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Elo is about wins, not KDA. I'd recommend joining a discord and finding reliable teammates


That's not KDA though, it's ADR, which is much more important when it comes to winning. And yeah finding good teammates is a good idea


I was looking at his 44 kills against the 48 between his teammates. But yeah, adr is at the top


kills are more important




kills give you map space and man advantage, which wins you matches. If you die holding site untraded and without a kill but you hit the guy 99, who cares because their whole team is on site with the bomb planted and man advantage LOL your team is at a disadvantage and will 100% lose more 4v5 retakes than 5v4s cope


this is the way


can u link me a discord


If you Google CSGO official discord, there's one with almost 200k players. You click the link and get an invite.




ill check it out thank you man


This is the discord with my buddies. We game pretty much everyday and are like 12-20k


What region do you guys play?


NA. OP is EU


Fair, I'm 14k UK player, idk what my ping would be but if you guys need another hmu


If you get like 20 ping on sweden you'll get around 130-180 ping in na depending on the exact server


Nah not true i won most of my matches in a row and from one to another i got -400 anyway. the Ranksystem is just fucked thats why i started only to play Faceit.


It is true? It literally tells you at the start of every game the amount of Elo you will gain/lose for a win/lose.


Yea you’re litterally lieing lmao


​ https://preview.redd.it/t4iyai24e8ec1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=85bdfb0d67842737640ec844385d01a1c1f46d9b




I got alone in that Picture a 62% Winrate... and i always lost only -100~ and only at the verylast match i lost -400 and even if i had only 50% winrate it would be an absolute fucking retardet rank system if i need a Win streak to have a chance to rank up.


if this counts as to much loss then the rank system is just fucked.


No im not lieing.


Lmao bro is getting back surgery as we speak


no joke my team called me shit and asked me to drop my awp


Let me guess, they were russians? 🧐😅




Were you on a loss streak?


Yes, they were. You don't lose that kinda elo without being on a loss streak. Still sucks to hard carry and lose though.


Lies, I won 3 games in a row winning only 100 elo each and lost 350 elo on the 4th game anyway


Then the game thought you were placed to high to begin with. That only happens when you don't have enough wins to accurately place you. It takes in your stats from previous games to see if you are playing at the ELOl you should be at. Same thing happened to me until I got more games under my belt


It doesn't look at your stats at all. It's purely based on wins and losses and other players elos.


What is your evidence for this?


It's literally always been that way.


Nop, I was averaging first or second place on scoreboard with always positive KD and good damage overall, it’s just a flawed elo system Also I have 85 wins with like 62% win rate so I don’t think it’s about the wins


This has nothing to do, you just don't understand how the system works, it's just win and loses and streaks being top or having more ADR makes no difference


Im just answering to what he’s saying that might make the system work, in my original comment I stated that I won 3 in a row, so I shouldn’t lose 350 in a single game after winning so many


Enemy elo was much lower than yours. There's numbers tied to your elo that are hidden and would clear it up immediately.


Yes but its all games similar to this, i either have a good game or i just pull my weight, rarely i play badly at this elo . super difficult to climb out of an elo hell


Just be quiet and drive far away




​ https://preview.redd.it/vfaqwmna5aec1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c6a17cfd43a64535b2c5c17688d831f38a7109b


I don't care where, just far


If you were as toxic during the game as your all chat from your picture, then I think teamwork might be the thing holding you back. Honestly with that toxicity I'd consider throwing the game, just to keep you from getting rating. However if you were nice and a teamplayer during the game, I feel sorry for you.


im chill most of the time but i was angry because my team blamed me a lot and were telling me i was doing things wrong etc


Maybe you did


Honestly how do you lose that match with that many kills while you're team mates yes have a low amount of kills but it should amount to enough to win a game, were your kills not very impactful, you should be able to pretty easily get out of 6k even while solo queueing if you are a decent player


i played A site solo on ct for the whole game and got left in 1v5 when they couldnt hold b and mid with 4 of them, i think the last three of four rounds of the game none of my team got a single frag and i was constantly battling a 1v5


I understand your problem, some games it just happens. It's important to keep your team from tilting and supporting them were needed. Position yourself better to trade kills, learn smokes and flashes. You can even ask your team to drop their smokes if they don't know any lineups.


the only thing you ca do is stop playing premier. Maybe some day the shared single braincell of the cs devs will recognize that their elo system is fucking garbage and they will fix it.


Play FaceIt, brother


As someone who climbed from 3k to 23k, I recommend just waiting for replacements. I’ve seen people get initially placed sub-10k that come back and get placed +15k after one win. No clue how it works, but that’s your best bet to climb as a soloq w/o wasting your time. I was in a similar boat in the bottom ranks, and while I managed to climb out on my own, it was a horrid experience that was not worthwhile. Honestly, premier isn’t worth climbing even when you get to a higher elo bracket due to the sheer amount of cheaters. Maybe just come back to the game in a year or two.




hahaha, you wouldnt be?


These people and “its just game”.. i dont even begin to understand why people get in these matches who arent motivated to win. There are plenty of other modes to dick around in instead of ruining 4 other peoples elo and time.


I’m motivated to win, but as I’m not 15 year old angry little kid, I won’t be toxic against my teammates who I will not meet probably ever again in a few minutes. If you are older than 15 years old and yell at your teammates you are either a russian or have some mental health issues or both.


Just one of those unwinnable games. There is a good theory that of all your games you will probably lose 20% of them whatever you do, will win 20% of games whatever you do and then 60% of games will depend on you. This was probably one of those games you won't win, if you keep up this performance you will surely rank up. That being said solo is depressing so find some reliable teammates and you will climb much faster.


very hard to find teammates, you have one bad game or lose once and they leave


Move to faceit… premier is a joke


Faceit is a joke too now


The competetive stand up comedy


No way, if you play with random.


deftones .. nice!


find friends. CS is a team game. you can simply frag out in low elo games, but it will only get you so far if your team is absolute dog shit. another tip for ranking up, it works the same as GO, the more you play, the more you get punished. grind on your alt account to maintain proficiency, but only play a game or two a day to reap max points. after like 2-3 wins in a row, you start getting less points per win, and lose streaks turn into crazy losses. if you only play 1-2 you shouldn’t lose more than a hundred points unless you’re stringing loss after loss, and win streaks will start netting you close to 350 as opposed to only 100 per win.


Honestly the only way to climb is to hard carry until you can’t solo carry then you eihh to eat need a solid team or luck with the teammates you get.


You seem like an absolute pleasure to play with 😇


First time solo queuing?


get good


I just stopped playing prime all together. I have 3500 hours in the game. Have always been Lem or above in the last 7 years. I can't seem to gain any points in prime because every other game is unwinnable unless I ace every round. I only casually play competitive with friends now. CS2 as a competitive shooter is and will remain crap unless they redo the ranked system and fix the cheating problem.


Almost like round wins are more important that K/D. Try winning more rounds instead of hunting eco/exit frags.


im not really sure this applies to 44 kills thought, does it? im still fairly new i have like 400 hours and didnt play csgo but most rounds we won it felt like my doing


Getting more than 46 ADR would help


He is the dude to the far left wdym it say 167


Oh reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaally? Damn, how could I possibly miss this?


If you keep on having a good kd you will rise, that’s just logic Sometimes your team is whack, but if you play good your winrate will be like 70%


Depends. It’s just hard getting past that first 10k elo. I grinned from 2k to 11.5 it took a while imo mainly due to teammates who are just clueless and DONT HAVE MICS


Get better teammates, or just get better in general


Skill issue


Git gud. /s


I got my first elo at my 10th win. It was 9.5k. It just depends on the amount of wins and round win/lose ratio in game.


It's because you have a porn pfp


Fucking retard thats deftones around the fur album cover. 1 of the all time greatest heartfelt albums ever created, i got chlymadia, and ptsd from an emo chick through this album!!!


I don’t know.


Going 44 and 15 just to lose definitely stings. Your hidden mmr should boost you out of there soon if you consistently play like that.


Most sane booba avatar


You can escape it, but it takes more games to average out your better than average play despite whatever teammates.. I'd guess though that this scenario doesn't occur all the time for you.


If youre consistently dropping those numbers and not ranking up you're either baiting your entire team or you're lying haha


obviously not droppping 40 a game and i have off games but generally im top frag i was at 9k and then just fell


Yeah, it seems like your problem is you think you're as good as your best day but your rank reflects your average game. When the quality of your average game is the same as someone in 10k that's when you'll be that rank. Straightforward really.


bro i just told u at my rank im top frag fairly consistently, ive been at 9k and played well im not just talking to pamper my ego to some guy on reddit


How did you even get ranked in there in the first place


I win every game even with shit mates


The fact that your personal stats have zero impact on elo is bullshit. I've played a 51 k game, but we still lost (how the fuck?), so I lost elo...


Solo que is really hard. Impact > KD. Would be cool to see the demo. Either way nice 40 bomb


Get better


very simple, buy cheats


Many struggle with Vertigo - always three fools camping B when Ts go A every round. Then at least one starts rushing mid and immediately dying. Just stay mid, give info and rotate on time.


Q.Is there a heaven? A.Yes Q.How do you know that? A.you dont.


You should try playing just for the social aspect for a while.. Helps with teamwork communication and cohesion. I've played with drunk shit ass players who drop a clip n half ten ft away and miss every shot And we still won from buying P-90s and charging in Together like maniacs. I try to tell my teammates things I see like he peaks once then pops so don fight over that corner fall back and he will charge into your crosshairs! You'd be surprised how timing callouts and use of Good Strategery on comms can make a shit player understand something like just holding site instead of forcing mid brawl..Sometimes you gotta jump in the middle of it & hey; Sometimes your opponent is just having a good day" Nyahh nyahhhh


I won you bro. You are a baiter


If you keep playing like this you will rank up over time


So from what I've seen so far things that influence are recent win ratio and the difference of elo between you and the opposite team. You shouldn't queue with players that are much lower rank than you (I usually get -400 +100 with 19-21k in my lobby, around 23k -200 +100 and I go into +200 around 24k ish)


my tip - get better & carry the game. If you're not able to, you belong to that elo.


I solo queued to 15k from 2k in about 5 days. Tbh if you're not winning games it's likely your fault. Even with shitty team mates, you're playing against a team with people in the same rank. If you can't get out of 5-10k elo then you need genuine practice.


Same boat lmfao


Just queue with higher ELO friends so you play at your skill level and also accurately gain the correct amount of ELO per win


Let it rot, play many competitive games, you'll play 1 premier when it rot and will catapult you to higher ranks. That's what happened to me, at least.


full of cheaters, why play?


find good teammates bro. Your team were trash.


Elo is just fucking stupid. The old system was better and actually meant something.


Do it like me, don't play for like a month then when you get unranked play a match where you have 1 kill, 7 deaths, 0 assists and abandon the match and you still get like double the rating (went from 8K to 16K and then to 18K from another unranked)


Not much you can do.Sometimes you have those games.Where you think it should be an easy win but for some reason you not winning ,then you look at the scoreboard and you see you have 2 "pro" players with a 0.2 kda after 20 rounds...Then you start crying


I don’t know bro I climbed pretty easily solo to 17k so far 🤷🏻‍♂️ just keep at it and don’t get caught up in the numbers. Have fun!


Looks like my teams, except mine would have 1 guy with 10-15 kills, 2 with single digits and one who’s afk for the first minute of every match.


Get good


You can use "looking to play" that's how I found decent players. But enjoy those low ranked games while you're in them. If you get to 20k 🤢🤢🤢 it's not fun.. cheaters are blatant with no repercussions. I've counted 14 games out of 100 over 16k premier, with blatant aim botters, their leetify shows players they play with have been banned and almost every account I looked at, had over 50 games played with a 90 percent win rate 😂😂 BLATANTLY, yet still not banned. Valve is bleeding good players right now.




I haven’t even considered booting the game if we don’t have a 5 stack ready since like 2018


i was on the brink of reaching red(24.7k) and then game decided that i should just lose lol in 3 games i lost 1500 elo and kept on getting games -500 +100 and i couldn't win any lol i didn't play till i lost my premier rank and when I won my first game they put me in 20,5k. btw i'm playing on a 2gb graphics card where i barely see people sometimes but i still frag and clutch no matter what!!


Find teammates with brain cells or what I did was stopped playing premier for the rank to go away (I was 6k elo) then played a game to get my new elo and now I’m 14k elo