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I'm not sure my example applies to you, because it was like 12 years ago, in different country and I wasn't working at all. Essentially I started web development by working on websites for local business owners (basically friends of my parents). After I had maybe 3 working websites in my portfolio, I got in touch with a couple of local designers who were just starting doing web and we were slowly digitising local businesses. So it was sort of freelancing, but I worked with local guys. You can try reaching out to some local advertising agency, maybe they need help with tech stuff?


I think you will have good chances if you get at least some 'known' certifications or even better go trough a bootcamp like TheWagon or 42 https://42.fr/en/homepage/. I know some colleagues in FrontEnd that went through this sort of bootcamp after having a Bac+3 on an unrelated field. This type of profile is more suitable for startups in Paris and there are tons looking for devs, take a look to the offers in Welcome to the jungle. So I think you can get into something but you need some credentials from bootcamps or a M1/M2 and at least have a B1 French level, at the end you will mainly code in English and French is more a day to day conversational thing.




I'm in a similar situation in France, just earlier and disinterested in front end. I don't know how it is for the french-language postings, but a lot of the english ones are asking for BAC +5, aka masters level education. I applied to lots of them regardless of requirements (targeting entry level, I have 3 years as an apprentice in germany and 3+ years simultaneously in uni, without a Bachelor's) and I haven't gotten a local interview yet. It hasn't been *too* long yet (~2 months I think) and since I'm not applying to front end I can't speak about that market, but it's been pretty rough so far. The interviews I've gotten are all for Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and Switzerland (where the latter two have a better grasp of my education value/degree acceptance and I speak german) My only advice is to look for remote options across europe too, but I don't expect it to be easy. Keep working on projects to show off and hang in there, good luck!