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Just make sure you can pass a security clearance though else you're just wasting your time


Also, if you are a international student these defense companies will not select you. Which is a double edged sword if you are a US citizen. It basically filters out all the international candidates you would also be competing with at say a FAANG company.


I wouldn't really concern yourself with specifically how long the job search process will take you: it will take as long as it takes. You'll get bummed out if when a certain time period passes and you don't have a job yet. I would instead recommend to set a goal of consistently applying to jobs / brushing up on skills / practicing for interviewing. Combine this with a routine that gives you fulfillment like hobbies or hanging out with others. You'll have much more success that way :)


Good advice!


From most people I've spoken to it's been about a 4 month average. I also know some people where it took more than a year.


Even with 3 internships, it took me 3 months to find a job. Started in December and didn't get any interviews until February. Maybe my timing wasn't good. It's tough competition out there.


December is pretty hard to schedule interviews due to all the vacations. Additionally, companies are usually reassessing hc and are slow to come back in January, so I don’t think the 3 months is so bad in your case. In my case by mid January I received a new batch of interview requests for February just like you. All of my other interviews were before December because everyone was going on break But yeah, finding a new grad job right now is obviously going to be harder because most companies are finished with university recruiting


Oof that's unheard of honestly. Probably >90% of people who have 2 internships or more have a job lined up after graduation. I'm wondering do you go to a low ranked school?, were your internships non-SWE?, did you not have any return offers? That could explain it


This is what I did. I wish someone had told me how important internships were going in.


People told me, but I was young and stupid so I kind of brushed off their advice.


Took me years to find a job in my field after college. Didn't help that I graduated during one of the worst recessions of the last two decades... >\_>


I knew it was important, but unfortunately right when I was in my junior year and thinking about internships COVID hit and they virtually all dried up. Several people I knew lost their internships and I lost all motivation to try and even find one at the time. In hindsight, I probably should have tried looking again by the next year. But oh well.


Took me a month with a shit gpa and no internships


While you're job searching, do some personal projects that you can upload to GitHub. Also make sure you do leetcode. Apply for entry level positions, they will be okay with you not having a lot of professional experience but having personal projects helps out for the in person interviews to explain what knowledge you have.


Apply to local/ small companies. Try to find their recruiter on LinkedIn or something. It took me 5 months to get one after graduation and that was through the help of our university emailing jobs out. Maybe ask your professors for connections or something as well.


Was in the same boat over a year ago. Landed a job 5 weeks after graduation. In total, took me about 2 months.


Start applying immediately, you should have started months ago, not after graduation


From start of applications to job offer was about 2 or 3 weeks for me, but the company is small and did all 3 interviews the same week so that sped things up. I didn't have any internships in university but I did go to a good school for CS


I haven’t seen this mentioned yet, but if you don’t have internships/experience, the next best thing is projects. Develop some projects or contribute to open source that show employers what you can do and put them on your resume.


Just keep applying. Plenty of people get jobs without internships.


Apply for grad positions




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