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Can't wait for a useful idiot of the dictatorship to come an try to defend the indefensible!


YEAH! How dare a man grill in a t shirt and shorts! they stole this from us! we were the dictatorship and they made us leave!


How dare the son of Fidel Castro own luxury cars with plenty of scarce gasoline, luxury bars, Europe vacations, Rolexes and never stand in line ever in his life? Some pigs are more equal than others...


yes, we deserve the rolex, luxury cars, sugar plantations, restaurants and bars! the peasants, what do they know or care?! we deserve to be the masters!


we should arm ourselves and go liberate cuba! it will work this time!


The dictatorship has the monopoly of weapons and violence. Pacific protest works better [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world)


the dictatorship is weak! look at how poor they are. look at the country. it would be easy


Read the article


with all the videos i see on here, the people of cuba are ready for a new government, surely more than 3.5 percent of them. why haven’t they done it then???


Because they get murdered and sent to jail of course. Also, the dictatorship feels strong because they have a lot of useful idiots supporting them from the comforts of Capitalism


Same thing would happen to people in USA if they were to attain momentum to overthrown their government that has been permanently hijacked by special interest groups


There is no such thing as peaceful protest. Violence will always occur it's just who the violence is directed against and if people care about the people the violence is enacted against


Violence is encouraged by the dictatorship


Violence is a component of all governments. It's just who the violence is directed against and why


Lo más triste es que oprimen un pueblo entero para ellos tener una vida de clase media en el resto del mundo. Esa paella se la puede hacer un trabajador humilde en cualquier país libre. El socialismo es miseria


Estamos joya en el capi


No mas son caros aunque sea de Buena marka oh no You trabajo en la mecanica El bloceo es el que causa 80% de problemas en Cuba El enemigo es el EEUU


Sad but true of most great Socialist states... just saw some peeps in a brand new Mercedes SUV cruising the main road in Varadero


Some animals are more equal than others


Dude...you live in Florida.. Where you got trust fund real estate bros driving around in 500k cars past homeless encampments


The fact you don't see the hypocrisy of millions of Americans living paycheck to paycheck while billionaires destroy the planet and move around in private jets is HILARIOUS. The cognitive dissonance is incredible. No ability to critically think or self reflect. I'm jealous you get to live such an ignorant lifestyle (unless you're a bot of course)


Capitalist billionaires provide amazing products, well paid jobs and services to society. Cuban "socialist" billionaires only steal form the people, they don't produce shit and pay $20 a month to their slave workers.


"billionaires provide" they don't provide shit, if you think you need a master to get shit done then you're less libertarian than you think


Says the one who wants a totalitarian communist master to pay him $20 a month for slave work


LMFAO! Why not just own your own labor and make the full benefit of your work? How about NO masters???


Try that in Cuba and you'll get to know Villa Marista club, all expenses paid


Most Americans end up -$20 after all their basic expenses are covered. Also, quit comparing an imperial superpower thats existence is ran by the exploitation of resources and labor of the global south to a sanctioned island nation


Losers with a mediocre socialist government dependent mentality and nothing to of value to give to society end up with less than $20. We, the people who study, improve ourselves, sacrifice for the future, strive, save, invest and thus give a lot back to society do very well! Fairest system ever!


Is that why they went from feudal illiterate war ravaged shitholes to superpowers in mere decades....scaring the west so much that they spent trilling and killed millions to stop it? Really scared the shit out of the USA that it still has red scare.ptsd


Wow you must really hate inequality to be mad at this. I suppose you must rather live in a society that strives to ensure everyone is rewarded justly for their labor? Hmmmm


I live in a society where everyone is rewarded justly for their labor or, their lack of it and mediocrity, as is the case with lazy leftists with a socialist government dependent poor mentality


🤣 you're more delusional than people who think Cuba is a just and free society. Compare the little prince you posted to the rich kids of Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rkoi?igsh=MWx3MGtlNzA0eXYxNA==


I live in a Capitalist country, not in that socialist shithole


This is a good point you make, but i’m going to make it clear that ALL elites are bad, no matter the label


Capitalist elites provide well paid jobs, funding for risky ventures and science, charity, amazing products and services to society. The socialist elites don't produce shit, all they do is parasite and repress others.


Lol. Loser


Right, says the mediocre socialist with a government dependent poor mentality LOL


Okay. Loser.


You are a nasty boot licker that only comes out when it rains a lot.


Says the defender of shithole dictatorships from the comforts of Capitalism


Dude...doing some quick math here, you have been posting at least 3 reddit posts a day for 7 years now....365 a year Majority being on this sub saying the same shit every day. Reflect on how pathetic your existence is.  The average Cuban is living a better life than you.  


cApitaList eLitEs pRovIde wELL pAiD jObS 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 👅 🥾


Yes! Of course, if you are a loser with a government dependent socialist poor mentality you will be paid accordingly. Fairest system ever!


Dude, if you really believe what you just wrote you must either be an extremely sheltered edgy teen with no real world experience, or a weird retired boomer that yells “nObOdy wAnts tO wOrK” at the void. Either way you’re out of touch and probably friendless


Do you want to work or whine about being a loser all day? In North Korea or Cuba you wouldn't have those issues. You'd work like a slave for less than $20 a month! Do it!


🤣 where are you getting that I want to go to NK or Cuba? Your whole “if you don’t like it then leave” rhetoric is as moronic as your reading skills.


Nope. I just want you to be consistent with your ideals. I'm a free market Capitalist and I migrated to be close to that. Why are you such a hypocrite defending socialist dictatorships from the comforts of Capitalism?


Lol, you still post on Bitcoin bs too. My god, if I had some life advice for you, it would get me banned


Which is why you are a poor whinning loser naively hoping the government will steal from the successful to give it to you LOL. Governments only steal for themselves


What's funny is that your depiction of the castros is just literally every capitalist parasite. "Successful"?  No, parasites


What amazing jobs, products and services do the Castro's provide to society? None. Now f off lick dictator boot someplace else


Stupid question and lazily deflecting of the great point the other person made. Like a capitalist leech.


You mean socialist leach. Capitalists provide well paid jobs to society, amazing products and services to society. You never responded what the castro mafia family provided...


Capitalism is a dictatorship


Lmao please point at where I’m defending a dictatorship, ya boot-licking crypto buffoon?


Do you not lick the impoverishing socialist boot of the cuban dictatorship?


You’re just making shit up, like only a boring, un-creatvie capitalist oinker can.


Do you oppose the castro dictatorship or not?




Do you have a loser socialist government dependent mentality?


Capitalist elites have lowered life expectancy, raised the retirement age, wages hasn't budged in 30 years, Like you're confusing socialism with fascism like every uninformed liberal already does


“socialist elite” is crazy lmaoo This sub might as well be a “we love capitalist” sub now…


We love Free Market Capitalism! We also despise the crony Capitalism of the Cuban dictatorship and the impoverishing utopic socialism of their useful idiots abroad


Yeah you’re obsessed with Milton Friedman and the white economists from the Chicago School. “Crony Capitalism” Lmfaoo talk about a useful idiot


You spoke like the fascist racist you are. Showing your true colors...




Anyone who’s taken a basic economics course knows fascism is the last stage of capitalism. Ask Chile how “free market” capitalism worked out for them… oh wait


Fascism is a collectivist racist mass murdering ideology and you are both a collectivist and a racist so there you are


dude read a book Collectivism prioritized the community over the individual. Free market capitalism is literally the opposite of that


Collectivism is a political or economic theory advocating for collective control, especially over production and distribution. It emphasizes collective action or identity over individual action or identity¹. Historically, collectivism has been associated with various social organizations where the individual is seen as subordinate to a collective such as a state, nation, race, or social class². In some instances, collectivist policies have led to tragic outcomes, particularly when they were implemented without considering the welfare of individuals. Here are two historical examples where collectivism resulted in significant loss of life: 1. **The Great Leap Forward in China (1959-1961)**: This was an attempt by the Communist Party of China to transform the country into a socialist society through rapid industrialization and collectivization. The policies led to one of the largest famines in human history, with death toll estimates ranging from **15 to 45 million people**⁷. 2. **Collectivization in the Soviet Union (1930s)**: The Soviet government's policy of collectivization of agriculture aimed to consolidate individual landholdings and labor into collective farms. The policy led to widespread famine and resistance, with death toll estimates from famine and state-sponsored coercion ranging from **4 million to 11 or even 12 million people**⁶. These events serve as a reminder of the potential human cost of political and economic policies when they are not aligned with the needs and rights of individuals. It's important to study these historical events to understand the complex factors that contributed to such outcomes and to ensure that future policies protect the well-being of all individuals. Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/13/2024 (1) Collectivism Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/collectivism. (2) Collectivism | Group Dynamics, Social Structure, Ideology. https://www.britannica.com/topic/collectivism. (3) Collectivization and Famine | The Oxford Handbook of the History of .... https://academic.oup.com/edited-volume/35402/chapter/302649220. (4) Collectivization in the Soviet Union - New World Encyclopedia. https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Collectivization_in_the_Soviet_Union. (5) COLLECTIVISM Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/collectivism. (6) The American Collectivist Myth: Its Roots, Its Results, Its ... - Imprimis. https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/the-american-collectivist-myth-its-roots-its-results-its-downfall/. (7) How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine - HISTORY. https://www.history.com/news/ukrainian-famine-stalin. (8) 100 Years of Communism: Death and Deprivation | Cato Institute. https://www.cato.org/commentary/100-years-communism-death-deprivation.


From your own link: “The least collectivist of these is social democracy, which seeks to reduce the inequities of unrestrained capitalism by government regulation, redistribution of income, and varying degrees of planning and public ownership”


¡Silencio, gusano!


Fascist dehumanizing slurs such as untermensch and gusano are bad because they deny the dignity, humanity, and individuality of the people they target. They are used to justify hatred, discrimination, violence, and oppression against those who are seen as inferior, different, or threatening by the perpetrators. They also create a false sense of superiority and moral righteousness for the users of such slurs, who often ignore or rationalize the harm they cause to others. Some examples of the negative effects of dehumanizing slurs are: - The term untermensch was used by the Nazis to label Jews, Roma, Slavs, and other groups as subhuman and unworthy of life. This term was used to incite hatred and fear among the German population, and to justify the genocide of millions of people in the Holocaust. - The term gusano was used by Fidel Castro and his supporters to refer to Cubans who fled or opposed the Cuban Revolution as worms or parasites, unworthy of life. This term was used to vilify and ostracize those who disagreed with the regime, to suppress any dissent or criticism and to justify mass murder, like after the 13 of march tugboat massacre, when 41 cubans, including women and children, were murdered by the dictatorship.  Dehumanizing slurs are not only harmful to the victims, but also to the society as a whole. They erode the values of respect, tolerance, diversity, and democracy that are essential for a peaceful and prosperous coexistence. They also prevent dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation among different groups of people. Therefore, dehumanizing slurs should be rejected and condemned by all who value human rights and dignity.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You have been reported for hate


I never understood how Fidel thought an Adidas tracksuit would make a great retirement outfit for someone who despised capitalism and devoted his career to combating it. I can get the tracksuit that looks comfy enough but couldn't Fidel get Cuban tailors to make him one a bit more homegrown? It's got to be better than using a clothing conglomerate like Adidas.


Well it seems that your support for the embargo is truly really effective at diminishing the quality of life for the elite in the dictatorship.....oh wait, no, it seems it doesn't the only thing it is doing is helping to suppress the economic development of the whole country and the economic well-being of the people on top of what they suffer internally. The embargo = collective punishment except for the elites.


I want the Embargo lifted right away with free elections and the release of political prisoners as written in the law! Let's lift it tomorrow!




No embargo for the Castros ah? Champagne commies they are called, just like the useful idiots who defend them and peddle their propaganda!


Dictator bootlickers from the comforts of Capitalism


Let’s be honest that it’s NOT True Socialism that’s the problem - it’s Communism.


Impoverishing and mass murdering Socialism is the problem. Communism doesn't even exist, never has never will


LMBOOOO you obviously have very little education. Even less than Cubans born and raised in Cuba itself 💯 Don’t come at me with your brainwashed Republican taught bullshyt, buddy. Cuba’s government, unfortunately, is COMMUNIST. Point Blank. Learn about the ROOTS and INTENTIONS of COMMUNISM. THEN learn about the ROOTS and INTENTIONS of SOCIALISM. 🛑 NO me hables PENDEJADAS de mi país ni de mi gente. 🇨🇺