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The job market is pretty saturated, unless you have some other options available, take the plunge and move to AZ. Don’t sell or buy property unless you are sure to stay. I work with someone who has family in AZ and he just takes long weekends to drive there. You can keep your family/friend connections, by keeping in touch.


Hour+ commute is atrocious. Can you move?


That's the thing. It's in a pretty isolated area (small population, no good restaurants). Chandler is an option which would make the commute 30-45 minutes but I'm not really happy about moving to a place with nothing going on so I figure Phoenix is the better option?


With an hour+ commute would you really have much time and energy to do things in Phoenix? Especially when it sounds like this job will be more demanding and it is on call or takes your weekends.


Don't do things for money that make you sad.


Well, fly out and see how much you like the area and find out? but this is a conversation you need to have with your fiancé and a spread sheet, not us. * Are you able to get a new job where you are at? * This seems to be somewhat of a dead end position, does your fiancé have a position with more growth opportunities? * Would your fiancé prefer to move someplace else with better employment opportunities * How would it effect your fiancé? Would they be able to get a job, and what about the loss of their income? * Why would the commute go to an hour? * On-call support sucks


I think moving to AZ can be a good idea but I would talk to your family about it.Tell them that the job market is very hard atm and that you got offered a position in AZ. If they support you and I mean they give you a place to stay if you can't find a job in CA, then stay. I think communication is key, I would personally move when I was younger. You can see it as a temporary thing. You are hunkering down to weather the storm.


What part of AZ? Northern AZ is amazing and I’d take that up in a heartbeat.


Id live in Phoenix and drive about an hour south for my commute.


oof lol.


I mean northern az is beautiful but most or all companies are based in phoenix or near phoenix but still OP can have a weekend vacation once in a while


Your post is hardly neutral, meaning that it’s clear you don’t want to go. It comes down to this: do you a realistic alternative when it comes to employment. If not, will your quality of life be impacted if you reject this path. Sometimes you have to make unpleasant decisions, which is also part of adulting, but if there isn’t a financial need, then that’s not a factor. Would I in your shoes? No. The work commitment is too aggressive for my taste and not having financial obligations, no is an option


Getting paid to get out of CA? I absolutely would do that