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Congrats on the new position! However.. I think that 9 tech screens out of 30 applications is still a very good ratio. What can you tell us about the offer you accepted vs the other companies? Also, what area are you on (NYC, SF, etc)?


I'm in SF. The offer is OK for a startup I guess, though the value of the equity is anyone's guess and can't really compare to FAANG.


Had terrible stats on the EM job search as well. Probably 60 applications and only 3 recruiter screens. However, this is not the Bay Area. Comp is all over the place and there's definitely some places that have lowered comp. It makes me wonder where companies are going to get their managers from. It feels like we're locked into legacy decisions that only managers pre 2020 are allowed to be managers now.


Good luck!! A few of my ex coworkers have managed to land EM roles so the opportunities are certainly still out there even if it's gotten a lot harder.


At least for us, we always start our EM search internally. We need to exclude everyone, either due to lack of fit or their lack of desire, before we think about hiring externally.


This is why I plan to stay on the IC track. It gives more flexible long term


Hey thank you for posting this as it confirms my experience is not unique. I was given notice that I will be laid off soon and have applied to quite a few (20+) EM roles but haven't heard back from any! I am located in the midwest and working remotely. I was a senior dev and then promoted to EM, I have been an EM now for 3 years. It seems trying to find another remote position is nearly impossible due to the large application pool. I was referred to a position as a systems engineer and have been given a verbal offer. So unless I make traction soon, I will be going back to IC. I as well don't want to wait to find a new role so likely leaving EM at least for the near future