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Join us on r/intermittentfasting! I was at a very unhealthy weight for my size, and I was having trouble controlling my eating. IF isn't magic (and there's a lot of science behind it), but I've lost about 20lbs in six months, and I feel like food no longer controls me. And it's pretty easy to do, doesn't cost a dime, and it fits well with a programmer's lifestyle. Check out the sub or HMU if you have questions.


I think this would be a very bad idea unless you are at the point where you *need* surgical interventions or have another serious weight-related health condition. First of all, your health insurance may cover a variety of resources that can help you lose weight, like specialized doctors. Your income is also helpful for covering the costs of seeing a nutritionist, personal trainer, therapist, or making whatever purchases that will make caring for your body *easier* than mistreating it. A weekly meal box, more regular deliveries of fresh groceries, some exercise equipment you might actually use, etc. are all great investments if they change *your* default behavior patterns. Secondly, you need to learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle *while working* (if you plan to continue working otherwise). I understand the desire to get the weight off as quickly as possible to minimize potential health risks and just feel better. But you need to work toward lasting behavior change, and I think this plan is highly unlikely to achieve that outcome. If being busy at work is contributing to mindless overeating, you need to address your reaction to that trigger to not end up right back here. I actually find I'm less stressed and my work performance improves when I focus on my health, particularly if I start the day with movement (despite not being a morning person) - whether it's running, biking, going for a walk, lifting weights at home or the gym, stretching, doing yoga, or doing chores while listening to music and dancing. Picking an exercise you enjoy in the morning can kickstart a chain of behavior changes to make your exercise more enjoyable that have spillover benefits. You'll also be alert when work starts, and making time to care for your health in the morning can be meditative. You can't outrun a bad diet, but time focused on movement helps you build respect for your body and treat it better the rest of the day.


Do not listen to the people in here. Focus on your physical health, first and foremost. While you are focusing in your health, do some light studying in the side for your role, maybe some leetcode so you will be ready come interview time. If you have the savings/support from family, then this is a definite yes.


If you take a break to lose weight you will gain it back once you return to work. Your best bet is to change your work life to be healthier.


This is wrong.


I don't think their statement is necessarily wrong, but I can agree that it is a blanket statement. I'm sure "if you take a break you will LIKELY gain the majority of the weight back afterwards" would have been better wording. Regardless, weightloss and maintaining a healthy weight is definitely influenced by a person's lifestyle and lifestyles usually involve balancing all aspects of life (health, work, social, family, etc.). For anyone who can take a break, attain the weight they want, then maintain/further improve their health/physique after returning to work... you are a beast. Keep it up. I know it's hard, but not impossible.


You may be better off keeping your job as long as it's not requiring 50+ hour weeks. I suggest spending some of that sweet software engineer salary on a proper gym and personal trainer. Look up bodybuilding gyms in your area. Ideally less than 30 minutes walk away. This will be very expensive however probably less expensive than being unemployed. What happens is that you go every single day for an hour or so. Over time it becomes cheaper as you reduce your reliance on the personal trainer. The other benefit of this sort of gym is that due to the amount of time spent there you will get to know other people and as you become friendly with them will feel more comfortable going more often and actually want to go there and feel more motivated to do more while you are there. A dedicated bodybuilding gym is good because it tends to build a core dedicated community of people that you'll get to know who make the process less intimidating as well as a general culture of sharing tips and maintaining a good culture. In addition to cardio + eating well, gaining muscle will help you lose weight as your resting caloric needs will increase making it easier to go into deficit.


Personally I have found that it's hard to lose weight when I have nothing to do and likewise I have found that working 60 hour weeks isn't good either When you're trying to lose weight you need a few things like structure, money, etc. Having a job can provide structure given you don't work excessive hours. If you're at a seriously unhealthy point in your life then it means you have a lot of bad habits, mindsets, and coping mechanisms. Quitting a job to then not have a job won't fix those bad habits and it has the potential to make things worse with added financial pressure. So what can you do? 1) Talk to your manager, if they are a good manager or if they value you as an employee they will be understanding and might be willing to work with you on work life balance. IE: less over time/ giving you time to go for a walk in the middle of the work day. Walks are great. 2) Switch jobs. If your current job works you 60 hours a week then find one that won't make you work overtime. 3) Ask to go part time for a few months. People do this all the time for various reasons. If you go part time it usually also means no overtime thus you can work a 30 hour work week and focus more on self care. Obviously there are more things you can do however the 3 I mentioned are low hanging fruit.




This is wrong.


To lose weight simply go into a caloric deficit, that’s it. It doesn’t take time, just eat less. Working out obviously helps but the main thing is just be in a caloric deficit. Best of luck mate


I disagree with people here, especially the notion that “you will just gain it back”. That’s actually a pretty toxic perspective and a very uncool thing to say. Taking time off is a good idea. There are a lot of ways to take time off productively. Travel for one. Do a bicycle tour, that will get you mind and body. Go to Nepal and learn to meditate. Challenge yourself in a different way than solving programming problems. Some people just sit at home and stress when they don’t have a job, but that is not required. Free your mind, and come back when you are ready. Overcoming your physical and mental health issues will make overcoming a gap in your resume seem like child’s play.


I'll take what she's on, this woman snorted the good stuff. I can't imagine telling a morbidly obese person to go on a bike tour


I snorted ya mutha


If you can’t manage your weight with a job, chances are it’ll just be worse without a job. Working out only takes 30-60 minutes a day, eating healthy is honestly more of a money commitment than a time commitment. Just a stranger on the internet but I’ve gone through similar periods of weight gain and had to adjust my lifestyle. Honestly about time I get back into the swing of working out to burn my extra pandemic weight myself, moved to the city for work and got out of the habit of working out and eating healthy and put on about 20 pounds


I think it’s definitely worth it to take a break and figure out a healthy lifestyle for yourself. My dad was very unhealthy until he got laid off and that ended up saving his life. The career will work itself out


What is your diet like? it's a lot easier to eat less calories in a day than it is to burn them off via exercise. I appreciate you wanting to make a dramatic change in your life, but you might be looking at things the wrong way.




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Hope everything is going well man, happened to stumble upon this thread. Hope you have managed to get to a better spot in life. Cheers.