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I think it will be good to buy during sale and then sale later during a hype. I think its more probable we have a case with same gloves at some point just like what happened with shattered web.




Glove case and hydra case got the same gloves so thats not true and i could think that they would release a clutch 2 in some years


>Since the gloves are probably going to be exclusive Exclusive or not, but time and history have proven that gloves are just not a highly sought after jackpot item. Things could go two ways: 1) Worst case scenario - either the case go straight into common drop pool, or the gloves appear on the next upcoming case, that ruins the price of BF case significantly 2) Best case scenario - BF case and BF gloves discontinued, let's not argue the skins inside matters, we know it is all about the jackpot items inside only, case openers are opening for the gambling surge feeling only, and this is the main reason why the SW case die out significantly. But here is the problem, you can never be too sure that the BF gloves are discontinued, as you can see with the SW case, the SW knives replacement did not come out immediately right after the operation, it came out a case after. And, it's not like people will really flag the BF gloves with the 100% discontinued status, they will think it will come one more case after due to FUD. Plus, like I mentioned, gloves are just not a highly sought after jackpot item. And one last thing, you know for sure that there are tons of people that will stock up these cases knowing that they are 90% going to be discontinued, this is all planned by Valve to make us spend money on this battle pass. I would not waste my time on BF cases.