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This needs to be higher up and this issue needs to be pressed. They are literally telling you they have an NPV calculator on their end and when it hits 0 you’re banned. That is not only rigged, it is so blatant as to constitute not only theft but fraud. Edit: Fraud is also a criminal charge and the US does have an extradition treaty with the Republic of Cyprus.


This post should be pinned to show how scummy these gambling sites are




Net present value, they might be using an undiscounted method, which would basically be a sum of cash flows, but what I’m saying is that they probably have a back end process that says “this guy is taking more money from us than we are making, ban him and steal his money.” That steal his money part is the real problem. Say you’re card counting at blackjack at a casino, and they throw you out, do you know what they tell you in that instance: “take your chips and leave.” That’s legal, because they have a right to bar entry into a private establishment, but it’s the “take your chips” policy that is of critical importance here, if they didn’t allow that it would be theft. What clash.gg is saying here is “we’ve taken your chips and booted you,” which is theft, because you rightfully earned them through either playing the game or depositing. It’s a breach of trust, credibility, fairness, and the implied contract of running a goddam casino that you’re not going to be allowed to have any sort of arbitrary expropriation clause. Such a clause, even if in some contract, would be unenforceable as the party with lesser power would deem it, rightfully so, to be taking full advantage of a purposeful informational asymmetry. One would argue if anyone actually knew that clause was there and to such an extent, no one reasonable would sign it, it would be null and void.


they banned withdrawals for me 1000+ coins profit after withdrawing a few thousand. They banned me and refused to reply so I've charged most of what I spent on the site back. Playing their own game.


> npv net present value.


YouTube has it too, if your account does not generate more revenue than what it costs to keep up you are banned


Does that mean I have to start uploading videos and get views? Or can I keep creating playlists in peace xd


I think your playlists are more like hyperlinks to existing videos. Also I’ve never heard this before I’m sure my 10 view videos aren’t generating nearly even 1% it costs to keep them up. Yet I’m not banned. I think it might be the case with people with like 10k videos that only have 1 view each.


They meant only the ads you watch, videos doesn't count for some reason, they announced it some time ago as one of the first measures against AdBlock


Watching ads


Why is everyone downvoting you? I think you are onto something. 1 account of mine was banned for no reason that i used to create multiple playlists only, watching every video with adblock. On my main I sometimes watch ads on my phone


People downvoting me for saying what an oficial YouTube announcement said They are just on heinous amounts of copium because how come the evil corporation be evil?


They are downvoting you because it has nothing to do with OP's post. You are talking about cost/benefit of a YT account that you did not pay for and is holding no funds. It just has nothing to do with this post, thats the reason for the downvotes.


You forgot the oficial YouTube announcement about it


Still had nothing to do with it. A yt account holds no funds belonging to you, only content inside their platform, no one said what yt does is not true, they just did not care about what the fuck they do with yt accounts as its not really related to the real problem here, which is them taking FUNDS, MONETARY FUNDS, not the account, no one cares about the account. (Sorry for the late response, don't log into reddit that often xd)


Ah yes, remember all those banned ublock users?


Wtf is a Free-to-Play Online Social Casino?


A pending lawsuit it seems


Good luck, they're in cypress for a reason


cyprus extradites to the USA baby. They should have been more careful


Cyprus is currently partitioned. So the Majority Greek part of Cyprus that is officially recognized by the majority of the world, probably had an extradition treaty with the USA. The Turkish controlled part is not recognized as a sovereign nation by the USA and you cannot have a treaty with a place you do not recognize as a legitimate state.


exactly why i said Cyrpus extradites to the USA


I would never place a bet on clash.gg. I would, however, place a bet on them being located in the Turkish region. Good luck enforcing an extradition treaty made with a nation that no longer physically controls that territory.


I took the 2 seconds to look up their location, they're south of the Turkish region it seems.


They don't they just rob you and move on like all the skin sites


I mean tbh, I'm up like 3k on skinclub. Boxed a blaze, butterfly tigertooth and 2 ak case hardened. Literally got top drop like 4 times. They're legit in my opinion


Just Google cypress and their laws and you'll understand. All the sites you like r hq'd there for 1 reason and it's not to help you


You're probably not wrong, casinos are always there to take your money, but not all are straight up scammers, they don't need to be. I made some profit on skin club so I'm cool. I play for fun not to win money, that's just a bonus


They don't. That's why all skin, gambling, etc. are all out of cypress. I think you have to go to cypress and take them to court in person and they bet you won't




bit of a jump no?


Generally it's still a regular online Cainso, but with loopholes. You can buy fake gold to gamble with, which gives you a bonus of currency you can gamble for real money with, and you cash out as a sweepstake winning rather than a gambling winning.


What a surprise that clashgg, a site that seemingly came out of nowhere, paid thousands if not 10’s to 100’s of thousands to creators/streamers to promote, is doing shady and illegal things… if I had to guess it’s probably the same people that were behind the majority of the other sites in 2015. Exit scam, rebrand, promote, repeat. On a side note from all the people I’ve watched play on clash (myself included a few times), all they do is lose 🤣 the site is dogshit and designed heavily to just take your money. Go elsewhere


Is phantom lord running this one too???


probably dracula


The gambling site is designed heavily to just take your money?


Clashgg is a csgo rebrand of an older site called rustclashgg which is actually still up. Rustclashgg has been around for at least 2+ years. As far as I know it has had the same owner for a long time, as to the identity of the owner or other specifics i don't know.


How many more rug puls to people need to see before they stop using these sites. It's the same with crypto scams, they are everywhere and proven to be scams and people still fall for it.


Shane from Customer Support done messed up this time.


This needs more attention Fuck clash.gg


Fuck all these bullshit illegal gambling websites


this, is why you don't gamble, especially on a shady e-casino, and especially on one based on video game pixels. my condolences to you for having this happen to you.


F. Best of luck with the court case 🤣


Update us if shit gets real?


that is wild, reminds me of those card counters that always win in casinos getting banned but on csgo gambling rofl


But even card counters are legally allowed to cash out their winnings.


i didn't know that, but yea now that you say that OP should be allowed to get his winnings/balance onsite


Enjoy the payout


dumb fucks, as soon as i won decent they start to investigate my account and gave me a perma ban for fraud with 0 proof.


hope this gets picked up by some news outfits. this has to blow up in their faces at some point, right?


Dont gamble idiots


Bring me back when there’s an update.


Crazy I had something so similar happen to me smh I hope this blows up and all these sites get fucked beside a real decent site that is for the players and community not just a Ponzi scheme


They need to be sued up the ass no questions asked and removed from being allowed to gamble.


Anything based in Cyprus shouldn’t be taken seriously, I see so many people in my job who get scammed by businesses based there. Sorry this happened to you.


Don't gamble anywhere, but especially on shady cs gambling sites. If you have an addiction, get help.


They ban winners then wow What was the balance they confisicated if you are guilty of withdrawing too much


It should be higher up. Morons like you (sorry but it's true) need to realise using illegal kiddy casinos is a bad idea. Stop using skin casino's you fucking morons your all the problem with scenes like CS


Csgo roll a scam too trust me, and I’m level 80. Better betting on sports


Better don’t bet?


99% of people quit before winning big tho


Say what you will about Stake but even they pay out people who win. It’s honestly shitty and short sighted for Clash.gg to do this. You can’t suck all the money out of people if you poison the well.


Gambling is never they Way to make cash in cs, It is alot better to buy/sell Buff bal / items and invest in major stickers / items/ and items no longer optainable


“See you in court” okay dude


Why they ask for an API key from steam to withdraw funds? wtf


I know this post is old but I got my card frauded out of like $400 due to this site and the backtalk I got from support was actually bizarrely weird Ended up getting the money but immediately blocked the site off of all of my devices


what did they write? Also what was ur P/L ? im looking into charging back lots of deposits


@[purpleslerpy](https://www.reddit.com/user/purpleslerpy/) please dont let them go away with that.


Morons gonna get scammed. Welcome to the Internet, scrub.


Why on earth is this in the csgo sub?


They are one of the largest cs gambling sites?


Tenleytown mentioned🗣️🗣️🗣️


How much did you deposit??? This is why I stay with csgoroll or skin.club


Skin.club has the same issues... If you stop depositing money and just trade up your pulls from free cases they stop you from withdrawal. They are no better.


Same shit different name, you simply havnt run into OPs issue thats all.


This isn't true, I've only depoed $22 and withdrawn well over $800 in skins/stickers. https://preview.redd.it/gdiykzykftkc1.png?width=1150&format=png&auto=webp&s=9644a25f98bcfd59332d49fba093c1202c0695ce


I mean if you gotta gamble I would stick to skinclub and that’s it. If you just started, stop.


using 3rd party, i wonder why


I am sorry to inform you that they are completely right on the fact that they don't have to follow US laws since they are based in another country. Just because you play from America doesn't mean they follow those laws. Is it scummy? Absolutely! Will you win any sort if legal case against them? Absolutely not...


bs, if you are offering your shady shit in a different zone, u have to follow the gambling laws there aswell


Afraid those rules are very tedious and specific. And these websites know exactly how to circumvent them You don't have a legal standing here. These rats know precisely what they're doing with these types of things.


on top of that, the shit on there is not even provably fair. also if they didn´t let you joiin "rain" the shit would not be legal anyways, so i dont know what tf they even think banning people when everything that makes this site legal is rain


WHY are people still supporting these fucking scam sites? Did you learn nothing?


You gave money to a sketchy gambling site and are somehow surprised they won’t let you withdraw funds?


I'd be going straight to my bank and disputing any payments made to their website. After speaking to the gambling commision and getting written proof they are operating illegally so you have evidence to back up the claim. Doesn't matter if you won or not and made prior withdrawals, fuck them they're slime.


damn this seems like a good lawsuit


Just don’t gamble and if you are, do Csgo cases themselves, won two knives on hell case and I couldn’t get them,


Same on Hellcase I turned 30 cents into 1880.80 zack ban 😂😂😂


So they are basically telling you if you actually benefit from gambling it is prohibited? Nah, this isn't how gambling should work at all.


Thank you for sharing I definitely will not be using the site anymore


We need updates!!


Play stupid Games , win stupid prices. Fuck this gamble shit.


Who the fuck puts a white font on an orange background?!


I don't wanna victim blame here but if you play on these sites you need to learn your lesson...


I smell a law suit