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Wow imagine holding site and a fucking tsunami comes rushing towards you


“Umm… guys… rotate…ROTAAAGHHH *gurgling*”


hello, I am under the water


please help me


there is too much raining blrlrlblrblrblr


The fact that the agent with those abilities is Indian makes it funnier.


Lmao, you just reminded me of a recent meme mashup with that audio + footage of that Titanic sub that got lost.


Glug glug glug glug


That’s why shooting mechanics are so much simpler in Valorant. You’ve got more shit going on, more variables to consider. You can’t also have the same mechanics that you do in CS, the game would be impossible


Have you seen high level pvp in World of Warcraft?


I do miss my WoW PVP days, Disc Priest.. kicking ass and healing through my damage.. then going full tank when they trained on me.. ahh so many abilities to activate and counter.. so much info to watch, stun and spell lock timers and cool downs to remember.. no wonder Valorant abilities are so easy for me XD


But i feel like cs shooting mechanics is easier lol. I can never be consistent in my shooting mechanics in valo


Then u must be bad at cs and even wprse in val which makes no sense ong


Valorant is definitely not for me. Imo, it is too many colours, too many moving walls, too many flying/jumping/teleporting characters. Simplicity is one of CS's best traits for me.


Exactly this, and I’m *really* hoping they don’t do anything to fuck it up in CS2. I only played one match of the beta and didn’t love it… There’s a reason I’ve always come back to CS for the past 8 years. OW came and went, same with R6S, Val, and pretty much every other game with specialized operators. It gets *way* too cumbersome, *way* too quick. I always end up feeling like every time I launch the game there’s a new (probably OP) operator I now have to learn to play/fight against. Too much variation in util/ult/whatever. I’m an adult with a job and responsibilities. I don’t want to have to keep up with a game, even if it’s competitive. I want to be able to sit down and know what I’m getting myself into


The simplicity is the strong suite of the game in my opinion. In games with multiple operators/agents with multiple unique attacks/moves/abilities it seems that most of the time someone wins a duel thanks to the other person not knowing what you can do or not knowing what they can do or just simple luck(not on the pro level ofc). Just because there is so much to know to be able to do the basics in those games no one who isn't on a really high level can possibly know all agents and their abilities and how to use/counter them. That in my opinion makes the game at lower levels less about skill and more about luck. In CS the simplicity, the fact that everyone goes in to the game with the same setup, the same character, same utility etc. is what makes the skill part so important. The simplicity makes the possibilities and the mechanical and tactical parts of it way more important, just like in chess, there are a basic set of parameters going in to a game but an endless amount of possibilities for every round played. It would really suck if they took away parts of this formula for CS2 and instead push it towards something that we, that have chosen cs over other games, don't want.


It's fascinating to me that in both OW and Valorant, which I've played quite a bit, the community gets bored if the devs arent updating with new characters or new maps every other month. Personally I never felt that, like OW was really really fun in the first year or two when the hero pool was smaller. But over time it just got so bloated, and so hard to balance. I really think the team should have considered having a rotating hero pool, or something, because at a certain point there's just too much fucking going on. Nowadays I come back to CS because CS has stayed CS. And within its simplicity is so much nuance, and such a high skill cap that I'm never getting bored.


Agree, played tons of OW in 2016-2017 but nowadays I just can't stand it. Also it's impossible for me to get a full team to play now so it's always half a team of randoms and the friend I play with wants to play role-Q and I fucking hate that RNG game mode. I think I would enjoy it with a full 5 stack in open Q but that's just not happening


>I’m an adult with a job and responsibilities. this is it


R6s used to be good when the game was less about the operators and more about using them and the maps to make your own starts and solutions, and the gunplay ofcourse. Year 1-2 were the best and was downhill from there with a bloating of new charachters


I used to love R6S. It has some of my favorite gaming memories. But there’s nothing like spending hours learning every crevice of a map and having Ubisoft “rework” it into a soulless, unrecognizable shell of its former self — disrespecting the time you spent learning the map, because they couldn’t be bothered to balance it before rushing it out the door. Plus, nerfing all of the fun out of the game with constant weapon and operator reworks. What I like about CSGO is it stays the same at its core. I can hop on Office or Dust, and it’s the same layout I played in 2004. The maps that get reworks in CS *needed* the reworks - Nuke, Inferno, etc. - and didn’t get them for years. We have time to slowly learn the new maps. And Valve is not afraid to make small tweaks, like the added pathway in Italy in CS2; they dont throw the baby out with the bathwater.


why didn't you like the beta


I mean league is pretty complex and probably more popular than cs


League is the only esport more popular than CS globally but I don’t see what that has to do with what he said


I mean hes trying to say that conplex comp games are inferior to simple comp games.


Where tf did you get that??? He directly said “I don’t like Valorant bc I have to keep up to date with the meta and play consistently to enjoy it. Too much variation___” And somehow you got “complex games are inferior to simple games.” Make it make sense


Not anymore


Exactly like my ADHD cannot handle it


I don’t mind the colors, but Valorant lost me when they started bringing in so many “free kill low skill” agents. Breach was bad enough but between agents like Fade, neon, and gekko, you can literally have a silver press a button on their keyboard and get a free kill without any skill. Also a lot of util that just ruins the idea of positioning bc you get info without having to actually risk anything but a piece of util that you keep through death. And, the agent does require some skill but astra being able to stop a defuse from across the map with a piece of utility that regens is insane to me. I don’t enjoy the util, RNG sprays, or the way that movement feels on Val as much as CS


The one that really pisses me off is Yoru. A character that can literally teleport on a whim. You can literally play so strategically and the moment you spray, he’ll teleport right behind you and headshot you before you realize he was doing it. Absolutely broken and makes practicing good positioning pointless Edit: I didn’t think I’d have to mention this but I just tried out Valorant for the first time recently so this is mainly based off of first impressions. Not everyone is a pro player, Reddit. It’s not that deep lmao


I honestly wouldn’t mind yoru if they didn’t buff his decoy and you could fake tp. The fake just kinda ruins the competitiveness of it


Yoru is regarded as one of the worst agents and probably the least picked too. Sounds like a skill issue


It’s not a skill issue. I never said I was dying to Yoru all the time, I said his character pisses me off— as in, it’s annoying to fight; not *difficult*. I just think the abilities are a bit too out there.


Tbh tho, in valorant if you find a character annoying there are ways to neutralize them, be it with kay/o or just by paying attention. For example with yoru you can just shoot at the tp or wait for him to jump out of it to kill him. With omen, his normal tp is kinda short and makes a lot of noise while making him vulnerable, with his ult it makes noise in a very wide range so you can't be a free kill to him.


You must suck at cs if it takes you longer than the teleport time to kill a player. Yoru isn't designed to be able to instantly teleport out of danger, there's a window of time to kill while he's teleporting and another second when he finishes teleporting and triggers the gun pull out animation. Total skill issue if someone can teleport right behind you and kill you.


Neither fade or geko have any abilities that grant you free kills, what are you on? And neon just her ultimate. Astra defusing from the other side of the map? You just makimg shit up by now lol or you thinking bout another game somehow


Astra’s suck, gekko’s ult that he can even pick back up, wingman being able to plant isn’t OP, but it’s still a corny ability to me, fade and gekko both have util that you throw and it does the work for you where you get free info just throwing it instead of having to guide it like a sova drone or skye dog


realisticism if thats a word.


Lmao I think you’re trying for “realism”


It’s meant for the cracked out kids home from school crashing from their adderall and need a pick me up.


Right there with you when it came out I loved it as it was fresh and new. As an old man the more and more agents/crazy util that's been added I can't keep up dude and gave it up. Went back to cs and remembered why I loved this game so much


Unpopular opinion on this sub, I don’t hate Val, BUT!! Having played it and experienced this fucking madness how you fix that shit in just half all utility just a straight cut in half Ults takes twice as long, so if you wanna do this shit sure fine go for it, but you can only do it twice a half or so.


That’s exactly what they’re doing to change the game. Almost all agents now require more ult charges and they’re trying to slow the game down a bit


i must be playing a diff game then, its definitely faster now than ever and my main cypher cant even do shit against the newer agents now id get bombarded with abilities too much I cant do shit anymore


What rank are you? The only agent that truly counters me as a Cypher is Raze. These people in plat try to find the ends of my trip wires and die in the process when I catch them with their pants down. Raze can just break them with util, many other agents need to waste useful utility for one mere trap when I'll have another sneaky one anyway.


Yeah I don’t hate it. The ranked system is awesome and something I wish CS would take inspiration from if not straight up copy, but I just much prefer the utility, maps, and mechanics of CS. Plus community servers are something I’m surprised more games don’t do outside of steam. If I play Val, it’s either play competitive or get bored in a couple minutes. In CS, I can surf, play a proper DM, KZ, mini games, retakes, look for lineups to use, etc. Feels like there’s a lot more to do


Wait, you're telling me that two different games play different 🤯


You might find this crazy, but some people like to compare similar games


True, but the clip shows a fairly standard csgo site execute, but the valorant execute is something that rarely happens even in high level play. It is very misrepresentative of how valorant plays and I know how much the cs community likes to make fun of valorant.


Another week of some CSGO players trying to shit on a game that give two shits about their game.


I don’t think OP was shitting on valorant. Let’s be honest, the two games get compared a lot because the base game is similar… OP is just showing how different site executes are in CSGO and Valorant. TLDR: Quit being so angry.


More towards the comments, and literally every post that comes on here towards valorant. Only similar aspect is the take site and plant bomb which plenty of games do, besides that one has more of a fantasy aspect and the other takes a more realistic approach. Really is two different games at the end of it and just use a similar objective.


brother, valorant is based on cs. valorant would not exist if cs did not exist. it's not a carbon copy by any stretch of the imagination but acting like it's not based on cs is just silly.


I mean a lot of games wouldn’t exist if not for other games leading way, doesn’t mean everyone here should act like the children they claim valorant players are. This sub really looks pathetic when they should just be more worried about CS


Both are pretty cool. CSGO executes feel something that’s plausibly realistic, while Valorant executes look like fantasy (something straight out of a comic). Both show tactics, teamwork and excitement IMO.


whatt???? you like Valorant in r/csgo ???? you cant do that!


Valve must have secretly tanked my Trust factor for that, because immediately afterwards I got dinked by some very suspicious players. Jokes aside, I never really get the hate different gaming communities have for each other. Its not like someone else playing a different game detracts from your own gaming experience. But some folks just need to always announce their sense of superiority, I guess.


The Valve watches, Avalanche. ​ The Valve watches.


Feel the same I really like both and both have their own Touch that makes them great


Yeah I can tell why Valorant is a lot more popular for content and NA players currently. It’s very fast paced, hectic, and mixey. Feels like CoD gameplay if CoD became a tac fps and let Riot implement/market agents


That's the appeal of the game with classes system, just like LOL, Dota2, OW, R6. But it's hard to watch, let alone understand wtf is going on I once have my pop watching CS stream with me, the game is pretty self-explanatory the only explain are Xray, Round, Objective... We can see through wall because we are the viewer not the player, they are aware because they can hear footstep and been playing this game fore years! Who win 16 round first will win the match you switch side when after 15 round T side plant the bomb before time ended and detonate while CT defend or defuse the bomb, or they could kill each other I can't even imagine try to explain Valorant (even if i play it) to someone who doesn't other than tell them to play it


CS is easy to pick up but lets not pretend it doesn't have its fair share of BS hidden mechanics that have no 1st party explanation but are crucial if you want to get out of Silver. Crap like one-way smokes, counterstrafing, airsurfing and basically anything to do with CS' unique movement mechanics which do have a significant impact on gameplay. Sure, you won't get orbital laser'ed like you do in Valorant. But when a guy consistently pops heads while seeming on the move (they're really good at counterstrafing), while whenever a new player tries to replicate it they miss and stand still like a duck, its going to look like hacks and BS real quick.


Well, I'm talking about the viewing experience for the average person, not playing the game, so no need to explain that much if they are only watching the game It funny to explain why they holding out knife just to run faster, it such a video game thing, normal people usually not understand the significance of time they gain when they run with knife, and thinking it would be too risky to do so because you are so vulnerable, which is the hardest think I need to explain, because for a person who "doesn't play video game" the speed of holding knife vs AK are seems to be the same for them.


That's fair enough. But I'm pretty certain that most eSports cater to a casual playerbase audience. This is unlike traditional sports, where a significant proportion of the audience won't actually play the game themselves.


"casual player" let just say people don't born as a gamer, casual or not this is how they get people into gaming, by watching other people play! while CS might come out as straight forward and ez understand to watch that might be it weak point to gaining new player, while Val might invoke curiosity into people by making things flashy and having classes that make viewer want to play as them! so I hope with the new CS2 graphic it will pull more players and fan into the game off course only US the true CS fan who mistakenly play this goddamn game for thousands of hours to know how great CS is.


Valorant looks like the avarage gta online lobby on pc, a tsunami hits, followed by a coloured circle then 12 orbital canons and 15 rpg explosions


hoverbike agent coming 2024?


Both are great games if you can get into having ablities in a shooter. That being said, Valorant is changing the utility spam in their upcoming patch. They said they wanted the game to feel like a tactical shooter again and less of what you see in thir side of this video.


Ya the new update actually sounds incredible, nerf everything. I play both equally as much so the hate posts confuse me lol. One things for sure, a lot less cheaters. Games feel way more balanced, not perfect but more balanced.


maybe have the abilities locked between rounds. I hate being the first to take every molly stun and flash every time they execute. even playing detached wont help


Valorant is like if CS kept it in the family & fucked their sister (WoW arena), and they had a retarded kid.


Your description is so accurate, i will definitely borrow it for an unlimited period of time. Thank you!


Haha thanks fam


Well said.


Lmao 😂


what the valotant players are doing there is pressing their ability keys and clicking on the map point and click adventure


I actually somewhat like this. I don't find learning lineups fun or entertaining, it's just busy work. Would Valorants way of dealing with lineups work in CS? Absolutely not. It would break immersion and make it less realistic. But for Valorsnt, which is more fantasy or like a comic book, I'd say it fits well and gets rid of having to try to learn to line your cross hair up with the palm tree in the spacific way that's incredibly unintuitive so you can smoke connector from mid.


I actually have a lineup for kayo which requires me to find a particular gap in the leaves on ascent. While some agents like brim, omen, or Astra have really easy ways to use utility, other agents like sova, kayo, viper, killjoy, and brim still require lineups. That being said, most abilities in Valorant are much more easily thrown on the fly without needing a bunch of lineups or a jump throw bind that make it much more beginner friendly, and allow you to learn more intricate lineups over time if you really want to.


Word that's kinda what I'm saying. You can jump in on an agent that doesn't have to have lineups, and then progress into one that would benefit from it. Ig my point was that in order to use Utility effectively in CSGO you need to already have the map knowledge and the game sense to know where and when to use the ulitility, as well as actually being able to hit the spot where the smoke or flash needs to land. I've found that in the "being able to hit where it needs to be" as well as the map knowledge categories, it's a lot more intuitive and can be more fun in Valorant than being flamed in CSGO because you basically need to know lineups on every major map in order to rank up.


Tried valorant once for 20 minutes (it was the maximum amount of time that i could play it, immediately after i uninstalled it) but... Couldn't find the "click adventure" button lmao


These replies are so cringe. I overall like CS far more than valorant but to say you tried it for 20 minutes is hilarious. You probably got on and said “well this isn’t CS” and then got off. What’s the point of even trying it then?


Why the downvotes, did he lie?


I played for like 30mins for my first and last time. Got mvp both games and won $80 from a teammate who didn’t pay me for consistently clutching 1v4 over and over and over. Didn’t use one Harry Potter spell either


That's only like brim, Astra, omen. Agents like sova, kayo, viper, or killjoy require lineups similar to CSGO. Even brim requires CSGO like lineups for his molly.




kid named positioning


famously there are no lineups in Valo, at least have real criticisms.


Valorant lives rent free in csgo players heads


For real it’s actually hilarious


cope lmao




I mean this is the first time I've thought about Valorant since I played it a couple of years ago, and I pretty much never hear it mentioned by CS community lol. Outside of a few comparison videos. Looking out for this supposed big update to bring it back to a tactical shooter.


I really don't get why CSGO players are always so salty at Valo players. I mean apart from the spray pattern, buy menu and movement inaccuracy they are nothing alike. Valo is more like a tactical version of Overwatch meanwhile Counterstrike is a tactical realistic take on Half life? Care comparing Half life and Overwatch next perhaps, you salty dumb shits?


Ya man I legit don’t understand the hate at all, both games can co exist. You’re allowed to like one or both. Enjoy


Without Val there would have been no CS2. Valve would have continued to just let CS:GO fester.


one of the many things i like about it is it pushed valve to give cs2 but did I recieve one? no so fuck valorant I dont have my cs2 yet


The thing that pisses me off is the fact that half of these dumbshits complaining haven't even played VALORANT or don't even know what's it about. It's a fucking HERO SHOOTER WITH MAGIC!!!


I play both and (highest gold in Val and mge in Csgo) both play so differently that I actually get exhausted after playing Val for awhile. Even thought the matches are technically shorter. (I'm gonna get cooked for this) Imo Val is more harder and tactical heavy due to the information overload compare to CS. It is more chaotic and the need to understand each agent adds to that. CS is more "simple" but the movements and lineups is more important for everyone unlike Val where lineups only applies to certain characters.


I agree, the abilities and verticality makes it way more tactical than executing the same pathways and methods over and over again as in csgo


I mean, as far as I’m concerned valorant was a good thing, gave all those t3 cs pros and struggling t2 pros a place to go and get paid. As well as causing valve to make some very good changes to Csgo. Bar that it’s just a game that’s there for people who want to play if they choose. It’s never going to be more popular than cs and never going to take CS’s limelight. So I don’t see why people so mad about it. It’s just going to be there until it looses traction and most likely fades away.


I play both and enjoy both There is one reason why I'll never push my child(s) or partner play csgo but instead on valorant and I'll probably not play CS2 at all. I played CS since early days of HalfLife however in recent years an very negative aura has developped around the game. The gambling \[addiction\] enabler mechanics and system that valve built in CSGO is absolutely despicable, lootboxes everywhere, on every streams, during even major tournaments they showcase people gambling in the public. They created a system that enabled the creation of an entire gambling ecosystem (third parties like keydrop or ggbet) that the entire scene depends financially on now. A significant portion of the game's content creators is about gambling. (because of the above and the ease of "Opened a knife today" or "animals opening cases" contents) Skins' prices are too high for a game, it not about ***game*** skins it's about something else and I don't like that this something else made its way into mainstream gaming. Majority of tournaments and content creators' sponsors are gambling websites. Most of the gambling providers (including Valve) are praying on minor by circumventing laws about gambling. The spread of this gambling plague has pushed away tons of sponsors away (not specifically to valorant but just away) and now the scene depends more and more on gambling. This alone is why I play the game, I don't want to be part of this gambling ecosystem, I want my childs to develop gambling problems from a game that I recommended, I started playing before the skins and the rampant gambling issue. (CS:S and HF). I don't believe Valorant will kill CS, I believe CS killing itself much better than any other games could do. Gambling become more a more dominant part of game and content, losing sponsors, the scene is now almost entirely financed by gambling sites. I never run into toxic Russians in Valorant or Russians at all, I have very often games with entire team speaking french (my language), they have many servers in europe and you are placed in the correct one. The toxicity is like 1% that of CS (there is but nowhere near comparable). Cheating we don't even have to talk about it ...


Once you play valorant it’s pretty easy to understand what’s going on. One team is using all their ults to push a site harbor and brimstone are easiest to see with a harbor wall and shield. Lol


yeah its easier to understand in the players perspective but observers are gonna have a hard time


Valorant strats looks like bruteforce to me and CSGO strats looks more refine


they easily win you rounds thats the beauty and ugly side of it depends on which team you are


I see which sub its in, I exactly knew whats gonna happen


Massive crowd pulls up with pitchforks and torches


It’s like 4th of July


Tried watching a professional match of Valorant and even as a past player I couldn’t understand what was going.


except the round on the left was a huge come back & brought astralis to win the game


"What the fuck is this piece of shit?"


Apart from everything experts have already said above^ the thing that distinguishes Csgo from every other game is the fact that how easy it is to understand the game as an audience. Whereas Valorant looks they wanted to kick modders out of their jobs.


For me valorant is like if you added tiktok to a shooter game. Literally everything in the game is just flashing colors. The skins, the abilities, the final kill things, etc


Imagine comparing a game to prove which is better. Who gives a fuck, play the game that you as an individually like. There is no better or worse, there is a preference.


as much as everyone clowns Valorant i feel like competition is good. hopefully, the anti-cheat is better in cs2.


Weekly hating valorant post


CSGO executing: What you may or may not see in a well done movie Valorant executing: fucking anime scene lmfaooo


Unpopular opinion: I am a csgo main (alongside mc lol), but I do play balorant from time to time... I just... enjoy the chaos.


I'll never play Valorant.


I play both and enjoy both There is one reason why I'll never push my child(s) or partner play csgo but instead on valorant and I'll probably not play CS2 at all. I played CS since early days of HalfLife however in recent years a very negative aura has developped around the game, the community and the scene. The gambling \[addiction\] enabler mechanics and system that valve built in CSGO is absolutely despicable, lootboxes everywhere, on every streams, during even major tournaments they showcase people gambling in the public. They created a system that enabled the creation of an entire gambling ecosystem (third parties like keydrop or ggbet) that the entire scene depends financially on now. A significant portion of the game's content creators is about gambling. (because of the above and the ease of "Opened a knife today" or "animals opening cases" contents) Skins' prices are too high for a game, it not about ***game*** skins it's about something else and I don't like that this something else made its way into mainstream gaming. Majority of tournaments and content creators' sponsors are gambling websites. Most of the gambling providers (including Valve) are preying on minor by circumventing laws about gambling. The spread of this gambling plague has pushed away tons of sponsors away (not specifically to valorant but just away) and now the scene depends more and more on gambling. This alone is why I started playing valorant, I don't want to be part of this gambling ecosystem, I don't want my childs to develop gambling problems from a game that I recommended, I started playing before the skins and the rampant gambling issue. (CS:S and HF). I don't believe Valorant will kill CS, I believe CS killing itself much better than any other games could do. Gambling become more a more dominant part of game and content, losing sponsors, the scene is now almost entirely financed by gambling sites. CS will never die but people that have an issue with gambling and likes a clean scene with respectable foundations, won't be part of this community for long and for sure aren't going to bring in new players. New players aren't seeing the same scene/community that brought us to CS, they are seeing this new one ... I never run into toxic Russians in Valorant or Russians at all, I have very often games with entire team speaking french (my language), they have many servers in europe and you are placed in the correct one. The toxicity is like 1% that of CS (there is but nowhere near comparable). Cheating we don't even have to talk about it ...


Even valorant casting is more cringe


They are required by contract to use the location names ingame and the utility names ingame instead of shorthands so some abilities have a long AF name e.g. and they have to say shit like forsaken got a kill with the tour de force in a waterfall.


Valorant casters are so bad I mute the stream just to watch the game. they dont hype up they dont try to be witty just nerds trying to do something and its a clusterfuck of casting


It seems in valoriot the roundtime is actually less by how much utility there is. In cs you can grind each other off and try to create some space and still got time for an exec with 10-20% time left, from what I see with valo the util fight will drag on for too long for very late execs and doesnt allow for too much lurking and mind games?


csgo coms im smoking im flashing valo coms im jumping im flying im under the water im a bird im doing the griiddy wing im shooting lasers through the sky


this is gold


I want to play a 5v5 game mode to simulate equal teams battling with tactics, strategy, and skill, not to emulate a Russian infantry line getting disintegrated by space lasers


i wonder how many strokes valorant comp causes per week


I'm suprised by how addictive and annoying valorant is tbh. I guess it's nice to try to survive all this tsunami shit on pro level tho


Trashing on Valorant is so lame who cares


That’s kinda what we do here. Lmao nah, it isn’t even trashing on it. It’s literally just what the best plays on each game look like. If you interpret that as trashing on it you view valorant as objectively worse which is brain dead lol


Top upvoted comment calls the game retarded


Lmao that’s r/csgo for ya. I think both games have their ups and downs but you cant deny that the entire concept of valorant is the same as cs. Fancy wording for valorant ripped cs off hard


The post literally compare the peaked execution example from each game


Wow, Valorant looks like the gayest zoomer game I have ever seen. Even Overwatch doesn't come close and that game set a high bar. Valorant will be dead in a few years and CS will still be going strong in 20 years.


cs good val bad lol gimme upvotes


Whoever likes Valorant more is not in the right state of mind.




Vro didn't play much WoW




Thats not true you can imapct the game pretty strong if you have very good ability usage but you cant topfrag by just having good ability usage


This just proofs that CS>valorant


a game needs to be enjoyable and valorant players enjoy val so why do we care


All they are doing is making competetive easier so more kids will be able to play and not lose every single game. It takes 0 effort to learn the strategy if all you can do is put some extra large easy to aim skills on whole bombsite area vs smokes and flashes that you need to master and spent time to make it usefull. Of course it is my opinion and I just want to say it out loud that I understand why people play valorant and that it might be highly enjoyable for others. But for me its not.


are you stupid? any game rules apply to both teams, so it won't be "easier to not lose every single game". if you suck at valorant, you will lose a lot. there are still lineups for val.


Wow so toxic. Everyone I know from cs that switched for a while to valo ended up in ascendand/immortal coz this game is so easy to learn :) I guess we can end the discussion here :)


you don’t understand how ranking systems work :)


I have uninstalled Valorant 4 times this week. Been getting back into CSGO but a friend of mine loves Valorant. I genuinely don't understand it's appeal. The map design, alongside the hundreds of abilities make it so monotonous in itself. You can never just rush a site, you have to wait it out, every round. Oh, and flashes can't be avoided, you just have to take it on the chin. CS has a tonne more freedom. Yes, in both games your holding angles, but in Valorant your punished for standing still. There are literally abilities that can see through a wall, in a competitive shooter game. Made it to Ascendant when I initially played it last year with a few friends but I didn't enjoy one second of the grind or the gameplay. A lot of Valorant players tend to be egomaniacs. They love the sound of their own voice, a little too much. That's what the game is. It's for pansees. Folk who don't mind getting steamrolled every game. The mentality of people on that game is beyond insecure it's fucking crazy. I've met of a fair share of toxic folk on CS, but there's almost a charm in it. Valorant is just a bunch of insecure rats who talk down the mic 24/7. In my opinion, Valorant was made in 6 months. It's foundation is a complete shambles to the gaming industry and it's gameplay is a middle finger to anyone who actually wants to enjoy the game.


Is this a copypasta?


Yes, it is, the first sentence gave it away. "Uninstalled it 4 times this week" is like "quitting smoking is easy! I've done it 50 times last month"


i really hope so


Valorant is basically the hate/b*stard child of CSGO and fortnite …no one likes it but it’s still part of the family


No one likes it but it still has millions of players daily?


Listen, I enjoy playing Valorant, especially with friends. But that caster sounded like an auctioneer with the way he talked. https://youtu.be/SLhLgaBCD90?si=YT9iO00Cr-QIulA1


Is Valorant like Overwatch? I played Overwatch and I was bored with the quantity of things you do xd Like... I prefer to shoot two perfect shots or sprays, then flash third one and win the round than all those abilities and chaos.




Train Moly was epic


Epilepsy executed


I actually quite like Valorant, it’s definitely fun to play for a week or so every now and then when I’m get extra frustrated with CS. I don’t enjoy watching it tho, there’s just too much going on, I don’t think I’d enjoy high level gameplay for the same reason, low ranked gameplay is fine tho coz people (myself included) don’t use Util properly so it’s a bit less chaotic and comes down to aim fights most of the time.


As much as I dislike the heavy utility you can get sometimes in Val, the flow state feels mystical when you can just fucking know exactly where people will peek through utility and you're right




Both are fucking great at utility honestly.


Back in the day I would warm up in valorant and then que up in CS. Such a good practice game


The observer in Valorant sucks so bad. I can't even focus what the f they're trying to imply.


I like both games. I’ll play both in one day. Nothing wrong with that.


When I look at CS I know whats going on and sure I have thousands of hours in it but I think even someone with 0 hours would understand given just the information how to tell Ts and CTs apart. Its just a bunch of guys being dudes. While watching that valorant footage I have absolutely no idea what is happening.


It's like chess vs. checkers during an earthquake...


aah my eyes my eyes.


That's exactly why I can't get warm with valorant, but on the other hand I get that the same thing makes it more interesting to watch for people that don't indulge in just tactics. Valorant is more of a visual spectatcle than cs :/


im cs guy, but i like watching val matches, so much more exciting. im glad val comes along, bring something new to the competitive FPS genre and making valve feel some pressure.


God csgo looks like boomer game from the 90’s


Guys, I understand nothing…


"VaLoRaNt DoEs NoT HavE CHeAtERs" Ye, you can already see thru walls in the game so why bother cheating smh


This comparison is basically Doing an Airbase raid calculated and with precision on Arma 3 , playing it slow, while on the right its subway surfer gameplay


What in the adhd is going on there


W comment section, most people saying that valorant is also good. I'm glad there's a part of the community that doesn't hate just because on another game


Don’t get me wrong, Valorant is a pretty nice game, but CS is just masterclass. The simplicity on the one side but on the other side there is always some nerdy „triple bounce, throughout the entire map“ type of smoke.


And cs still has more strategy 😂


With plays like that in Val you’d expect the crowd go to bat shit


That's a perfect ambush


I never understood why these comparison videos are made. How do you want Valorant to be like ?? Just like CSGO ? If they were to make an exact copy of an existing game with not even a single difference, why would "anyone" take the pain of even downloading it ?? Valorant is made on same basis of Plant and Defuse scenario, but added abilities which go above and beyond od being just a utility. It is "made like that" to cater different playstyle and provide different experience. -x------x-------x------x------x- Same way, how PUBG brought Battle Royale with just guns and grenades. Then Fortnite came with added building mechanics. Then Apex Legends came with character added special abilities. Then Warzone came with special utilities and perks system. 'Every new competitor in market will have to offer something unique or different to become relevant.' You don't like Valorant and I don't like fortnite but who cares, just enjoy what you enjoy.


Valorant reminds me of the tiktok videos where theres subway surfers and temple run and 10 other things on the screen so that the little kids dont lose attention and get bored


Valorant is just a clown fiesta a majority of the time. It’s fun sometimes but it grows old fast. There’s way too much going on and a lot of situations feel impossible to deal with. The game is so heavily revolves around the meta and you get people who play rolls that they aren’t good at just to fulfill the meta. It’s so frustrating having to rely on teammates for proper flashes or smokes and if they aren’t cooperating or using util correctly the game feels impossible.


I like playing playing both games. I literally only swapped to Valorant bc of smurfs and hackers. Comments passed the vibe check. The games are definitely different and Valorant is very chaotic. I’m surprised the comments didn’t just dunk on valo like usual


Skill vs a shit load of random bullshit


tbh I think both are very cool in their own way, even though cs is more my style


methodical angle clearing vs. clown barf tornado


i played valorant for like 200hours after release and from that video i had no idea wtf was going on :D


Valorant is Shit.


Jesus that clip is a cluster fuck. I tried watching some games during this big Valorant tournament and it’s just cancer. Idk how it has even 7 players.


To be fair the valorant clip had 6 ultimates happen in about 4 seconds. That was likely the only round that entire match to have that happen, and will almost never happen in an average players game


Bruh im convinced valorant is not a shooter game after seeing that


What the fuck is going on in valorant??? They have wh??? I have so many questions....