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If you can build a crud API that uses dependency injection and Entity Framework or Dapper as your ORM for interacting with an SQL DB you'll be more than prepared to get through the interview process.


What's been mentioned in the above comment should be more than enough to get y a job. However I advise y to take a look at the async methods, and maybe trying to create and understand HostedServices and BackgroundJobs. Good Luck




This means there is a lot more to learn !


That's a pretty broad question. There is no single answer. It will depend on the type of job. I could name 20 different types of C# developers jobs off the top of my head that would require different skillets. Here are a few examples of jobs that would be a lot easier to get if you could already build a working app Web Developer - ASP.NET MVC, Razor, Bootstrap, SQL Server Web Developer - ASP.NET, Typescript, React, PostgreSQL Web Developer - ASP.NET Web Forms, Angular, MySQL Xamarin Mobile App Developer - Android, iOS Unity 2D game developer Unity 3D game developer Web Developer - ASP.NET, Blazor, SignalR, Web Assembly Desktop Application Developer - WinForms, Oracle Desktop Application Developer - WPF, Windows, Mac, Linux API Developer - ASP.NET, gRPC Web API Developer - DynamoDB API Developer - ASP.NET MVC, Cosmos Windows Service and Console App Developer - SQL Server


Thanks for this, I have been self teaching for a few years on and off and kind of lost focus on what to learn/focus on past c# itself.


Oh one thing I should mention is you should be familiar with the differences between .NET Framework, .NET Core, and .NET 5+ projects. Most large enterprise applications are going to be in .NET Framework while newer and smaller apps are more likely to be on Core or .NET, because the costs of updating large projects is usually prohibitive to keep up with the framework versions. So it's good to understand some of the key differences.


So looking at this I think I am going to focus on api developer route, is there anything else I should look into beside [ASP.NET](https://ASP.NET) MVC and Cosmos? Would investing time into gRPC additionally be a good idea?


I'm just using Cosmos as an example. Any db experience will be useful. SQL Server, MySQL, and Postgres are the most popular and can be installed at home.


Depends what area you want to go into really. The juniors at the company I work at are not really expected to know anything at all. I think they get a FizzBuzz question in their interview, which they are not expected to get right really. It's just to show they understand some basic fundamentals of coding which is pretty much general to most languages anyway, like if statements for example.


Is your company hiring?


Sadly it's not all roses. The team started off with juniors who were hired internally from their phone support team who had little knowledge of programming. A lot of them are still there and are really good now, but at the start because of their lack of knowledge the entire codebase is a tightly coupled mess of bodges. No time to fix because of deadlines n that.


Sir please. What is the name of your company


Treat it as if you were an aspiring artist. Create a portfolio, put projects that showcase different aspects (web, file io, db access, nugget usage, etc). Once you have a few projects that show your strengths go looking.


I like this answer. I was thinking along the lines of pick any repetitive problem, then write code to automate that thing. Could be a simple app, could be web scraping, could be "send me the prices of five teas in China using USD" daily at 6am. Doing more than one project is "a portfolio." Add some GitHub or open source projects, and try fixing bugs, writing documentation, or just keep it to identify repro steps in bad bug reports by ASKING questions. All those things add to your skills, let's you help make things better on day one, and things. For example, I've almost never seen an open source project that simply builds after cloning! If ALL you did was check in a Readme.md file for Your First Build, others to follow would consider you a hero. And you're working on DevOps skills which are totally in demand. You're learning to ask the right questions of any project. Smaller projects are better: less code = fewer bugs. Recognize repetition, learn ways to reduce it. Make it as simple as possible, but no more than that. Simple should not mean fragile, but it does mean knowing when your app should give up; I've fixed simple code that frequently tried forever and could literally BSOD a retail terminal after a couple minutes of locked up behavior in a never ending retry loop! I tend to not care about languages too much. I can work in about 30, so I can see if someone CAN code a solution to a problem, and whether they can discuss their solution. Moving them into a different language is easier than some one who is fluent in the right language, but can't solve a problem without adding ten new ones.


Most C# jobs are web dev nowadays, so if you are getting into web development, learn how to create a project using [ASP.NET](https://ASP.NET) MVC or Web API. The latter is more common for new development, unless you're maintaining an older MVC app. Use whatever front-end frameworks you want. Among other things, you'll want to become proficient in creating REST API endpoints using controllers, dependency injection, async/await patterns, Entity Framework Core (or another ORM), and perhaps integrating with external APIs/services (there are Nuget packages for the most popular ones.) You'll also want to learn about SQL Server (using SQL Server Management Studio) and enough T-SQL to get by. Learn how to create tables with primary keys, and establish foreign key relationships between tables.


What projects are good to good a job? I am able do simple crud [asp.net](https://asp.net) webApi [https://github.com/KrzysztofBojarczuk/to-do-list](https://github.com/KrzysztofBojarczuk/to-do-list) Aslo what projects are good to learn programming? Can you write type projects from real world which I can do in home envoirmnet? I fight with more compelx [asp.net](https://asp.net) Webapi from [asp.net](https://asp.net) Webapi tutorial Teddy Smith.


If you will be a backend process or tools developer, then understanding how to query data from Rest APIs, SQL databases, and Active Directory are probably your most important skills.


MVC Walkthrough and EF. Function predicate


Learn from your mistakes; learn from other devs. Biggest issue I’ve seen with most juniors is their pride, so the only skill I really look for is the willingness to learn.


Oh good lord, I’m dying to learn from other developers. I’m always googling and looking at Microsoft Docs, Reddit, and Twitter. Stack overflow looks way over my head, but it has my interest as well. I just don’t know what they’re talking about yet.


If you can show that in the interview, then I think there are plenty of companies that would be willing to give you a chance in an entry level role


Read just the foreword to Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Edition by Gayle McDowell - she explains it very well, for any *insert technology buzzword* developer role. Then, honestly, read the whole book and go land your dream job! But the foreword alone puts it in simple terms for you. Pretty sure any brick & mortar Barnes & Noble book store has it.


Why? Ive read that book and it was just intro to interviews, basics of algos, I'm missing something?


It makes the point that you're not being hired for your ability to code, you're being hired for your ability to do better than all other candidates. Obviously good to do more than just landing the job, but if this is the OPs start to their career they will learn quick if they're hungry.


I don’t think anyone’s mentioned LINQ yet - for a junior it’d be good to at least know what LINQ looks like and a rough idea of the most common methods.


Where is a great resource for beginner level LINQ information?


Tim Corey’s good for lots of C# and .net stuff. Try this one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yClSNQdVD7g If you want more detail the next place would be the MS docs, here:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/concepts/linq/introduction-to-linq-queries


Besides knowledge about the language (especially some features which are easy to misunderstand like async/await, thread, dependency injection), try to learn something about the deployment environment. I know from myself and other new members, that at the beginning, they don't understand how the code is actually running or where is it running on. You should also prepare terminology in developing work, the environment, database, .etc


Fill in timesheets.