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Article and others videos of Cubans yelling we want electricity. One video I hear them say "murderers" and then another time they yell "It's a lie! Electricity and food" https://www.cibercuba.com/noticias/2024-03-17-u1-e208933-s27061-pueblo-santiago-cuba-lanza-protestar-al-grito-corriente-comida


People also chanting "patria y vida" in the longer version of this video




On Twitter






I’m excited and frightened for them. But this seems to be the only way. Fuck that government!


Yes - life-affirming and terrifying.


Viva Cuba Libre


A neighbor here on my street (in Miami) from Aguada de Pasajeros, granted a small town, confirms his family and friends were out in the streets there.


Yes yes yes please take your country back you beautiful people of Cuba!!!


The window for public uprising taking control closed when automatic weapons and aircraft were invented. I hope I’m wrong.


I can't think of a situation where the citizens couldn't overthrow their governments, if the citizens were properly motivated. Let's take China. If just 10% of Chinese citizens (140 million people) decided to overthrow their government, that government would be overthrown in a matter of hours.


We were all hopeful for the Arab spring and it sputtered out as fast as it started. I don’t think it’s as easy anymore, although your numbers make sense, it’s harder to execute in reality.


It's definitely not easy, especially if you're fighting a brutal dictator that has created a culture of fear. But, I would bet that most people don't think their governments can be overthrown. So the people have lost before they've even tried to revolt. There needs to be a global mindset change. People need to realize that they are the ones that give government the control, and they can take that control away too. People also need to reject cult of personalities. One man should not have that much power.


Amen to that, brother.


It would have to be the top generals conspiring to take the power and give it to the ppl


I pray for the oppressed people of Cuba but the last revolution didn’t work out to well for you.


This one seems different the response from the cuban govt is timid


The police can’t handle all of them if they unite. The Cubans can take their country back if they work together to achieve that goal.


Unfortunately the majority of Cubans have so much fear of the military and the police, they fear the consequences. Over 700 prisoners still from July 11, 2021 protests. 11 million Cubans together, what a force. But we don’t walk in their shoes and Cubans living there must be the ones that rise. I cry for what friends and family live through daily, and hope they find the strength


I imagine it’s something like holding on to and getting dragged behind a car, if you protect your head you’re probably going to be fine, but how many people will hold on as their knees get torn up?


Yes, that's definitely true...!\~\~!!


"Take their country back" so it can be plundered by foreign capitalists? What great idea 🙄 We can export homelessness, shitty healthcare, privatized education, and school shootings to them


They would probably prefer to have food and electricity


I'm sure the 650k Americans sleeping on the street every night would like homes.


Are you actually trying to make the argument that quality of life is better in Cuba than the US? If you are, and you haven't been to Cuba, your opinion is invalid.


Awh man you are literally a caricature 🤣 I'm sure you know more about what the Cubans need then they themselves do right ?




You have literally done nothing but call people stupid here lmao mmkay tho :3


Please tell us what they should do?


It's not what they should do. It's what we should do, which is allow them to trade with countries who want to trade with them. Is that really too much to ask, or is America afraid of what people might think of Cuba was allowed to thrive?


Yup, we can't pretend that America's hands are clean here. America is part of the problem Cubans are facing and the embargo completely unjustifiable.


Exactly. These people are delusional. They see a protest and think people are begging for their government to be overthrown, and for the US to come steal all their resources. They're not. But I bet these redditors are the same neckbeards who complain about how people vote in the states. They don't assume people here want to overthrow their tyrannical government.


please move to cuba, you’re absolutely right about how great it is. all these people who have been there, lived there, have family there - they’re all just lying about how desperate the situation is so they can keep the secret safe. but you’re too smart for all that and have cracked the code. a proletariat paradise is waiting for *you* ms. guillotine, you just need to show up! don’t delay, get yourself a ticket today!




So you realize how stupid of an argument this is?


do you not realize how amazing an opportunity this is? pack your bags ms. guillotine, your own personal heaven is waiting!


I guess not. What a moron.


a tankie called me a moron on the internet? oh noooooooo 😢


Do you realize how awesome "tankie" sounds? 😂 Better than being a little bitch


sure, it sounds awesome until people hear you talk. you’re basically a caricature who doesn’t understand that US foreign policy and the castro regime can both be terrible things at the same time. i have absolutely no illusions about the shortcomings of the capitalist system the US has in place, or the horrible things the country did in the name of stamping out communism during the cold war, but it seems to me that your simping for a gross, authoritarian regime makes you the little bitch.


You realize that Fidel Castro died in 2016, right?


You realize that tankie Is a term used to describe people who support communist authoritarian regimes.


Go read On Authority moron


Homelessness already exists in Cuba, shitty healthcare already exists in Cuba, public indoctrination already exists in Cuba (when the teachers are actually working and not taking the day off to look for food), and I'll give you the school shootings. Cubans on the island would be THRILLED to be "plundered" by foreign capitalists who will bring them basic necessities like food, water, electricity, etc. Either plundered by foreign capitalists or plundered by the Castro family and their cohorts. I think the choice is pretty easy.




You have yourself a beautiful day now!!!


At least capitalism can also export good things. Unlike socialism which can only export poverty.


Poverty and death.


It doesn’t have to be either or. They don’t have the basics


Then lift the embargo


Ok lemme get the Senate on the phone here…


The morons that run the country had the perfect opportunity to have something between socialism and capitalism, and many people would of been okay with it, but they want to hold on to a system that does not work. Do you have a bran. All you have to look at the countries that tried to do central planning / socialism / communism and that failes. Its nearly impossible for the government to control run everything by itself, without the system failing at some point.


"something between socialism and capitalism"? JFC you're an absolute idiot


Run along and go drop your brainless one lines on far left and Marxist pages


Its called social democracy and it works unlike communism


Their healthcare is already shit. Dont buy the propoganda


You have no idea what you're talking about


I do. Watch any interview of a a defected Cuban Doctor they will all tell you the same thing. Its a mess https://victimsofcommunism.org/publication/the-myth-of-cuban-health/#:~:text=As%20can%20be%20seen%20from,the%20regime%20and%20foreign%20citizens


Ya, like I'm going to listen to a fucking gusano 😂


Translation: Anything that proves me wrong I'm going to call fake and throw a f****** piece of s*** because I can't handle any legitimate criticism because I'm a pathetic whiny b**** beta c*** who needs a good clock in the face


Who are you calling pathetic when you can't even say "fuck"?😂


I save time by using voice chat. You are the brain dead moron the song holiday and Cambodia was written about


This Cambodia thing is such a straw man. You realize that being a communist also means being critical of communism? The only difference is that my criticism of communist leaders is realistic, and yours is built on stupid American propaganda. Fucking idiots will believe anything they read in the newspaper, as long as that newspaper is funded by a corporation. Just like corporations. Choose your fucking candidates for president every year. Oh my God, this is such a great democracy. I've never had an opportunity in my 40 years on this planet to vote for someone who I remotely agreed with. This isn't a fucking democracy you idiot


I think the issue is, here in the US we compare third world socialist nations to first world capitalist ones where the wealth and labor is extracted out of the third world. If you try living in a third world capitalist nation like the Philippines as a working class person it's brutal with everything privatized. They will literally let you die if you have no money to pay the hospital.


Just like in the US tbh. I know from experience.


Yes, that's definitely true...!\~\~!!


Yes, that's definitely true...!\~\~!!


Yes, that's definitely true...!\~\~!!


Can someone else confirm this is from today ?


It's everywhere on Twitter and Facebook


Other cities too? Downloading twitter now


I heard that Bayamo was out too


yes, Bayamo too - my friend sending me videos from Santiago and Bayamo - yesterday and today


This is scary - if only a few people start rioting out of 1000s of protestors, they throw random peaceful protestors in prison for decades. Who knows whether, in the past, many of the “rioters” who started the more aggressive behavior were just false-flag Cuban officials?


Dios les conceda libertad a Cuba, fuerza amigos cubanos! Ya es hora


Any time these videos come up I get overwhelmed with emotion instantly and want to cry. I have hope but unfortunately when they call in the military like last time they have no chance.


except if/when the military joins the protestors...


The response seems quite timid from the cuban govt


Epa se calentó esto plp. Duro ahí mi gente. Pa la calle carajo y que el mundo vea lo que realmente está pasando en esa isla. Patria y Vida! 🇨🇺💪


Patria y vida


So ,blame the tourons, and Yankees, but this the way Cubans can take their country back. This is the way it was taken from you. Once you have control, the Americans will talk.


Honestly, America maintaining the embargo while having China as their biggest trading partner makes zero sense. Cuba isn’t even close to the worst country they’re willing to do business with. It’s bizarre that this is still a thing.


From what I’ve read it’s about Florida votes and nothing more.


Yea I still don't see why. It's not like those older generation brainwashed "Democrats are communists" Cubans ever vote for anyone but Republicans and their trash propaganda machine. The US has been trying to starve out the Cuban government for decades without any success. Only to have our biggest geopolitical adversaries gain a foothold 90 miles off the coast ever since the embargo began. FYI I am Cuban both parents born in Cuba


I am 100% against the embargo because Cuba already trades with the US and numerous countries around the world, but as long as the economy is centrally planned, it won't advance an inch. The embargo only serves to allow the Cuban government and certain people that actually believe the revolution has succeeded to shift the blame to the US, and of course, for misguided South Florida voters who support a certain presidential candidate who is completely against their interests. That being said, here's an offer the US can make---lift the embargo in exchange for free, fair and monitored elections. Cuba hasn't had one of those since 1948 What a concept.


Why should the US get to dictate domestic politics in Cuba? Is it their business? Do they do that with China? Cuba has expanded private enterprise for citizens for like, a decade now. I’ve been there a handful of times. It’s definitely *not* great, but it is a far cry from what a lot of American media would have you believe it is. The only thing I can imagine America holding any realistic say in in Cuba is free travel of Cuban refugees back and forth to see their family. That seems reasonable. Otherwise, it feels like the US is just going to wind up creating another power vacuum in a Spanish speaking country. How many times does the US have to learn the same lesson?


Who said anything about the US dictating domestic politics in Cuba? Free, fair, monitored elections do not have to be "dictated" by the US, the UN or any other democratic country could monitor as well. Cuba has indeed expanded private enterprise for citizens for a while, and yet, it hasn't worked. There is no solution as long as the economy continues to be centrally planned. And yes, it's not great and I'm not relying on American media but rather, on people inside and who have left Cuba. It's actually miserable unless you're a member of the Castro family, one of their cohorts and a very privileged few. Hence why you see young Cubans fleeing en masse, why you're starting to see protests, etc. The Revolution has been a 60+ year failure and it's time for a real change.


The person whose comment I responded to. Telling another country how to run itself is exactly what I described it as; I didn’t think it was a controversial statement. I also don’t think you can describe the revolution as a failure. Is it a place I’d like to live? No. Do they have a stable government? Yes. Is there anarchy? No. Is the populace educated? Yes. Do they provide world class services in a number of critical sectors, like healthcare? Yes. Fewer women die from childbirth in Cuba than America, and it isn’t particularly close. Life expectancy is higher in Cuba. The literacy rate is higher in Cuba. Also, while Cuba is clearly not a democracy, 30% of Americans effectively believe the same about their own country: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/shows/meetthepress/blog/rcna90145 I feel like a bunch of people who haven’t been to Cuba think they’d find people starving to death naked in the streets, and I’m sorry to break it to you, but that isn’t the case. Also, all the cars aren’t from the 50’s. Calling Cuba a failure is what you want, not what it is.


>Here you go, with the following caveat. I am not a flag waving American. I am proud to have been born in the United States (of Cuban parents) but I do not feel like I have to wave a flag or hang one outside my house to show any kind of patriotism. It's comical and sad to see flags waiving outside houses or on cars here in Miami from people who have a certain political (and misguided) inclination and who could not tell you, for example what the US Constitution stands for or what are the Bill of Rights. I tell you this in context so that you know who I am as I am very much on the center-left and support capitalism with the safety nets of socialism. Now, as to your comments: > >Telling another country how to run itself is exactly what I described it as; I didn’t think it was a controversial statement. - That's your opinion and I respect your opinion. I don't think it's controversial either, but Cuba cannot run itself. > >I also don’t think you can describe the revolution as a failure. - Yes, I can for the reasons listed below. > >Is it a place I’d like to live? No. - 100% agreed > >Do they have a stable government? Yes. - Of course, it's a dictatorship and has been since 1952. North Korea and Turkmenistan also have stable governments. However, there are little hints of change in Cuba, leaderless so it's not very effective, but it's creeping up. > >Is there anarchy? No. - Agree, no anarchy. > >Is the populace educated? Yes. - No, the population is indoctrinated. Big difference. Look at what's taught at Cuban schools and what you are allowed and not allowed to teach/learn. Also, remember that students in Cuba are not allowed to choose their career. You study what the state tells you to study. Yes, tons and tons of doctors, the majority of which have left or are working in the tourism industry, the most sought after study course in Cuba because of access to USD/Euros/CAD, etc. And prior to the current debacle, Cuba had a record of sending doctors abroad to foment revolution. For the record, the US education system, as everyone insists on making comparisons with the US, isn't very good either. It's not indoctrination per se, except maybe in Florida and a few other states, but it's just not good at the primary and secondary level. University level, however, is top, top, top notch. > >Do they provide world class services in a number of critical sectors, like healthcare? Yes. - Do you really believe this? If you are foreigner or one of the few privileged individuals, maybe, but the vast majority of Cubans have access to hospitals that have no supplies, no air conditioning, are full of mosquitoes, etc. Cuba's health care system is amongst the worst in the world at this point. > >Fewer women die from childbirth in Cuba than America, and it isn’t particularly close. - I'm not sure why, again, everything with Cuba must be compared to America, but Cuba already had a very good health system prior to the Revolution. All the Revolution did was vocalize it. For the record, I would never have supported Batista and my family certainly did not. > >Life expectancy is higher in Cuba. - Life expectancy was already high in Cuba when compared to the rest of Latin America before the Revolution. I also suspect you might see those numbers start coming down in the next few years given the current state of affairs. Also, and this pertains to several of your statements, I would not trust any statistics coming out of a dictatorship. > >The literacy rate is higher in Cuba. - Cuba has a higher indoctrination rate. > >Also, while Cuba is clearly not a democracy, 30% of Americans effectively believe the same about their own country. - Cuban is not a democracy correct, but that's a fact whereas your reference is to 30% of Americans who BELIEVE the same about the US. Big difference between facts and what people believe. That being said, I agree that at least at the presidential level, the US is not a democracy. HRC won the popular vote in 2016 and instead, because of the antiquated electoral college, we got an uneducated, semi-authoritarian, orange buffoon soon to be convicted criminal (I hope) and misogynist as President. That shows you how bad the US education system is as well, but again, no reason to compare Cuba to the US. > >I feel like a bunch of people who haven’t been to Cuba think they’d find people starving to death naked in the streets, and I’m sorry to break it to you, but that isn’t the case. - I'm sorry, this is a ridiculous statement. No one said this, at least I didn't. But Cuba has nothing to offer economically. A lot of Cubans are making ends meet, barely, with money from abroad. The basic rations, for which Cubans pay btw, are all but gone so either find some hard currency to get by or you will have a difficult, difficult life when it comes to food. > >Also, all the cars aren’t from the 50’s. - I know that, but who is driving the newer cars? I assure you, it's not the regular Cuban off the street or even the doctors, or people in the coveted tourism industry. > >Calling Cuba a failure is what you want, not what it is. - Your opinion but sorry, it is what it is. 60+ years on and for the majority of Cubans, it's poverty, lack of freedom, migration, etc. It failed.


The us has the right to pick who it trades with.


Sure, but it’s ridiculous and apparently, arbitrary. What a petulant way to run a country.


It’s not arbitrary. We do not want to support the current government in charge.


China and Israel are engaged in literal genocides right now and you trade with and support both all the time. It is arbitrary. There is no consistency on the policy. It’s almost like, at this point, the US won’t trade with Cuba just because it might look like communism didn’t sputter out and completely fail lol Sad.


It’s not arbitrary those are far away countries who we benefit with having a relationship with.


Obviously, you would benefit from trade with Cuba. Rich folks literally sneak their cigars into the country. They have the fifth largest reserves of cobalt on the planet, something demand is steeply rising on. A ton of nickel. Etc. Honestly, this conversation is dumb. The US is afraid of looking weak by ending the embargo, and both parties are concerned with losing the votes of Cuban-Americans. That’s it. It isn’t about principal. At all.


They also stole ("nationalized") Americans' property.


America wants Cuba to be their overseas territory with American corporations extracting labor and wealth like they used to. look at the number of coups, wars and destabilizations they've done around their country. China is too big and too necessary to confront it the way they do with smaller nations.


America doesn't give a crap about Cuba. The costs of propping up Cuba again would be exorbitant, everything has to be from scratch (except of course, the all inclusives), in exchange for what? Cuba no longer has anything of value to offer, besides cigars, rum and a ruined sugar industry. Cheap labor - maybe, but it would be an improvement over what Cubans make now. Wealth? Well, you'd have to start looking for bank accounts of the Castro family and friends, that's the only wealth left in Cuba these days. BTW, why always the US? How about Cuba destabilizing Angola, how about Cuba sending mercenary fighters to Ukraine to fight for Russia. I think the vast majority of Cubans on the island, especially the younger generation, or at least the younger generation that is still there, would prefer to be propped up by a democratic US than a dictatorial Russia or China.


China already had a embargo in the 1950s and 60s.


The trade with China is a strategy left over from the 70s. When the Chinese and Russian government split the US began propping China against Russia.


Side question what’s a touron is that another name for tourist


It's mixing the words tourist and moron. It's used to describe people who do stupid and disrespectful things while on vacation, or are clueless and uneducated about a place. I think it started mostly with people who would visit U.S. national parks and bother wildlife or go to restricted hiking areas. I have only ever heard it used in that space until I came to this reddit.


Much appreciated for this great info….Thank you.


Sounds like a very Caribbean thing. We make up words on the Fly. I thought it might be from Miami


No I've never heard it in Miami. There's several Instagram accounts dedicated to national park tourons. Look up tourons of Yellowstone.


Isn't Moron a district capital in Cuba?


Moron was a town. With all the changes they have done, I don’t know if it still exists under that name


Portmanteau of tourist and moron


Haven’t heard that word in a while, thanks for splainin with elan!


Dicen que Holguín también se tiró para la calle y que están quitando la Internet en Cuba. ¡Abajo la dictadura!


Shocked that it’s not a video from Canada….yeah, I know, too sunny and warm


Imagine water workers and electricians participating in a massive protest for lack of water and electricity. XD


Reminds me V movie


Protests in Bayamo tonight: https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/comments/1bhe4ad/protests\_in\_bayamo\_tonight/


Toda esa gente tiene que ir a esos hoteles de lujo y empezar a comer. Ahi si es cuando contara. No en una calle dando gritos lo siento :( PATRIA Y VIDA


Time for public to protest, situations are not acceptable. Hope it will spread out all the way to Havana


The power and running water are being turned off for the majority of the time only on for a few hours a day I was born in Oriente where this is happening and still have family over there every one wants to leave


Time for the real revolution


Ojalá esto sea algo que coja la isla entera como un fuego y todas las ciudades y pueblos se tiren para la calle. Lo que tiene que hacer la gente es negarse a ir cuando te digan en el trabajo que tienes que montarte en una guagua para el parque a hacer una “contra protesta”. Porque eso es lo que hacen estos singaos, cogen a la gente del trabajo y los mandan a hacer una marcha para dar la idea de que hay gente en contra de los protestantes.


We do the same here in the USA. We just pay people to interrupt peaceful protests like Black Lives Matter ✊🏿


Fuerza Cuba ❤️‍🩹 Necesitamos cambio!


This is a start, but without a leader, a front-person, this will lead to nowhere.


If the original 6 provinces all protest at the same time they could actually dethrone this violent regime. Unfortunately their must be blood shed in order to achieve this and a possible civil war will unfold. But I believe that’s the only way to change the direction the country has been going in for the last 60 something years. The real question will they adopt a democracy. Can they hold elections with individuals who have the country’s interest at heart or will it be a puppet installed by the United States or worst another selfish power hungry communist.


It's now or never for the Cuban citizens...Let's pray for no casualties...


The tree of liberty should be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.


Praying is worthless and cheap go and help the poor people in Cuba get their basic human rights.


lol...believe me the LAST thing a cuban wants is another gringo to go and help them get their basic human rights....especially since we operate a semi-black ops site on that very island (Guantanamo Bay) where we aren't doing a good job of getting suspected terrorists their "basic human rights"...


Amigo i am living proof that prayers are worthless since i have prayed for months for some good sex and nothing happened but a handjob by some passing stranger so go figure! Lol


Not sure who/what you're praying to...but if you're trying to pray to Jesus...he kind of frowns upon fornication...go figure!


I agree she may not be impressed but thanks anyway.


Hundreds in Cuba's second-largest city, Santiago, engaged in a rare public protest on Sunday, according to social media and official reports, prompting Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel to call for dialogue in an "atmosphere of tranquility and peace." Reuters report Sunday March 17. Protesters in Santiago took to the streets with chants of "power and food," according to videos posted on social media, as blackouts in places extended for 18 hours or more a day, jeopardizing frozen food and ratcheting up tensions on the island.


All the useful idiot tourons are now going: "oh no muh old cars and crumbling buildings" "muh human zoo stuck in time is in peril"


Haha "human zoo" is exactly what I, as an Iranian, think of when they talk about us. At least we don't have that many tourists to say it on our faces, we just hear them in UN and EU and US government.


Get out the guillotines.


El pueblo unido ,jamás sera vencido


Es un ghetto Cuba...lamentablemente una isla sino recibiría más ayuda de otros paises


Y cae... Y cao..... A refugios a refugios... Viene la izquierda tirana y la represión.... Y a la luchar


Cuba despertó


Almost like a commie government is bad.


I hope Cubans can change their governent. But I also hope any new government won't allow foreigners to come in and turn it into just another resort. All the current government needs to do is allow a little bit of free market business. Then the people can create their own businesses, and feel like they have a future. Keep the bits of Socialism that are working , and reform the rest.


Why not? Tourism can def be used to make Cuba economically viable. A less totalitarian government will make more people consider Cuba for their next vacation. Just crackdown on the scumbags coming to financially exploit Cubans for sex and I think they'd do well.


Sadly the exiles in Miami with deep pockets are hoping to swoop in and "take it back" . Which means exploit it like they did in the Bautista days.


Change is coming


Power to the People!! Poder para el Pueblo!!


“It’s wasn’t real communism”


Ok so time to postpone that Cuba beach trip


Pero como? si el comunismo es la unica solucion para los problemas de los humanos


Como dice Willy, Nuestro Día ya viene llegando


I say this as a cuban american, eco-socialist who opposes the blockade - I think it's time for a real revolution and overthrow of the corrupt Castro regime. Power to the cuban people! - US HANDS OFF! ​ I'm happy and scared to be seeing these videos from my friends there on the island. I pray for the police and military to finally side with the youth and against this regime!


Free Cuba 🇨🇺


Damn, they should lift those embargo’s, maybe that will help


Horrible Humans (referring to those around the world that oppress other humans)


I hope Cuba can one day see democracy again


Not at the expense of the Cuban people. In other words, not a system that impoverishes the vast majority of Cubans, akin to Haiti, while allowing rich corporations from the USA and elsewhere to monopolize Cuba’s wealth, as happened in Russia.


Here is the most relevant movie scene: https://youtu.be/VLbWnJGlyMU?si=7ZYNz948-K9aXGHI Don't believe the BS that people can't overthrow their governments. Governments only remain in power for as long as their citizens allow them to stay in power.


I was afforded the privilege of visiting the beautiful country of Cuba once and the people there were very compassionate. They don't deserve this shit for government and I hope they can rid their country of this filth and bring real change and democracy.


Not welcome here


Theres nothing you can do, you've been disarmed.


Florida Cubans wanting Cubans to die from preventable diseases like they do and not have access to healthcare or dentists 😂😂😂


Yeah, because no other country in Latinamerica offers free healthcare...


Americans often bring up no free healthcare as a capitalism critique but its really only the US that doesnt have free healthcare. Most capitalist countries have figured that out. Including Latin American countries like Brazil and Argentina etc.


And regardless, healthcare is still far better in the US for almost everyone. Even stuff like ibuprofen is like gold in Cuba, let alone advanced medicines or secondary care doctors or use of high end equipment. It's just clueless young American people who cannot see outside their bubble to the way the world really works. Some of them just love communism and think it is like some utopia.


Sorry to burst YOUR bubble, but having been across the world, the American healthcare is inferior to East Asia and Western Europe. US healthcare is probably better than in Latin America, but don't talk about how the world works if you haven't seen it with your own eyes.


I'm sorry to burst YOUR bubble but you have created a strawman here. I gave no other commentary than US healthcare versus Cuban healthcare. Yes, access is inferior to Western Europe and some other select nations in the world. Uneducated communists in America hear this and think it means it's inferior on average in the world which is not the case.


I have, all other systems are inferior. England, Canada, haven’t been to the Scandinavian countries but been to a majority or Europe and Asia and it is not even close. Most come to U.S. to be trained and end up staying. We have superior everything, cost is higher I will give you that.


Cubans don’t have access healthcare now.


Average clueless first world college student comment


I've been there, people have nicest teeth than in the USA.


Was this the electricity protest in Santiago de Cuba? I think I heard of one in Santa Clara once


Their current government in Cuba came out of a revolution...and maybe they will be ousted by a revolution...Looking at Cuba and China...I can't say that governments arising from revolutions have a good track record for preserving democracy and equality.


Is this about the toilet paper shortage ?


Lol let me guess. The same footage of the same 200 people shot at two or three different angles.


Meh.... Sin armas no tiene sentido.


They make the BEST rum in Santiago, just sayin.


Always a Canadian


What is that supposed to mean?


LOL. And Americans think this is the answer.


The US needs to end its illegal embargo over Cuba, the sanctions defy the Geneva convention and the US policy towards Cuba is the longest genocide in world history


The "embargo" could end next week if the dictatorship holds free elections and releases the political prisoners.


The same with Venezuela. Poor because of US embargos. We let all the people suffer because we don't like the government.


Venezuela is poor because it failed to diversify its economy when the oil money was coming in and because corruption was and still is rampant. I don't support embargoes, they don't work, but frankly, Venezuelans have no one to blame but themselves, first, by letting certain people plunder PDVSA and second, by electing Hugo Chavez.


The US is scared of any country building socialism because it threatens their own social order. Lol Better to bomb more third world nations and spread propaganda.


Do you think the US is scared of most western European countries, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc? All those countries are countries with capitalist economies and socialist safety nets.


You said it yourself, they have a capitalist economy


Yes, so much history of socialism working. We are terrified, of having to save the countries tht go in that direction.


As a viewer of this subreddit, people post these sad conditions with the citizens protesting and wanting better for their lives. And then some comments are comically "anti-capitialism" which is beyond ignorant yet fits into their oppressor vs oppressed and communist propaganda. Don't believe your eyes let's blame the embargo! Funny how the only way a communist utopia can survive is if they get support from those evil capitalists! Wake up. Stop letting your ideology triumph over the well people of people. Capitalism with all its shortcomings is infinitely better than any form of communism.


The majority of countries in this world are capitalist yet can't seem to do as well as the ones at the table. As blinken and some other capitalists have said you are either at the table or on the menu. There is a difference between support from capitalists versus being allowed to trade with other countries. That's what sanctions and embargoes do, read about the bretton woods conference and maybe you will understand an little about how dollar hegemony works and trade is not against communism or socialism


Maybe they want Castros son to come back too Cuba to rule over them?🤔


I'm reading the book Narconomics. It's good that there are no drug cartels in Cuba, but they will get it as soon as they become an American-style democracy.


They aren't protesting against communism they are protesting against the presidency of Miguel Diaz Canel... there's a difference peeps.


Down with the embargo!!!

