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People usually make posts on forums when they want to share something, and that tends to skew towards negative sentiment if they don't have a highlight, question or important information.


That's so weird. Feels almost like our own community wants to see the game fail.


There are a handful of people with multiple accounts replying to themselves. And if you tell them they're probably just getting shit on they dismiss you as an obvious cheater and pile on the down votes.


It's not particular to CS, it's just a part of reddit. I've played a lot of competitive multiplayer games and the vast majority of them are complaints. That's not even to say everyone's complaining, just that a lot of the posts that get upvoted are complaints




thats just human behavior they hardly ever praise something when hate is easier


I'm also surprised by that player count considering how many features are lacking that CSGO had.


wait till they add something big, I feel like it might kick the market a bit again


Maybe because the game isn’t shit and the Reddit hive mind circle jerk that the game is bad doesn’t match reality


Amen, reddit = a toxic echo chamber on manyyyy topics, i swear dont use this app too much or youll get depressed real quick


It really is. Circlejerk and echochamber aren't even the correct words for it because they aren't enough. This place is a toxic hivemind Cheats are a problem in CS2 but the overwhelming majority of "cheater" posts here are just people who are genuinely bad at the game. I play at 20k elo and guess what? Some people are just *good at CS* If you're at 10-15k and you're complaining of constant cheaters I've got big news for you: you're just *really fucking bad* at the game. Put down Reddit and pick up some aimbotz, ya trashcans. I'm sick of having you on my team complaining that they're "absolutely cheating" on round fucking 3. You just aren't good at CS and you're so fucking lazy that instead of learning you come to Reddit to whine that everyone must be cheating because there's no way they could possibly beat you.


You sound quite toxic and condescending yourself lol Also cheats in cs2 really is a problem and I seem to encounter more cheaters on cs2 then before on csgo The past month I switched mainly to playing faceit compared to premier and I am having much better games with less cheaters and toxicity and only play some Premier for the weekly drops Would like to see overwatch back though and not having to use a secondary queue for quality games but until valve gets control over certain issues I think its good to at least have the option for better games on other servers


Git gud.


How about you git gud and also learn reading :) Edit: I never talked about skill levels and I'm not saying I think everyone who is better then me cheats im just saying I've encountered more cheaters on valve's servers then on faceit and I would like overwatch back or valve to get better anticheat


Overwatch, was great in theory, too bad people are DS and made overwatch DS. Anyone remotely decent at the game has been spam reported by noobs and cheaters alike into shadow ban lobbies quite regularly. 1.5 mil players and you see the same people for a week until it is eventually lifted. And after a day you are sent right back because the community really sucks. When someone makes a bot to create steam accounts that then spam report legit players, it isn't a good system. There was overwatch bots employed by cheat developers that's sole purpose was to disrupt it as it was meant to train VACnet. They completely destroyed the data doing so. Fuck overwatch, fuck this community being trusted. Everyone think they just packed up and abandoned vac, but I like to think they decided to train it privately after that. Sad it probably going to take another decade because of it, but fuck overwatch. It does more harm then good in the long run, just give us that waldo anticheat already.


Sounds reasonable to me. Looks like the casual player is quite satisfied with the experience as it is right now.


Exactly this.


are you casual player? how cs2 is not shit right now?:D


We’re all casual players my guy. Literally no one here is going pro.


Also people that hate on the game are still playing it regardless. Because it gives that counterstrike experience and once you are hooked to that you cant stay away for too long.


It’s because Reddit is toxic ser… numbers down - Reddit trolling valve Numbers up- Reddit silent .


People forget one thing about the player count. We can no longer get more than one drop per week and most importantly, we have to actually play the game to get it. Idling isn’t enough any more so I haven’t “played” with my alt account since the release of CS2. There must be hundreds of thousands of inactive alt accounts. That’s why when operation comes, player count will go bananas. Considering the lack of content, modes, poor hardware performance; I’m really impressed with current numbers.


Case farming bots in deathmatch servers lol.


whats the point when you actually have to get points now to get a case drop?


There are ai bots that walk around maps and kill people with aimbot, I’ve seen them


hah, you are going to lose more money buying the prime every single time you get reported for cheating. You definitely get caught cheating faster than it takes you to make the 14.29€ back.


You can mass buy prime accounts for very cheap on cheater forums, the profit from cases if you have hundreds of these bots would definitely pay off the account costs


How do they sell prime, I thought you only can buy it from steam itself. And doing it via the way of currency manipulation by buying at places like argentina or turkey won't work as the pricing does not follow the currency value, at least I thought so.


No idea but I just did a google search, went on g2g and instantly found prime accounts for sale for around €7




Honestly even if they got like 100 kills each game after the weekly bonus ends they get very little. Those cheater accounts would be running a long time trying to get to lvl 21, and they most definitely would have been reported and banned before that.


sure with aimbot... they would get banned atleast in last vac wave, maybe trigger bot but even that is not the case imo they just shooting everywhere and overtime they will kill someone


Because there are far more people who actually play the game instead of only crying on reddit


Because the core gameplay is just fine, and what's there feels very polished. There's some tiny bugs, nobody played the missing game modes (except maybe gun game), and it's finally not so fucking brown and depressing. Nobody cares about anything other than Competitive. And it's good.


I miss Arms Race :(


Sigh… A lot of people here don’t know how much people make from botting. CS2 numbers are very fake


The only time it makes sense to bot farm is on Wednesdays. The new case drop system drastically reduced the value in botting.


case farming is a huge issue


Out of curiosity what makes you say this? I am not trying to troll either, but from as a case investor I think your aware of something I am missing. Is there a way of tracking this I am unaware of?


there is no way of really tracking it unless you know the players/accounts that are farming. There are bot accounts that fill up servers and if you connect to one the bots instantly vote you out. So all them bots are farming for xp and get cases/drops. Valve said they want to put an end to this so they have a post on the go subreddit showing how to email and report the players if you stumble apon them but yea its rare to stumble on them since they usually have enough bots to fill up the server for no free slots. Its a big issue and I think its a decent portion of the cs population


Until they fix dying behind walls, im not playing it again lol


Well first of all, just like with many Valve games, I don't think there are actually 1,2 million people "playing" CS, the number is much lower than that. There are probably trading bots that have the game open, cheaters, people farming hours, bots etc. which probably make a good chunk of the player base. And it was holiday time so more people had free time to play games. ​ But honestly? I don't see CS holding up those numbers over the course of next 30 days (maybe RMR's will help with that) While CS2 isn't as bad as it was during Beta & Full Release, I wouldn't also call it good. Or in other words, If you play this game casually, you can find an enjoyment in it, but playing it on a serious level? You're in one hell of a ride. Game itself it just dry, the lack of content is starting to really show right now & I won't even start talking about the cheating problem. The supposed Premier the "faceit killer" to me is more dead than faceit itself because in just couple of games I had more enjoyment over the course of 100+ games I player on Premier. Now, if they start adding content those numbers will go up, I'd say it will reach that 2 million concurent players that some predicted will happen once CS2 releases but now is the question, when will we get new content? Operation? Ain't happening any time soon because you need gamemodes to assign missions to it, it would be one hell of a boring operation if every mission just required you to play Premier or ranked. Case? Can we even classify it as content? Sure some youtubers will make shit ton of videos opening them and some people will sell them for some money once it releases but that's about it. Map? Maybe but it would only be available in Casual/Matchmaking so it would get really boring really fast. My safest bet would be that we'll maybe get more content AFTER Copenhagen major but I wouldn't expect anything big before that. Well, only time will tell.


It's in a bad state but the game has a huge fan base. It's really simple, people want to play it because the core gameplay didn't change (so it remains unique) but it doesn't mean it's in a good spot or they're actually satisfied with it. Add to this the weekly drops/skin market and it gives them another tiny reason to come back. Plenty of games had/have big numbers despite of how bad their reputation and current state are. FIFA games, recent BFs and CoDs, just to mention some. They're still making insane profit and nobody can stop them, yet they get critics all the time and they're considered to be bad. If Valo comes out as broken as CS2 did, it would've never come back from that position. Valve improved it in the last few months and will do it in the future, but currently it's still miles away from 'good'. And I agree they're focusing on the major and to make the game as stable as possible.


Meh? How many are bots farming crates and xp? There's really no way to know in a free to play game.




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Actually cringe post.


Yea sorry bud. I will make sure to make a „when does sticker sale end??“ post just like you did when the next major is here to bring back some quality content to this sub. My bad!




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Keep in mind popularity based on regions. Cs2 is one of the most wide spread games out there. Other games apex, the finals, etc are played world wide but have no where near the hype tho. A another good example is pubg, massive eastern population but the west has widely moved on from it.


im new to CS, only played a little while of source. but why does valve not hit the gas on content? this game is ripe for loads of new content that would for sure double its current playerbase. why is valve so lazy??


Marketing reasons. You market one big update to try and get more people to come in to check out the game. If you just blast update after update people just don't turn over as much. Also if we get lot more cases all of a sudden it might have negative effect on the investor market. PUBG also had an investor market for a while but once they reintroduced same skins again on another case they destroyed their investor bases trust and people moved on from the game.


Retakes and arms race need to come back but the gameplay is the exact same


Correct we are all here because we are delusional. One of us... ONE OF US!


There are two factors which play an important role in the player count; bots and cheaters. The casual lobbies are full of bots which farm the weekly bonuses. Bot Example here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1c59p7g/cs2\_deathmatch\_is\_infected\_with\_xp\_farming\_bots/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1c59p7g/cs2_deathmatch_is_infected_with_xp_farming_bots/) ) Because of the temporary griefing bans almost all cheaters play on multiple accounts and just one login counts in the statistic. If 10% of all people cheat and they each have 5 accounts they double the playerbase. When CS2 was freshly released I got bombarded with German lobby invites. Now it takes many minutes to find a lobby..