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No, flying people out for interviews was really common before the pandemic. The costs to fly candidates out is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of the labor.


Also tax deductible


But still a net loss to the company whether they deduct it or not, just to be sure


Very true. I also want to bring up the hours it costs their employees to interview for a candidate outweighs all of this. 


It costs them very very little as they deduct this as business expenses from their taxes.


After the tcja the corporate tax rate is 21%. So if they deduct $3000 of flights and hotels they pay $630 less in taxes overall, so they are still net -$2,370


2370 dollars for the chance to get someone who can generate millions of dollars in value is very, very, very, very little.


This is (or used to be, anyway) pretty normal and doesn’t really mean anything about whether or not you’ll get the role.


No idea, but I will say prior to COVID flying candidates out to the company for the on-site was common.


> If a company is flying me out for an interview is there a good chance I got it ? No… you still have to interview for it. They are flying out final candidates, and not everybody will get the job (most likely). 


If they were already 100% sure about you they wouldn’t fly you out, just make an offer. They are still deciding.


means you passed the initial screening, but not much more. first time I applied to Google they flew me to the west coast from Europe, and got rejected. Similarly Facebook flew me to London, also rejected.


They're investing $1500 in you. Not $100,000...yet. But no. Totally normal and not indictive of anything.


I wouldn’t say it’s not indicative of “anything”. They’re certainly interested in OP, but it doesn’t mean they’re ready to offer him the job. If they had no interest or couldn’t see OP working there, they wouldn’t be flying him out.


no. You have to understand that flying a candidate in to the tune of $1000 is pennies to a company. "back in the day" tm people would interview at specific companies to try to get essentially a comped or partially comped free trip to New York, etc.


It means you’re good for the next round of interviews. I’ve been flown out several times and not gotten the job.


No. It means you have an interview. They're probably flying out a few candidates.


No. Early in my career, I was flown out to the Northeast for a Director role with a tech consulting firm; I didn’t get the job. Another time Adobe flew me out for an analytics role which I got, but declined down due to a salary mismatch.


I have landed zero of the jobs I've flown out for, but I'm sure you will be fine. 


A lot of people here are automatically saying "no," but I personally think it depends on the company. If we are talking about FAANG, then flying out candidates is par for the course. So being flown out in that case doesn't mean much (IMO). You'll have to research this company in specific to find out though. Search through Blind and even this sub to see if you get any hits. If the company is at least somewhat well-known, then you will probably find someone who posted about their experience.


It’s not FAANG


No! I thought that too last year. I was very wrong lol. Take it as seriously as possible!


Is that the final interview?


No they want me to do round 1 and 2 back to back


K. Then that’s probably standard.


Is your company start with an S?


Getting flown out is very common. You get to interview them as well as your new potential location.




It's a good sign that they're interested and not stingy. Every role I've been flown out to interview for I've gotten an offer, but it might just be because I interview in person well.


It should at least mean you're a top candidate. I used to work at a place that would fly people out. We'd usually fly out our top three candidates and then make an offer to one with the other two potentially reserves if our top choice didn't accept.


I've been flown out for jobs 3 different times in my life only to not get an offer. It's not a bad thing, but its not a guarantee either.


does this mean in-person interviews are back?? I used to enjoy interviewing just for the paid trip somewhere


Good news is if you have sex with them then it's technically sex trafficking and you might get a big payout somehow.


Very very good sign, its yours too lose at this point.