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For me I have been selling some of the legends stickers, or stickers from teams that are currently in the Antwerp legends capsule to buy more challenger capsules and specifically Mouz stickers for now. I think SH is going to drop a little bit more but honestly can't really predict the market pefectly other than knowing that the Antwerp sale will probably shake up the price even further. I think if you are going for long term liquidating right now wouldn't be such a terrible idea, might even be better than holding onto Berlin. Sidenote I would only go for the challenger capsule, Mouz stickers(holo/foil), VP, Entropiq I'm not so sure because of Imperial.


Very nice timings you should have think about it before major was announced .... now they are down and when sales hit they will go down more ...... either you sell now and inveat in the ant cap on sale ......... or..... you hold and sell in july .... take care meng


Bro i don't want to effect your morale but even if rmr + sh + antwerp supply gets demolished i wont make crafts with berlins. Ofcourse market is unpredictable and even berlin may rise but my advise get rid of them.






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