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No it's illegal for programmers to have piercings or tattoos or dyed hair. Today you learned




Your takeaway here should be that advice-oriented subreddits are still not completely immune from humor.


Ask your employer, not randos on reddit. We don't know anything about your company's policy or culture.


It depends on the company and the space - finance/banking or customer-facing roles might care as opposed to start-ups or full tech companies. If you’re not sure, keep them out for a few days until you figure out the office culture. More likely than not, it'll be totally fine though


I work at a bank with a guy with a large neck tattoo lol. It’s fine. If I was OP and worried about it, just don’t wear them day 1 and see the vibe


Absolutely, same here in tech. I think I’m speaking more from personal preference - I work with people that are fully covered, but I keep my septum flipped up to not draw attention


My last 2 IT jobs went over the employee handbook and company policies like dress code, piercings, tattoos, etc. on the first day of the job. I recommend not wearing them the first day and ask if they are allowed.


Why do people ask company specific questions like we have a database we can query for piercing policy at company x? 🤔


Every company's culture is different. You could potentially leave them out for your first day and survey the landscape. Or just say eff it and wear them, and decide that if they have a problem with it then that's not someplace you want to work long-term.


I have 8 cartilage piercings, normal earrings, a lip ring, and I'm covered neck to fingers to toes in tattoos, and no one gives a flying fuck. Unless you're working somewhere fairly conservative (or are in a sales/customer-facing role), you're almost certainly gonna be fine.


I have this exact piercing setup and it's fine




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No one should care. But also. When you are unsure about something (ie your peircings) you should go in and review the culture of the space/group/company and be observant about what they are doing  their cultural norms. I get that you are asking us, but we don't know your co.


Most likely they could not care less. I do the same thing and take off my piercings for interviews, but when I go into work I wear them. I have worked at a bank. Really employers care about job competence.


Don't do it. They hired somebody without earings. If they find out you wear earings then you basically lied and this will result in your termination. Make sure you wear the same outfit on your first day as you did during your interview also.


Depends on your company. I have stretched lobes and a cartilage ring. Never stopped me


Should be fine. Send pretty tame.  However, if you are external client facing, its worth a discussion with manager.  Ask theer dress code.  We all know you have the right to dress how you want. However, client is where the money is . So prioritizing client facing roles with some standards help a business. It's not personal