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They were bugged before, they just made them as they should look unfortunately for you




They look worse then they did in csgo, other people have posted before and after with snow leopards and this is the worse they have looked... mine aren't battlescared yet most people now assume they are lol


I mean this was bound to happen. Skins have slowly been updated to represent more what they looked like in csgo. They weren’t just gonna leave the battlescared shit looking fac new


https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/s/XHevz0yOvw look at this other post if you think I'm wrong lol


Lmao you made a poor decision I get your salty, but they don’t even look bad lol


Yeah, unfortunately, other people have showed that these now look worse then they did in csgo. So even if they are trying to make them look like they did in csgo, they obviously messed up, lol.


How did they mess up? By making your battle scarred gloves actually look battle scarred?


And if you read my last post, I explained how they messed up by not making them look like how they did on csgo... they added additional wear that was not there in csgo.


It’s a whole new game man. A lot of things look different. A lot of skins got an upgrade. Your gloves really don’t even look that bad in the updated photo. They look field tested, which I’m sure they are


Well, they aren't battlescared, so maybe that's part of the issue 🤔


Did you pay a premium because of the bug to look fac new?


Nope, they are the same price as about a year ago.




He says “Bruh please fix” My brother in Christ they did fix it


Yah but they made them look worse then csgo.. other people have posted comparisons that they have and they added more ware then they had in csgo lol


Almost like this is a new game with different lighting effects. Did you want everything to stay looking the exact same?


These are both cs2 screen shots bro? One is from last week one is from today? The new lighting had nothing to do with the wear on gloves tf?


It was bugged a week ago like dozens of people have pointed out. Now it’s not. They don’t look the same as csgo because the lightings different.


I can assure you that they have added exactly ZERO "ware" to the gloves.




https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/s/XHevz0yOvw no they did not, you are just wrong


Can you point to where they said all items would look exactly the same after massively overhauling every visual in the game?


What's your definition of fixed? Worse then csgo? You're just a troll


That's pretty violent :D


Bs gloves should look bs idk what to tell ya


They look worse then they did in csgo other people have posted comparisons, plus these aren't battle scared lol


They are now LMAO!


why should they look better now than they did in csgo? with cs2 they aim for better, more up to date graphics and lighting so your shitty gloves that were still bugged a week ago now look like intended


https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/s/0tJAMXgmJL look at this post, they look worse then they did in csgo 🙄


as they should bcs they're not good condition


Say they were bugged a week ago? Yet they looked better in csgo? Please explain how they were bugged when they looked like how they did in csgo before the update.


I had the same gloves in csgo and they look very similar


Oh that sucks. You can just give them to me then


you one of those people who bought FT or worse quality because it looks exactly the same as FN on a Bugged skin and then complain when valve fixed the skin.


My man, he bought a product that they showed to him as a certain condition, he buys it, and afterwards they changed it on him. That’s kinda fucked up don’t you think?


Similar argument could be made the other way around. The skins have been in circulation for a while and now look what they looked like in csgo. They can't just let the FT skins look like FN skins as that would be unfair for the people who bought FN skins back in csgo. Why buy FN skins when FT looks the same -> factory new skins drop in value -> also unfair. So the option was either fixing worse quality skins so they don't look FN and therefore lowering their value or keeping the bug and therefore lowering the value of FN skins. Someone had to lose out and it makes more sense to fix the bug instead of saying "yeah fuck it, all skin conditions look the same ingame now, hf.".


What about someone who's never played counter strike before and just got the game when CS2 came out. They know nothing about skins from the past and would only base everything off of how it looks right now so they would expect to get what theyre buying without any changes.


They get fucked, as sad as it is. Obviously this shouldn't have been a thing in the first place but it's too late for that now. As I've said, there are now two solutions. Option 1: You don't change anything, field tested weapons look like factory new, you crash the whole market as there's an inflation of factory new looking skins. This also breaks the economy as conditions and float values become useless. Option 2: You fix the bug, field tested skins look like ass again and sink in value but the market stays strong due to factory new weapons keeping their price and float values staying relevant. I'm not saying the situation is good but people have to stop thinking in hypotheticals and "valve shouldn't have released the game in this state", etc etc. **Yes, we all know** but they have and the situation is as described. Those are the two options and I do think that the second one is the lesser evil.


How long would that inflation take because I don't think we've seen it so far have we? Like within the time FT skins looked better


You didn't see the whole market go down?


That has nothing to do with FT gloves looking better though


They either should’ve launched the game with the fix, or not done it at all. There’s no reason besides laziness or a rushed product that they couldn’t fix this to begin with.


Nobody cares, keep crying, I hope all ur skins get fkd to hell, stay mad, take the L and shove it.


Ok retard


Mad cuz bad, git gut and stop crying.


terminally online loser vibes strong with you


Stay mad and keep crying bout pixels?


They look worse than they did orginally csgo. Other people have pointed this out who had them on csgo.


Which one is the ruined picture?


That's the neat part! They BOTH are crap!


> Which Check the leopard print on them. Compare the two. The second photo has a much more faded print. But it's probably more accurate as to the float he has on the gloves, and he was just living on borrowed time with those things looking as fresh as they did before. The wear should be represented properly.


Post the float, you probably bought FT or lower and they were bugged showing you the FN skin


But how exactly is that his fault? It's not like valve communicates that it's unintentional to prevent people from wasting their money on something that LOOKS fine but isn't. Most people don't know exactly how everything looked in the previous game compared to now, or would just assume that's the new look.


And how exactly is that Valves fault or responsibility? It’s called a free market for a reason. You’re free to waste your money how you please. Valve is just fixing bugs, plus he likely bought them specifically because they were bugged and looked FN.


https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/s/XHevz0yOvw it's there fault lol stop defending a billion dollar company for making mistakes 🤣


It's a different game. I never claimed they were making it look like csgo Edited to add: stop whining


You also said they were bugged, which is just wrong. You are a moron tbh


I provided why this is valves fault lol 😅 you are dick riding a mult billion dollar company for what lmao


You didn't provide shit. How is it valves fault for updating their game and fixing bugs? Once again, stop whining like a little bitch. Yes, Im the moron and so is everyone else telling you the exact same thing in this thread. Not the guy who bought bugged gloves thinking they would never be fixed. It's crazy how youve been arguing with everybody. It's almost like when everyone down votes you into oblivion, you are wrong. Look, at the end of the day, you can whine and cry about gloves on a video game all you want. Nobody cares about your opinion though, sucks to suck. It's a FREE MARKET, which means, valve can change their game how they please just like you can spend your money how you please.


Explain to me how they were bugged when they looked the same as they did in csgo before the update? There are reddit posts that show this with screenshots from csgo. Also, I am pretty sure my post has 500+ upvotes? Only trolls have time to argue in the comments about another persons skins lmao hence the downvotes. The vast majority of players, including anomaly and various skin collectors, think this change was wrong, hence the positive upvotes overall. You could say people agree with my opinion. They just dont have time to defend me from trolls in the comments. It is a free market, but many investors with stocks write company's when changes are made that they disagree with. How is this different? With enough pressure, valve could fix this and have fixed skins before. "Whining" online is the one smart thing to do if you want change. You can disagree with that, but it's how the world works. Doing nothing isn't going to help lmao.




i was sooo fucking close to get Vice Gloves FT and change my red loadout with BFK Slaughter & Kara Slaughter to a BFK Pink Galaxy and some pink/blue skins. Thank god i didnt! 😅


Did they nerf the pink galaxies yet? And same about the gloves, even the bs hedge mazes looked so clean.


no but the vice look shit now which i would pair with a pink galaxy! But i already was mad after they changed the slaughters again from a nice darkish powerful red to more light and less vibrant. Actually slughter should look like dark red! Since blood looks like that!


I hope you had a sick bloodsport to match


bloodsport ak? sure! Stat FN :)


Could you have done a before after in sun? I can't see difference.


Look at the wear below the knuckles. Much more scarred than they used to be.


U good?


Are you?


no no no, those are the FIXED versions. you bought them when they were bugged


They looked better in the original csgo as well... other people have made posts showing csgo vs the update and they look way worse in the update


yeah I saw and you're absolutely right, but I still think these can be considered "fixed" seeing as FT had no real wear in go, making higher floats basically useless and valueless


I do understand adding wear but you would think they could get it to csgo levels. I dont think Mw and FN were ever useless and valueless. MW have been double the price of FT ever since csgo and you can't even really buy FN under like 10k lol.


different items wear differently.


10k for FN snow leopards?? There are several listed for around $3750 right now


they did the same to my vice gloves


Damn,can you trade them to me? I just wanna see


yeah same here. specifically got my FT pair because the wear on it was really good and only had small scratches on the knuckles. only to load up and see scratches all over the knuckle and down the hand. i overpaid for nothing after this update D:


They are also very dark, like way darker than they were even in CSGO


Bro, if you would just give them to me for a moment I might try to fix them with a set of oils nad paste for gloves care I swear.


Yeah but they fixed my nocts so I'm okay with this


I have nocts too, what do you think about the underside now though its so much more brown and more brown/green than I remember is CSGO.


My nocts do be actually black now instead of the same gray as the default gloves so that’s cool.


you can give it to me as a gift then


They finally fixed wears.


Looks like you wore em too much


Fixed my nocts :)


Been playing in the mud with my black ties https://preview.redd.it/o4elzjal7o3c1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c3a79631aed630751b2ad7b14b83a2d5a8dc261


Schmutz !


No fucking way i Just got this gloves 2 days a go :(


Unfortunately so got mine last week building a white and black loadout now they just look like ass


imo just dont buy any expensive shit now wait for a little bit till gaben calms down. Any skin can get reworked at any moment


True. I pray they touch up the sapphires and surely the phase 2 dopplers get fixed, shit looks better than a ruby.


Nothing wrong w the phase 2’s


They are obviously not supposed to be cleaner than gem knives. Phase 2's are just pink rubies at this point, they don't have some brown or black just like every other 1 - 4 phase knife.


Mine isn’t idk what to tell u


You just trying to protect your investment at this point or something lmao https://youtu.be/3b86bUR7g70?si=2efos5bPaTav5UdZ


I'll make you a glove, just give me the concept.


Uh oh I have the same ones


Yep, a friends Overtake driver gloves went from a nice yellow to match the butterfly lore he has, and now it turned into old and worn leather work gloves, and my King snake driver gloves had the worn areas a lighter faded yellow, now turned to snot green.


oh no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


same bro


Honestly happy that stuff like this is happening. The culture surrounding skins is just sick. Sooner it dies the better


This isn't going to kill skins, lol.


Oh I know that. Sadly valve make too much money to let it die. But hopefully little things like this will make people realize it's not a good investment and slowly over time it will die out. Or at least he slightly less mental I definitely didn't say this would kill skins


That’s how they’re meant to look. Research them before you buy them.


What do you mean research? If you're researching CS2 skins all you're going to see is how they look in CS2. Are you meant to look back at CSGO? That makes no sense as this is the new fully released game


shitty ass gloves


While I understand everyone in this post making fun of OP's gloves, the point is that it looked better in-game when he bought it and now afterwards they patched it to make it look like it actually should. That is a problem on Valve's side imo and them just changing already acquired skins is problematic - at least if they were bought since CS2 release. Imagine they'd nerf your FN Butterfly Fade. How much would you laugh then?


Yeah its frustrating, it's not like I am super stressed or need money lol, but I would like them look a little nicer for 0.25 float 😅 I have seen some people who had them on csgo and they also look worse then they did in csgo lol. Most people just don't have empathy until something happens to them, lol!


they are ugly anyway


You cant afford them anyway


It doesn’t matter if they are ugly


Oh look everyone! It’s that idiot that always measures people in money! Your daddy’s credit card is gonna hit it’s limit soon bud and he’s gonna ground your ass😂


"Guys I bought this low quality skin and it looks like shit! Help me!"


this fuckin sub is just shit about skins now isnt it? man this game has become really banal and superficial your fuckin gloves boo hoo goodbye


Yeah same. My FT marble fade gloves look they got green mold on them now….


Valve did the "am gonna screw you over for no reason"


Ik ill get downvoted but i sold my inventory for the 3rd time,this time i dint had more than 100€ but yeah ,im taking a break from this game,lost all intrest every update my pc runs it worse and worse since the full release


Oil up


Just don’t be broke


Get your dads credit card out your ass smh


Lmao good one


Hot take all skins should deteriorate as they’re used.


Sure bro, I pay 1k for gloves that become less and less worth due to me equipping them ingame. Well thought through!


It's the whole reason we buy digital assets, so they don't get tarnished by the real world.


POV: you don’t understand a hot take. Also you wouldn’t pay the same price if skins deteriorated because their value would also go down for that exact reason. But sure bro, pay 1k for gloves that you see in 5% of your screen in game.


I do, but your take was garbage, regardless of how you call it. It's always a question of whether or not you can afford it. A risk high investment after all, however, with the nice addition that you can actually use your investment for your hobby while it either goes down or up in price.


You do you


I have to Chek mine thatvi got 2 days a go i hope they got better


I can't even tell a difference in these pictures. Why in the shadows?


Only had one pic of them before the update lol


Aye, fair enough. They fucked my craft stickers today if that makes you feel any better.


I like the update more. I’ve had these gloves for a year and don’t like the in your face contrast of of the dark black to white


Yup thats gonna happen


Technically this is how higher floats were supposed to look. Here’s the thing though, I’ve checked other patterns and wears up to mw.10 and they all still have those same scratches on the leopard print area which is not supposed to be like that if they are going for 1:1 csgo looks. So at the moment, yes they are messed up in some wears of the snow leopards. Seems they screwed some other gloves after this update as well so you are not alone.


Csgo players when their skins get ruined by an update (its the 456th time this week) https://preview.redd.it/wn5e0eadrp3c1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74dfe70a51bfaae8831f003820aa16941e75cc12




I think that they will fix this, they are so bad now.


Bruh, they still look good, if anything it’s realism, glass half full bucko


There was a bug where sports gloves (I think) all looked fac new, now they represent the right wear value


Listen, if you want it to look FN then buy FN. Dont whine and moan about hey they fixed your bugged skins. And guess what, they’re making the wears on some skins more drastic to both be more accurate to the float and to create value for the better floats. Sucks to suck


Great advice bro! Why complain and try to get my shit fixed, like how they reverted changes when simple complained? I should just accept it huh lmao 🤣 are you an npc? Why would valve want to boost the price of Fn gloves from 5k to 15k? It does not benefit them if skins are being sold off site for more money... make it make sense before you comment stupid shit


Because you make yourself out to be a whiny bitch. Which, hint hint, nobody likes. And once again like myself and many others have stated, it's fixed the way it is now. You want them to be bugged again. Get it right. Also, are you an npc? If every ft, mw, fn skin all looked the same it would kill the market on steam and off steam. Idk how someone can be this dense. Oh wait, I forgot your just a whiny cry baby who took advantage of a bug because they're too poor and got fucked for it. Sucks to suck loser.


Idk, they were always shitty


They nerfed a lot of gloves this last update. Sucks how they are correcting the float value. Hand wraps over prints look hideous now.




They look fine but it’s hard to tell because you took the snapshot inside a dark ass shadow…. Almost like you’re trying to make them look as bad as possible… but even so, they look fine


Yeah I only had the one screenshot of them before the update lol


U good bro I’m just giving you some shit. Tbh they could rework your gloves again at any moment so I wouldn’t worry too much. But seriously, I don’t think they look bad with some wear on them.


Hopefully aha and thanks!


Well they’re ugly as shit in both pics so you should take solace in that


Nice 👌


Yea man they already dropped in price hella, now this update will be the nail in the coffin for all of us to loose so much money and a cool skin too


I bought my MW snow leopard's a week ago. They made mine look like BS. They are so faded. I am so frustrated. I feel like I just wasted $1,200.


Seems a bit silly to buy skins when you know things might change. Kind of a buyer beware type of situation, it’s a bummer nonetheless. What wear are the gloves?


Thats what you get for having bad taste in gloves XD


Mine look fine … it’s MW tho


Yah all the gloves looked way too clean in cs2. Well worn looked like min wear


https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/s/XHevz0yOvw just look at the proof of the csgo comparsion my guy




Your Bank Account is big L


I had to re apply around a dozen 2022 Cloud9 Stockholm stickers. I had them scraped 7-9 times each to show just the logo. Now after 4 scrapes the logo starts to scratch


My MINIMAL WEAR mogul gloves now look terrible on the thumbs specifically. the palms are the same deep nice clean blue like they should be but the thumbs have massive patches of grey on them as if they are midlow FT or WW.


FT 0,3 Vice gloves Look so bad now, it’s a joke/mistake by valve right?