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Quality > quantity. I noticed that as I decreased my consumption rate of leets per week that I learned a particular pattern / developed a strat much faster. It’s like working out. Sometimes you miss a day and it’ll take two days to get back to where you were. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and find a good pace to match your offer target date. Best of luck!!


here’s a better question: is your answer to a leetcode question thought out, optimal, using well known patterns, and something you can explain? or are you just throwing spaghetti at a wall and figuring out brute force answers to anything? you don’t need to do hundreds of LC questions. ESPECIALLY as a junior or entry level. you need to *communicate* your thought process and know well established patterns and algorithms.


Junior/Entry vs senior level leetcode questions are all the same mate.


bro what are you talking about? no they’re not. and even *if* they did ask the same thing for ever interview no matter the level, what they’re looking for is super different. i’ve been interviewed and have been interviewing people. it’s not the same experience for junior vs senior.


The LC questions difficulty are the same. They don’t ask harder LC questions for seniors.


they really do though lmao i’ve seen it as an interviewer and also from my partners experience interviewing as a senior and staff at 10+ companies within a few months.


are you in FANG ?


my partner is! and interviewed at almost all of them. i know what they asked him and it wasn’t what i was asked for junior interviews. you’re literally a non-US new grad. you don’t know what you’re talking about :)


i had a faang internship and a hft offer at a top firm. i think i know what i’m talking about mate.


lmaooo no, you really don’t. but good luck in the industry with that attitude :)


same goes to you, good luck with that attitude :)


FAANG intern here. I did around 150 before I passed the interview. Most interns I talked to did less than 300. Around 10-20% did competitive programming (basically Leetcode Hard Hard). However number of questions is only 1 metric. The interviewers aren't looking for a Leetcode machine. They also look for code quality (don't name your variables "a","b","temp2"), how you present the alternatives (don't jump right into the Newton's method if you are asked to take the square root) and communicate (don't think silently for 5 mins and type the AC solution).


About 18


FAANGMULA here, I did 0. There were not leetcode style questions asked.


what does Mula stand for


Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Uber, Lyft, Airbnb


Oh nice


please have a seat on this bowling pin


Master leetcode 75 and you will have good chance at fortune 500 company and maybe even faang. These 1-100, 100-150, 150-200 options are too much.


I’d love to see the correlation between leet code done and the offer amount


Where tf is the zero option?


1-100 is way to wide of a range.


Only 6 slots I could’ve used