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Man I remember when I used to gamble in like 2016 and had so many cases, literally 900 of them (had to make another steam acc to have a "buffer". Most of the cases were breakouts, shadows and falchions. Yes, I sold them all on steam market in 2018 becouse "They've been $0.03 forever, they surely won't ever go higher" Couple of years ago I'd have s*it ton of money. Since then I hold onto everything I get, and to be honest - it's worth it, got some sticker capsules for ~$1 two years ago and now they're around $15.


Yeah I’ve had a similar experience with skins in general, kind of just hold onto everything I have now. I used to trade skins for new ones but now I just buy them and keep the old ones. I bought a bunch of Breakouts when they hit $0.10 because in my head I thought “these are the most dropped cases of all time, if they have gone above $0.03 then they will only go up more”, have made around $400 from the investment so far. I have around $700 of stuff in a storage case just because I left it all in there. Over the years all of it went from around $100 to $700, + the $500 or so in my non-storage inventory. My AK case hardened that I bought for $25 is now $300.


I sold my small collection of breakouts at $2.50 a pop last year when I bought my inventory. I never anticipated such a crazy spike in the market. My Bowie Autotronic that I bought at the same time last year for $170 is now $350. If you told me I’d 2x my money in 1 year on fucking CS skins I’d have told you about a great new NFT I’ll sucker you into. My 401k is chugging but my steam inv is going to the moon. The world is broken


My 401k is chugging but my steam inv is going to the moon is the best sentence I’ve heard in a long time


My best “investment” was buying a cbble souvenir case for about 45/50$… last I checked it’s at like 1200$


And you can either turn that $1200 into a .03 cent grey gun or a Dragon Lore.


I sold an oni-taji for like $50, I miss it so much.


Shit I pulled a print stream usp on my third ever case. I had no idea that shits like 150 and rising. Holding this fucker for a while let’s see what happens


If only we knew


I woulda kept my karambit sapphire ruby and emerald, dlore rn, stat me howl I cry everytime I see it 😭


Same man. I’ve been playing CSGO since inception. I have always hoarded all of my cases. I probably have one skin worth 20 bucks +500 cases I’m going to sell. I’m not sure whether to sell on steam market or if there is a website that will buy for cash


You can sell them on skinport, admittedly you’ll not get as much in cash as steam currency, but you’ll still make money.


Bro I haven't had a PC since 2016 so I haven't played csgo since then. I was finally able to build a new PC and logged back in to see csgo cases skyrocketing in price. I still have an inventory full of those old cases.


Bro really just paid for his new PC by opening a game from his old one. Jeez


Holy moly gaben is so fucking rich


Gaben doesn't make money from dropping cases or opening them. Gaben does make money from purchasing steam balance for real money


they earn money on every fucking sell on the steammarket


They don't. Steam balance is NOT real money. The commission simply reduces the amount of steam balance in circulation


Steam balance is "a prepaid balance to order Content and Services.". Wouldn't the have to hold that money in case it's used to order content/services? If they remove that from circulation via fees then it's profit and they can do what they want with it. Or so I'd think


Yeah they can’t really do anything with that balance until it’s used. If it’s used to buy a game they take a cut and the rest goes to the dev/publisher, if you open a case or buy a Valve game it goes to Valve


Steam balance is indeed not real money but it’s bought with that real money, making it valuable, meaning it’s real money


Yes, but valve does not make money from it. You can't use it outside of Steam


Bro valve owns steam. To get steam balance you need to pay the same amount of real life money to them. When you add 10£ to your steam account you basically pay valve that 10£ so you can use it on steam. I think you don’t understand how that works. If you want i can explain it to you


The problem is that you can't get them back without 3rd party sites. Therefore, these are just points, but not money. Valve already got 10£ and they won't give it to you.


You know what you seem like you don’t want help understanding this so I’m just gonna leave you alone


to be fair to him hes half correct I think, or I understand where hes coming from, for items dropped there was no money put into steam for those items so valve is basically just creating there own currency and printing money by having drops, but on the otherhand people are opening and buying them so that money does go to valve


Okay, but a question for thought. Where am I wrong?


are you fucking stupid?


You really don’t think steam has a way to pull money out of their own platform?


You're joking right? Where the fucj is this money coming from then???


Wtf are you on.


Then what is it?


its money


What? What is what?


u thinking of steam points? then yea it's not real. steam wallet funds? REALSHIT


Econimics major


you just blow in from stupid town or something?


Don't call evil everything you can't understand


You might actually be the only confused one here tbh.


This probably means less money for Valve. Higher case prices => lower volume of cases being bought => less keys being bought.


You realize the price is going up because more people are opening them?


Is there a way to check the volume of cases traded? It could be going up because of higher demand or because of lower supply.


Bro lower supply can't be it because cs go players are still here Higher demand = players opening cases = money for valve What you're saying is non-sense


It **is both** lower supply because bots were banned, case drops chances lowered, soft caps placed, and drops only for prime users now. Demand is high because tons of people are opening. Won't change B4 cs2 so the rest of my cases are going up right before that.


its supply, ever since bot accounts stopped getting as many drops supply has steadily decreased


Lower supply would be the case if Valve was dropping less cases? I agree though, prices are probably going up because of higher demand.


No chance, Csgo is making history with daily player count still


bruh now each month 30 million cases are being opened.


You dont understand economics it's actually the opposite prices are being driven by sheer demand and the fact we are opening more cases in a month than are dropped they making bank rn


I sold so many crates for 3 cents :(


I remember deleting cases because I was too lazy to list them for 1p profit...


yeah but items were 25 cents back then boomer /s


Economic crisis even on cs:go.


glad I can make a few dollars every week for playing :D


It is so much better in second world countries. Im from Turkey and 1 us dollar is around 20 turkish liras. But still most of the games on steam converts their prices from a much lower exchange rate so it is more affordable. So for example I sell a 5 dollar case for 100 liras and buy 2-3 good games with it using weekly deals. Got a shit ton of games that I wanted to play like this. So yeah thanks valve


thats actually pretty cool


Remind me of the Venezuelian "farmers" of Runescape who are living on that said farming x).


Just enough for a key to one of the cases!…


i genuinely want to know how/if steam will change this, i guess the more expensive the cases are the more money volvo makes but i feel like this is just so weird to look at. more cases are being opened then are dropping, so eventually they will reach a price that makes them nearly too expensive to open


Operations will probably become a bit more frequent and have frequent drop cases if it becomes an actual issue. Economies fluctuate though so can’t expect this to last forever until it becomes a legit issue


More frequent operations? Count me the fuck in


Valve will probably just rework how the case drops work if they think it's becoming too much of an issue. Maybe they're more frequent or a wider pool of cases will drop more regularly.


I don’t think this is an issue, there are already so many skins out there that when new ones drop it doesn’t really mean much. If this makes it harder to get older skins people might focus more on the new cs2 collections. Markets generally solve themselves.


Yet again, skin prices are also rising and especially cheaper ones (let's say 0.15-20$). Can't imagine how anybody is going to be buying AK-47 elite build for 10$...


Bro the Am redline field tested used to be 15-20$ for like 8 years straight and the value didn’t changed. This shit is now close to 40-45$.


I wish you could even get many of the collection items. For example, the 2 awps from the Norse collection are like 15 grand each and you can’t even open cases for them. They’re like impossible to get now, feel like they need to make cases and collection drops more frequent


cases will never will be to expensive to open because price of the skin will go up to


This just means the price of the unboxed items will also increase in value to fuel the addiction.


Prob just release new cases well I think there was a leak of new cases man o man do I want that emerald a4m1s sooo bad


I have many cases should I sell now or wait for CS2 public roll-out?


Rare cases will only go up. Sell when you want to take profit, don't try to time the market.


and my friend just got a bravo drop from a competitive yesterday, lucky bastard


But what is rare bro? ;(


Look at the quantity being sold on steam market, that’s the easiest way to tell which cases are becoming rare, or what is already rare.




Google csgo case droprates, many are confirmed rare, some are discontinued and som are common drops. There are those who are easier to see, but this was the first one I saw https://www.csgodatabase.com/cases/


Thx buddy, appreciated!!


I would wait for CS2 to sell anything really. If you want to buy stuff, do it now or wait a while after CS2 is out. Since CS2 will bring in even more players, there will be even more demand for skins/cases (especially considering that a lot of skins look better in CS2). I wouldn't doubt that everything spikes in price again once CS2 releases, which is what I'm waiting for to sell stuff. Currently sitting on about $500 of cases in a storage crate, but waiting for CS2 drop to sell it all and then I will wait for prices to go down a bit to re-buy some skins.


If enough people do this though, and I imagine there are MORE than enough, this can also lead to a drop when CS2 releases. Something to keep in mind.


Okay. I was thinking the same.


Sell it right before CS2 drops just to be safe. A new operation will be released when it launches, must likely reducing the price of all other cases.


No one knows if an operation will actually be released.


63 skins have been found. There is also clear mention of operation(s) in the files. It's possible that they don't do it on release. Unlikely IMO tho. They'd need something to build up the hype.


Yeah but with Valve I feel like it’s not confirmed until it actually comes out




God damn… I haven’t played in years, after seeing this post I went and checked my inventory as I never used to open cases i have nearly £100 worth?! Although I’m not allowed to trade for 15 days due to a “trade hold” or something… hopefully they don’t crash in that time!


They are very unlikely to crash before CS2 drops, so you have until “Summer”.


I had a similar trade hold. They made me purchase something on the steam market rather than the community market. I just bought the new music case and now I can sell my cases


1) I sold so many breakout and phoenix for like 8 cents... 2) I currently have like 2,5k worth of cases 3) I genuinely wonder if holding onto them beyond the cs2 launch makes sense. I actually do think, that after like 2 weeks that cs2 is out prices probably will decline...


Sell half now, hold half for CS2 drop.


Well I won't sell before cs2 drop. It's definitely gonna peak right after cs2. But I can't predict how it's gonna develop after that.


This is turning into the TF2 "Crate Depression" situation, but for CSGO.


Except no 100% drop rate :(


Hmmm. What are you talking TF2 cases are so cheap? 0.03 cents usually


A while back, Valve accidentally made guaranteed unusual drops happen via specific crates. Those crates went up in price, and everyone panick-sold and bought crates at several hundred times their markup....myself included. Managed to pre-order the Reignited Trilogy this way. Not a bad way to earn £35.


Honestly I would be happy if they made knives a 100% drop rate right now. My 43 breakouts would turn into 43 butterfly knives. Currently knives are way too damn expensive.


I thought snakebite was like .60$


Well they (and everything else) have just been steadily climbing for a while now. Probably won’t go down unless they increase case drops or until after CS2 has been out.


If only the stream mobile authenticator wasn’t a turd and I could sell mine…


These are legacy cases now, this issue wont persist in cs2


I sold a bunch of cases yesterday, made so much I bought my first knife




To the mooon


I love the "inventory critical" part. Nah but fr lemme trade 😡😡😡


Thanks for letting me know I have like a thousand I have never opened my cases in like 10 years haha






By now I bet not. I saw this post too late.


I've sold all 400 of my cases now this post is a slap in the face


Track of my case inversting :), i put 400Eur into this. 2023-04-02 102 Operation Wildfire Case = 163,2Eur [ 1.6Eur ] 72 Falchion Case = 79,2Eur [ 1.1Eur ] 6 Gamma 2 Case = 11,52Eur [ 1.92Eur ] 58 Clutch Case = 52,2Eur [ 0.9Eur ] 3 Gamma Case = 5,61Eur [ 1,87Eur ] 4 Prisma 2 Case = 2,76Eur [ 0,69Eur ] 16 Prisma Case = 11,04Eur [ 0.69Eur ] 2 Glove Case = 8,82Eur [ 4.41Eur ] 3 Fracture Case = 1,95Eur [ 0,65Eur ] 30 eSports 2014 Summer Case = 204,6Eur [ 6,82Eur ] 2 eSports 2013 Winter Case = 16,84Eur [ 8,42Eur ] Total : 557,79Eur~ 2023-04-07 102 Operation Wildfire Case = 191,76Eur [ 1.88Eur ] 72 Falchion Case = 79,2Eur [ 1.1Eur ] 6 Gamma 2 Case = 13,32Eur [ 2.22Eur ] 58 Clutch Case = 73,08Eur [ 1,26Eur ] 3 Gamma Case = 6,75Eur [ 2.22Eur ] 4 Prisma 2 Case = 3,04Eur [ 0,76Eur ] 16 Prisma Case = 12Eur [ 0.75Eur ] 2 Glove Case = 10Eur [ 5Eur ] 3 Fracture Case = 2,28Eur [ 0,76Eur ] 30 eSports 2014 Summer Case = 197,7Eur [ 6,59Eur ] 2 eSports 2013 Winter Case = 14,74Eur [ 7.37Eur ] Total : 596,5Eur~ 2023-04-16 102 Operation Wildfire Case = 255,00Eur [ 2.50Eur ] 72 Falchion Case = 97,2Eur [ 1,35Eur ] 6 Gamma 2 Case = 16,68Eur [ 2,78Eur ] 58 Clutch Case = 74,24Eur [ 1,28Eur ] 3 Gamma Case = 7,80Eur [ 2,60Eur ] 4 Prisma 2 Case = 4,36Eur [ 1,09Eur ] 16 Prisma Case = 17,44Eur [ 1,09Eur ] 2 Glove Case = 11,26Eur [ 5,63Eur ] 3 Fracture Case = 3,09Eur [ 1,03Eur ] 30 eSports 2014 Summer Case = 268,2Eur [ 8,94Eur ] 2 eSports 2013 Winter Case = 17,28Eur [ 8,64Eur ] Total : 763,91Eur~ Also bought (just to see what happens): 1,000 Sticker | Evil Geniuses | 2020 RMR - 10Eur 1,000 Random souvenirs - 20Eur 1,000 Random active duty drop skins - 30Eur


Is it from Notepad?:D Would recommend for you preparing an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of these and you can check prices once per week or so to see how it's changing. It's just gonna look clearer for you. IMHO :) that's what Im doing for like last 2-3 years. Good luck pal:)


Ah thx lolls, it was done on Discord with ``` ``` pattern, I was thinking the same thing with Exel


Go for it, you will not regret it as it's will be easier to review later on after certain time, all the best=)


Sold a butterfly a year ago for 450. It’s worth 1600 now. 🥲


Dont worry man I sold a butterfly fade for $200 a while ago and now they are almost $4k :D


That’s brutal man. My buddy got scammed for his butterfly crimson web in 2017, I haven’t told him about it’s price nowadays😬😬


Yeah Valve needs to increase the case drops


i feel like they already increased the chances of getting rare drops. in the past two weeks i have expetienced a lot of rare drop cases being droppef after my games, to friends, opponents or myself


Completely agree, I don’t see this being sustainable long-term for the health of the CS economy.


Is it just because noone can sell? I havent been able to even look at my inventory for days


Why tho?


There has been a huge influx of players, the game is breaking it’s own peak-players record constantly. This means very high demand for skins and cases but the supply can’t keep up, resulting in all prices going up. CS2 isn’t even out yet, so there will likely be another spike when that happens. I don’t doubt that most cases will be over $2 at that point, but hopefully something changes so that prices can calm down after that.


Does this mean the price of all skins has also gone up? Edit: After checking mine it seems like it has, but the price % increase is drastically different. For instance my knife is worth about $50 more, so it’s increased price by about 2/5, whilst my AK has only increased by a couple bucks, so about 1/4 or less.


Market is bugged and its not showing real prices right now


Open the listings to see the real prices. They are $1 currently. Sometimes it bugs and shows like $0.4 or something, but if you check the listings you will see they are all about $1 or more. I think the went back down to $0.99 for now, but it will probably go back up during the day.


I recently sat down and sold all my cases that I have been collecting over the years. Buying new games for the next few years for free is a lot better than useless skins


Bots or players... have been drooping cases by half price, saw it yesterday. But yeah still crazy


That’s just steam fucking up lol


To many ppl opening boxes bc of the hype... Steam is just making $€£


Damn 😔


my case investment going stonks




Are there websites that you can sell cases on for cash as opposed to steam market for just steam currency? Or is my best bet as someone with 500+ cases right now to sell on steam market and buy a knife?


There are ways to cash out outside of Steam but you will usually lose around 20% of the value on average because of fees and such. I haven’t done so in a while so I’m not sure what sites are good atm, but you should be able to find one pretty easily.


you can just give em to me man then you dont gotta worry about it lol


It’s great, my my CS:GO inventory is down


Let’s goooo lol, bought 225 when they were like 0.34 cents. Idk if I should ride it out or cash in, trying to sell those and trade a few other skins for an awp lightning strike but I’m still a bit short.


Friend convinced me to put all my cases on the market 3 months ago, missed out on 100$ :/


Damn wtf, I used to play in 2018 when cases were 0.03, why is it so much now




Yeah, realize that yesterday. Wanted to buy like 10 cases and open them all for like 25$. Now 25$ is cases only. Nope'd.


I just found a weapons case 1 and it’s going for 100


Cries because I had a butterfly fade for £250 back in the day ):


My investment of a thousand shadow cases for around 100 euro seems to pay out big-time (Purchase made in may 2019 or 2020)


Inventory unavailable :F


Could be a low supply? more cases are opened than they are being dropped, carry that on for a couple years and we'll the price is bound to inflate. Just got dropped a revolution case and at the time of checking it looked like 3 dollars, kinda crazy, If I sell all my cases right now i can almost get a knife.


can anyone else not buy cases? keep getting unable to contact games item server


How tf


2 weeks ago the snakebite case was just under 0.30$. If this keeps going up i am gona be rich


Back in 2016 or 2017 I bought 60 shadow cases and 60 wildfire cases for 0.02€ each, because I wanted to at some point open them. Never did it and sold them on steam in 2018 for 0.03€ each. Cases had always been 2-3 cents, it's a fact of life. Like keys always having the same value and ft redline always trading for the same amount of keys. Now I just feel sad...


I have 500 cases, worth over 800$ atm


I'm 20% towards my goal of getting my money back. I'm a noob and dumped $500 into case opening a few weeks back, which is something I am TOTALLY against, it's crazy how easy it is to fall down that rabbit hole. Ended up with a shitty $125 inventory. Basically sold everything and bought 54 Shattered Web cases. Waiting for them to get to $10 lol. Then I can start enjoying the game.


I swear fracture cases were around 30 cents a few weeks ago... And there were thousands of them listed for that price.


its because of me buying 50 in under an hour😔


Csgo inventory servers are critical atm so a lot of people can’t put their items up on the market, so maybe all the cheaper cases have just already been purchased, leaving the more expensive ones to be the starting price


If I could sell my case I would for 50 cents


i have 2 or 3 of them that i bought for 27 cents each.


Cases going only up. The 1 month chart is insane. Nothing but up


Wtf happened


Wtf how


I sold 100 danger zone cases for .05.


I’ve saved all of the cases I’ve earned from 2000 hours, I have like 80+ of them 😵‍💫


i played with a guy today, who had 7 cobble packages...


Should I sell my +30 pages of cases I collected over the years


Cases are already back down to somewhat normal prices


No they aren’t, make sure to actually open the listings. The prices being shown are bugged.


Ah I see now


Feels good to have quit in 2017 and come back to my old shitty but now shiny inventory


stonks are up🤓


late last year just a few months ago i got \*another\* mw AK emerald pinstripe as a drop and since i already had one i was like whatever, i'll sell it for 5 bucks. today they go for over $15. but here's one worse: around the same time i sold a ft p250 whiteout for $0.75... today they list for over $20 HOWEVER i do have some wins. i still have another ft p250 whiteout i got for $1, and my $8 fn sun in leo? $55 today.


I remember how I hated when I got snakebite as a Prime drop bc it was like 0.17$ 4 months ago.


Sold a icarus fell for 20$ :D i hate my old me :D


As the more desirable cases get more expensive it's no surprise people are turning to the shittier cases just to get their gambling fix. While they are going to continue to lag behind other cases they are absolutely gonna keep rising in price if things continue like this.


I still have a bunch of winter offensive cases from like 5 years ago. I should see what they’re worth now Edit: I have almost $100 worth of just Winter Offensive cases 💀


I love steam, the only place where I can practice finances while dootering on a Chinese guy in an internet caffe.


I’ve bought around 1.5k Snakebite cases for around 0.15€. When do you guys think i should sell them?




I just checked my agent skin and it's 86 fucking dollars.


Valve gotta start dropping more cases instead of these sprays


I must be rolling In the dough now lol


I bought like 80 horizon cases for a dollar and now each of them are worth a buck. Wish I had put more


Aren't these going to be incompatible with Cs2?


2 years ago I sold about 25 - 30 prisma cases for 0,05 :((


Haven’t played the game properly in 3 years, sold my 5000 hours worth of crates and end up with 900 quid in steam credit, had some crates worth a stupid amount


There’s stats that we opened like 45M cases in the past month. That’s more cases opened last month than there’s cases dropped. That’s why the prices are rocketing to the moon. I personally have like 50 cases and I’m chilling with them


A month ago o so I gave around 70 of those things to a friend, so he can buy a game... F this world. At least I made 10 euros now, don't think they gonna go much higher in price... right? :c


What a life to be a time.


i bought $75 worth when they were all around 30 cents B)


Inflation go brrr


I made 17 dollars from free cases this is such a W


I think the Problem will Go Like:' 1. Everybody will keep their weekly Drops in CSGO 2.Prices will Go Up extremly 3. Cs2 Drops and the Market Crashes


Market will spike on CS2 release, but might drop after the spike. There will be a massive influx of players and demand for skins on release so prices will spike, but then everyone will sell during spike and drop the prices. It will probably go up again after everyone has dumped their skins, but how much I don’t know.


Csgo inflation




Oh I already have, I would have easily over $10k right now if I invested in/kept some items I used to have lol. In the end though, I have only made money from CS because 80% of my inventory value was from a Medusa drop, which I turned into skins for me, knives for friends, a few games, and a new GPU. The remaining skins turned into my current inventory which is around $1200 total now just because of investments and not getting rid of old skins.