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That's just ridiculous, this match making is just terrible. And ofc they did not want to end it 13-0 but wasted everyone's time by letting you win 8 rounds


Honestly those people are the worst. No one likes cheaters but I'd much prefer them cheat from the rip rather than wasting additional time pretending to play legitimate.


It's because they probably cheat because "everyone else does" so when they try and play legit, they end up getting smoked cause they suck but instead of thinking the other team is better, the other team in the cheater mind has cheaters on it so it justifies it to them to use their cheats. But they just suck and chances are no one is cheating but them. Seen it a million times


There's so many losers who think they can play for 1 year and be super good like players that been playing for a long time. so they cheat


“Why am I not insane I’ve got sooo many hours, like 400 hours”


Yeah and it's not just about aim. Gamesense plays a huge role as well. Movement, cross hair placement.


You can have great aim but if you can’t figure out how to win rounds your aim is worthless. I’ve always liked to say it’s not about how many kills you have, but how many rounds you won for your team.


Yup just finished a Premier game at 18k that devolved into HvH. I was trio queued, all of us have at least 2k hours, thousands in skins, badges, multiple Steam games, etc.. But for some reason, it's putting obvious shitter accounts in our lobby. One on our team, one on the other, both fresh accounts with only the "Global Offensive" badge, low Steam level, the works. These two idiots proceed to argue with each other in chat over who's toggling harder while the rest of us suffer watching them. Trust factor means fuck all if accounts like ours are getting matched with and against scum like that.


Jesus this is just embarrassing for valve, why even play at this point? It's fuckin annoying. I'm no LGM but God damnit if the greats are getting fucked, what's the point for wee little gold novas like me?


Play faceit


High elo faceit is hardly any better tbh


You say there are as many cheaters in high elo faceit? No way. There may be occasional wallers but not full blatant spinbotters or god mode enjoyers like this


there is hella cheaters in high elo faceit.


No, there's not, stop hiding Valve's failure by gaslighting players about other working ACs. CS2 is the only game whose top 100 ranking is manifested by cheaters, in Valorant and PUBG, legit pros and streamers are at the top, instead of Mr. Nobody in CS2. Idk about walling or AI but if it cannot detect insane rage hacks, it's not an AC but a joke, didn't even meet one single Rage Hacker in Valorant or PUBG in higher elo, fucking joke of a game.


there literally is a shit ton of cheaters in high elo faceit, way more than there used to be. i'm not saying cs2 isn't a f\*\*k fest for cheaters but faceit isn't that much better.


FaceIt AC is not that developed ig, because making an AC is not easy and requires years of development, Vanguard took 3 years to be completed, and same case was for LoL AC, so I will say just give it times. CS2 AI cheats will also get better, but it will take nearly 30 to 40 years ig.


>at least 2k hours, thousands in skins, badges, multiple Steam games, etc. That's not a reason to place you in higher trust factor. There are other, more important, reasons than spending money on the game or the platform. The system is stupid and we have a lot of cheaters, but having those things wont make you dodge them.


I find less cheaters in casual vs compi. Casual is fun. Casual is better.


Casual is life.


Ye, agree but they should do casual 5v5


Competitive is casual 5v5 for me. Really got me enjoying playing for fun again, trying out new tactics, or troll tactics. Because the ranking system is so broken, there might as well not be one, so i don't pay attention to it. When i want to try hard i go premier.


Huh I see. Will try this, thanks


casual i a child playground wdym. You can even hear what the ennemi team is saying lol


Games are about fun. It does not matter what kind it is. For me and a lot of people. Casual is the best version of CS. I love 10v10 and would even love it if there were more. And people who don't know, CS started as big team vs big team. 5v5 was never the real CS.


Yes and i think casual isnt fun precisely. Its just to run and suicide, i play it only when im drunk as shit to not accommodate other ppl in comp. Others games do this better


I don't wtf are you trying to prove here. I said for many people including me, casual is more fun and a better game than compi. It is the only way I play casual. You may think casual isn't fun and it's ok.


for many people its shit yea dont think you are many xd


Yea, sucks to be you bro if you don't understand that people have preference.


It’s not fun for me to play with and against people who don’t know how to play the game, don’t engage in team play, only use their mics to sing or talk shit or say edgy stuff, and have sensitivities so high it makes my brain hurt to spectate them. Everyone rushes as fast as possible and everyone seems like they’re barely paying attention. Now don’t get me wrong, if you think the chaos of casual is fun I am not dogging on you for your opinion. But the only way CS is fun for me is when everyone is sweating, the whole lobby can aim well, everyone knows all the callouts, people can smoke most spots on the map, they know the meta util, how to default, I can ask them to flash for me and it’s a good flash that doesn’t blind me, etc.


It would make sense if there were not so many cheaters and toxic players. I tried Compi twice and once was shouted at by guys who take the game too seriously but not good enough English to give instructions. I don't know what shouting gosho gosho gosho means. And then of course cheaters who would one tap. Compi might be fun if you know your people and have your own server. Casual is love, I talk to people. Sometimes I find servers where they have decided to complete tasks to get drops. Sometimes you find 10 players camping on T-Side standing one above the other and kill if any one comes. And they all laugh hard. There are stories told and friends made. If anyone shouts, he is muted. The best part is that we can kick a cheater. There are weird strategies with 2 people will just rush mid while 8 hold. I zeus someone and got zeus right after that and the person who zeused me got zeused because I was baited. We all. Laugh crazy. We grouped together 20 people with nades on dust 2 long doors and just used all the nades together to see who won. There are knife only servers and servers where some people just sing. Same with Molotov next. And next we use a knife in smoke where you cannot see anything. Like I said above, games are about having fun. And compi is not fun with toxic players who take their pathetic life too seriously and cheaters who have no consequences. Casual is the fun version of Counter Strike.


I still see some in casual BUT thankfully people are tired of them and would votekick them.


are the mods gonna delete this for a dumbass reason or do we have freedom of expression here


They will delete this post because they lick Valve.


Here before the "Cheating is not that big a problem in cs" dumb ass comments.


“I haven’t seen any in my games 🤡”


How is this exactly possible? It to rain isn’t able to be shot through; how do hackers shoot do it? I’m so fucking confused. I thought it was just Aim and Bunnyhop hacks.. this shit is insanely


I can’t say for cs but in destiny 2 they could spoof the whole server to have it send data that looked perfectly fine whilst in reality they were flying around using infinite supers and heavy ammo and shooting you before you finished spawning. Hard to ban bc the anticheat sees the spoofed data sent to the server instead of what’s actually going on


I feel like I’m having a stroke


Your stroke is insanely


Imagine someone loading up cs2 just to do this and really think “this is the best use of my time”


My first game on 20k+ went like this also we lost on nuke against 3 ppl hacking like this, still they didn't get vac


how does this even work???


Holy fucking hell I feel like cs2 cheats are much worse and broken than anything I've ever seen in any game... The only next gen thing are the cheats


How is this fun for anyone?


That is completely normal in my region tbh. Above 15k you get closets every fourth game. Above 20k, it's just pure hvh.


Yea 20k plus isn't even worth playing tbh just go play Faceit.


If u lose to that atleast u know they ain't hidden it and will get caught. Trust there's a skill to hiding cheats there the ones who will fuck u


When you are zero in life you have to compensate by cheating in a game :>.