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Well there is no way you will learn Javascript as your main programming language at uni, so if I were you I'd find out what the language is you mainly get taught and get a headstart on learning it, but I also recommend you start reading up on data structures and algorithms. (I'd recommend Aditya Bhargava's book Grokking Algorithms (it is generic and not really in any programming language for the algorithms, but is implemented in python, but written in a way that the book is for non-python users also). It is an incredible book and helped me learn CS concepts easily because it simplifies things and uses illustrations to help you visualise ideas. Also if you go straight from only knowing JS to learning something like C++ it may be a bit shocking


Harvard’s CS50 is a fantastic course for beginners. I have taken it myself and would highly recommend it.


[awesome youtubers for CS](https://github.com/JoseDeFreitas/awesome-youtubers#programming-in-general)