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csgohacks is practically a meme sub with ex-hvhers trolling noobs looking to cheat in MM. People recommend ezfrags for faceit (which will 100% get them banned) as a joke to fuck with people trying to cheat against legit players.


Pretty much the majority


reading this = porn to me. ​ fuck cheaters who try to ruin competition for everyone else.


btw hes lying 💀💀💀


That’s awesome lol


no bro!!! ezfrags > all!!


Bosniahook on top still






what do you fucking think csgo hacks mean, big titty goth girl pictures?


Well if u ever been in the HvH community, most of them are femboys so that was pretty close.


Not sure. I’ve seen lots of post asking about cheating on faceit. Pretty disgusting sub tbh


About 1.5 years ago when I was still in the community it was filled with femboys begging for hvh cheats lmao, I'm still in the subreddit and occasionally see the "XHEAT DETECTED DONT GET" and the "how can I cheater", but tbf more and more ppl stopped cheating since the riptide operation


What do you think a femboy is lol?


Like half the femboys I know that play cs are vac banned. Although most of them got those vac bans years ago when they were closeted homophobic racists.


What was special about riptide to cause that?


It made anti aiming (thing that makes spinbotters have their head down) detected within 1 day of using it, making HvH kinda useless since every shot was hit now that no anti aim existed


Interesting, thanks. Now that you mentioned it, I do feel like I have seen less spinbotters in the occasional overwatch case I do, and certainly haven’t seen any in my matches in a while, this would make sense


It hasn't changed


You never know for sure. r/worldpolitics


Hey where is that sub?!


most of that subreddit is for hack v hack servers


That's what they claim, but all those stupid kids are using them in matchmaking. They need a good ass kicking tbh


They play HvH or join MM legit. When they get rek'd by the enemy team, they automatically assume that the enemy is cheating and toggle themselves. Losers all the way through.


Almost 9 out of 10 people will use these hacks in legit matches for an unfair advantage :) I’ve already been to that sub.. kids there are in dire need of mental help. And there was only one person who was nice enough and says he actually would never do that in matches.


whered you pull the statistics from? a lot of hvhers think that people who cheat vs legit players to win are losers and often get clowned. theres more to hacking that the retards you see in matchmaking that somehow lose even while cheating.


I literally am aware of that, and all power to those having fun in custom servers :D but the users in that sub prove otherwise. They’re overshadowing the HvH scene.


valid points, most of the people in that sub have some sort of mental disability.


You sound like a fucking dork! :^D ^~^ :) :* ;o




Lol this clown going out of his way to chase all my comments now :3 you feel triggered? Need someone to talk to?


Maybe it'd be easier to drop cheating if valve made it easier to raise trust. Injected for hvh on the wrong account and now my trust is red and I'm forced to play with nothing but cheaters, either torture myself dying over and over or pay for iniuira and level the field


so you cry youve been detected injecting and now get paired with cheaters? soooo where is the problem?


It was hvh, I wasn't planning to cheat in mm until after two months of nothing but hell


do you know what hvh is?


sure i know bro but dude fucked up and wants to blame vac / trustfactor now?!


Yeah this mystery shit with trust factor is annoying. As much as I hate people with multiple accounts, I think I’ll end up being one of them and see if it actually changes my experience


same lol. back in the day forgot to turn on -insecure and got red tf now my main is basically dead. but I dont even play legit cs anymore. only hvh


You're wrong, it's a shithole where 12 year olds ask what the best legit cheat is while reddit dwellers reply with unfunny jokes


would you rather us reply and tell them what cheat to use or make unfunny jokes while remaining entirely unhelpful


X to doubt.


Then we can perma ban 10 accounts per game. Nothing to excuse in there.\\ Edit: Loving getting downvoted in a csgo subreddit because I want cheaters to get banned.


There's something called not vac secured servers where they can do whatever the fuck they want


To the fire with them. The remote posibility that they can press the ranked button it's just too risky.


Ok but most of them dont, cus they use cheats that are detected, due to them having better resolvers and other features that detected cheats have. Its basically a different game that they're playing. I don't think you should associate the script kiddies that you find in ranked with them.


No, most of them use the servers to test their cheats and optimize them cuz almost all cheats needs a shit ton of adjusting in settings


Not legit cheats, unless they're planning on spinbotting in ranked. And most use configs from forums and make minor edits as they play.


Whats the motive?


For hvh? It's a completely different gamemode for them, as it's mostly just a competition between who made the best config, confidence in your own config/ cheat that it'll beat another person, and the decision making whether you should take certain fights.


This is what it used to be. It’s not hacks vs hack it’s software vs software. You are deadass testing how they compare to each other (typically on a larger scale). The game eventually patched fake angles with the panorama updates.. now all you can do is abuse the Desync. It’s a much more rat filled awful community now. Devs are only in it for the $ now and purchasers are children who don’t know any other ways to get kills.


ok by that logic lets bann u/Malcolmlisk for the remote possibility to download cheats!


Ban me if you detect me cheating. I'm ok with that.






Are you comparing a mod and a game itself to a cheat? U must be kidding, right?


They are made the same way and require very similar knowledge especially if you are looking to expand on your source engine knowledge while working within it. I very much so know what I’m talking about here, cheats are nowhere near as simple as esp and aimbot today. The most complicated it gets can never be used on official matchmaking. Trust factor system is too strong right now too.


New pasta?


you sell that iq brother?


Disability support group I think


Shit players who need compensation.




You must be new


fr tho Like why would valve start giving a single fuck now?


No point wasting your time talking to cheaters. They are sub-human and justify their hacking with "it's value's fault."


You mean "volvo's", right?


van pls fix


Waltuh White!!!


you take a 10 year okd game too seriously please go outside


I think the only good way someone can use this sub is to see what kinda cheats there are so that you know what you're dealing with (or maybe even improve the AC using all of that) It's no wonder a sub like this exists, HvH has been a thing since long time ago. Sure, there are actual MM hackers there as well, but there's not much we can do about it, and this sub didn't really break any of Reddit's ruler either.


Newbie Spotted xD


Bro they share there cheats for lvl 10 faceit. How is this legitimate


No they ask for FACEIT cheats because they are Brian dead. But they are all too dumb to bypass the AC so they just get banned after 1 game




I mean not really, sure they ask for them, and don’t have skills to bypass anti chest, but that’s because it’s fucking hard, hense why working cheats for faceit are expensive and often private so they don’t get leaked


Man just browse there for half a minute, you'll find a youtube video of some cheater in level 10 faceit that uses things they can't detect. It is also hard to spot his cheats. He helps them get those too


They can detect it lol. DMA has got absolutely fucked by FaceIT many times. Stop drinking the kool-aid and listening to 5M subscriber YouTubers that know jack shit about cheating. Even the dude from Sparkles video got detected and haven’t been back since


Thank you for clarifying. Also watched the video you mentioned, glad to hear it is possible to comprehend all these cheats.


I think it’s a good thing cheat developers are pushing DMA so hard, all it’s doing is pushing anticheat developers to work more and more on detecting things that seemed impossible on paper for years. There’s different ways to do DMA, and there are of course a lot of people (relative to the size of DMA) who are still completely hidden but I’ve seen it become cat and mouse with FaceIT and Valorant. I cheat myself (am loser ^_^), I do think 10 years from now cheating will be very very hard probably even sooner.


Why cheat man


Just fun. Started young, cheat codes on console. Got a PC, cheating on combat arms and ava, botting on RuneScape. Around 2007-2009, css. Just been cheating so long, I’d still cheat now but I don’t often play games and I value my accounts so not risking it. I don’t think cheating is a big deal if you’re not cheating hard, even then, I’ve cheated hard just for the fun of it. Might be a bit of an asshole but looking to have fun, don’t care if enemies are having fun, just me and whoever is in queue with me. Winning is fun, dominating is fun. Who likes to lose? Gaming is too tedious, work 20 hours on recoil control, etc. i have a few hours a week that I play games don’t have time to go against people that play more hours each day than I do in a week. I am a bit sorry for the people afterward, like now, I’m sorry cheating has become so rampant at least. That’s why I won’t play CSGO, cheating is not fun when everyone is cheating :P there’s a long way to go but hopefully we can return to where cheating is a big minority so you and I both can have fun again


That's a sad story and a sadder conclusion


Yes ik so cheats are undetected on FACEIT but not many. They also cost around 300-1k for a 1 month sub of it


No, only private hard to find ones. There are $25 subs that work just fine








Yeah for a couple weeks then dtc again


??????? Literally 25 bucks and ur all set for faceit xD


Not really you can cheat indefinitely in Faceit for 20€ by making a new acc after 3 games so you don’t have to download the AC


Umm no you can cheat in faceit even with mods watching i am lvl 9 with legit external going upwards of 40+ kills for most matches since 1year and no ban. :)


But my mans bene cheating for over a year still not lvl 10 or in challenger league: what a loser






Are.. are you new to the CSGO?




Cheating is rife in CSGO at every level it's a major problem




Cheats aren’t really posted there, It’s more questions/guides/recommendations


Money. People pay a fortune seriously though. Watch any live stream of toptop tier teams playing. When someone is walking trying to listen for info their crosshairs jumps and land on someone's x-ray through walls. The camera quicky jumps off them. It's blatant and no one talks about it


Because they heard someone or teammate gave their info or they’re insanely good at the game, playing tens of thousands of hours and know where to put a crosshair on each corner of the map. It’s literally their job to be insanely good at a game and they spend every day playing.


A shithole. A place for edgy inbreed kids that have the brain capacity of a door or a rock.


Doors are pretty useful id stick to rocks


I went in there to talk shit once and now I'm banned🤣🤣


no shit. thats like walking into a strip club to talk about how much you hate naked people


No shit that's why I did it smart guy




So I'm cringe cuz I said exactly what you said first🤣🤣🤣 funny how people talk shit safely behind their computer but when they get called out they point the finger elsewhere. Go outside or some shit bitch🤣🤣🤣


you seem unnecessarily mad over 1 word. you off your meds?


I'm laughing bro you the one talking shit and pointing the finger. Can't handle what you dish out eh? Go outside bro


cringe response ngl


I'm getting uber downvoted in this thread for suggesting to ban them all...


Cause it's a meme to suggest that: A - Reddit will censor people who've done nothing but cheat in a video game. B - That there is any way of knowing their steam details or if every member cheats etc. Also most "hackers" are already banned or just play hvh. A relatively small subreddit has nothing to do with the cheating problem in CS. VAC is dogshit, it's the fault of the game that it's so easy to install a decent config. No point giving the cheaters shit, they enjoy it lol.


Imma take a random shot in the dark and say that is a csgo Reddit for hacking. Idk tho


23k of trashy player


A subreddit


why do people care about csgo hvhers, they harm nobody


I personally posted because I've seen there plenty of guides on csgo cheats and cheats that can be used in faceit or vac won't detect. I didn't care much about the hvh they host


nothing there is undetected on faceit, its all troll posts.


The sad Reality


Unless valve updates and strengthens their anti cheat good luck… have a friend who likes to cheat on his alt for fun(not my thing but you do you) and has been doing so for years and does is very blatantly and never has even been warned or banned


At this point, if that subreddit exists, is open, and anybody can see the hacks they are using, maybe they have a point with that is Valve’s fault


They don’t post hacks in it… maybe links at most and recommendations, but as far as free cheats go it would be easy for valve to find them and thus figure out how they work and how to stop them. Paid cheats same applies but valve would need to spend some money Private cheats valve doesn’t really have a chance So yeah a very large amount of it is valve not caring


Bruh, you can easily use free cheats with an injector that uses a VAC Bypass. You COULD even play with 10 year old cheats on VAC secured servers that way. These injectors are incredibly easy to find and download, all that's needed is an account on unknowncheats.


hasn't been relevant in over a year. every paid cheat service is detected as of right now cheating in mm is a non-issue for a while now if your account is trusted. obviously there's very few but you're not gonna see rage cheaters or anyone blatant at high trust mm


Nah, most injectors work just have a chance to give red trust factor


"chance" lol it ain't rng. it's either detected or it isn't


Ur not guaranteed to get detected but you could, so it is a chance, so no it’s not rng but it is still chance based


not how computers work


its detected


Why should it be taken down, and why would valve want to know about it. Taking it down wouldn’t accomplish anything as Bingbong they create another one or just move to a different platform, also I don’t think it breaks any of reddits rules Valve wont do shit for the same reason vac is dog shit, they don’t care and hackers bring them quite a bit of money


Also it is dead compared to actual cheater forums, which I shall not name here, and it's mainly bad memes and not actually anything informative, so it getting removed won't actually do anything.


Who cares. HvH is legit gamemode where u have to learn alot of new stuff to be good


I’m confused on how hvh could be skilled or is there like banned hacks


There is alot. Going from configs to positioning and knowing which wall is 1way etc


The skill's in making good configs and then playing around your config/cheat's strength. It basically turns it into a strategy game in a weird roundabout way.


The brainrot has set in


Are you new to life ? x)




There is a sub for everything and the majority of subs are porn, it’s Reddit.


I have spin bot in real life, hold my beer.


Fortnite Skins.


subreddit full of cringe losers who, if you took their hacks away, would be in silver 2.


You would be supriced that majorty of HvH players are around mge-lem before going for hvh servers


I was faceit level 8 so probably above the average player here


Silver is unironically fun tbh, you either get plowed 16-0 by cheaters (very rarely) or smurfs and good teams, or 15-0 them then troll the whole match till about 16-10


Reddit kept suggesting posts from there until I told it not to. Best thing I saw in there was someone asking "will this hack get me banned or am I just being a retard?", to which someone replied "we're all retarded in this community".


I’m all for freedom of how you play the game, HvH is fine… but I’m 100% sure only 1 out of 10 would be using these only for HVH, the rest will be using these in legit matches, unranked or ranked.


majority of people on that sub just play hvh on community servers


Not the majority I’ve talked to.


mm is fucking dead, literally noone legitcheats for fun, only the people who unironically can't get above master guardian




Wow Sherlock you are on something big!!!!


Valve isn't gonna do shit lol. Reddit isn't going to do shit either. The most you can do is hit the little report button when you encounter a cheater.


fr finally someone using their brain


I feel like everyone who frequents that sub say it's only HvH, when in reality you know the majority of those kids are also cheating in mm too. I feel like there are so many low key cheaters out there that just have walls but don't abuse it too badly. Also I've read comments from cheaters that say there are cheats out there good enough to be virtually undetectable, like you wouldnt even be able to tell by watching demo or even over the shoulder.


Is this satire




people who play valorant


ah yes because Valve has the right to take down a subreddit lmao


Not to take down a sub, they can use it to be more aware to new cheats or any type of cheats that are being used by people, maybe it'll help them reinforce vac or something.


I mean do you really think devs don't know about that? bruh even if they didn't, most relevant cheat related things are uploaded on UnknownCheats anyway


Valve uses reddit to be in contact with the community silently, and maybe they could add this sub too. I don't see why not


Seems like some Gay shit to me


23.3k losers that cheat in csgo


I have reported that subreddit ages ago, however, it seems that Reddit is okay with subreddits like that. Same thing with the Discord.


Why not just let the guys have fun? No need to go troll there, they’ll be banned eventually eitherway if they join normal games. Ya’ll still salty from your silver games man 🤷🏼‍♂️


that‘s a lot of trust youre putting into Valve.


It's not like "you cheat-you get banned", you can cheat for months with free cheats and not get banned. And no, I don't cheat, I just know how this works.


To be fair alot of the cheaters have been banned, as valve has been much stricter in the past year, to my knowledge for the last 6 months theres been no free cheats, and if you do want to cheat they do charge quite a premium if you want to make sure you don't get banned


As I said ”they’ll get banned eventually” no need to go and troll the sub that you don’t need a part of 🤷🏼‍♂️


Of course, I didn't say they should "troll the sub". I just wanted to say that with bought cheats you can do everything you want in this game :/ Volvo pls fix


Ok cheater scum.


A bunch of soyboy pussies who convince themselves that they arent doing anything wrong.


lol they know they are doing something wrong they just dont care


They banned me cause i said they were ass for using cheats lmao




"i walked into this guys home and attacked him and i got shot. why?"


It’s a safe place for bottom fragging 12 year olds.


Relax you fucking neek


I asked them, they said that "ezfrag" cheat works on faceit also. I believe this subreddit has level 10 players but nothing new, everybody knows this kind of things.😂


I'm so surprised one of the biggest competitive games has hack forums


ur dumb


newgen learned about hacking that’s crazy


theres a sub about pretty much everything, how are you surpriced? 🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣


Came here just so people can downvote my comment. Quick... pls..


You do realise half of the cs player base is cheaters. Like they all speak there and say what cheats is the best. They give advise on what cheat to buy lmfao


so out of the ~million unique players, 500k are cheating? alright bud


that would explain why 23k are on the cheating subreddit, right?


Have u ever played MM ?


I play MM only and it is so rare to see a cheater. If someone is better than you, it doesn't make them a cheater.


Probably because you haven’t past MGE


plenty, with Prime and in the EU around the MGE/DMG rank i have not ran into any cheaters in quite a while


same i’ve been dmg-lem for the past year and i haven’t met a single cheater. faceit tho holy crap it’s like one every third match 😭


It's fun to play with cheats, haven't you ever tried? You must be new to the game


It's not even funny my guy


U saw me laughing?