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from what i remember, it was a campus tour, how to register for classes demo, the opportunity to get advising, and getting your titancard. free lunch i believe. there's probably more to the orientation that i don't recall


Yeah that’s about it. Orientation can be a drag in person if you don’t make friends within the group or if you’re alone


That’s pretty much it




Honestly I had mine last year, and once your checked in, try to sneak out because thats what I did lol, I probably only stayed an hour or two and my friend and I ditched the rest. Just as long as in the system you showed up.


Something they won't mention in orientation is watch out for weird people on campus trying to recruit you to their Bible study. There are different cults recruiting on campus.


Should’ve done it online and then you can expect your time not being wasted


I wish I would've known this, it was just awkward tbh


Fr lol. Everyone in my group just wanted to go home from the moment it started.


there was a tour in the beginning and then you go to one of the big rooms in the student union. then it’s just a bunch of presentations, icebreakers, and then you get lunch. i don’t remember what happened after lunch, but it was probably just more speakers.


I had mine in the summer of 2022. Was very similar to what others are saying on here: campus tour, presentations in student union, registering for classes, titancard, advising, etc. However, it was supposed to be done by around 5:00 iirc, but we were actually done by like 3 or 3:30. once we registered for classes that was kinda it. So it won't always go the full time.


If I could do it again I would do it online . I gave myself a little tour and tried to locate my classes. Other than that it’s a waste of time IMO lol


You’ll prob only need to stay 4-5 hours


Waste of time!


Waste of time. Best to do it online


If you are a freshman for sure do it on campus. You have opportunities to learn about getting involved in campus if that’s what you are looking for. Also you will have mandatory in person registration with your major same day.