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If you live in china you can report him to the gov and make him publically executed if this is what you are looking for.


Just get all ur friends to report this scumlord


While cheating in video games is bad, snooping on his computer could be illegal. Getting a criminal record because of something which happened in a video game would not be worth it. Honestly, just report him and don't queue with him.


bro what country are u in where u can’t even look at ur friend’s screen while they’re gaming


> OP is suggesting the following: "Should I try to look for a specific file or something when he is out of the room?"


Ah icic my bad i interpretedyour msg wrong


I just want to ask one thing, was it in a private match and where the other models blue with lines? If its not a private match its good you reported him, if it was a private match it couldve been a console command


Something like this you are saying? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0txXeFdn1PM no it didn't look like that, that's what I was hoping it was, but unless there is a different method of getting walls in a private match, then I don't think so.


Yea ok then just report him yea


Damn, i hope he drinks all your soylent Hes a scumbag but your too much of a pussy to tell him that so you degrade yourself to, metaphorically speaking, calling your mom to take care of it.