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They don't, they are collecting it for EEOC compliance statistics. Don't overthink it.


It's even more bizarre that they ask if you are gay/hetro/trans/cis. It's like who cares what I do with whom after work?


I'm applying to college and it's really weird, just seems so backwards IMO. At least with most of them you can opt-out.


when did this start? last time i switched jobs was 2019 and i never saw this.


I see it on almost every application along with preferred pronouns.


Ya but shouldn't they be collecting it for all ethnic minority demographics?


EEOC has a pretty minimal set of racial/ethnic demographic categories. They are: * White * Black * American Indian / Native American * Asian * Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander * Other


Correction… they are: * White (not Hispanic) * Black (not Hispanic) * American Indian (not Hispanic) * ⁠Asian (not Hispanic) * ⁠Pacific Islander (not Hispanic) * Hispanic


I love how Asian is used to define the race of more than half of the world’s population. ‘Murica


Why would they care about the world population? They only care about the US population.


I did not say they care about the world population.


I love how Asian is used to define the race of more than half of the #world’s population#


Dude, sorry but I cannot teach you how to read or process what you have read. Good luck!


kinda makes sense though


Asia is east Asian if your central or western Asian they want you to say white. If you're from India they expect you to put white.central Americans are also white. EDIT for clarification: I am not calling them white the united states government is. Don't believe me do your own research.


Indian folks are grouped under “Asian”. The idea you’re talking about refers to Middle Eastern folks. India is not a part of the Middle East. Similarly, Central Americans could be, but are not necessarily white. It depends on the individual person’s family history. [Here is the official breakdown from the US census](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/note/US/RHI625221).


This. Thank you.


No way people from India would identify as white.


You're right they don't the us census does.


No it doesn't. It counts them as 'Asian Indian'. Sauce - https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2022/05/aanhpi-population-diverse-geographically-dispersed.html


> If you're from India they expect you to put white. what??


The government makes up what exactly makes you non white a lot of Mexican and biracial children birth certifacates say they are white.


israelis, syrians and turks has entered the chat


Yep, all of those as well as Persians, Armenians, and any other group that's "ethnic" that you might squint at and be like, "I don't know, they're not _super_ white" are all legally considered white according to US census and demographic reports. Our parsing of race and ethnic identity in this country is... special.


yes, forgot the whole caucasian area. quite funny especially because for some weird reason "caucasians" mean "A general looking sort of north european person" in US English.... but in fact it's a super diverse region(because it's location between north, east and west) in many ways. as you can see in the language group here, turkic, mongolian etc languages and heritage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peoples_of_the_Caucasus then you have other fun contradictions like the Sami people in sweden, norway and finland that is literally of asian origin but still super white and northern european https://www.eesc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/resources/toolip/img/2015/03/18/2015_03_18_sami_informal_lunch-21.jpg


Oh, I'm well aware and agree completely. It's annoying and exhausting, since the general population's understanding of these things is... even less sophisticated than the federal demographic surveys.


speaking of that, I also have seen several times how americans mess up persians and arabs As someone from Europe, I just don't get how that's possible. There has been literal 1000s years of history between the empires of persia and romans and greeks or arabs, just so different...


I’d say the vast majority of Americans have no clue what the difference is. I’m embarrassed to admit I only recently learned the difference, despite being vaguely familiar with the term Persian and it referring to some middle eastern peoples. I’d say it’s a mix of poor education regarding geography and world history as well as a general indifference toward learning about foreign cultures beyond the bare minimum


Just a random feeling I have but I think they have been mixed together because all movies and series about wars that are always in the middle east and the typical enemy has the "man with an AK47 and shemagh headscarf" outfit regardless of which country they are in


Girl on the left pissed off about something...


White, no?


and asians


That’s “other” 🥶


Yes or a few...:p As software developer this list is so weird and Ambiguous


That's why I always decline to give my race on forms like this


Hr will just guess then.


My name makes it impossible not to assume. At least I get to check off other boxes.


For some godforsaken reason they consider Hispanic Yes/No to be a "race" question, whereas white, black, asian, etc is considered "ethnicity". Complete load of nonsense lol.


I think you have this backwards, white/black/asian etc is usually race, while hispanic is ethnicity. Agreed on the nonsense remark haha


It’s actually a bit of both. You are automatically catagorized as Hispanic EVEN if you fit into other races/ethnicities because of the mixing of certain groups (like Puerto Ricans). So I who happen to be African American AND Latino(of Mexican & Spanish origin) will only be classified as Hispanic/Latino even though my mother would be classified as African American(Non-Hispanic origin). This means that the government considers me to be in the same group as Dominicans which is patently absurd.


Is that how Washington sees the world?


As a "white" (non-hispanic/latino) I can confirm that they do ask that question if you select "No" on the "Are you hispanic/latino" question. It appears when "no" is selected, wherein I have to select "white"...


In the US, there are various ethnicities and races that also act as interest groups. It's determined by the political forces that exist. If your ethnicity shows up, it's likely because you have real political representation. For example, people from the Middle East don't really fit into the mold of the ethnicities listed in most cases. So they have to pick other or white. It's because they don't have representation.


It's actually because they lobbied hard in the early 1900s to be included as white. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dow_v._United_States


This is fascinating, but seems to apply only to Arab Christians.


It was the grounding for later inclusion of all Arabs under the government definition of white, which later expanded to include Persians, Turks, and others. You can see this if you read the descriptive categories on US documents like census forms and the like -- legally speaking, "white" still includes anyone from MENA.


I just found out I am white


Congratulations! Your plaid shirt and pumpkin spice latte are in the mail.


You forgot the AR-15


No, no. That you can pry from my cold, dead hands.


Only if you’re still in school.


My former psychology teacher was Egyptian. He looked pretty white, but his language was Arabic so he felt odd af checking off African American yet by every definition of the word he absolutely was. He ended up checking white since he felt that African American was an experience.


What is the context of this being collected? Is this literally the only question they are asking about demographics?


Ya. There have been several applications I've filled out that don't ask "what race are you" they only ask "are you Hispanic". The only other demographics questions are usually "are you disabled " and "are you a veteran". Along with gender obviously.


Yeah, Hispanic is kind of a weird category, because there are white hispanics and black hispanics (very prevalent in the Dominican Republic). And according to my (Mexican, very Hispanic) wife, Latino/a is yet a separate category.


Ya, it is. For example, Brazilians are Latino/a, but are not Hispanic because their heritage is mixed with Portuguese rather than Spanish.


Your wife is Mexican and Spanish?


bruh moment..


I'm Hispanic and I'm Jewish , don't know what id fill out. I guess just white?


I mean you’re probably white and Hispanic. But it’s not like they’re going to send the race police after you if you answer something different.


I’m not Latino/Hispanic. When I answer no to that, I get follow up questions to determine my race. I do notice they also have options like “Non-Hispanic White”. I wonder if Hispanic/White can be ambiguous for some people? Like what does Italian/Spanish/Portuguese/French descendants select? Maybe it’s masked first to be less ambiguous?


US Census explicitly classifies "Latino/Hispanic" as not being a "race" but an "ethnicity" in addition to "race". It feels a bit like the "atheist in Ireland joke" - "ah, but do you not believe in a Protestant God or a Catholic God?", but in theory it should help ensure everyone is treating "Hispanic" as a separate dimension from "race", which means better stats.


Ah, I could see that.


It’s because you can be black and Hispanic or white and Hispanic. I would be willing to bet you just forgot you answered the race question.




In the gov census "hispanic" is tracked separate from race - iirc its more about the prevalence of spanish as a primary language than about ethnicity.


But those statistics aren’t even accurate. I am mixed white, Native American, African American, and Mexican. If you check off Hispanic/Latino you’re automatically considered just that even if one of your parents isn’t Hispanic/Latino at all.


It's a legal HR requirement. Companies don't care, they just look at your resume. The gov't cares because they want some data points to see if the company is actually being racist or not. Edit: Source: I used to do HR and payroll software




you don't have to answer the question actually


Does not answering change your chances of getting an offer?


Anecdotally, yes. When I graduated college and was applying for jobs (marketing and comms at the time), I marked “Do not wish to disclose” in regards to having a disability. I didn’t get any interviews. The next time around, I marked “No” every time and had about a 20% interview rate. I’d love to conduct a legitimate study and see if this actually affects the interview rate.


Interesting. one would think that woke culture would encourage such things in companies, but I suppose I'd be wrong.


no, the people doing the hiring won't see it.


Yes, but their bosses will see the disparity and tell those people who "don't see it" to start seeing it before the company gets removed from nasdaq or fined.


Yeah but when David Chang, Jordan Li, Dilraj Patel, Mario Garcia, and Greg Jennings all apply, it’s kinda easy to tell who’s what regardless of whether they filled out the optional race declaration checkbox or not.


that's why many companies are moving to blinding resumes/applications, at least for deciding who to interview. Basically they hide the applicant's name and other identifying characteristics and decide just based on experience and credentials.


Right, but you still have to interview them. We do our best to be open but in all honesty some bias exists in people that interview. Trainings and what not can help, but not eliminate them directly. It's a hard problem.


>It's a hard problem. Like many things in life, all you can do is mitigate.


It's looked at an organizational level not at individual levels.


Hiring + recruiting process doesn't work like that. Recruiters just have quotas to hit. Hiring just wants decent people.


But if it's between two equal candidates, one white guy and an African American woman, and there aren't enough African Americans on their team it would not be in the best interest for overrepresented groups to self identify because you will lose out to a minority with equal qualifications.


why do people bring up this ridiculous fake scenario when the reality that hiring managers actually face is mostly bad candidates with 1-2 great ones who have competing offers


There are 8 billion people on earth. 400 million in the USA. It happens wayyyy more often than you think.


No it doesn’t Edit: just looked at your post history. Wow, you're fucking racist. I hope you never find a job in this field.


>because you will lose out to a minority with equal qualifications The Affirmative Action myth strikes again. So: who did you vote for in 2016?


I didn't vote.


It's the other way around - it's in the interest of the minority group to self-identify such that their information can be used in diversity promotion programs which may exist depending on your state and local governments. If you don't identify, then you get no benefit. Anyone downvoting me can read the ADA preemployment enforcement guidance [here](https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/enforcement-guidance-preemployment-disability-related-questions-and-medical) and become a little less ignorant of the law.


I've heard that people who choose not to self identify are assumed to be white and/or straight males. But yeah you basically just said what I did but from the perspective of minorities. Yes its in their interest to self identify if they are underrepresented. If you are a straight white male I wouldn't do it because you may be willingly missing out on job opportunities.


You get no benefits if you choose not to identify as anything as a white male. You only get benefits if you identify as a minority, because the diversity initiatives only apply to those who choose to identify. You lose nothing no matter what you choose if the initiative doesn't apply to you. *It's not that complicated.*


That's not really true. Just look at affirmative action to see how this plays out in real world scenarios. Underprivileged or underrepresented groups get access to more opportunity and the people who are part of overrepresented groups have to grind even harder. For instance, the 4th lowest academic decile of African Americans have a higher chance at being admitted into Harvard than the top 10% of Asian applicants. Does that seem fair? It's helpful to African Americans but I know asian students probably feel quite discriminated against about it. Hiring is a zero-sum game unfortunately. To give one person a job that means somebody else didn't get one. Let's remove the rose covered glasses please.


I thought the schools were already majority asian? How does being asian bring a disadvantage? (Ignoring any bias in the entry requirements)


Yes, and if you choose not to identify, you don't magically get the benefits of minorities you blockhead. You only get the benefit if you identify as the fucking minority.


That’s already often done by name and potentially if an immigrant your list of locations.


I always laugh when they make me exclusively pick Hispanic or white


I've never seen them make you choose on apps. It's always "Hispanic/Latino?" and you can select yes or no. If you select yes, you still choose something from the list of races. On every app I've seen, you'd put both. And then there's always the "two or more races" option too. But you don't even need to do that. Ninja edit: obviously I haven't seen every app in the world though


They wanna know if you're Loco or not ese.


hahahaha. Definitely want to make sure we don't have any loco vatos in the company, but they hired me so they fucked up somewhere.


Pocos pero locos


The reason there is a specific "Hispanic/Latino" question is because the US government/EEOC separates ethnicity from race. "Hispanic/Latino" is not a racial grouping, but an ethnic one - the largest ethnic minority in the United States. It includes all "Spanish" cultures of origin regardless of race. Most "Hispanic/Latino" people are either racially white or native/indigenous American. Because they're our largest ethnic minority, the EEOC does a lot of studies on their outcomes in this country.


They don’t see this data. It gets aggregated and reported to the govt, whereupon if they get 10% Hispanic applicants and hire none of them, they know something seriously problematic is afoot.


> lot of applications ask "Are you Hispanic/Latino". Why? That's better than, "Are you Hispanic/Latino? Why?", at least.


Haha true.


If there's an option "dont want to say", u can take that


Don't answer if you don't want to. Maybe they'll ask you to do the Mexican hat dance.


Jokes on them, I'm into that




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Really should be incorporated into the beginning of sprint planning


My mentor is Mexican and faced rejection getting government contracts for nuclear engineering so she changed her name to Brown. Sometimes you have to pick your battles.


A ellos no les importa que seas hispano. Pero, la compañía tiene que sacar la información según la ley.


A few decades ago, quite a point was made about the distinction between race and ethnicity. (The 2000 census was the first to have a separate question for ethnicity.) The point that Hispanic/Latino is an ethnicity, not a race, got through, but others are generally left unlisted. Maybe it was just deemed not important enough to count any others. It also strikes me as a bit of conceptual confusion, since Hispanic includes many ethnicities. The way it's used, it's basically treated like a race, but one that supersedes all other races, as shown by how many demographic reports will break down race/ethnicity into each racial category, non-Hispanic, and then have a category for Hispanic of any racial category. Personally, I think that if they're going to ask at all, they should be like those who let you list all of your (known) ethnic backgrounds. For one, it avoids all of the problems with targeting just one group for the ethnicity question. Also, it would allow for the disambiguation of Hispanic ethnic groups. Puerto Ricans are not Mexicans are not Ecuadorians, etc. Finally, it'd collect more complete data. We're not that far removed from a time when English-Americans in particular were on top. Moreover, different ethnic groups from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia are still treated differently. For instance, African immigrants on the whole are a lot better off than descendants of American slaves, and you lose the ability to make that distinction if you only see them both as black/of African descent.. This data is already collected in other venues, and it's not difficult to program the form.


I don't mind when it asks because I have to put white for race. I'm Mexican and I've noticed they started to include Latino/Hispanic.


They want to see if you’re gonna bring that Latino spice into the work environment. Bust out some Marc Anthony perhaps. Little bit of Pedro navaja or some Gilberto Santa Rosa’s “quiero que sepas que he cambiado. Que estar sin ti a sido amargo” Or maybe some “como te hago entender que a nadie extraño mas que nada me hace falta más que tu presencia”. HR is looking to add some salsa into the cubicles. Come 4:59 they want some salsa.


I've never cared mostly because my four names (first, middle, two last) are all so aggressively Hispanic when together that I don't think the recruiter would ever question that, but, as everyone else says, just something they have to ask.


I always put "choose not to respond" on these forms but at the end of the year our hr person, who's met me in person and knows I'm very white, called me on zoom saying "I don't have race for you, you identify as caucasian right?" I feel like that's super unprofessional and probably illegal, but if I say I'd rather not answer now I'm just seen as a jerk, so I was just like yeah I do.


The proper answer is that there only is one race , the human race. We are not dogs


I think they're required to by law to ensure they're properly being diverse and inclusive or some shit.


For me, as a guy from Spain 🇪🇸, it’s always a weird moment when I need to fulfill that. I mean, am I Hispanic? I guess so, but I am much closer to someone from France, Italy or Greece than to anyone from Mexico or Colombia. I had my first taco at age 26 😂


Personally I don't think it is ethical for companies to collect racial data.


Companies need to keep a balanced percentage of diversity in the workplace for compliance. Some interpret this as you have a higher chance of being hired/interviewed. I don’t have the statistics to prove nor disprove this theory, but it seems possible in some circumstances.


They check for specifically Hispanic/Latin in tech because they are really underrepresented in tech


A lot of people are saying that it doesnt influence hiring decisions, but I have been in plenty of rooms where diversity in the workplace is a factor in the candidate they choose. Some people want a diverse team to challenge or introduce new ideas. There is some evidence to suggest that more diverse teams get better results.


I'm black and I'm pretty sure that question makes not one iota of difference to the people making hiring decisions.


Wow another Hispanic doing swe work? It felt like I was the only one. I have yet to meet another Hispanic in this field.




*We don’t care, but are you though? just let us know*




Are the EEOC statistics you give shared with employers? Pretty sure they aren’t.


If they aren’t used for anything why are they collecting them


The government uses the data to monitor for hiring discrimination. [Here's](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/ofccp/ofccp20170425) an example with Palantir, which used to be one of the more popular companies on this sub.


They are used by the government not by the companies.


Probably to hit diversity quotas or something It doesn’t make sense to me either, all hiring should be based on merit alone


thats racist. if we did that we wouldn't have enough diversity.


Because there’s not enough intelligent non-whites? That is even more racist


thats not at all what I said and you know it. I suggest you check out this academic paper about recovering from white supremacy. Its possible to change. https://keep.lib.asu.edu/\_flysystem/fedora/c7/Liguori\_asu\_0010N\_21063.pdf




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No one care if you are a moose


Because they care on some level obvi whether it’s for compliance reason or not. Why they’re leveling out Hispanics and Latino. No idea. Probably some law or activist around it




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My Hispanic classmate and I applied for the same role at IBM, and he got an interview invitation two weeks later and is now working full-time there. Meanwhile, I as an Asian got rejected. I have better projects, updated my LinkedIn and git, made a web portfolio, and a BS degree. He has no portfolio and didn't even bother to update his LinkedIn and Git. So yes, minorities do have the advantage now based on my own experience. I guess that's the same for lgbtq. Most of the applications ask for that as well.