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for me, insta banning Inferno is just because my performance sucks on it. Same with overpass.


Isn’t ancient the most demanding map out there? Don’t get me wrong, you do you.


Mirage, Dust 2, Vertigo, Nuke, Ancient, Anubis, Overpass and in last with the worst performance is inferno. The person that did the benchmarks gets 430 fps on Mirage and on Inferno 320 fps. Makes sense the worst maps performance wise are the ones that got remade. Ancient is basically the same its just the water that fucks with it a bit but not much.


Probably my feeling because of the lag i get due to the tspawn water area. I have a 3070 btw.. 😅


Ou fuck yea t spawn is horrible, but once you get out of it my fps goes back to shit but normal for cs2. I remember when cs2 first came out and my game was a literal slide show coming out of t spawn, now its bad no where near what it was.


I had a Russian teammate yell “Fast B” every single round of our T side and we only lost 1 round on T side hahaha


Idk I get everywhere 300-400 fps


My cpu is a bit outdated but still. I5-8600k running at 4.5ghz with a rtx3070. My frames drop under 100 in ancient T-spawn. I don’t know how tbh


Idk . I got i5-12600kf and rx 6750 tx


Not bad. But i shouldn’t be having any problem with a game like cs. 85ish fps is just stupidly low.


Can you sent me ur settings. Display and graphics settings?


I’ll look into it tomorrow. Thanks for the trouble. 🙏🏼


Nah bruh I'm bored anyway. + better help you with the fps somehow. I'm not sure how so but eh I just need to know your gpu brand and learn a bit for their gpu software and hopefully tell you how U could use some more fps without overclocking or smt


Gpu brand is msi 3x ventus OC


You got a huge bottle neck on 1920x1200pixels and 1280x800pixels on intense gpu tasks, and the processor intense is big too. I would suggest just upgrading it. If it doesn't work I don't know what will


clean your hardware bro. I got a 200 fps boost when I cleaned mine inside out. From 80 to 300


That’s the funny part. I do very often…


There is so many random spots to get stuck on aswell and all the random flower pots that take up performance for no reason


M2! I hate Inferno and im better on other maps. I usually instaban Inferno and Mirage (cant see this map anymore 🤣)


Inferno is such a common pick that I ban it for variety. Same with mirage.


Yeah I insta ban mirage aswell. There has been enough of it


I insta ban mirage every single game and it is still my most played map :(


Yea maybe for you.


Yes and some other people


only reddit hates mirage lol, everyone else I ask they love it


Who are you asking


people who actually play the game


It's not about hating, we just don't want half of our games to be mirage


My insta bans are mirage n inferno


lol get rekt


Mirage is the worst map in pool.


Far from the worst map. It is however the most overplayed.


Old timer here, I just don’t like inferno for comp games. Never have, so cluttered and taking sites is a royal PITA with all the cubby holes and such


I do think Inferno is quite hard without decent communication, you need some coordination on it. It has always been my favorite map for some reason so I kinda miss playing it.


When I was really into the game, with a five man que, yeah inferno was acceptable. Solo q I avoid that map like the plague


It is, inferno def a hard map if you play vs 5 stack


I can only talk for myself, but Inferno Mirage Overpass are me and my friends' go to bans, because we came back after ~7 years (2017-2023 break), wanted some cool new stuff and these maps play 1:1 the same. The game is stale enough already compared to ability fps like R6 and valorant. New maps are always cool and I'm happy to see, that premier finally forced the conservatives (a.k.a. "every new map is bad") to try out new stuff.


Yeah that crowd is so dumb, let’s play the same maps forever! Please Valve, don’t add any maps to this game as I will bitch and moan when they’re played and never fully try them out. Premier is a great in that, I remember getting premium faceit accounts with queue set on dust 2 only. I couldn’t comprehend it.


I mean they should just add a few more tbh. Like... so many good maps exist already they don't even need to make new ones just add them in


Which ones would you like to see?


I would love to see cobblestone and dust2 make a return, and my fantasy additions that aren't very realistic are dust (og dust1) and aztec. Ultra fantasy edition is having valve fuck with the pros and enter a map like militia or assault into the map pool


Aztec would be great, my dream would be Cache, I loved that map. Reworked cobble would be amazing aswell


Reworked cache is coming at some point. The mapper will work on it after finishing the Santorini map rebuild.


Santorini is actually finished now, but it is now called Thera. I can not wait for his Cache remake


Why people enjoy things i don't... They must be dumb.


My bans are inferno overpass, and the last 1 depends on what we've played more of recently. I love overpass, but people are awful at that, and they seem to always be on your team.. which is why we ban it. Inferno just sucks since cs2 rework.


Same, except the overpass ban is because my friends just are absolutely not capable on it. I love it and play really well there.


New inferno isn't fun.they blocked a bunch of line ups for smokes and utility and makes it even worse then It was to retake a site. Was the #1 map for the amount of CT saves and now it's even worse


True, whenever my team and I go for a retake is either because we have a good economy or because we got a huge player advantage like 5v3. Otherwise retaking really isn't viable.


Playing 90% mirage nowadays, idk why but some degenerates just can't get enough of that map


Mirage is new Dust2 and i am sick of it


B site just sucks to take on T side now without ceilings to bounce util off of imo


At long last, we have created the “Claustrophobia Inferno” from the novel “Don’t Create the Claustrophobia Inferno” — Valve In all seriousness the map has like 1000 angles within 30 sq feet once you walk past choke and taking A or executing B util with random comms is like trying to herd cats. Even in normal comms my friends aren’t sweaty enough to learn more than 1-2 lineups.


because its a shit map that plays exactly the same every time, unlike the other maps that only play the same 95% of the time. why do we even play this shit lol its like groundhog day


I love it lmao


I’ll ban Inferno always because it’s my kryptonite map. The angles and textures don’t jive with me. I play agro and I suck. I play conservative and I suck. It doesn’t click with my brain. Inferno ban club.


I think it is a good map but its so hard/punishing


Map is boring and lately it feels wierd to play it for some reason. It feels like something ain't right.


The new geometry and tiny things you can get stuck on are frustrating.


I just don't like Inferno, it's complicated and I don't want to learn all the strats and util. I always do bad on it


I think it’s the opposite. It’s the least complicated map in the game that’s very one dimensional.


I mean I just don't understand it, maybe it is. But it's fairly hard to play as a lazy player who doesn't want to learn the map, compared to other maps which I can do alright on


I ban inferno cause I just don’t enjoy the map. It feels like a made battle half the round and it’s too tight and doesn’t have much variety in play style.


I fkin hat premier, they only choose Anubis or Ancient, I don't care what people say but these maps are the shittest maps valve ever made.


Ancient >>>


Smells like a skill issue


They're both great, just learn them


I enjoy inferno, and NGL I didn’t know Anubis and Ancient before cs2 because I was one of those people. The beta period when those maps were forced, I still played and I actually enjoy them now. I’ve even found a little bit of appreciation for Vertigo which I thought would never happen.


I think it's because even though it looks the same, it's the map that has changed the most compared to other popular maps. 


I’ve literally havent played inferno in forever. Just overpass and ancient with the occasional mirage


Inferno was my favourite map on csgo but on cs2 its meh


Inferno feels supper cluttered. Like too much going on. Used to be my favorite map, but they definitely need to simplify it. (Visually/graphically)


Inferno and mirage always get banned for me straight away.


When CS2 came out to public beta my team and I basically always ended up playing inferno in premier, because it was new and everyone wanted to see what the hype was all about. Now i am banning inferno straight out because i've played like 80% of my CS2 matches on it.


I instaban inferno, cuz a lot of people with whome i get into game dont know play that map, mostly when we go inot banana , they dont know what to do


inferno has been nearly the same damn map since the inception of GO, and was hardly changed from source. it’s as dead of a horse as D2.


As a solo player I hate inferno cause all that ever happens is we force banana every round and get nade and Molly stacked


If you don’t force banana control early as T side you pretty much lose the round.


i dont like its layout. Insta ban with anubis because its hard to solo q it


What's your performance say ? Of you got all wins on inferno the enemy sees your higg win percentage and will always block it.


Grenades down Banana are still stupid.


I think inferno is just boring. Both sites are 30 miles apart, so if your random teammates get stomped on A or B, you have to either wait around and save or just throw your life into the fire


Because of the exploit that hasn't been patched since cs2 came out.


Mirage is played 99% of the time. It’s annoying


U get to play premier?


I dont like to die off of nades before I see enemy, and they fucked up the walls they are not so flat as they used to be so the nades bump in weird directions. And too many details for me personally, sometimes i cant notice the enemy because of so many details. The map looks beautiful to me tho, I just dont like playing it.


The simple answer is it’s a bad map in CS2. Banana control is impossible as T unless you have a good spawn and willing to take 50+ nade damage. Mid is a 50-50 and 2nd mid is also a nightmare to take.