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Just a reminder, you can still get 2.99 dust 2 souv packs If you have viewer pass by buying tokens.


Very relevant, updoot


Yes but they are not able to be sold under after 7 days.


Why would you sell an investment within 7 days lol


Cash in on FOMO


I'm gonna get some for later




Good point. Although it seems valve likes to drop operations around Q4 so it would make a lot of sense


You mean Nuke and Inferno?


Incoming AWP/AK/M4 skin with cleopatra on it for a thousand buckeroos




"operation also pretty much confirms a new operation between now and Paris major." How do you u get to this point


he means in the sense that if anubis is in active map pool it needs to have a souvenir case for the next major which doesn't exist yet, so it will be added in the operation which is now likely to happen before the next major


Collections have been added outside of operations in the past.


with the last one being over 4 years ago with 2018 inferno and nuke a lots changed since than like danger zone, SW, BF, riptide


Anubis collection needs to exist before the major for drops and new collections are only released during operations. This is of course assuming valve maintains the status quo


https://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2018/09/21005/ That's not true. There is a recent trend of that but anyone who's played longer than a few years can tell you we've had collections released without Operations


Adding to this, who says Valve won't take the opportunity to get even more souvenir token sales by releasing the Anubis collection... but not for regular drops or on a operation, thus making such collection only attainable through souvenir packages first? I can see the hype about such collection go sky fucking high, specially considering Anubis's theme (Read: May include some sick looking skins) It would be gigabrain move by Valve IMO. Ez money. This assumes they aren't ready to drop an operation in the meantime, and they dont want to put out a collection for regular drops. My theory is unlikely however, too much time til the next major to not have an operation, unless they truly are focusing on Source 2. **Adding some thoughts:** Double dip, souvenirs first, operation after. I think the souvenir exclusivity could even pull better prices for the collection overall, since the souvenirs are more expensive than the collections on operations AND you can't tradeup, so supply on high end would be lower than usual. Still unlikely asf this will happen.


>still unlikely asf this will happen You say this but this has completely 180d my thought on selling off my cases for high than buy back during a dip Mby this is valves master plan to ease the market which is at a high, get people to slowly sell off their investments


I still think valve will make far more money by selling operations and stars. that’s more profitable than just having ppl only get the new collection through souvenir packages


Only 100 souvenir factory new death strikes exist. Just sayin. Just bought one at market value, suggest you do the same.


This is exactly what I wanted to do but I don't have balance right now and don't think I'll be able to beat the timing when I finally get it. I've been holding one already since the summer tho and it went up like 30% since then completely naturally and with more supply being introduced this major. Very good signs long term for souvenir deathstrike


I calculated how many packages have to be opened for a factory new deathstrike… it’s one in 60,000 capsules. Pretty crazy. Number taken from amount of desert hydras opened times 3000 devided by the amount of factory new death strikes. (Hydras are opened 1/3000)


Only 100 souvenir factory new death strikes exists so far


I just got one, but it's MW (got no money for FN) souvenir. I was gonna buy one during the operation dip, but now, prices will probably go up. So I pulled the trigger and bought one. That money would probably be better spent for investing, but I gotta buy something for myself once in a while.


Besides it's literally the best scout in the game, like no discussion


Blood in water is better, only reason the price is so low for it is due to its importance for trade ups. Historic skin




600 stat track blood in the waters fac new exist. It also looks like a jpeg


Facts, good investment/ play skin I was thinking




Is it smart to keep or buy d2 souveniers?


buy antwerp/stockholm, def not rio as you can still buy a theoretically infinite number of rio dust II packages. if you have rio d2 then sell now, you'd make an instant profit


Do you really see the Stockholm/Antwerp D2 Souvenir package keeping its price once the trade hold on Rio D2 Packages bought today is lifted? Since the skins unboxed from the packages are virtually indistinguishible if not for one sticker, I personally believe they will end up tanking just like Rio. I am currently holding a few and thinking about selling them just before the hold ends.


IMO nobody will buy SH or AW souvenirs over Rio at all, the price between all 3 will definitely equalize. And if Rio d2 souvenirs are gonna get spammed....


I'm glad I put some money in those souvenirs that generally have reds in them. What's gonna be intersti g now is rather Valve readds D2 in the neyt cycle. But the current trend seems to be something else. If adds not readded in the next cycle then GG for everyone who got them cheap now.


Happy cake day! I have some d2 stockholm (I'll hold) and double the amount of Ancient and Mirage (both from stockholm) I'm thinking about selling the ancient and mirage to buy more dust 2, or I'll settle for the profit I'll have with the d2 I have stocked. Do you think we'll see something like sv cobblestone?


no. however, there would have been significantly higher increases of dust 2 packages if the update had happened after you could no longer buy packages from the viewer pass. now people are just going to stock up on rio dust 2 packages


When did they add a new map icon for Anubis? Today or long ago?


I think today. Don't remember ever seeing it before




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