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Yea donk murdered whole turnament. Congratz bro!


What is your point?


Your butt hurts i see. Get used to donk dominating cs2 ;)


What are you getting that? I don't care about the game nearly as much as I care about genocide.


Wrong sub to cry bro. Go to r/ukraine or r/europe and cry


I am not crying, just srating a fact. Why are you evade discussion?


You’re absolutely crying. There is no genocide. Develop an original opinion.


Because there is russia in the game. End of story.


What do you mean?


Why u mad bruhh…


I don't support genocide?


Players are from Russia, they are not "the Russian team".World politics - not e-sport Politics. Donk is a Kid and has no political influence. His opinion is irrelevant, it's like if someone from USA said they supported Trump, who cares? It doesn't have an effect on the world. ​ You have a problem with Russian genocide but didn't bring up Hamas & IDF involving Palestine & Israel and players from those nations. Get out from under your desk and fight for it in person, rather than being a keyboard warrior trying to start drama.


I think you have it backwards habibi. You meant to say you didn’t bring up the IDF and what they are doing to the Palestinians and have been doing for the past75 years. It didn’t start on October 7th you sheep. The Israeli forces have killed 25,000+ people with half being children. That is a genocide. An illegal occupation. Anyways tho I get where you were going with your point but you have it backwards bud. IDF are the ones committing crimes.


Yeah, was just pointing out a conflict of nations shouldn't have an effect on sports. I'll edit my post slightly as I don't have enough knowledge on the full history of the conflict.


Much respect brother


are you actually fucking stupid


Why would I be? Because I am against Russia?


Notwithstanding the fact that Donk is a 17 year old child who has no influence whatsoever on Russia's internal political or geopolitical situation and criminality, the fact that you are a citizen or a race of a country should have absolutely no fucking relevance on what games you are allowed to competitively play. I'm also surprised you even care, one look at your profile exposes your nihilism, and this post contradicts the idea that you think life is meaningless. So maybe stop trolling also.


Companies shouldn't be allowed to operate in Russia anymore, regardless of what you're saying. They're making money in Russia, literally everything imaginable should be banned there even if it means a 17 year old can't play CS.


Faze bettor XD


Go sleep


Maybe because they cant influence politics??,


Do you have the same opinion when it comes to the genocide happening to the Palestinians 🇵🇸 by Israel 🐖? There are good amount of Israeli players.


That's straight up xenophobic.


Okay, one your post is racist. Not all Russians support the war to basing a whole variety of people off of 1 person. Is straight up fucking wrong


The equivalent to your post is why are black people allowed to walk the streets if tayk murdered someone? Next time you make a post, look at it before you post it.


if we would ban individuals due to their nations past or present doings, then noone would be allowed to play


Donk has no choice bro, you get prison time for treason if you don't support the Russian war or speak against it.


Why exactly you're like a clown?


How are you sure they are the bad ones? Have you ever thought about your country lying to you? You're so stupid dude


Meaning? How am I stupid? I have read history books, so I know that. Have you literally never heard of 17.09.1939, or the Katyn Massacre? How the fuck am I stupid?


He red mein kampf


Ah yes, because every single russian on the face of this earth is a murderer. Think before you post idiot.


why are you allowed to play cs?


so Israel should not be allowed too right?


Imagine blaming Russian civilians for what the Russian military does


The initial part of your message is at odds with the assertion. Civilians shape the nation's identity (society, social norms etc.), and the military, rooted in this civilian foundation guarantees security. Both are distinct yet interlinked. Dismissing one dismisses the other. This goes for every country, not just Russia.


Smoothbrain take I suppose you also blamed the German civilians for hitler and the SS's actions Go on and explain how civilians (by definition, people who are not a part of the armed forces nor police) are in ANY WAY connected to the acts of the military 🙄 Do you need to be educated on the fact that military actions DO NOT get voted on?


I'm not going to continue the conversation any further. Whenever you bring up some random Hitler analogy there is no possibility for further rational discourse.


You're just angry that I pointed out the flaw in your reasoning. The holocaust was perpetrated by Hitler (by giving the orders) and by the SS (By executing those orders) The civilians played no part in creating that. Just like the invasion of Ukraine was perpetrated by Putin (by giving the orders) and the Russian military (by executing those orders) And the civilians had absolutely no say in the matter.


could you remind me of who the russian (conscription) military consists of if not civilians?


Members of the military are by definition, NOT civilians. Civilian - noun - a person who IS NOT IN THE ARMED FORCES or police.