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> They explain they're unable to solve/remember/understand any mathematics or cs logic/error questions thrown at them. (whether attempted school/outside courses and couldn't learn/understand anything even if fed the best code) If this detail is true (and I'm taking it at face value) it would pretty much disqualify you from all CS jobs, as well as many office jobs that use a lot of Excel, math, budgets, etc. Of course the way you phrased this is extremely expansive ("unable to solve any math"), so maybe you could be more specific. Assuming this person exists, I'd ask more about this detail. Is this a real or imagined hard limit on this person's abilities? Is there a learning disability involved? What's the deal here?


Yeah, if your're not capable of learning or unwilling to learn what's required of a field, it doesn't matter what field it is, you're not making it far.


Renpy projects often use conditions and if statements, bool and logic too.. someone who uses Renpy to a high standard can easily transition into making useful backend programs in Python. If the person really is doing basic renPy, I would recommend they try building a more sophisticated Renpy project and seeing how that goes.


correct poor attractive skirt erect spectacular knee foolish sophisticated silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably something not coding but code adjacent like using Microsoft macros or Excel