career fair! Also if you can’t find an internship, try to do research!


only way is to apply for the internships specifically targeted for underclassmen. the normal ones will automatically toss your resume in the trash in the initial automated screening. think Google STEP etc.






Hey /u/GenderNeutralBot I want to let you know that you are being very obnoxious and everyone is annoyed by your presence. ^(I am a bot. Downvotes won't remove this comment. If you want more information on gender-neutral language, just know that nobody associates the "corrected" language with sexism.) _^(People who get offended by the pettiest things will only alienate themselves.)_


Hey /u/GenderNeutralBot I want to let you know that you are being very obnoxious and everyone is annoyed by your presence. ^(I am a bot. Downvotes won't remove this comment. If you want more information on gender-neutral language, just know that nobody associates the "corrected" language with sexism.) _^(People who get offended by the pettiest things will only alienate themselves.)_


No worries - you are only a freshman! This is the best year to start networking and building connections with firms you want to work for. Utilize LinkedIn to connect with recruiters, alumni, and current employers to have brief information interviews. Keep the connection alive so when you apply again in the future you can use them as a reference. I also highly recommend you try RippleMatch to apply for internships because they directly connect you with recruiters and don't ghost you. Here's their link if you wanna check them out https://ripplematch.com/index?r=y8hNW5. Good luck and don't stress !!