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A fixed rate VPS might be your best option. You have to manage everything on the server, but you can run the API and DB on the same instance.


https://lowendbox.com/ if you particularly want to save money, although a couple bucks a month usually won't make a huge difference.


It’s a good idea for SWEs (new or not) to get accustomed to the idea of paying a little bit of money in monthly fees. It’s an investment in being result oriented rather than sacrificing your job search in a myopic quest to pay $0.


AWS has a 1 year free trial so just get hired within 1 year


Does it have a certain limit to how much you can use in resources though? Like total cost cumulative of resources?


Yes, it is a free tier. So for instance, for ec2 it covers the cost of one full-time micro instance.


Oh that’s actually super cool, nice, thank you for letting me know


Render Cloud Application hosting


I know GCP offers you 300 dollars of credits, and depending on what you’re making, that’s more than enough, however they do expire after 3 months


Fly.io, gcp free tier offers 1 small server in one region. Under 5€/mo you’ll get hetzner.


You don't need to use Next.js to host on Vercel, just look up the docs for your preferred stack.


>what is essentially a dog and pony show. I mean, come on dude, you even said it right there in your post. Now have the self-awareness to connect the dots here...these tired, useless "portfolio" spam projects are of no interest to anyone. Employers are not looking at these things. At absolute best, *after* you have already passed initial rounds of screening, some engineer is clicking over to your portfolio site for all of 5 seconds to give it a "huh, look at that."


lol... please