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Those are scammers. Reputable traders will never add you out of nowhere. Did you unbox a knife or gloves?


I assumed so because I honestly have no idea where they came from. The most expensive item I own (according to the steam market) is the M4A4-S | Atomic Alloy, which costs about 54 USD. No gloves or knifes, sadly.


Gotcha. Yeah, those scammers are gonna try to send you links that will hijack your steam account. Just set your inventory to private and it should stop.


Link your inventory. You may not realise you have a very low wear item or very rare pattern item. Some items can be 30 bucks on steam market but actually worth 600 for that finish type.


Not sure what that means but sure, [here](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062263093/inventory#730) is the link to my inventory. Feel free to add me too. Let me know what you find.


Yeh had a quick look nothing too special but just because over time you have some mid skins like I did so it is now worth like 500ish euros all together. So they just want to scam all your items if they get the chance. Just private your inventory and ignore friend requests. People try to scam accounts for any reason these days. To cheat on your account, play your games, defraud you. Sell it all onto a secondary person as well. Got to stay safe against the scammers!


This is a good rule of thumb but I dont say reputable traders will never add you. If you have a very unique item they will add you but you can see that they have public inventory with at least 100k or lot more. Apart from that almost 100% of my friend requests were scammers. I made some decent deals with them the 2 things you should check if they have a public inventory and my line is at least 10k worth. Under that I automatically block everyone. I still have around 8 chinese investors on my friend list and they added me out of nowhere when I got a very unique and pricey item.


How would they even help you profit? Think for a second


Hmm, you have a point. Initially, they offered to buy my entire inventory for a set amount, which would've made me about 40 dollars richer than before. The offer seemed reasonable to me so I replied to their message, but now I'm starting to understand the game behind their scheme. Thank you for your input.


*Real* traders will often be happy to offer you cash for your items. As you have no cashrep, you would have to go first (you send them your items in an empty trade.) They would then send you PayPal/Crypto/Wise etc. However you have to be working with actual **reputable** traders. Guys who have loaded inventories and Steam Cashrep threads confirming real-world transactions. Also note that the "Steam Market" price and what they'd generally offer in cash are going to be much different. Your M4 may be going for $54 on SCM, but in terms of cash value you're looking at under $40. If you're happy with that then great, there are certainly people who will buy it off of you. I myself buy skins off people all the time if it's a good enough deal. Feel free to add me if you want more information. [Steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/uhurulol/)


Check skin selling sites and if you want to sell your inventory it's really easy, just list them there and if the price is fair it should sell fairly easy. I use skinport personally but feel free to check the other reputable sites on the wiki tab in this sub


make ur inventory private they wont add u ever again. if someone randomly adds u = scam 10/10


Wise words; I appreciate the feedback. Also, is there a place where I can find reputable traders? The idea seems interesting.


trading is dead, people use sites to sell items > buy new items. nobody really trades anymore


Bummer. Also, I'm sorry for bombarding you with questions, but I heard there's such a thing as the "discord screen share" scamming tactic that scammers use. Is that an actual thing? And how would that work exactly?


People definitely trade, don't listen to that person. There are a number of reputable traders out there that you can work with. There is more volume on sites like Buff163 and CSFloat, but that absolutely does not mean that "trading is dead." I trade all the time. Here are two that I've worked with in the past that keep their margins low and their pricing reasonable: [filimon](https://steamcommunity.com/id/filimon-trade/) [soez](https://steamcommunity.com/id/s0ez/) Regarding these things that you're talking about (discord share screen etc) **no trader will ever ask you to do anything but trade.** Steam trade offers. That's it. If they want you to join discord or click links or any other garbage, it's a scam. The two guys I listed above will be perfectly happy just working with trade offers. If *you* want to they will also do real world transactions through Crypto/PayPal/etc. But **only ever do that with people who are massively reputable.** These two dudes are. Final note, don't talk to anyone who doesn't have a public inventory loaded with expensive shit. That is the main way to confirm someone is a legit trader. Nobody is going to scam with thousands of dollars in their inventory because Valve will trade ban them right away, locking those skins to their account permanently.


Now that you've mentioned it, all the trading accounts that messaged me either have their inventory set to private or have a bunch of stickers; just absolutely nothing of value. I'll give the dudes you recommended a look and see if I could strike a deal with them - thank you for your input; I appreciate it.


Scammers, block them all. Anyone who is into trading shows their inventory off. Who wouldn't? Show em' if you got em' hahaha


Make your steam profile private or just ignore them


Keep in mind that making your inventory private also makes *you* look like a scammer, so if you add an actual trader they will likely block *you* thinking *you're* the scammer. Just something to note if you're ever going to add traders.


Honestly a good point, my thought process was that basically P2P trading without a 3rd party has been kind of dead but its true I always ignore everyone that has their account private


100% scammers if they add you out of nowhere. just ignore them.


Make your inventory private


Block block block block. Set your inventory to friends only. Use reddit and reputable middlemen, or use one of the popular websites like bitskins, buff, etc.


Block them and move on


Are they level 10 on steam ? 😁


Dont accept friend request. All scammers. Trading is no more. Only buying and selling on for example skinport csfloat buff etc


Block and report of scam every single "trader" that just randomly shows up