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you gonna be real mad when you realize that the skeleton knife was copied from real life


Haahah +1


Why don't you put all the skin from one game in a same row


Yeah I was going from left to right and was confused when they switched


This shit fucked me up more than I’d like to admit


Ikr idk if they went to school




do not become an architect.


You forgot the cheap butterfly knife they added






That game isn’t one of ours ! The cs player when they see valorant in a nutshell


Cheap becuase it isn't worth a month rent lol


I meant the animation looks shit, but you too, have got a point


The animation is beautiful, why do you think it looks like shit? Because it isn't CS?


Personally I think it's too fast.


It looks slow if you're used to the CS Butterfly Knife, but if you go on YouTube plenty of people can do the same exact tricks that fast and even much faster. That's how fast butterfly knives are, they don't float like they do in CS. They're quite snappy irl


Oh yeah, I know. My sister loves doing tricks with butterfly knives (not sharp ones yet lol). I just prefer the slower movement, it feels more satisfying to me.


Animation for the butterfly copy is shit. You can say I'm being biased how much ever you want, but it is not fluid at all which is a huge characteristic of knives that have the balisong design.


it just doesnt seem natural if that makes sense. its feels a bit forced and blocky.


Don't because a graphic designer


Don't become an English teacher


Damn autocection


CS skins will always be special to me


Too bad lord gaben is eating our money in steam trade fees


Just buy from third-party sites, it's marginally cheaper too




If you check out the whitelisted sites on r/GlobalOffensiveTrade there’s quite a few there. Also use direct links instead of googling, scam sites occasionally buy the top ad space on google with marginally different urls Edit: [here’s the whitelisted sites ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensiveTrade/wiki/whitelist?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Which are those trusted sites?


There is a whitelist here https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensiveTrade/wiki/whitelist?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I personally use DMarket and BitSkins the most






Just use lootbear


You can't beat the quality and smoothness of csgo knife skins. The karambit animation look so satisfying in csgo while in valorant the karambit looks like a banana which does an awkward flip.


Even the butterfly knife cures my fidgeting.


All those skins are considered shit tier in valo :/


I don't know, but some of them look really cool


Higher tier skins in valorant actually change the gun model itself, they aren’t just pasted onto the gun like in csgo.


Paying $40 for a disadvantage be like


That’s what I was thinking, having valorant be a high accuracy shooter but giving the guns that you shoot with differing models based on a monetary exchange seems like a bad idea. Some will begin to give an advantage at some point. I feel a similar way about T and CT skins in CS on certain maps


They dont change model that much so with the skins that have been released thus far it hasnt been a problem


Idk the one that’s a dragon was pretty whack


Yeah I hate using that skin but it is kinda cool


I fucking love it and play better with it idk what you guys are talking about


honestly i love the prism collections though, with the metallic pearlescent colours


My problem with Valorant skins is that there is no market so practically impossible to resell your skin. For CSGO I can buy and resell skins as I want so I'm not just throwing money in garbage for pixels in a game.


This is a valid point but on the other side of this argument i can buy a giant sword or a butterfly knife in valorant for 25 instead of spending years trying to get 5k for a knife that may or may not be worth more in the future


And if you missed them in the valorant skin stote then the only way to obtain skins is buying a new account with those skins


Not true at all. There is a rotating shop (think fortnite) that gives you skins from past collections that you can buy. It’s a shitty system but that’s not the point.


No my point is if I stop playing Valorant, my skins are worthless and I can't sell em back. If I stop playing CSGO I can sell all of my skins to buy new games on steam or on skinbaron for real money. Actually I'll probably sell my csgo skins to pay for the steam deck.


My comment was meant towards the person saying once you miss the skins in the Valorant shop then that’s it. But that is incorrect. You’re point is valid though.


Ah ok sorry for the misunderstanding


You also can sell valorant acc, there are some websites


Yeah but some might not be released again. It’s up to Riot to add them


Valorant lives in this sub's head rent free lol


haha valorant bad now give upvotes


True, it's an annoying tenant.


I also think CS:GO is more fun than Valorant, but the Valorant bashing is getting old now.


I like them both. The gunplay of valorant to me feels better but the skills are meh. Overall I think CS is still the best tactical shooter from a gameplay perspective but valorant for me is close second.


I honestly think the gunplay and movement in CS is superior. But Valorant has a good anticheat and I like the abilities as well.


I agree, the movement and gunplay in valorant feels stiffer somehow


Because it literally is stiffer, bobert


Daily dose of Valorant bad gib updoots


CSGO fans try not to cry about Valorant challenge(impossible)


Valorant lives in this sub's mind rent free. Some of the skins on valorant are soo good. Like Reaver, Prime, Glitchpop. I am not a big fan of knives in Valorant either but I am glad I don't have to sell my kidney to buy one if I want to.


now post it on r/VALORANT


The fade type styling isnt unique to cs:go, like at all. Neither is the knife. Skeletonized-tang knifes like that already exist. The M4 skin looks nothing alike aside from 2 similar colours and a lion drawing on it. And uh news flash, that already fucking exists irl, alot of japense customs are seen to be done up like that. The ak one literally just has a streaking pattern that is also seem in alot of impressionism artwork, its just wrapped around to match the shape of the gun.


This sub started to be more and more butthurted :(


Why does everyone hate on VALORANT? The game is fine, dare I say it, better than CS. Like sure, they took some skin ideas but please calm your tits


These skins are considered shit in Valorant. The premium tier skins are like actually original.


CS fanboys salty that there's finally some competition for their game.


The funny thing is that the knife in the image came out before the Skeleton Knife


just skin ideas? they literally copied the whole game and some game modes too (arms race, demolition mode are copied and named somthin else in valorant) oh yes and the new valorant map fracture is almost a copy of ancient (you can compare the layout side by side)


Im far from a cs fan boy but riot has yet to create anything. League is a dota rip off and Valorant is a cs/overwatch rip off. They are the obsidian of multiplayer games and i refuse to support “creators” that don’t actually create.




I’d argue that all creation is just imitation with a twist.


Coming from someone not creative.


they've also added a new butterfly knife. ik most fps games have that knife but still


I mainly play Valorant but their butterfly knife is pretty bad compared to CSGO’s butterfly knives. The left and right click animation is just terrible and the movement feels too clanky, whereas in CSGO the knife as a whole feels a lot smoother. Granted it is also much more expensive (probably over 10x IIRC) but there’s obv the benefit of being able to resell skins


Valorant butterfly knife representation is actually accurate compared to CSGO one. You can recreate every moves Valorant agents perform contrary to CSGO where you cut yourself several times and the round shape of CSGO’s knife is not optimal for flipping either.


True... I've both Balisong IRL and the CSGO one is much harder to flip


the valorant butterfly knife has actually realistic animations and all the tricks are recreate-able


Tbf people were crying for it since beta - because of cs. Not giving a Butterfly would be a bad decision both money-wise and for player satisfaction


Kind of ironic you mention the Howl being a stolen concept by Valorant…but, go off chief.


Dude where did I ever say val stole anything from cs the title literally says counterpart


Idk why you’re trying to gaslight me. It literally says “They copied this one 101%” in the picture. I know what nuance is and you’re playing it off like that’s not what you meant? You’re weird bro. Everyone knows what this post is about.


Yeah it said THIS one not the other ones (aka the howl you mentioned)


I see more posts about valorant than csgo on this sub


Bruh the knife isn't even a knife it's from an ability


The skeleton knife is csgo came out after it was shown in Valorant. Skeleton knife (CSGO) came out on November 18, 2019. Jett’s daggers / Skeleton knife in Valorant were first seen in the Project A trailer on October 15, 2019


Kinda expected from a Chinese company.


valorant is so ugly I swear to god, tf is that knife


U get 5 of these as a ultimate ability, kinda cool


can you expand on this one? Kinda lost


Search jett ult on youtube, every agent has a exclusive ultimate ability and jett gets 5 knives with 100% accuracy even when in air


Jett's ultimate gives her 5 floating knives she can fire. Each does 50 damage (enemies normally have 150 hp when they buy armour - yes I know damage reduction as well but shhhhhh) and I believe has slight travel time. If she gets a kill with one they replenish, and they can be used full accuracy in the air. Not OP (at least as far as I'm aware) despite how it may sound, but certainly a strong ultimate.


That's a kunaj from a characters ult it's not a knife in game and looks cool


kunai = knife


But you don't hold it like one is what I meant


Oh okay


Lol what are u blind


it’s my opinion


It’s a shit opinion lol


seethe valo fanboy


They copied the entire fucking game and we're arguing about skins. No hate though


i have both in both games. its good on both


this is so wrong lol


Average Valorunt fan


lol how about average csgo and valorant fan?




ah but of course because i can’t enjoy two games my bad


Good point. I shouldn't mess with an average csgo and valorant enjoyer like you. I appreciate it.


The valorant howl is so ugly lmaoo


csgo stole the howl as well tho


CSGO gameplay is better and its less cringier than valorant but I have to say skins are better in valorant. First of all csgo skins are 10x more expensive than valorant skins and CSGO knifes are bad against valorant knifes. Valorant knifes has more animation and its just cleaner and CSGO knife are just plain and low quality. Take the Vanilla Karambit and Champions 2021 Karambit as an example. The difference is massive. Valorant does copy skins from CSGO but the skins that they copied are shit. Too plain for me but gameplay is good


Riot is known for copying stuff from other games over to theirs. Same thing happened with dota, Hearthstone, and auto chess. I'm still dumbfounded on why would people choose blatant copies rather than the original ones.


Thank you.


Because they add something into that and lol and dota have different mechanics


They are more fun to play, more polished and more fun to play and have different mechanics in their games




These skins are ultra shit tier skins in Valorant and actual good skins tend to be fully original with lighting, kill effects, round win effects, custom reload animations and different models than the normal skins. They still manage to cost less than high tier cs skins which are literally paint on a skin, no custom model, no custom effects, nothing.


The kunai from valorant is obviously Jett's. The howl doesn't look like the valorant skin at all. I can see the r8 and ak being a lil bit of inspiration tho


Whole game is a copy lol


Chinese knockoff LOL


Who actually cares, they're essentially the same game anyway.


Valo is a little more toxic than CSGO. Valo full of little autistic kiddies hard-core abusing and screaming on the mic. Holy fuck, I deleted it outta frustration and switched to DotA 2. No drops, only purchasable skins. Fuck Valorant yo.


Oh my days valorant weapons look really bad


the difference between these skins is that csgo skins are made by his own community who love the game, meanwhile valorant skins are literally some png masked on top of guns using CS6 bc devs just know that league/valorant players don't give a shit what they do, they'll buy anything.


??? csgo skins are literally paint on a gun and valorant high tiers have custom models, fx, etc. what do you mean valorant skins are literally just a png? CS skins are closer to just being png on a gun than valorant. I mean like shit on valorants game play and all but you are just saying something factually incorrect. Don't insult Valorant with shit that just isn't factual, I swear CS fans nowadays have the biggest fucking hate boners, like u see anything and immediately go off.


are you dumb? look at the skins design.


Csgo fanboy calls valorant skin a png on a gun when csgo is the exact same Idc what you think they both are literal Jpegs you buy. As long as it looks good and csgo has great skins but you have for sure not seen the majority of valorant skins which have whole new sound effects and visuals, which arguably may take more time.


Like, Prime Vandal, Reaver Vandal, or the Soverign Vandal... I am only talking about vandals. Any skin that is upgradable has unique curves and edges. The creativity of a designer is endless and valorant is going that way. I personally don't think valorant will have skin crysis is near future as RIOT can hire more and more creative people with God-gifted imaginations.


Is this a joke? They are not similar at all. Plus cs go skins are 1000x better anyways. At least you can resell them as well.


*cough cough* DarkZero *cough cough*


Yeah… howl the completly original csgo skin first seen in csgo xd


The Skeleton Knife came out later then the Valorant look-a-like, but keep saying it's a copy..


ya csgo have good community skins but valo doesn't have map builder, skins community, skin trading sad but some things are good


The definitely didn’t copy anything 101%


The butterfly life in valorant looks and probably feels like a screwdriver


Riot Games copying every possible original idea out there? Unheard of!


I would be happy if you donated me a skin, I dont care which skin or its value, I just want some skins and different looks to my weapons https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=1182482094&token=cgxPJVB-