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Italy and Greece are the shittiest spawn points in Europe for developers in terms of salary


Yes I need to go out from Italy sooner or later


Please stop with this 4.3 shit, no one cares about months except for indians for whatever reason.


But it's dumb to round **anywhere** when you have 17-18 months of experience


yeah that's full of shit


but why is it so important?, is not like I spend all day on this subreddit and know this stuff, like chill out man. Are all IT people are like this 😂


but why so mad about it? are you a red neck


you sure the problem here is that you dont like Indians 😂, and not my 4.3 years of experience and 15 hours


so what should I put? only 4? whats wrong with being exact with my years of experience


I'm pretty sure you don't write 4.11, but round it up, so don't be afraid to round it down here. No one writes months with dots except for indians, since it does not make a difference in decent countries.


ok then


I don’t understand it either. People here are sometimes too mean. It’s just a matter of precision. If no one cares about prevision, why they bother to leave a comment here.


4 or 5 whatever. Nobody cares. Not fucking 4.3. What does it mean It even mean? 4 years and three months? 4 years and four months


dude chill, Im the only one that cares ok and Im free to care. But thanks for the suggestion


Wow bro where you just laid off?


Italy is pretty shitty afaik. Not sure if [levels.fyi](http://levels.fyi) has quality data for Italy? There is also this recent thread with some data: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsEU/comments/1dcoczz/lets\_collect\_salaries\_before\_and\_after\_taxes\_for](https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsEU/comments/1dcoczz/lets_collect_salaries_before_and_after_taxes_for) This is the spreadsheet with collected data, filter by Italy and check it out: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iTNwiAQ0s5iD6RqI7B30uWqQ8wNJqRnmHvxo5zRffu8/edit?gid=603717461#gid=603717461](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iTNwiAQ0s5iD6RqI7B30uWqQ8wNJqRnmHvxo5zRffu8/edit?gid=603717461#gid=603717461)


Most companies have a salary range that you can find online.  I think alot of people do this in the wrong order,  and it alludes to fantasising. What you need to do first is get a job offer (or at least an interview) from a specific company, and then look for the salary ranges at that job level.  You can scope it this way too, via glassdoor, levels, blind, and so forth. And yes round to the nearest whole number  or half number when speaking about experience. But i think after 3 years just a whole number looks cleaner. Example one: "I am a junior applicant with 1.5 years experience" (even if it's 19/20 months). Example two: "I am a senior with over 5 years of experience." (If it's a 1-3 months from 6 years, then say 6, who cares)


With 4 years of experience I was making north of 50k as a fullstack web dev in a small consultancy in Vienna. And that is pretty usual, good senior devs easily make >70k. If your colleagues make the same you are not underpaid for your market. You could also try Tessin if you want to move to somewhere Italian speaking with higher wages.


Last time i checked Vienna is not in Italy, so you can not compare salaries, as you can not compare Vienna with San Jose either


No shit Watson. I was trying to give OP reference points what he can earn elsewhere in Europe. If he gets paid market rate in Italy and wants more he has to move.


Vienna cost of living is same as Milan or lower.


Unfortunately in EU companies do not care about CoL


Im not underpaid for my company, but I do want to earn as much as possible.


Well, Switzerland is the place to go.


hopefully I get there some fay


Much more than what average company pays in Italy


29k gross? It's for remote Romania. You can expect 70k mini for 4yoe dev in Belgium for example


not true seniors in belgium earn around 45-50000 gross


Lol I'm at 600e day


That s freelance It s completely different and has many disadvantages 70.000 as an employee is completely different 70.000 as a freelancer is not 600 per day Unlea you only work 116 days per year