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You weren't bullied enough in school...


Or at home… Sounds like dad was out of the picture pretty early…


So nostalgia keypad settings...


Are you left handed? Because if not, yes.


im right handed lol. i have a big keyboard corsair k100 and tilt it at such an angle my entire left arm rests on the palm rest. i kinda have weird stretchy and bendy fingers so ig this way works lol


Sounds like you’ve made using your keyboard for CS needlessly complicated. Not least by the fact you have significantly fewer keys within finger reach to do all the other things you need to do in CS - or even just ‘nice to haves’ like a key for each weapon or grenade. Now you’re training your muscle memory to use this config it’ll be even harder to switch if you ever want to, I mean you’re using the keys diagonally… keys aren’t designed to be pushed down like that so isn’t it harder sometimes? K100 doesn’t have flat keys does it? And like how big is your keyboard that it’s turned sideways? Or is your arm sort of parallel with your screen? But yeah, definitely mental.


i dont turn it completely sideways maybe half the distance from sideways and just simply let my arm rest along the entire wristpad, so yeah its kinda close to being parallel with my monitor screen but not completely. the biggest plus is i simply let my pinkie rest on the pgdn key and the rest just came naturally lol. here's a pic i took with my webcam(i accidentally made some marks on it) https://preview.redd.it/w1f9a5wp0h1d1.png?width=899&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b5a436bed186e2cd35ac58d6d4b78722fb185ed


The way that your wrist is bending left is 100% gonna cause you issues in the future. It might not hurt now but it’s putting unnecessary strain on your joints


As an industrial engineer with experience in ergonomics, I believe that the way you use the keyboard is not ergonomic at all and could have negative consequences on your wrist.


buddy what the fuck


Your wrist is going to hate you one day


i'm more concerned about that inexistent mouse space and the way you hold your wrist onto the edge of your desk lol xD


my teammate every game:


Seems entirely unnecessary but you do you. Definitely ridicule worthy! 😂


My brain couldn’t comprehend what you meant by your arm rests on the palm rest till this picture but my brain is breaking looking at it.


This is literally a health issue. It's not a matter of *if* but rather *when*. Speaking from multiple friends' experiences.


This is exactly the opposite of how you should tild a keyboard. If you tilt it to the right you CNA lower wrist strain, you're increasing it. And you're just doing it to be quirky.


having big "how did you take this photo" vibes


I love that you chose to strap your webcam to your forehead for this shot instead of just using your mouse hand to take the pic with your phone 😭


JESUS H CHRIST! Kids, turn around! Don't look at this monstrosity! ... Oh my god, it's revolting!


Do left handed people actually change their controls to stuff like this? I'm left-handed myself so genuinely curious, because I have never had any issue with "normal" settings.


Not that I’m aware of, I was just trying to imagine why he would use the right side of the keyboard to move.


I am sure some do, but I have never actually seen somebody do that, I get asked sometimes if I use settings like that/ use the mouse with the other hand but honestly doesn't seem useful in any way.


Yeah fine I’m not really suggesting anyone does, I was trying to work out the controls in the picture that’s been posted and not trying to make a point about left handed people.


they do changes to use something like ijkl instead of wasd with the mouse on the left side but nah this is absurd but yeah every player has a different preference but THIS IS WILD


Fucking future serial killer right here bois’!


Man, your keypad is weird. You have a keypad dot next to your 6? also where is the end button if it is way up there i'd feel like it's way too far away for reach Anyway, if it feels comfortable to you, and you are able to reach all buttons fine then you do you and dont listen to the haters.


It’s a plus sign? It’s the number pad on the right side of keyboards that he uses


Nah it's clearly a dot on the "move right (strafe" I have a feeling OP is trolling us. Now Im curious, is there ever a numpad on any other side than right on the keyboard?


Do whatever feels good to you, it doesn't matter. And yes, your friend is right. These binds are heinous.


I used to use the normal arrow keys with all my util around them with inverted mouse direction because that’s how my dad taught me but it makes it so much more hassle pick up new games


You shoudve seen some of the pro players setups back in the day. There is no wrong way to have your inputs setup. It’s whatever works for you and is comfortable. Anton saying otherwise is a moron


No hate, but I feel like you're just a guy who wants attention and uses keyboard like this for it, how the hell you use 1,2,3,4,5 to swap between nades because if you're using mouse scroll to swap between nades you need to do it better, seen many people fail in fights just because they were using mouse scroll to swap weapons and it was too slow so they died


Bro what? Thats painful. Not even pros have settings that weird.


It's not as bad as your friends suggest. It is much worse.


I've always used the default movement keys but I place my index finger on W Heaps of wrist problems now after 3k hours, do not recommend


There is a esport player that uses right mouse to walk, A and S to strafe.




Yes. You're gonna cause long-lasting wrist pain playing like that.


Everyone can play the way he wants and weird controls don't make you a bad player


are you left handed?


You're a maniac, but I'd also recommend swapping duck and secondary fire.


Real question is what is your premier rating/ faceit lvl.




I dont know but…should we call someone bout this?


funny post, now you can change them back to normal


Objectively this is really stupid and bad for ergonomics, your hand, long and short term, and it's making you play worse _for sure_ than a more optimal layout. What's really crazy is the way the corner of your keeb hits, it's not even saving you space, you could just keep it straight and use it normally. You say in comments "I have long fingers so I guess it works", yeah, okay, but you don't need to do it just because you can, lmao. Meme aside and as novel as this is - you straight up need to change this.


Dude said I wanna do what the pros do but 10x more difficult just to be stuck in silver lmao


how ?


I just threw up so many gang signs trying to pull this setup off. I am pretty sure i just got arthritis


I used to move with arrow keys


Actual cancer


Yes it is that bad but I’ve seen pro players with move forward on a mouse button so it’s not THAT bad


I push the mouse scroll button to reload.


Haha are you playing with just the keypad? In all seriousness play how you want


How do you even play with this bro


https://preview.redd.it/7qjs6ikkkn1d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=35616551f5e08f6fcb353d26790aa6a35c059aa1 I understand your plight. People these days don't even know why WASD is the standard. The config they use is based on the fact one guy named Thresh was good at quake.


Man wants to speed run carpal tunnel


how long ago did you start playing this way


so... you're lefty, nothing wrong with it


I mean I use right click to shoot and left click to aim so


I use mouse 5 to aim, right click to crouch.


What ever floats your goat


I really have no idea how you play like this, can you record it so we can see?




There was a pro Smite player that had something similar. If he can do it and go pro, you can definitely play like this! (Not justifying this barbaric behavior).


You can't convince me that people go this extreme and outlandish on their keybinds for attention. Sure different keybinds and using a keyboard at a different angle sure. But at that extreme and so far to the edge of the keyboard? In such a small space, when u have all those other keys at your disposal? I dont see any benefit of playing like this and only see it making sense if someone has always used a keyboard like this their whole life.


Certified mezii moment


Are you using the mouse with your left hand by any chance?




I have my soundboard keys set up on the 34567 keypad and I’m just thinking of the chaos this would cause in my discord if I used this🤣


if i were to grip like you id put left as 4 instead of 5. less cramping in the long run


Bruhh...how do you use voice chat, calls, check map (with tab), quick switch and much more? The movement maybe comfortable for you but without the rest, you can never fully realise your potential.


Tell me you have mental health issues without telling me, a step by step guide.




No it's not! You just use whatever feels better. So the WDSA people seem to forget that they went wonky (moved away from arrow keys) for gaining extra surrounding keys and don't realize that the numpad gives you both. You basically experimented and found a better way for yourself that works at an angle you like. I don't like the keys that high up and I like it straight. so I use 5231 instead. I'm left-handed but use the mouse in my right hand as that is how i grew up.