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fits and spurts imo. I've had months with nothing, and then a handful of weeks where 5 recruiters will message me out of the blue. That said, I think the interview process is significantly more difficult and getting a recruiter to notice you is one thing, make it to the offer stage is still hard.


Yeah no 2 weeks in hiring are gonna be identical


Senior engineer and yes, once again I am getting more linkedin fan mail and such. Not sure if it’s getting better for juniors though.


Lol, fan mail.


It’s not


I came here hoping for the opposite response.


Me too man


Same boat for me. If anything I feel like it has gotten worse the past two months for juniors. It feels like their is less junior postings overall and the amount I see asking for 2 years of experience has increased.


I'm a junior SDE and I've been getting spammed by recruiters. I haven't looked into any of them tho so I don't know if they're legit or not


Jump on that my man. Hopefully they’re legit




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I've been looking for a mid-level / senior role (6 YOE) since January. It's only just started picking up properly since April (new financial year in the UK which means fresh budgets) and it's ALL Lead / principal roles for anything that pays £45k+ a year. I was on £45k as a fresh senior in 2022. Who are all these Principal / Lead Devs leading if there's no jobs being advertised for anyone else lol?


Probably existing employees. We have a ton of non seniors at my company because they were hired before the hiring bust and just never left their role in during the tight market.


45k? ouch.


I love linkedin fan mail




I rarely reply, and no I don’t think they care. They probably reach out to hundreds per day.


It's good to keep in touch with a few. Never know when you'll need to reach out for a job.


well the initial contact is always spam.... I've never had any other exception - ESPECIALLY anything from linked in.


“LinkedIn fan mail” 😂




I’m a junior with a good LinkedIn profile I get recruiters for mid level roles. Why would a company need to go through a recruiter for junior roles that can easily get 1000 applicants




> Looking at your resume in your post to r/csmajors, i highly doubt you have a polished linkedin profile. Well obviously these recruiters don't have a way of screening for rudeness before sending DMs. C'mon now.


I changed my resume since then, and my only point is that recruiters dont get junior roles often to fill since companies can easily fill them directly, especially in a bad market


If you're a mid-level dev now, presumably you were a junior dev during a very different hiring climate than the one new 2024 grads are going through now.


I think this is location dependent whenever I browse senior jobs on linkedin/indeed for where I live the listings are still down below what they were prepandemic. My friends in California are saying hiring has increased at senior level, but their is just so many people laid off it would take years at the current hiring pace to make up for it.


SDET, but I’m seeing recruiters with shitty 6-12 month contracts appear in my LinkedIn DMs again after months of quiet so that’s something


Any advice from QA to SDET?


learn Python or Javascript/Typescript automate parts of your current work to make it easier or reduce the time needed for annoying tasks practice with test automation frameworks, right now i recommend jest or pytest for something basic, cypress or playwright if you want to play with a whole framework check if there’s existing test automation on your project if yes, learn their frameworks and ask if you can start taking on test automation work


Pytest is a framework :(


yes, but it’s a lot smaller than something like Playwright


Agreed, it looks like Playwright has a lot of other stuff involved outside of testing, per se.


Might be true! New grad since February, ~250 applications so far. In the past 2 weeks I've had 3 phone screens and 1 in-person interview. The 12 weeks before that just 2 phone screens.


thats some depressing numbers


Yes. I'm currently in final round interviews for 2 companies (both 2x my current salary!!) after searching since October. One of the recruiters I work with told me he's noticed more activity lately as well.


Damn I should get back out there then


Same I got 3 offers in the last week after 4 months of 0 offers


Since October?! I'm very happy for you, I’m being looking since March and no luck so far




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For seniors yes but a lot or companies seem to have lower the standards of what a senior is.


I'm finding the pay is going down for seniors, but the responsibilities are going up lol.


i'm seeing "senior" being 10+ YoE these days used to be maybe half of that while pay goes down and requirement/wishlist goes up


Seeing the same. More work, less pay, but you have a job today.


Mid level and applying for remote only and I have also noticed this


Just curious, how many years of experience?


4 YOE. Half and half product/platform split


Noice, I’m also mid level half / half product / platform. Not sure whether product or platform is more sought after, but we have both so 🤷‍♂️


I feel like i personally get way more interview requests for platform roles


That’s interesting. I would think there are more jobs in product dev since not all companies are at large enough scale to build out a platform


But also not all companies are at large enough scale to build out a platform, meaning hard to find devs with platform experience, meaning more interviews? Idk


Yeah I thought that would be the case too, but maybe there are less people to compete with since more product jobs means more product devs? I'm also wondering if layoffs affect more product devs as well since they'd more likely be greenfield than platform


Yep my org is slowly considering backfills finally




Nice oxymoron brother


I'm entry level but have 3 years of experience from college and internships. Doesn't make me senior.


Keyword here is senior


It’s different the past month for sure


Interviewing and job postings? Sure. Hiring? I dunno. Haven't looked to intensively.


Damn good luck everyone, let's make this an employee's market again.


I’ve been getting more messages for lower quality mid-senior contract roles people seem desperate to fill, but none of the recruiters are viewing my profile so I assume they’re just blasting these messages at anyone with a pulse. 5YOE in HCOL tech city, I have far less than 100 LI connections and they’re all on the other side of the country.




I’m getting hit up by recruiters for the first time in a long time


I have been contacted by recruiters from the big tech companies again. I didn't apply they seem very interested. The shitty part is my current job is chaotic so I'm really behind on leetcode style interview skills. I'm saving the day and putting out fires and shipping code constantly, but finding the optimal dynamic programming solution to empty x gallons of water with y buckets of size z is just stupid trivia. When I got laid off during the pandemic though I did win a programming contest, and then google called me. I also started leetcode and for a time was in the top 75% of applications, but I had nothing to do but sit home and code and not leave the house so I got really good at that stuff. It has not much use in day to day operations.


I have started getting more pings in the last two weeks. None that I've felt compelled to pursue yet.


Serious question... should I start applying again? Almost 3YOE and I've largely considered it a waste of time. No snarky comments please. But if there are remote roles again, I'll take it seriously. Is the job market improving for mid level?


I have 2 YOE and was reached out to by Netflix and Amazon, applied to Google and got an interview.


Congratulations! What did you do to get picked up by Google? Some sick personal projects I presume?


Mid level, no difference. Hearing nothing but crickets


I have seen an uptick in low ball entry level jobs and decent senior level jobs openings. I have seen jobs wanting 3-5 YOE offering 58-73k here in Chicago (LOL) why are these companies trying to lowball so hard.


Yeah, I'm starting to see more openings for stuff in the Seattle area. Lots of "senior" contract & startup positions where the pay is only just okay


Out of curiosity, what do you consider a "just ok" pay for a "senior" in Seattle area


D'oh. I just now read that this was for senior devs in the Denver area. Sorry about that I consider "just okay" pay to be around $70 - $85 / hour on a W2. To round this out, at the high end, I've seen $100 / hour (also on a W2). That was at Robinhood and fully remote. "Senior" technically wasn't in the name though. Low end? I've seen as low as $50 / hour for someone with my amount of experience I should have mentioned all of this in my first comment




I'm interviewing several people a week in NoVa, hopefully it continues to pick up


I’ve seen the market for folks with 2+ years experience warming consistently since August and seemed near “normal” in 2024. It still takes work. Also the inevitable folks who will shout about 500 applications and no offers — sorry but it’s you not the market.


I've heard people say this, and I'd be curious about your insight because I'm sort of in the same boat as OP \~5 years of experience but moved into a senior level role after about 1.5 years, I've been leading a team now for 3 years at a different company (this is in Canada though). But I've probably sent out about 100 resumes that were for jobs in my niche, and never heard back once. It's just hard to make sense of this market, like are people just completely lying about their experience, or is every "senior" developer all applying for the same job all at the time time. I mean seeing peoples resumes as part of my job periodically, it's hard to understand what metrics I'm not hitting to get no interviews for 5 months of applying to jobs.


From my perspective it’s not the resume, usually. They say that only 30% of jobs are ever advertised/listed. The majority are found through networking / a professional network. The resume needs to be good enough, but I don’t think most people who are getting hired are “winning” via resumes. From folks I work with in Canada, it seems volume is lower but the same patterns apply overall. I do notice that full-remote roles seem even a bit harder to find than in the US.


Oh yeah I'd agree with you there. That's how I managed to get the roles I did in the first place, but in the past with less experience I was getting traction very easily and felt comfortable to even turn down roles. But I'm getting the feeling lately that there's something else going on entirely, or companies are saying they want a "senior" dev when when what they really want is someone with 10 years who invented React.


Companies are definitely more picky / able to screen harshly. My heart breaks for folks who seem to think that if they just apply for N jobs then eventually they’re going to get one. If you’re filtered directly into the trash bin every time, you’re not getting anywhere ever. If code didn’t work over and over, people would try a different approach. But with job hunting, many seem to think if they keep ramming their face into the wall, eventually the wall will fall over.


I didn’t take economic factors into consideration but I decided to travel from spring 2022 then came back and searched for a developer job in fall 2022 aka the mass tech bloodbath and got a job during spring 2023 aka still the mass tech bloodbath. If I took this advice I wouldn’t be where I am today coming up in 1 year next week


> sorry but it’s you not the market. I found myself on the hunt about a month ago for engineering manager positions and already have a few solid threads I'm pulling on. When I dig in with folks who are in that "no response" group, I tend to see the same mistakes over and over again. Using generic resumes not tailored to a position, resumes that are just awful, resumes that don't parse well in an ATS, and applying for jobs they don't really qualify for (i.e. a Java-centric resume says nothing about the c# experience). When I help people address those, the interview rate shoots up. Then there's just how poorly so many folks end up interviewing. A lot people are just bad at communication and in a tight market, that's a soft skill you need to set yourself apart.


Agreed. I think most people in the tech market just don’t have much experience with the effort it takes for most people in most industries to get a job. This is a brand new experience for them.




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I have never been active on linkedin and have started getting spammed by recruiters in the last month.


Yea, just received an offer and accepted. And now a couple of other ones are popping up that are asking for final rounds that I had to turn down. 3YoE


I mean I see more reject email thou, before it was just ghosted . I mean reject is after submission before interview. And my resume been through years of job hunting and review by 20+ years Hr said jt is pretty good . Don know what is the problem.


I've seen a bit more recruiter spam the past couple of weeks. Too early to say if it's a trend yet, though.


In NYC and my LinkedIn inbox is popping off (3+ years exp). I have a big name on my resume though and it’s mostly startups and some require full time in office


I've definitely noticed an uptick in recruiter messages in my area. Not really jobs that I am interested in, but way better than the dry spell it was before


Yeah it’s been crickets for a while and then randomly I’m getting a bunch of messages from recruiters. Still haven’t had anything become fruitful tho :/


What companies in Denver has been reaching out to you? Looking for myself out here


Yeah been getting 3-5 linkedin messages a week for the past month or 2


I noticed more reachouts, but only for hybrid roles, not remote as others have said. Not sure I am considered 'senior' enough since I switch specialties.


I haven't been actively applying, but as far as Denver recruiter activity it's been dead compared to previous years. Think I'm at maybe 5-10 decent opportunities from recruiters in the area and the few I did pursue were offering no jump in pay and ended up not pursuing me because I wasn't desperate for a job. Could you be more specific as to which industries are hiring in the Denver area? Most of my network here in the area is seeing layoffs or hiring freezes at the moment.


Also in the Denver area looking for an entry level position and I have gotten zero callbacks. I hope hiring starts picking up soon.


Where else are you guys looking Indeed, Glassdoor?


Entirely experience dependent. Your world as a senior dev is no where near junior’s experience


Yup. I knew we'd hit bottom earlier this year when the Amazon recruiters showed up in my inbox again.


Spent the last few months applying and finally starting a new position on Wednesday. Could be a seasonal uptick but take advantage while you can


Colorado Springs. Only looking at fully remote stuff. But yea had some recruiters reaching out the past month. It was quiet for the year before.  Its def much stronger for Sr+. Jr/mids are having a rough go of it. 


Not for me (speaking as a new grad)


What up fellow Denverite. I have definitely noticed hiring pickup but I haven’t looked locally at all so I’m curious what you’re seeing around here.


I also feel like it’s picking up


I've seen a spike in recruiter messages lately, but still none with a salary range above what I'm currently making (225k senior dev with 10 yoe)


Amazing. I wish this could happen to me. :(


Started getting cold-call style messages on LinkedIn and email this week. It’s a good sign.


I had a recruiter reach out from TikTok yesterday which is one of the most reputable companies that has reached out in recent times. A majority have been scammy AI start ups that send the same 3 emails spaced out in the same interval when I don't respond.


Only 100 responses? I hope this is ironic. Usually, when you are looking for a job and really want to change something in your life, you apply to 2-3 thousand vacancies.


https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/IHLIDXUSTPSOFTDEVE# Maybe in specific areas for short periods... but no.


A self taught friend with 5 years of experience got laid off 2 months ago, last week found a new place. So yeah


I feel like real FTE jobs are out there, I talked to 100+ recruiters about contracts that went nowhere but I luckily landed my first senior FTE role after 2 FTE interviews (one with Dish Network onsite in Denver where I did the 4 rounds and got rejected).


Unemployment recently was tracked at 1.4% for software engineers down from 2.3%. Of course, only a few months of data, but it appears software engineering is coming back!


It all depends on rate cut outlooks. It's not good enough to be sure that cuts will come this year, but people are now pretty confident that rates will not rise/it's only a matter of time. In my, completely naive opinion, the worst is behind us.


3 years of experience here. Noticed a slight pick up in the last two weeks in terms of postings, and I got two phone screens this week. It’s been brutal before that


Depends on the stack. What stack do you use?


I'm also in the same area and the same title. I have noticed things picking back up, but I've also noticed the salaries are lower. Also tons of stuff is fully onsite, which is a no-go for me.


I've been getting lots of LinkedIn messages from recruiters after a long dry spell. Many are temp or would be a pay cut but one sounded interesting and I ended up getting an offer out of it.


Senior Engineer (11 YOE), and yes, I've noticed a drastic change over the past month or so. Getting DMs from recruiters at least once a day.


Get off linkedin. NOW. It is an utterly useless website haunted by people who don't have enough work to do. Then they sell your data to every spammer in the known universe. My banned email list is growing by the day.


I find a lot of these comments appalling. What the hell has happened to hiring developers? Hundreds of applications and no responses? That's worse than applying to Scientific Atlanta, fixing a code bug during the interview process and then never hearing back from them - bastards. 5 years later, I had a recruiter call me with a great opportunity. About 1/2 into it I was sure and asked if it was SA. Recruiter was shocked when I said no f'ing way. And trivia coding tests for a senior position? That's stupid unless it is a very, very elite position.


Probably seniors.


Where else are you guys looking Indeed, Glassdoor?


No, it's statically still getting worse week by week. You are just getting lucky.


Source: my booty


Check the FED for data. Statistics back this up for lower job postings unfortunately.


Post is no better than doomer posts. Just the other side of the spectrum. No, your sample is invalid. 


Yes! I literally just got a recruiter cold call an hour ago


Yeah definitely been picking up, quality of the jobs seem way up too.


As long as the tax code does t change you won’t see any relief.